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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 352x288, planet_saturn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3583944 [Reply] [Original]

/v/ thread getting spammed. Take refuge friends!

Deep space time.

>> No.3583949

I thought you guys talked about video games on /v/

>> No.3583951


This is a great space game!

>> No.3583952
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>> No.3583955
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>> No.3583962


That was a long time ago, time has passed my friend, You need to learn to let go.

>> No.3583963


>> No.3583964
File: 43 KB, 819x655, 1305920609897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will go forth into the stars for you, guys. I promise you I will.

>> No.3583967



obligatory sagan

>> No.3583969


Well, at least post a link, maybe somebody here can be your partner in space and kill cyberdemons and stuff

>> No.3583970
File: 122 KB, 816x738, Saturns Serpent Storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens every time. Why not just start threads here from now on?

Also, that feel when you'll never fly a spaceship around Saturn.


>dat storm

>> No.3583973
File: 238 KB, 1920x1088, meetthemedic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when we'll mine the asteroid field between Mars and Jupiter dry
>space hermits living within the hollow rocks

>> No.3583971
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>> No.3583974
File: 92 KB, 1219x907, Sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are this mad

Just think, there is some overweight neckbeared virgin who is going to all this work and trouble to moderately annoy some people, in a desperate and angry attempt to ruin others' fun because they arn't having fun in the way he wants them to. It's no wonder someone like him ends up on 4chan to begin with.

>> No.3583977

I just want to live on a moon of Jupiter or Saturn and watch the planet pass over me every day. That would be so cool.

>> No.3583978

I love space. It is the greatest thing in existence.

>> No.3583980
File: 135 KB, 430x600, titan_n_pole_lakes_pia09102_big[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don;t get why people spam threads, surely if they loved vidya threads so much, they'd, y'know, contribute to them?

>Lakes on Titan

>> No.3583981
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>> No.3583985


>> No.3583986


It's because they don't like video game threads either.

>> No.3583989

why does jupiter and saturn have the coolest moons? why couldnt we get one of their moons?

>> No.3583993

I'm so glad we have captcha. It really stops spam.

Just like DRM stops pirates

>> No.3583994


I just gotta finish 1 more year in the marines and I am good to fucking go.

>> No.3583995


I knew that Cosmos was available to watch on Netflix, but now that it's on YouTube, I must download it.

Thanks, Sagan. I hope Tyson does you a good job as your successor.

>> No.3583998

Their gravitational influence is larger, so they picked up a bunch, leaving less for everyone else.

>> No.3584000

I'll ask it again here.

Everyone says there's a black hole at the centre of the galaxy, but how is this possible?
If it was there, we wouldn't be able to see the light coming from it.

>> No.3584001
File: 76 KB, 179x201, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>titan has lakes
COLONIZE THAT SHIT- Oh wait, too cold...And quite many other complications

>> No.3584002

Lets send a fuck ton of mass out there and try to capture Europa, Titan and Triton

>> No.3584011
File: 242 KB, 1137x949, dry-earth6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, amazing


Ours is cool.
Look up on how we have eclipses`

>> No.3584012

Because we see the light of the many stars that are also in the center.

>> No.3584013

>no saturn
>no multiple moons


>> No.3584014


The light's coming from the stars.

>> No.3584015

They would all become comets at around our distance from the sun.

>> No.3584009


No water. Mainly methane and other gases that become liquid when it's that cold.

>> No.3584016

Black holes are black because they absorb all light.

Escape velocity of black hole > speed of light

>damn space, you scary

>> No.3584020

Oh jesus
that doesn't sound colonize-able at all.

>> No.3584023

That isnt H20 Bro

>> No.3584026


Yes, but even the very centre is very light.
Unless it's a tiny black hole I don't see how this is possible.

>> No.3584027

Do any planets in our solar system have lots of uranium or thorium???

>> No.3584033


>> No.3584036


Doesnt that prove you can go faster than the speed of light?

>> No.3584037

>at the centre of everygalaxy

Supermassiveblack holes are huge but in the scale of the galaxy they are not, they are incedibly dense which is why light cannot escape

Earth has the most I think, it's rarely made in supernovae

>> No.3584047

Oh my god, when Jupiter appeared in the sky I shat bricks.

>> No.3584040

a black is the only things that would be powerful enough to keep all those millions of solar systems in orbit around it

also, the fact that we cant see light from it tells us it's there.

