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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3584008 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when we will not live to see the complete colonization of any moon or planet

>That feel when you will never live to see us leave our solar system

>That feel when you will never live to see us explore our galaxy

>That feel when you will never witness when we leave our galaxy

>That feel when it will take millions of years to start exploring other galaxies

>That feel when we will never be able to explore the entire universe and it's infinite mystery

>That feel when you know there is life and mind blowing extraordinary things out there that you can not possibly fathom and you will never get to see them. Ever.

why cant humans lrn2space faster

>> No.3584017

What made you think any of that was possible to begin with?

>> No.3584029
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Go away

>> No.3584057

>That feel when we will not live to see the complete colonization of any moon or planet
Space colonization is just a pipe dream. We are living in the golden age right now because the world will go down the shitter after 2050 peak oil.

>That feel when you will never live to see us leave our solar system

>That feel when you will never witness when we leave our galaxy
>That feel when it will take millions of years to start exploring other galaxies
>That feel when you will never live to see us explore our galaxy
>That feel when you know there is life and mind blowing extraordinary things out there that you can not possibly fathom and you will never get to see them. Ever.
No will anyone else in the remaining future of the human race.

>That feel when we will never be able to explore the entire universe and it's infinite mystery
A master must keep some secrets.

>> No.3584053
File: 44 KB, 500x461, iknowthatfeelbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that feel every time I look up into the night sky, OP.

>> No.3584059

Thanks for reminding me. Faggot.

>> No.3584066

Humans will probably begin Space colonization in our lifetime. We might be old (50s-70s), but you could get to see it.

>> No.3584067

i h8 you so much right now.

>> No.3584068
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>That feel when you're so very, very wrong










>> No.3584082

>that feel when those are just dead ends, much like solar power, bloom box, and thorium power.

>> No.3584098
File: 127 KB, 1000x665, conquestofthesea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this feel, OP?

>> No.3584101

>implying if any of these are successful they will be readily available for all civilians in our life times.

I'm probably just gonna start a nut, berry, and meat diet like the neanderthals to help me live longer.

I have no clue if it will work.

>> No.3584107

That feel when you know there is life and mind blowing extraordinary things out there that you can not possibly fathom and you will never get to see them. Ever.

This is why I troll :(

>> No.3584123

>No will anyone else in the remaining future of the human race.
All of it is impossible except for probably exploring tons of galaxies.

We will probably be able to leave our solar system in our lifetime, the rest will take thousands of hundreds of thousands of years to happen.

>> No.3584126

>That feel when cultures and religions will greatly delay the advancements of most of those technologies.

>> No.3584136


>that feel when christfags will want to stop it because of their retarded fucking religion

>> No.3584140

That feel feels kinda like this.

>> No.3584142

>That feel when you will never get to eat human meat legally in a restaurant in a first world country in your lifetime.

>> No.3584151

wait really? where!!!

>> No.3584157


Go back to /b/ retard

>> No.3584155

When I'm president, space exploration and science is going to be on the top of my list.

>> No.3584163

because they are stuck with posting their faggy feelings on 4chan

>> No.3584171

> That feel when you find out that the fucking Republicans made the new budget include deep cuts to science, particularly physics, funding.

>> No.3584173

>That feel when you were born too early

>> No.3584174

Fusion reactor and all these oil needs become laughable.

>> No.3584179

But I've already given up, I don't deserve nice things... go on with out me Inurdaes.

>> No.3584185

up yours i played fallout and it was the best mission ever

>> No.3584194

Look, OP. I know it's a hard concept for /sci to understand, but if you want to see something done you gotta do it yourself. If you have the background and expertise, there are literally hundreds of billionaires in the US alone, many of them with cheap access to all sorts of resources who would love to fund something, anything you can dream of. You just have to make it your life's purpose and you can make it happen.

>> No.3584198

>Implying most of America's voting citizens even care for science.

>> No.3584203


It's not that I don't want to be excited about sea exploration, I just can't be excited about it.

The majesty of space utterly dwarfs everything down here on Earth, including the oceans.


>> No.3584210

I'm acquainted with this feeling.

>> No.3584226
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>The majesty of space utterly dwarfs everything down here on Earth, including the oceans.

Why do you want to into space? Isn't your eventual goal for man to explore another planet inhabited with exotic lifeforms, lots of natural resources, a new frontier?

All of that exists in the ocean. The ocean floor is a landmass larger than every continent put together. Perhaps 3% of it is explored, it is teeming with undiscovered exotic lifeforms, and it contains tremendous deposits of precious metals and plentiful edible biomass.

It is an alien planet, a new frontier right on your doorstep just waiting to be settled. But you have no interest in exploring or settling it because you don't need a rocket to get there. Think about how ridiculous that is.

