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[ERROR] No.3581001 [Reply] [Original]


Is it the light that limits the speed, or is it the limit that limits the speed of light?
(i hope you understand my question O.o)

>> No.3581003 [DELETED] 

Our brains limit what we can see.

>> No.3581008

Our limit brains what we can see.

>> No.3581018


>> No.3581015


Light is limited by the medium it travels through.

>> No.3581022

combo fuck-uper

speed of light determines speed limit of any massles object, because light has no mass

also brotip: no matter how fast you are travelling, you will still see light propagating at the speed of light

>> No.3581029


>light has no mass


>> No.3581030


>> No.3581034


light is massless you fucktard. it does have momentum but no mass goddamn shitty troll 0/10 I aint even mad goddamn you fuck

>> No.3581046


>it does have momentum but no mass

Haha, holy fuck you're stupid.

Downs Syndrome/10

>> No.3581048

mtp, until you can start using coherent sentences, I would refrain from using a trip.

>> No.3581052


Explain THIS

>> No.3581067


Magnets and God.

>> No.3581070

It's a lie.

>> No.3581074

>Einstein predicted that particles and information can’t travel faster than the speed of light, but phenomena like radio waves are a different story,
>Speedy radio waves could also revolutionize the computing industry. Data could be transferred more quickly,

>information can’t travel faster than the speed of light, radio waves are a different story,
>Data could be transferred more quickly

i guess its because data isnt information...

>> No.3581085

the speed of light is not a limit, but a cap

and the cap changes

>> No.3581087
File: 6 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i guess its because data isnt information...

>> No.3581107


>> No.3581108

just read it, don't know what the fuck is going on. but all the papers he references in his was written by him. that is usually not a good sign.

>> No.3581125

what the hell, everyone is going on about FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT!! OMG when they wernt able to send any information with it. what use it it then? its like people going around saying quantum entanglement is faster than light. we have a lot of things faster than light, put its uselis because no information can be sent with it.

>> No.3581128

I think it's a pretty big deal when particles travel faster than light.

>> No.3581129

Name one.

>> No.3581139

light has no mass? can someone explain me this. i thought everything needed a mass or be made of energy (mass=energy)to exist...

>> No.3581140

>However, although the source of the radiation acts as if its exceeds the speed of light, the emitted radiation travels at normal light speed once it leaves the source
>scientist discovers radio waves faster than light!

someone got the SMBC comic about bad science reporting?

>> No.3581149

except for this and quantum entanglement?
material with negative refraction index
a device that lets electromagnetic radiation carry energy away at faster that light speed (don't know what it is called)

>> No.3581150

by fiat

>> No.3581152

whip a strong enough laser back and forth into space, time speed cap exceeded, problem?

>> No.3581153


im not the dude that said that but Lijun J. Wang and NEC ( of princeton) in the 2000 publiched an article in Nature, that light in the form of packets or pulse can go further than a single photon. like 310 times faster.

source and stuff:


>> No.3581157

ERRRRRRNNNNN>......WRONG...Nice try though.

>> No.3581167


how about this then?


>> No.3581168

e=mc^2 or the energy mass equivalence only works for something at rest, if it is traveling at some speed it should be E^2 = m^2c^4+p^2c^2, so you can see energy isnt just mass, but mass and momentum. if m=0 then E = pc. but that energy can still guase gravity which is how me measure mass, so it appears to have mass (energy, momentum ,l mass and pressure creates gravity) so you can talk about relativistic mass equal to gamma * m, with gamma the Lorentz factor, but people dont do that anymore. proving thart mas is a useless measure.

>> No.3581173

Yes, it has energy, but it doesn't have mass. Light propagates in waves, so it is energy.

Though, it can SOMETIMES act like a particle...

>> No.3581176

Yeah, nice .com source. Give me something legit. Smells like bullshit.


>> No.3581177

i guess you are to good to tell me why im wrong...
or form complete sentences.

>> No.3581180

>Smells like bullshit.
i wasn't aware that nature goes by what it smells like to you.

>> No.3581183


>> No.3581182
File: 27 KB, 325x214, the_more_you_know[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3581185


>> No.3581186

says the person who writes in lowercase.
and makes sentence.
fragments. like this.

>> No.3581187

Choose one.

>> No.3581191


just google " 310 times speed of light"
there plenty of info about the experiment.

but okey, if you dont want to believe it cuz your little head cant accept some things, its okey.

>> No.3581197

>We must avoid a definition of FTL travel that says a particle going from A to B gets there before light that has made the same journey along a lightlike geodesic. This makes it very difficult, perhaps impossible, to define global FTL travel unambiguously.