ALSO, we can see blackholes. i'll need to look it up, but they emit some sort of radio wave or something that we can detect.

>> No.3584042

No it proves nothing can escape a black hole.

>> No.3584043

Think he meant outside earth, And, chances are, Asteroids, They're mineral rich.

>> No.3584044

Our Moon and mars are full of Thorium

>> No.3584045


What does FTFY mean?

>> No.3584046
File: 305 KB, 745x462, Th_040305_NG_5x5_SmB10_016_EQ75_with2Logos_web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Here's Mars.

>> No.3584048

mass /= size

>> No.3584049

You cannot go faster than light unless you bend space-time.

Fixed that for you

>> No.3584052


Black holes are just fucking scary-ass shit that make it impossible to get out no matter what because the requirement to get out is not allowed by the laws of physics.

>> No.3584054

>that doesn't sound colonize-able at all.


Exactly the same stuff oil is made out of.

>Lakes of oil

Shit'd be cash.

>> No.3584058


I know this, that's why I'm asking it.
If there is a black hole, why do we see light?

>> No.3584061

No, light does not not have mass.

Light cannot escape a black hole, it cannot exceed the speed of light.

>> No.3584063

>Lakes of oil
Shit, that WOULD be cash.
It's like our whole solar system wants us to mine it, Cept the Gas Giants, shit, those places are pretty damn scary if you think about it.

>> No.3584065

No it means that known physics break down in black holes and we don't really know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.3584070
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You can't escape the might of the /v/irgins, dear heretical anti-vidya posting friends.

>> No.3584071

You can see things around the edge of a black hole and you can see the jets it fires out which come from things that fall in.

>> No.3584072

I've been having some fun with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpnucN12uBQ

Not exactly accurate but being able to fly around the universe and goto the surface of any planet orbiting any start in any cluster in any galaxy is pretty fucking cool.

Doesn't run terribly well for me though

>> No.3584075
File: 38 KB, 641x401, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time open this fucking thread before posting in /v/, and you'll avoid this.
Meanwhile, it's time for punishment

>> No.3584074 [DELETED] 

Wiil you fuck off?

>> No.3584078

So what do you guys make of the coal-black planet? It reflects less than one percent of all the light that hits it.


Did we just discover a Type 1 civilization?

>> No.3584079
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>> No.3584083

I forgot to add, the reason we can identify black holes is that you can observe gravitational lensing, where light bends around black holes, but they are still shit hard to find unless you're looking for supermassive black holes at the centre of galaxies

>> No.3584085


>> No.3584086
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>> No.3584092

Guys C has been proven to be incorrect we don't know what the cosmic speed limit of light is.

>> No.3584094
File: 57 KB, 639x398, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm just trolling, anyways, google for pulsars and plasma, that stuff is pretty cool.

>> No.3584096

Space threads are more fun in /v/, because they get more traffic.
/sci/ is more informative and serious, but it's also a fucking drag.

/v/ is and always will be the best place to post topics from all other boards.

>> No.3584100

Sauce to this or die.

>> No.3584108

I agree that /v/ has a lot of traffic, what I don't agree is that you morons won't go to your designated boards and would give it more traffic.
Instead you have to clutter your shit all over /v/.

>> No.3584110

Yo does anyone have links to those real-time wide radio-band websites? Where you can listen to people talking over ham radios around the world, listen to number stations and (more importantly) listen to the sounds of the cosmos?

Better yet, links to radio recordings of pulsars, quasars and planets? The sounds they make are like whalesong and it's mesmerizing.

>> No.3584115
File: 23 KB, 628x304, jupiter_ir_vis[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat solar system refueling depot

Fully fledged thread on /sci/
>Can't escape

Yes we do, and we know that anything with mass requires more energy than is in the whole universe to reach the speed of light

>Not scary as fuck

>> No.3584119

/v/ just has more natural traffic. If I could drop a signpost and divert 10,000 people to /sci/, I would. It's not going to happen.

>> No.3584121


>> No.3584124

>It reflects less than one percent of all the light that hits it.

Jeez, how much energy is that thing absorbing?

>> No.3584127

Jupiter's a brown dwarf, right? A so-called "failed star"?

How much more mass would it take to ignite? One more jupiter? Ten?

>> No.3584131

What the shit? What's type 1, a civilization that uses the entire surface of its planet to harvest energy for a subterranean empire?

>> No.3584133

You fuckwits are already astronauts.

