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File: 33 KB, 342x502, 280_Terraformed_Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3583414 [Reply] [Original]

>1969 Land on the Moon
>Fuck yeah science!
>1972 Land on the Moon final time
>never do it again

If we could put people on the fucking Moon in 1969, why the shit have we basically ignored it since? Where's ma fuckin moon colony bitches?

pick related. It's the the continent of Africa s seen from New Toronto on the terraformed moon

>> No.3583429

money, monoliths, alien artifacts, etc

>> No.3583426

>New Toronto
>Not New Chicago, New Novosibirsk, or New Hong Kong

>> No.3583432

I speculate that when that painting becomes a reality, Africa will be the only continent to not have developed at all

>> No.3583435

Aliens won't let us colonize the moon.
I'm serious.
Inb4 >>/x/

>> No.3583437
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Also, they should open ski resorts on Titan

>> No.3583442

because its not financially viable. capitalism baby

>> No.3583443

I'm no rocket scientist (pun intended) but I would imagine it's a lot more costly and time-consuming to send humans into space when you can just send robots. We've been there a few times. Why keep going back other than to establish a colony?
As far as that goes, terraforming is still just speculation right now. It's not like we're twiddling our thumbs deciding when to fly to the moon and turn it into a miniature Earth. There are lots of factors to consider, like where we would get the water, minerals, how to solve the problem of radiation, etc. Mars would be a much more suitable candidate for colonization but it's hella far and we haven't landed there yet so yeah.

>> No.3583444

>setting up a colony
nigga you dumb

And there would've already been a colony on mars by now if it wasn't for nixon cutting the assembly lines for the Apollo hardware.

>> No.3583445

I actually beleive this to be a likely truth myself. Which pisses me off because who the fuck are aliens to tell us we can't colonize our own moon

>> No.3583446


people like you, I want to grab, and stab over and over and over.


we went to the moon from 1969-1972. 12 people have landed on the moon. we don't colonize it because it's expensive, and have too many problems here on earth.

just shut the fuck up and leave.

>> No.3583448

inb4 yes we have
*haven't landed humans there yet

>> No.3583455

There's no pressing need to go back

>> No.3583454
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also ya
>new toronto

>> No.3583451

Why the fuck would we go back to the moon? We got bored of going for the sake of going. Unless it becomes worthwhile financially, there is no reason to go back.

>> No.3583461

Wanting to utilize space exploration to create a galactic empire pisses you off? Why the fuck even do it then. Don't do the first step if your not willing to take the second one

>> No.3583466

We never stopped going to the moon.

>> No.3583468

There was no pressing need to even go there but we still set ourselves up to do it

>> No.3583470

If you truly believe it, then let me tell you this.
It's not our moon. This is not our planet. They were most likely here long before we were, and have their own reason for not colonizing everything like we seem to want to do.
And you know what? They're probably right. Don't get me wrong, I'm as curious as you are to see what would happen with the existence of a moon colony. But we don't know the implications of that. There could very well be another race of aliens that would consider us a threat if we started colonizing shit. We're not ready for this yet.

>> No.3583483

It's not like we'd tell them they couldn't do with their orbiting rocks as they wished. Also, to see humanity at its present level as a threat for opening up a prefab research center on the moon is paranoid beyond reasonability

>> No.3583488

>It's the the continent of Africa s seen from New Toronto on the terraformed moon
>terraformed moon

>> No.3583492

The moon was formed from earth. It is a giant hunk of rock floating in space not a fucking planet.

>> No.3583494

approximately 3900 children die every day
that is why

>> No.3583495

Not a threat now, perhaps, but you shouldn't leave these things unchecked. Paranoid, yes, but so what? Who's to say they wouldn't do so anyways? "Strike while the iron is hot."

>> No.3583496

Unless you plan to do this at some point, why ever send people to mars?

>> No.3583503

the transformers don't want us on the moon

>> No.3583506

I never said it was a planet. When I said "This is not our planet", I was referring to Earth.

>> No.3583524
File: 59 KB, 480x360, 1295032406228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.3583540


>> No.3583546

It is our planet since we evolved on it thousands of years ago. Stop believing in crazy conspiracy theory's.

>> No.3583548

Actually I acknowledge that the Apollo 11 crew landed on the moon. However while there they were visited from extraterrestrial astronauts on a moon base on the dark side of the moon and were told in no uncertain terms that they weren't welcome there and not to come back. After a crucial piece of equipment was fixed with a bll point pen Neil and Buzz left and I'm not sure if any of the other moonwalks were real. Probably. This sounds nuts but if you look into it you'll see what I mean.