>> No.3584230
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>> No.3584252

And what much really is there to do on an uncolonized planet? look at rocks? check out some great sights? big whoop. all it is is a glorified Grand Canyon. The ocean is crawling with color and life.

>> No.3584255

>That feel when you can't get a job because you're just sitting around waiting for shit to happen for you.

>> No.3584279
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Well to give him the benefit of the doubt I was comparing the ocean to a hypothetical exoplanet very similar to Earth, with lots of native flora and fauna. But yes, a more plausible summation of the decision he faces can be seen in the picture.

>> No.3584281

I'm all for colonization of the ocean and sea exploration, but it's just not totally an alien environment too us. You're lucky if you come across anything exotic down there every now and then. It's like copypasta'd landscape for miles and the occasional huge trench with odd fish and plants. Basically all the big interesting things have been found, you don't even need to go underwater to find them.

>> No.3584293

not sure if trolling

We don't even know what's at the bottom.
As for miles of landscape, the Ocean is over 3/4 the planet and we still haven't discovered every single creature on land. Like the other anon said, we have only explored 3% of the ocean. Everything else is a mystery.

>> No.3584296
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>You're lucky if you come across anything exotic down there every now and then.

Where did you hear this? Actually new species are found on literally every expedition.

>Basically all the big interesting things have been found, you don't even need to go underwater to find them.

Seriously, who told you this? It's complete bullshit. Do you read any actual oceanographic publications? New species are being discovered all the fucking time. Pic related, one of about 200 new species discovered during the marine life census, which expanded the amount of surveyed seafloor from 1% to 3% over a decade.

>> No.3584302

I'd argue that Mars' landscape is much more copypasta'd then the ocean. Have you seen those rover images? If they were AI it'd pass for torture.

>> No.3584305
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>that feel when we got to live in the oil age (awesome) and before the nuclear war age (it will happen)

>> No.3584307

>actual oceanographic publications

What would you recommend?

>> No.3584317



It collects news from pretty much all the major sources and the writers have a good sense of humor. I get their updates daily via RSS reader.

>> No.3584319
File: 1.70 MB, 2564x3838, 1313540853663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This pic

>> No.3584325

what the fuck?

if someone showed a picture of one of a creature found in the deep sea and said it was from another planet, most people would believe it

>> No.3584332

The closest possible planet to earth that could probably support life is light years away, wait most people dont know that

>> No.3584336

hypothetically speaking

>> No.3584341
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No kidding. Look at this shit.

>> No.3584350


shit nigga, we dont even know the deep of the rivers like the amazon or the congo... just imagine what would we find down there!!!

>> No.3584353

Looks like an average carbon based lifeform

You guys are being ridiculous. If we've found possible sources of non-carbon based DNA on this planet, imagine the possibilities. An alien being probably looks like something we can't even imagine, it might not even have dna

>> No.3584369


>If we've found possible sources of non-carbon based DNA on this planet

That didn't happen. If you're referring to that article about arsenic based life, NASA scientists printed a retraction.


>> No.3584372
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>> No.3584396

is that its anus..or its mouth? aliens are so weird

>> No.3584397

That's what I was referring to and I wasn't aware of the developments. I stand corrected, thanks for the link.

>> No.3584405

YOU. WERE. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!

>admit it

>> No.3584407
File: 366 KB, 900x584, deepworkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You guys are being ridiculous.

No, we're able to get excited over the discovery of new life even without the novelty of it being independently evolved. We're able to appreciate the potential of a new frontier even without the cool factor of needing a nuclear powered generational vessel to get there. Ridiculous would be if we couldn't be bothered to care about newly discovered life unless it's ALIUMS or if we were totally apathetic about colonizing a resource rich frontier with cutting edge technology because it's not on a different planet. Ridiculous is preferring a frigid, radiation blasted desert to a vast, radiant blue oxygen rich landscape teeming with life and laden with precious metals because you need the novelty factor of space in order to give a shit.

>> No.3584415
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>implying there aren't oceans on other worlds that shit on ours in terms of variety and scale

>> No.3584422


Nobody implied that.

>> No.3584427
File: 5 KB, 142x94, USO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know there are secret societies of sapient ocean based lifeform riddled beneath the crust of the ocean? They have observed man with craft that we commonly mistake as being from beyond this planet. The oceans observe us.

>> No.3584431 [DELETED] 

I think we need to get rid of niggers before going to space

>> No.3584435

*citation needed

>> No.3584444


Unidentified swimming object?

That's what the life guard said when I blew a load in the kiddie pool

>> No.3584445


don't worry mad scientist, when i become an immortal posthuman, i won't just send nanoprobe ships to other star systems, i'll also explore the deep ocean.
Hell, i'll walk to the botttom of the marianas trench just for the creepiness factor