Think about it, where are you right now? You're in space. On a big fucking rock, a natural spaceship.

And food for thought, for when you go to sleep tonight: You're a hell of a lot less safe than somebody in an artificial spaceship. That's right fucker, at least the guys shitting their pants on Apollo 13 were a smaller target for gigantic meteorites that could hit with enough kinetic energy to shatter most of a planet into fist-sized chunks and send what is left flying into the sun. Plus they actually had something solid between them and the vacuum of space. You sure as shit don't.

Look up, fucker. Just how sure are you that something the size of Australia isn't hurtling towards you at thousands of miles a second, ready to royally fuck up your day?

On the timescales we're dealing with, it's inevitable. You and everything you know is fucked.

>> No.3584134


That looks exactly like the continets on earth.

>what does it mean!!??!

>> No.3584135

Shit I saw that on teh BBC

>Did we just discover a Type 1 civilization?
>is heated to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (980 degrees Celsius).
>3million miles out from it's star


>> No.3584130

Well, you guys have 75 replies.
Congratulations, threads almost never reach this numbers at /sci/.
Now kindly stay the fuck here and look for your /v/irgin bros to keep posting deep sea and space and dragon dildos here.

>> No.3584138
File: 12 KB, 166x140, areyoufuckingserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extreme windspeeds
>Huge-ass storm
>not the most hostile non-sun place in the solar system

>> No.3584143

>everything is fucked
Yeah, bro. That's why I live in the here and now.

>> No.3584145

Hey, what we did this time was make the thread and wait for someone to spam it. When they did, we just diverted them all here.

Seems to be the most lively thread I've ever seen on /sci/

>> No.3584149

technically yes but a small brown dwarf.

try 50

>> No.3584150

Nobody is spamming.

>> No.3584162

no not really


>> No.3584164

On the /v/ thread we got spammed.

I made this thread and "opened a portal" and here we are.

>> No.3584170


>implying you're going to die any time soon

Current medical technology will keep you alive for 100 years, which is more than long enough to develop new technology to extend your lifespan idefinitely.

You will live to see this planet cracked open like a walnut, you should just hope you're not on it when it happens.

>> No.3584172

This is amazong

>> No.3584175
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More like a wormhole, amirite?

>> No.3584182


I lol'd

>> No.3584184
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>> No.3584189

>That's what I implied

>Dat radioactive cloud orbiting it.

>> No.3584190
File: 2 KB, 126x92, 1312921313518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are still faggots, but less faggots than those who don't leave /v/ alone.

>> No.3584191

If that technology is invented (if it hasn't already been invented), it would never be made available to the public. It shouldn't be, unless everyone who had their lives extended indefinitely were also permanently sterilized.
Population on our planet is out of control, the last thing we need is people living longer. If anything, we need a few billion people to die off as fast as possible.

>> No.3584192

>that feel when all the general public care about is aliens

>> No.3584196

The average westerners lifespan is increased by 6 hours per day.
Not bad at all

Most of us here will see 100

>> No.3584197
File: 99 KB, 1024x768, chillasfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neptune is a bro.

>> No.3584199
File: 238 KB, 556x544, NOIMAGEMACRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>radioactive cloud
oh jesus I'm learning so much right now
holy fuck the solar system both loves us AND hates us.

>> No.3584200
File: 133 KB, 700x507, india-africa-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol got you covered bro

>> No.3584207

You'll live to your 100s

It's out there bro, you can't stop it.

>> No.3584208

Posted by another anon in the /v/ thread before 404, here's the theme song for the thread:

>> No.3584212

Talk about uncomfortable truths...

>> No.3584214


>> No.3584217

The Jovian system is incredible


>Geologically active due to the gavitational forces of Jupiter pulling and squeezing the whole moon

>> No.3584224


Earth does the same thing with the Moon and sun

>> No.3584231


Not nearly anywhere to the same extent, friend.

>> No.3584232
File: 31 KB, 800x566, 800px-MQ-9_Reaper_-_090609-F-0000M-777[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they just send these to mars and let them roam around the surface?

>> No.3584236

The Moon doesn't have 400 active volcanos

And the Earths magnetosphere doesn't cause dust to be whipped around the moon at the rate of 1 tonne per second.

>> No.3584240


>that feel when the U.N. Is making it's number one priority to help the survival of the very people that we should be getting rid of for the sake of humanity

>> No.3584239

>that flux tube
continuous massive electrical current connecting Io and Jupiter's poles? it's like I'm living in a sci-fi movie.

