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[ERROR] No.3587238 [Reply] [Original]

Did /sci/ catch this on Through The Wormhole? And does /sci/ give it any credence?

I would love to read more about it but the guy's website has been crushed since the show aired.

>> No.3587246

What the christ am I looking at?

>> No.3587260

>run such an experiment for a long time
>get a 1000 to 1 event
I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.3587263

I don't think I understand what the picture is trying to tell me.

>> No.3587265

The "Global Consciousness Project" at Princeton.
It's right on the fringe of being psuedo-science, but it has actually captured some surprising data.

>> No.3587267
File: 289 KB, 540x1498, significant[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.3587278

I know... that's one of the reasons that I want to look at the data. What the show implied was that the odds of the event occurring *within the length of time that the experiment has been running* was 1000:1. And they went on to say that the odds of it lining up exactly with 9/11/01 was like a billion to 1.

>> No.3587287

A billion to 1? How many individual events happen EVERY DAY?
Wouldn't you expect for one every now and again to have a billion to 1 outcome?

>> No.3587325

But that's what I'm saying... The guy who runs it is a Princeton professor and has the cooperation of like 60 countries around the world, so I think he probably has a grasp of basic statistics and probability. He didn't pick a single random number from 1 to 1000 and get 7 and say "Hey the odds of that are a thousand to one!!"

When he says the odds are 1000:1, I'm fairly confident that he's using sound statistical math. However, the Wikipedia page does say this, which kind of throws the whole experiment into question:
> "the data, so far, is not solid enough for global consciousness to be said to exist at all. It is not possible, for example, to look at the data and predict with any accuracy what (if anything) the eggs may be responding to."

>> No.3587348

So these devices only detect events that will happen to Americans? What about the genocide or starvation in Africa? How about the bombing of civilians or events in Iraq?

Eggs don't care about brown people.

>> No.3587376

Because people don't care about starving africans. They've been starving for a long time now and will probably continue starving.

>captcha: lulitis onsoryn

>> No.3587389

Dunno... 9/11 was just the most outstanding data point mentioned on the show. I've seen sites that suggest the Japan tsunami also generated some statistical anomalies. But, like I said, I can't look at the data because the site is timing out.

>> No.3587404

Niggers aren't humans so they don't affect anything

Also they have evidence it happened during presidential elections and other events

>> No.3587445

So what you are all saying is that these devices have a bias towards certain events. Sure seems like concrete evidence of a global consciousness.

>> No.3587448

This is retarded bullshit made up by an ignorant american.

Worse things happen to people all the time in other parts of the world than what happened to us on September 11th. why don't these "random number generators" that make little sense to begin with start flipping a shit around those?

In 2004, a tsunami killed over 230,000 people in India. Compared to the 3000 people killed on september 11th, I would say there would be a more significant and tellable response from that event.

Haiti Earthquake - 310,000+ deaths
Myanmar Cyclone in 2008 - 138,000 deaths

"But hurr duur it's a human causing the disaster that makes it significant like I know what I'm talking about"

Genocide in Sudan 2010 - 6000 people die in one day, let alone the possibly 400,000 people who have been killed there over the past eight years.

I hate being american sometimes, there are so many bigotrous fuckshits here.

>> No.3587472

Have you looked at the events it shows?
Have you seen what it reads and doesn't?
Plus, events like 9/11 happen all at once rather than a genocide that happens all the time (plus a million dead people can't change random generation)
Events like presidential election get a nation of 300 million people riled up

>> No.3587483

More people know about and care about a single dead tourist than all those people suffering and dying.
No one empathizes with foreigners from 3rd world countries.

>> No.3587488

> postdiction
not impressive

>> No.3587506

>No one empathizes with foreigners from 3rd world countries.

Except the fucking people there! What, do brown skinned folks not count towards your global consciousness?

>> No.3587508

But a tsunami impacting a country of a billion does not?

You people and your metaphysics on /sci/

>> No.3587514

>The guy who runs it is a Princeton professor

Nope, he's a guy with a psycology degree who used to do bullshit spiritualistic experiments whilst he was working as a coordinator of experimental work at PEAR, Princeton's biggest embarassment.

>> No.3587520

But...but..appealing to authority is what science is all about, rite?

>> No.3587527

Haha oh wow
> maybe spewing misplaced angst and information about random world events will make me less like the other Americans

>> No.3587531


nothing new here, just like same/similar original content was developing on other parts of the globe throughout the history.

>> No.3587529

Yes, it's only centered around american events for some reason. Hence my complete anger towards americans and you.

