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[ERROR] No.3582075 [Reply] [Original]

Today, I took skin cells and turned them into neuronal cells (transdifferentiation) without altering their genome.

What did you do today /sci/?

>> No.3582091

I actually did something useful.

>> No.3582098


Like what? You've peaked my interest!!

>> No.3582101

No you didn't

>> No.3582107

I made my own breakfast

>> No.3582110


>> No.3582113


>> No.3582142


no, peaked, like a mountain peak. duh

>> No.3582416

I solved some pre-calculus problems

>> No.3582466

Learned about potentiometry, voltammetry (with polarography as subclass)
Might start on my chromatography principles..

>> No.3583391

I jacked off and went for a walk.

>> No.3583409

I see, so that means these were induced stem cells taken from an adult.

Sweet. So now do you keep checking them to see how long before they re-convert, if at all? Also, what is the 'statute of limitations' (so to speak) on how long you need to wait to be certain they won't convert back or degrade faster than regular neuronal cells?

Also, what effect does this have in conjunction with alternative splicing? Are you intending to investigate that?

>> No.3583421

well until my lease starts on saturday I'm staying with my in laws in a small southern town in Ga, there is nothing to do here so I just fuck around on the internet and play video games. Starting saturday I will be in the city where I usually live and will likely be having a housewarming party before I start grad school on monday

>> No.3583431 [DELETED] 

i raped my neighbors 6 year old daughter again, they're so clueless

>> No.3583449

Studied for MCAT. I don't even want to be a doctor, I just want the training for biomedical engineering(MD/PhD) and a fatter salary for doing the exact same thing I planned on doing anyways.

>> No.3583450

pcr'd up a bunch o' target regions from the mus musculus genome. most worked out, some primers i think will be complete shit.

>> No.3583460

What is there to PCR besides jiggling the thermostat every few minutes?

>> No.3583476

lulz, even less than that. Thermocycler does the jiggling for the PCR bitches. It works something like this:

>try different concentrations of reagents
>run thermocyler
>see which makes the prettiest gel

>> No.3583487

well, since we've moved beyond the dark ages of manually switching our samples between multiple water baths with different samples, there is nothing to do every few minutes.

something in the reaction design didn't go right - perhaps we needed to use a higher annealing temperature, or maybe our primers just aren't specific enough...

>> No.3583500

wow actual scientists and not physics+math college students circle jerking each other on my /sci/ ??

>> No.3583505

I started the new semester at my university, getting back to my physics degree.

>> No.3583512


>> No.3583528

>what effect does this have in conjunction with alternative splicing?

Why is this a concern?

>> No.3583541

Because a different cellular environment will make exons stick together differently?

>> No.3583609

I'm no cell biologist, but why would the cell reconvert? If OP's dedifferentiating cells and then reprogramming them as neuronal cells then it should be permanent.

Then rna would splice correctly for a neuronal cell, because it's a neuronal cell's environment

>> No.3583644

implying inducing pluripotency doesnt have massive drawbacks from using embryonic stem cells.

>> No.3583656

like what, cancer? haha yeah right this is nothing like cancer!

>> No.3583657

Transdifferentiation shouldn't be interpreted in an excessively literal sense.

The cloned skin of Zombie Jesus doesn't physically become his braaaaains, but it does in spiritual substance.

>> No.3583666

Today I masterbated 4 times

>> No.3583680

>Today I masturbated 4 times.
Today I corrected the spelling and punctuation of The Beast.

>> No.3583685

Undersea colonization stuff. Yours was definitely more of a benefit for mankind OP.

>> No.3583706

rewired the cable lines in my house took out like 12 splitters