The only thing that could possibly make it any more badass would be if million-mile lightning bolts arced between the two regularly.

>> No.3584247

They'd have to design special ones.
First of all, sand and dust EVERYWHERE.
Second of all, no protection from E/M radiation from the sun.
Third of all, low air pressure means the wingspan has to be huuuuuuge.

It's easier just to send orbiters and drop WALL-E.

>> No.3584250
File: 51 KB, 496x384, 1279731492345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel

>> No.3584253
File: 23 KB, 529x391, jup1imp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing that could possibly make it any more badass would be if million-mile lightning bolts arced between the two regularly.

Holy fuck

>Dat image
>Dat storm
>Bigger than Eath

>> No.3584261
File: 82 KB, 640x384, europa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never see this with your own eyes

>> No.3584266

> deep space
> talk about our solar system

On the topic of black holes appearing bright: super massive black holes in active galactic nuclei tend to appear bright because there is a lot of material available. As this material falls into the black hole, revolving around in ever-tightening orbits, friction with other infalling material causes the matter to heat, and radiate with increasing energy. Smaller black holes are only themselves bright when they exist as part of a two-body system with another star, from which the hole can draw matter. For solo black holes, we must rely on gravitational lensing to detect them.

>> No.3584270
File: 37 KB, 638x356, 1000x500px-LL-ac03588c_LukeSkywalkerNooooo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3584273

You are now imagining an artificial moon suspended in the calm eye of that storm.
Walls of boiling red cloud stretching to the limits of vision with a clear circle of sky/space above and the dark, glowing cloud tops far below.


>> No.3584275

>Implying the Solar System isn't fascinating in it's own right

>> No.3584280

>entire planet made of ice

Someone find me a planet made entirely of whisky and we're in business.

>> No.3584283

What happens on the day that we find life outside of Earth? Will all religions cease to exist in the matter of seconds? mass suicide?

>> No.3584284
File: 426 KB, 1280x960, fluxtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would flying through that thing fry electronics or what?

>> No.3584290
File: 7 KB, 240x236, Vom-cauta-un-nou-Pamant-prin-500-de-planete[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It would without the correct shielding

>> No.3584291

The smart religious leaders will scramble to incorporate it into their scripture and/or find loopholes to allow for stellar bretheren to be brought into the fold.

The typical religions will declare holy war against aliens and the very idea of them.

The stupid religions will kill themselves.

It'll be just another day on planet Earth.

>> No.3584294

more excuses

>> No.3584295


a) "That isn't actual life! Where are the monkeys darwin-lover"

b) "Actually, if you read this passage right and turn your head and squint, the Bible totally mentions that God makes aliens."

>> No.3584299

I think the Pope OKd the idea of aliens last year.

Something about God's plan or some shit

>> No.3584303


I wasn't implying the solar system isn't interesting in its own right, it just generally isn't classified under the realm of "deep space."

>> No.3584308

Yeah, Catholicism has been getting surprisingly progressive in recent years. First abolishing Purgatory, and then OKing aliens...

What's next? Extending a hand of friendship to atheists?

>> No.3584313

>yfw Carl Sagan would only be 77 If he was still alive. Werner Von braun would be 99

>> No.3584316


Maybe retracting the whole "condoms cause aids" thing, so as to stop misinforming the African population.

>> No.3584320
File: 316 KB, 1000x605, Solarmap[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep space is anywhere out of Earth orbit

>> No.3584322

How the fuck do you get through the asteroid belt without hitting things?

>> No.3584323

So that green/yellow tube thing...is all electrical current?

Ho lee shit.
What would it take to harness that? Is there any practical use for it? I'm not okay with something that unbelievable awesome being useless for all practical purposes.

>> No.3584324
File: 52 KB, 640x705, iborg-demotivational-poster-1230087693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when you retract the whole "We're gonna become mind uploading FTL robots" thing so as to stop misinforming /sci/

>> No.3584329


Powering the entire Human Population of the Solar System for generations?

>> No.3584334
File: 48 KB, 800x631, 1296950039609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when the image of an orange extension cord stretching from earth to Io comes to my mind unbidden
mite b cool
think it'll take someone smarter than me, though

>> No.3584333

>What would it take to harness that?
Massive amounts of radiation in that region would make any harnessing attempt impractical

>> No.3584340

I wonder what Von braun would have done for the Space Shuttle

>> No.3584343


When my words cause people to catch a terminal illness, I'll gladly retract them.