That's like saying:

Dumbass #1: Hey, there's nothing more red than a red crayon.
Dumbass #2: Yeah there is. If I define this color here as "superred" it's more red. QED.


>> No.3581203

>The opposite, group velocities exceeding c, has also been shown in experiment

>> No.3581205


just go fuck yourself " 310 times a night"
there plenty of info about the experiment.

but okey, if you dont want to try it cuz your little penis cant accept some things, its okey.

>> No.3581211

Wiki source? Really?

That's like asking a group of sex offenders how to make acid. You can't trust them.

>> No.3581224

>John Baez
pick one

what are you even asking?

>> No.3581235

Goddamn you are some stupid fucks.

Yes, it's possible for waves to travel faster than light, but they carry no energy / information from one place to another. Lights speed is the "speed limit" on matter, energy, and information.

Waves that travel faster than light aren't like radio waves, where you can carry information along with them.

No, light has no mass, and yes, it has inertia.

Exceptions to the "speed limit" of light:

Quantum entanglement(Impossible to send information, as the entangled state is random once observed)

Certain waves which can propagate faster than light. (No energy, cannot transfer information)

Spatial expansion. We can point at two galaxies in the sky which are traveling away from one another faster than light's speed. (this is actually due to the space between them expanding faster than light can traverse the distance. )

If you don't understand / disagree, get the fuck off /sci/ you aspie pseudo intellectual.

>> No.3581238

>goto article
>click little 63
>click link
>bbc news
>find link to nature if not good enough
>find original paper if not good enough
>buy material and reconstruct experiment if not good enough
>kill yourself and ask god directly not good enough

>> No.3581240

There wasn't a question mark in my post, fucktits. How are you capable of sustaining your own equilibrium with the environment, really? I want to choke you with the coaxial cable.

>> No.3581248

I'll make it simple for you OP, of these three principles, only two can be correct.

FTL travel

YRelativity doesn't work without causality, causality doesn't work with FTL travel, because FTL travel breaks causality.
Evidence suggesting Relativity and Causality are correct = Unending
Evidence for FTL travel = none whatsoever

I'll let you make your own assumptions as to what is correct and what isn't

>> No.3581249



>> No.3581251

This is wrong. You can't boil life into three categories. Your wickedness will be punished by God.

>> No.3581261

>Certain waves which can propagate faster than light. (No energy, cannot transfer information)
In other words theoretical waves which we have no idea whether they exist or not, and which you are stating as definately existing. Nice science there dumbass

>> No.3581263

Excellent point good sir, it's clear your intellectual prowess surpasses my own.

>> No.3581269

you can still detect that its there, you just cant use it to transmit anything.

>> No.3581277

Are you trying to learn about relativity or just trollan?

>> No.3581278

>For example, the phase velocity of X-rays through most glasses can routinely exceed c,[35] but such waves do not convey any information.[36]

>> No.3581281

give me a single citation, you're talking out of your ass, if it has no mass and carries no energy or information then it doesn't exist you dipshit, and if it did we definately couldn't detect it

>> No.3581284

ah shit my mistake, let me rephrase:

speed of light determines speed limit of any object WITH MASS, because light has no mass(simplified)

also brotip: no matter how fast you are travelling, you will still measure light propagating at the same speed of light

>> No.3581290

dude, you got any tips? help a bro out

>> No.3581303


>> No.3581310


>Certain waves which can propagate faster than light. (No energy, cannot transfer information)


>> No.3581314

read the thread, there are alot

>> No.3581330

>ignore evidence
>don't pay attention to what people are saying
>ignore examples

yea, you're either a troll or a mouthbreather. reported for faggotry.

>> No.3581341
File: 260 KB, 395x385, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why does light stop at 299 792 458m/s in the void?
Because void doesn't exist.
What we call void is in fact hidden dark matter.
This is why light is limited at this speed

Physics don't know that yet, they'll discover it in 500 years
but i share my genius with you

>> No.3581386

i guess you've never heard that your 'theory' was abandoned a century ago,luminiferous aether.

dark matter is clumpy the speed of light is not, there debunked.

>> No.3581388

And you're an idiot for trying to preclude one from the other. No reason you can't be both. Reported for stupidity.

>> No.3581443

>I’ve heard of this phenomenon before, and it should be noted while the waves travel (or appear to travel) faster than light, information that can be transmitted by these waves cannot (it goes regular light speed or slower). Therefore, we’re not seeing a breakdown of the laws of physics here, nor is this really all that new an idea. It’s probably just a new implementation.