Haiti earthquake happened all at once.
Tsunami killed more people more quickly than 9/11.
Nations with a collective population of 1.5 billion were directly effected by the tsunami, which happened in about the same time-span as the september 11th attacks.

Also, wouldn't we see a spike 20% of the size on a day that we kill 600 civilians in a military air strike gone awry?

No wait 'murica did that, how could people possibly get emotional over it.

>> No.3587548

all that graph at the bottom of the picture shows in a peak in 1/3 days that happens to be on 9/11

>> No.3587560

There aren't enough of them and they're used to it.
This requires a global outcry of hundreds of millions.

>> No.3587573

Tsunami haiti earthquake tsunami haiti earthquake tsunami haiti earthquake done with this thread.

>> No.3587586

>There aren't enough of them

You sir are troll, or retarded.

>> No.3587587

Your ratard
As others have said, the data does not show anomalies only around "American" events. The Japan tsunami was already mentioned. Stop with the fucking fake white guilt bullshit or whatever it is because it's just embarrassing to the rest of us in America.

>> No.3587611


The japanese tsunami impacted significantly less people than the hatian earthquake and the indonesian tsunami. Do they not matter because they are third world?

>> No.3587623

>start project that searches for coincidences
>find coincidences
>imply causation

>> No.3587634
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You make no valid point, First I would like to say you only noted natural disaster in which there was no preliminary warning, 9-11 was a human tragedy which had was made by people who planned out every detail and aspect. Second, the R.N.G's are usually located in cities and there are more R.N.G's in America then any other body in the world, Third and this is for everyone nobody claimed this was proof of a global conscious network but it sure provides statistical evidence that if R.N.G deviations occur in this precise matter in the future that a G.C.N may exists.In the meantime its just a statical outlier. Lastly, I would like to add that to my knowledge there is not one R.N.G in India or the effected area's of the Tsunami therefore even if large deviations occurred in these areas nobody could record them.

>> No.3587666


>Haiti earthquake
>Preliminary warning

>> No.3587688

Let me clarify that the precise location of earthquakes and most other natural disasters are unknown by anyone till after they occur or while they are occurring. Where as self-made tragedies by humans can be well planned and known by many.

>> No.3587705

All this Through the Wormhole stuff seems like such bullshit. But then again, when NASA had that huge "astrobiological" press conference where they announced that arsenic life form I thought I already saw it on Through the Wormhole. And after watching some old episodes, sure enough, there it was, having aired 2 or 3 months prior. So I choose not to dismiss all that bullshit out of hand now.

>> No.3587708

> Do they not matter because they are third world?

Pretty much. The devastation in Haiti was less bothersome for two reasons. One, the standard of living there is so low already, a bunch of shacks knocked over means little compared to the entire villages swept away in Japan. Even if more people were effected, the affected were hit harder in Japan.

Two, people don't really give a shit about Haiti. It's a dirtwhole country with very little of value. I don't mean the values of human lives, I mean economically. It just doesn't matter what happens there as much as in Japan. Japan, despite being on the other side of the world, has a lot more ties to the US and the rest of the westerns world than Haiti.

>> No.3587738

No, those people are dravidians(Indians)

>> No.3587752

Too bad that arsenic life business was bullshit.


>> No.3587758

I don't think whoever put this together understands what "clearly non-random" means. Nonetheless, I'd like to see the generators talked about and their courses over several months before jumping to any conclusions about probability.

>> No.3587792

First of all, there is no reason to think that there isn't a huge motherfucking spike in the data right around your precious Haiti Earthquake that you care oh so deeply about because you're oh so benevolent and have oh so deep empathy for that poor, third-world country.

Second of all, the thing you're angry at is a random number generator. You're pissed of and angsty because a random number generator doesn't care about Haiti (even though it actually might, for all you know).

>> No.3587803
File: 5 KB, 314x79, 25435745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudoscience on Through the Wormhole? Gasp! It couldn't be! I get all my reliable scientific information from that show!

>> No.3588128

It's a pretty good show. They have to throw in a little fringe stuff to keep the average viewer interested. If you just want math, it isn't the show to watch.

>> No.3588650


Although the project was set up to try to measure global consciousness, it may in fact be measuring something else i.e. novelty. Mass murders, earthquakes, and tsunamis are highly disruptive events, to say the least, but in the history of mankind/Earth they are not that unusual. Flying 'passenger planes' into two of the worlds tallest buildings and having them collapse in a major city, while the whole world watches on television, and leading to war, expansion of empire and a conspiracy shitstorm seems highly novel to me. Do you see now how 911 is possibly more significant to the human consciousness than a natural event like a volcano or a common ground war in a country that has changed little in the last 50-100 years or so?