Oh wait, we already have a terminal illness. It's called "natural causes", and mentioning that it might not be inevitable is apparently taboo.

Besides, my crazy hope is at least theoretically feasible.


Built a bigger rocket.

>> No.3584357

I don't know about mind-uploading...mind copying maybe.

This is what always made me uncomfortable with Star Trek. They don't teleport with the transporters...they commit suicide and then create a copy of themselves at the target location that thinks they're the original.

Until people can prove empyrically that the essence of one's consciousness and awareness can be transferred from one medium to another, without killing or creating a new "observer", so to speak, then I'll be opting way the fuck out.

I'm all for cybernetics, though. That's pretty cool stuff.

>> No.3584366


That's been considered. The way to maintain conciousness in that manner is to slowly over the course of years replace a few of your neurons at a time with identical artificial substitutes, until eventually your entire brain is running on technology. Bam, continuity of self, no transporter/copy issues. The brain is incredibly elastic in responding to things like this, and once you've changed your substrate to digital, you can jump ship.

>> No.3584367

>implying this doesnt happen to you all the time as brain cells die, regenerate and constantly alter their interconnections
>implying a new you doesn't walk off with your body every morning without realizing the old you is no more

Have fun sleeping tonight, friend.

>> No.3584378

>.they commit suicide and then create a copy of themselves at the target location that thinks they're the original.

Holy fuck, that's scary

>> No.3584379

Now you're singing a tune I can jive to. However, once the brain is hardware, a new question will arise:
Is the essence of one's consciousness simply the collected experiences and memories contained in the brain - thus able to be transferred around like so much computer data? Or is the physical structure of the brain itself necessary for the coalescence of consciousness?

>> No.3584385


Awesome, Saturn V as Boosters?

>> No.3584390

There's an episode that touches on this. Riker beamed out of a ship marooned on a planet, but the beam was partially reflected so the beam-out both failed and succeeded.
The original Riker was fucked, and left to live like Castaway on that marooned ship for years. The copy, thinking he escaped that hellhole, went on to live an awesome Starfleet career.
They end up meeting later on, and that shit gave me nightmares.

>> No.3584392


That's currently an argument in neuroscience, but to be frank, the answer for now is "There is insufficient data to answer that question"

PS; http://www.multivax.com/last_question.html

Asimov is always related.


Maybe even a more efficient version that allows us to do more for less. That really what we need, efficiency

>> No.3584420

Is it turn NASA lost the plans for the Saturn V? and if they didn't, would they still be building the F-1 Engines?

>> No.3584423

Is it True*

>> No.3584443

Neil deGrasse is my husbundo

>> No.3584450
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>> No.3584459
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>that story

>> No.3584471
File: 88 KB, 300x370, S-IC_engines_and_Von_Braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google supplies (via snopes board): :
The Saturn plans are still at Huntsville. However, the contractor infrastructure is gone, many subassemblies were farmed out to small shops that are either out of business or who have long since discarded the necessary tooling. It's estimated it would cost at least $16 billion to retool to produce Saturns to the old plans.

It should also be noted that Saturn didn't have very many flights, so reliability statistics are not available. This is a similar problem to that facing Energia. Many NASA and contractor engineers
believe we were incredibly lucky with the Apollo program and that if it had continued we would have inevitably lost missions. Also Saturn launches were expensive. They cost about $550 million in *1967* dollars. A 1993 dollar is worth 12.5 cents in 1967 dollars so multiply costs by 8 to get current pricing.

In reality you wouldn't want to reproduce Saturn in any event. There have been sufficient advances in most of the flight systems since Saturn was designed that a clean sheet of paper approach would be better. It wouldn't be possible to get the avionics components used, they are no longer made. So new flight systems would be required.
The F1 engine could be resurrected fairly cheaply, but better engine designs exist. And tankage is pretty much tankage, though the pogoing
problem of Saturn was never really solved. Saturn was designed in the days of slide rules and drafting boards. With today's advanced design tools, CAD and CADCAM, finite structural analysis, etc, a lighter, stronger version could be designed with considerable confidence that it would work to near spec.

>> No.3584476

Dude, the Church has officially recognized the possibility of alien worlds since the medieval ages. Check out the Condemnation of 1277, article 34.

>> No.3584479
