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[ERROR] No.3581422 [Reply] [Original]

>Having a religion

Don't respond to this thread, just daily reminder that you're a fucking moron if you do.

>> No.3581428
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OP here again, this one is now directly related to Agnostics.

I can't tell the difference between who is more retarded, now again don't respond, this is just a daily reminder.

>> No.3581427

fuck off athiestfag. youre going to go to hell and i will laugh

>> No.3581445

fuck off with the religion threads
I happen to be an atheist, but I don't go posting threads every day telling other people about how their beliefs are retarded
STFU and/or GTFO of /sci/ with it, this is /sci/ence, not /sci/ence vs religion

tl;dr No one gives a shit, now go away

>> No.3581450


>> No.3581456

I do care, that's why I'm posting this daily reminder.
Just because you're atheist it doesn't make you seriously smarter, it makes you a little better than those who are religious/agnostics, but you're fucking retarded if you happen to be a "Lulz god is ded world sux xxDD I cut myself", which I'm sure you're not.

>> No.3581457

Hey OP
While I'm an atheist, don't you think that being mean is a bad way to spread your message? That's why people never change their beliefs. They focus in on the cruel people of another religion and say, "See? I don't want to become that kind of selfish, cruel beast! I'll stay as I am". Calling people retards and being a cruel person is no way to convert anyone to anything.

>> No.3581459

Stalin disagrees.

>> No.3581474

What if my religion is about Reese's cups?

>> No.3581476

It's stupid by definition.

>> No.3581481

Yup. Seeing as the chances of some universal sea change that'll obliterate religion seem extremely unlikely in my lifetime, its only natural that I should come to accept and even be very open to the spirituality of my fellow man. Its culture, a spice of life. Good for them if they're happy. Sometimes I wish I had faith in a god to feel less isolated or depressed.

>also requesting WHY dump

>> No.3581480

LULZ way to go OP. you sure are trolling the fuck out of everyone xD

>> No.3581486

>reese's cups

dear sweet chocolate lord

>> No.3581489
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Posting why because you're an inferior bastard who wants to cling on religion because life is harsh instead of setting an objective of him in life to better mankind with science or inventions.

>> No.3581495
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>> No.3581497

religious people aren't happy, dumbass.

and the cause of your feelings of isolation aren't the fault of atheism.

>> No.3581502
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>> No.3581504
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>> No.3581511
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>> No.3581514
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>> No.3581519

>implying that science and religion, while mutually exclusive, can't work together towards a better future

>> No.3581520
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>> No.3581517
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>> No.3581524
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Religion only hinders us, now if we were to have a technoreligion then I'd gladly take it, but I still wouldn't believe in spiritual bullshit.

>> No.3581525
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>> No.3581531
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>> No.3581532
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>> No.3581535
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>> No.3581539
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That's all the WHYs I had, anyways, enjoy being a shitstain, religious people.

>> No.3581544

People who have a religion:
Jesus Christ
Joe Smith
Zeus et al
Jupiter et al
Osiris et al
Odin et al
Baal et al
Molech et al
Great Spirit et al

missing anyone?

and OP is calling all of those people fucking morons?

>> No.3581548

Hey sir, keep buddha and confucius out of this, the rest are fucking idiots.

>> No.3581552

just trying to understand OP's inferiority complex

have a cheeto

>> No.3581557

They were great men, and now that I think about it I might have fucked up when I mentioned all religion, Buddhism isn't retarded.

Anyways, your devotion belongs to mankind, not your made up gods.


>> No.3581560


nobody should worship a made up God

everybody should worship the one true God

and yet, they don't

>> No.3581576

never said they were. i just remember the warmth i felt as a child being so sure something out there loved me. now its just plain old medically diagnosed depression. which is cool. not complaining with who i am.

>> No.3581665


>> No.3581675

> i just remember the warmth i felt as a child being so sure something out there loved me.
That is the gayest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.3581730


Let's see you Identify this 'one true god' of yours. Or are we just talking about a voice in your head?