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File: 32 KB, 722x420, Drug_danger_and_dependence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3583590 [Reply] [Original]

Why is LSD illegal and why hasn't there been a caffeine prohibition yet?

>> No.3583607


Firstly, learn about both Physical *and* Psychological addiction.

Secondly, caffeine generally doesn't cause people to jump out of their 9th story apartment window because they hallucinated that they could fly.

>> No.3583611
File: 496 KB, 700x4949, acid trip drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3583619

How does one become dependent on nitrous oxide?

>> No.3583631

If you don't combine ephedra with caffeine for synergistic aderall-like effects then you don't know shit about study drugs.

>> No.3583632


We lost a moron!


When you have a giant fucking tank of it and a lot of time.

>> No.3583636

I gave up caffeine a week ago and I feel the best I have in months. My anxiety has all but evaporated.

>> No.3583638

Caffeine is good for society. It speeds them up and gets them to work.

Weed dies the exact opposite and that's why it's illegal

Deal with it stoners

>> No.3583640

also lrn2 long term effects

>> No.3583647

Because there is more to a drug's dangerousness than overdose potential, and addiction.

For instance, LSD stays in your system practically forever, and you can go into a LSD trip YEARS after having taken any LSD.

>> No.3583682

Because that would require politicians and the general population they serve to have a decent understanding of this type of science. And that's a lot to ask for.

>> No.3583694

This. Depression is reaching epedemic levels in America. Mass caffiene addiction is to blame if you ask me.

You know each time you drink a cup of coffee it's stimulating effects is only 1/2 as powerful as the last one you took and it takes a whole week before your body can return to normal. So caffeine doesn't really help you at all if you drink it every day, which is what everybody does. All those people who drink a cup of joe in the morning to "wake up" are drinking caffeine because they're physically dependent on it.

>> No.3583871

It amazes me that people can be so misinformed.

>> No.3584050 [DELETED] 

>LSD illegal

Because back in the late 80s all the kids where having fun and grumpy old white men don't like that, and made having fun illegal.

That's one of the purposes of grumpy old men, especially when they get campaign funds from big pharma and alcohol manufacturers.

Fact is, compared to deaths related to alcohol (25,000 auto deaths annually, god knows how many people shot while drinking or in the presence of drunks) nobody died as a results of taking LSD. Truth be told, I've never seen a provable certified death from an LSD, at all, although there might have been a total of a dozen over the course of ten years or so. Nobody really knows.

Anyway, grumpy old shitheads + big pharma alcohol lobby money= LSD (and a bunch of other stuff - marijuana Tier 1 drug felony possession???) illegal.

>> No.3584062

>cannabis has it's own category

>> No.3584077

>LSD illegal

Because back in the late 60s all the kids where having fun and grumpy old white men don't like that, and made having fun illegal.

That's one of the purposes for grumpy old men, to get campaign funds from big pharma and alcohol manufacturers to ban cheap fun.

Fact is, compared to deaths related to alcohol (25,000 auto deaths annually, god knows how many people shot while drinking or in the presence of drunks) nobody died as a results of taking LSD. Truth be told, I've never seen a provable certified death from an LSD, at all, although there might have been a total of a dozen over the course of ten years or so. Nobody really knows.

Anyway, grumpy old shitheads + big pharma alcohol lobby money= LSD (and a bunch of other stuff - marijuana Tier 1 drug felony possession???) illegal.

>> No.3584181

LSD has nearly no long-term effects except in some individuals prone to mental illness. It stands to reason that those with mental illness should likely avoid hallucinogenic drugs. Similarly, those with food allergies/sensitivities should avoid the foods that trigger unpleasant or dangerous immune reactions.

Some people can die after ingesting peanuts or peanut products. We haven't made peanuts illegal, merely mandated the labeling of products that could contain the allergen.

Long term effects, aside from potential interactions with individuals suffering from mental illness, are nonexistent.

Personally, I've never tried LSD but I adore psychoactive mushrooms. To me, hallucinogens are beautiful drugs and not to be done as a "party" thing. There certainly is a social component, but uninhibited human behavior plays no role.

My university's music department once did a performance of die Walkuere. I took mushrooms immediately prior to showtime. It was beautiful, astonishing. I met a friend of mine in the orchestra after the show and I was nearly in tears.

The other times I've done mushrooms have brought me to greater understanding of not only art, but human cognition, our place in the universe, politics, and many other things.

Were I a less well-educated man, I think I would describe the experience as religious. It's phenomenal when done properly and very healthy. Everyone of appropriate mental constitution to experience hallucinogens should do so.

>> No.3584211

>Expecting logic and informed decisions from american policy makers
This entire thread is pointless.

>> No.3584241

>When you have a giant fucking tank of it and a lot of time.
I hear that.

>> No.3584256

It's illegal not necessarily because it's unhealthy (it's not terribly unhealthy; no more than a hamburger). LSD will impair judgement. I seriously hope you drug apologists will at least admit to that. That's why it's illegal.

>> No.3584274


I'm trying to think about how I can get a 5 foot tank of nitrous oxide from a local chemical distributor.

I don't think me working in a kitchen and needing to make a LOT of custom whipped cream is going to do it.

>> No.3584282

Just get a flat of whippets off ebay.

>> No.3584289

>Secondly, caffeine generally doesn't cause people to jump out of their 9th story apartment window because they hallucinated that they could fly.

>You never see a positive drug story on the news. They always have the same LSD story. You've all seen it: "Today a young man on acid … thought he could fly … jumped out of a building … what a tragedy!" What a dick. He's an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didn't he take off from the ground first? Check it out? You don't see geese lined up to catch elevators to fly south; they fly from the fucking ground. He's an idiot. He's dead. Good! We lost a moron? Fucking celebrate. There's one less moron in the world.

- Bill Hicks

>> No.3584348

I used to drink caffeine everyday and i felt like shit a lot of the time,
I quit like 2 months ago and i feel much better.

Last year i took LSD for the first and only time and all i did was listen to music.
I have never experienced anything as amazing as that day listening to music on LSD.

It shocks me how something that can make you feel like shit constantly is allowed but not something that opens you up to an amazing experience.
Oh wait never mind I can.

>> No.3584365

>oh wait never mind i can.

Not sure why i put that there.

>> No.3584371

Heroin is both a depressant, anesthetic and narcotic.

>> No.3584386