PS not the original guy to mention aliens in this thread

>> No.3583553

>this is my hospital, I was born in it

>> No.3583566
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>blue sky, rocky mountains
>bright stars
>clear daylight

>> No.3583568

>implying Canada

Lol but yea it would be nice to have a civilization with only master race astronaughts. But it's just not practical anymore, the arms race is over. USA and capitalism won.

>> No.3583577

I was born in a hospital. Does that mean I own that hospital? No.

>> No.3583583

Are you out of your fucking mind? Why would aliens give a shit about the moon.

>> No.3583596

>It's not our moon. This is not our planet.
We evolved on this planet. We are the only intelligent species to have done so. I would say that makes this our planet. Same goes for the rest of the solar system.

>> No.3583593


so it's our moon now?

>> No.3583608

You can't terraform the moon. You need an atmosphere to retain liquid water and you need sufficient mass so that your gravity will hold onto an atmosphere. Mars is close enough that an artificially cultivated atmosphere would take hundreds of thousands of years to bleed off giving us plenty of time to maintain it but the moon is small enough I have sever doubts any kind of lasting atmosphere could be cultivated at all.

>> No.3583617



>> No.3583621

>I was born in a hospital. Does that mean I own that hospital? No.
A hospital is a building we are talking about a planet. Not to mention we aren't talking about personal ownership you individually do not own the planet or the moon but as a species we collectively own the planet.

>> No.3583622
File: 38 KB, 507x428, 1297885215309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to moon
>Drill under their moon base
>Place thermonuclear device
>We president now

>> No.3583637

No but if the so called "aliens" want to keep owner ship of there planet they should reveal them selves.

>> No.3583729


Colonising a whole other planet will be expensive as fuck, and gone are the days of ticking off the easy objectives in a pissing contest with the Soviets.

Any colony would have to be built to last, and quite frankly the Moon or Mars aren't worth the time, money or effort.

Earth is getting crowded, sure, but we're still a long way off of needing the real-estate and mining asteroids is much, much better than chipping away at planets. Unless we need a lunar colony to mine He3 or something, our choice of planet is going to depend on how comfortable it is for humans.

In our solar system the shock winner by an amazing margin is actually Venus. The upper atmosphere is of the perfect temperature with near-ideal gravity and acceptable pressure levels.

We would, of course, need to build huge floating cities in order to live there. The main advantage of these over space stations is that they would be completely awesome, but we'd also be able to crack the acid clouds for water and oxygen (far less dependence on Earth).

This is our best bet for an "Earth 2" short of crashing Ceres into Mars and just hoping for the best (also awesome).

>> No.3583781

>crashing Ceres into Mars
lol wut. Good luck with that even at the closest Ceres is farther from Mars than Mars is from the Earth and moving something a massive as Ceres would require immense amounts of energy.

>> No.3583820

Not to mention that hydrogen is even more buoyant in Venus' atmosphere than on earth. I've liked the idea of colonizing Venus with floating cities ever since I first heard about it. Not to say that there aren't a lot of issues (delta-v budget to get there, acid clouds eroding at structures, logistics, etc.)

It's the only other place in the solar system where you could survive wearing a T-shirt. (and an oxygen mask, of course, as well as good sunscreen)

>> No.3583854


Any of you have the links to this Venus theory, cause it sounds very cool.

>> No.3583917
File: 36 KB, 300x400, Img65[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not to mention that hydrogen is even more buoyant in Venus' atmosphere than on earth.

Not only that, but a comfortable oxygen/nitrogen mix would also be buoyant at the altitudes we're looking at. Add some hydrogen tanks for good measure and some emergency thrusters just because, and our city is floating for a maximum time with a minimum of effort. We should, ideally, be floating above the deadly deadly acid.

Our colony now needs:
Raw materials

For power solar should be ample. As we're above most of the atmosphere and pretty damn close to the sun solar panels would be very efficient. They could also be double sided to collect light reflected from the bright clouds. These lower panels could operate at a minimum of 67% and a maximum of 90% efficiency compared to the upper panels.

Food. Vast, open areas full of breathable air are good for our flotation budget, so hydroponics are fine assuming that we have air and water...

Oxygen and water are obtained by breaking down the H2SO4 atmosphere. If we need nitrogen (I suspect we do) then we can probably scrub it from the upper atmosphere. We won't be using up much of it anyway.

Raw materials is the main disadvantage that Venus has compared to Mars. Mars has nice solid ground and is also a nice starting point to plunder our rich asteroid belt. On Venus we'd have to snatch rocks with orbital mining stations.

An alternative - and much cooler - method would be to drop a giant claw and lift chunks of the planet up for processing. Grabbing chunks of terrain ~50km below us and hauling them up in a very hot, very acidic, super-rotating atmosphere could be, uh, problematic, however. Not worth it unless the surface is ludicrously rich, and in that case pic most definitely related.

>> No.3583935
File: 525 KB, 1024x688, 1293835398281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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