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[ERROR] No.3580519 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/

How could I commit suicide in a way that attracts national attention? I was thinking of jumping off of a large building at my university, will that work?

>> No.3580522

not unless you land on the president.

>> No.3580523

No you have to blow something up. or Kill more then 3 people while doing it to get any really attention.

>> No.3580524

if you want NATIONAL attention, you need more than committing suicide at a university.

Maybe off yourself in the middle of a Lady Gaga concert.

>> No.3580525

become a superhero to stop crime.

>> No.3580526

School shooting, suicide bombing a place, jump to your death from the top of a tall government building, running in front of a mayor or governor or even the president and blowing your brains out in front of them.

>> No.3580530

I don't want to kill anyone while doing it, and preferably not cause property damage. Any other ideas?

>> No.3580532

>Maybe off yourself in the middle of a Lady Gaga concert.
This one is promising. How good is the security at these concerts? It might be hard to have a gun there.

>> No.3580533

join army..never remove safety.

although the other guys are gonna be peeved

>> No.3580535

Go outside the windows in time square during one of the morning shows where they show people outside the window, hold up a sign that says "I KILLED CAYLEE ANTHONY" and shoot yourself.

>> No.3580536


For anyone that cares this guy isn't me

>> No.3580538

build a spacecraft, likely just a rocket, and fuck off into space.

you'll be comitting suicide in a very noticeable way, and it'd be neat to boot.

>> No.3580543

Americans only care about innocent people dying. Or scary things.

>> No.3580550

Don't kill yourself OP :c

>> No.3580554

kill someome the world hates like Case Anthony, then wave a gun about as the police arrive, they'll kill you off .

you really will be an hero.

>> No.3580555


fk america

it aint sht but a flag

>> No.3580568

100 people a day kill themselves in USA, nobody will give a shit how you do it unless you kill others.

so just end it already you sad sack of shit, you're using up valuable energy resources and food.

>> No.3580580


>> No.3580582

it would definately have to involve the president somehow

>> No.3580584



>> No.3580591

Jump off a building while masturbating.

>> No.3580598

I'm afraid that won't work. We clean jumpers off the street all the time, and it's never pretty. Having your pants off wouldn't be a first.

>> No.3580616
File: 48 KB, 590x382, Self-Immolation-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self immolation at a major public event, maybe a ball game or movie premier or political rally. Nothing says "Fuck you, Darwin!" like burning yourself to death on purpose.

>> No.3580621


Are you looking to send a message or make a statement of some sort?

>> No.3580623


Son of a bitch that sounds good, don't know if I have the balls to pull it off though....

>> No.3580624


Yes, this is the reason I'm aiming for national attention

>> No.3580626


Two words: Tranquilizers. Also, dissociatives, ketamin maybe.

>> No.3580627

build a saucer out of aluminium, enter a place, get inside the saucer and jump off.

Everyone will think you're some sort of alien shapeshifted as a human that crashed on earth. /x/ will spend years making stories about you.

>> No.3580629

May I ask what kind of message you'd like to send?

No manifestos please, but just a general overview of your desired message.

>> No.3580634
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It's really simple OP, just beat this guys high-score.

>> No.3580642

Question. Why OP?

>> No.3580646


aliens takin over the world must kill em all!

>> No.3580647
File: 50 KB, 590x382, fuck you darwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3580654


Not really a message, awareness actually.

I'm the ENS patient that has been posting here for some time (iatrogenically induced neurological damage). I just tried the last treatment modality and it didn't work. I don't want to spend the rest of my life rotting away on disability, so I want to bring nationwide media coverage to why I'm killing myself (I'm going to make my reason why as clear as possible)

ENS is being ignored/covered up by the ENT medical community to a large extent, any media coverage could mean a lot for this issue

>> No.3580655


Can you imagine how PISSED that faggot would be if his score was beaten so soon? Bonus points if your manifesto is the polar opposite of his.

>> No.3580662

If the last 10 years have taught me anything, the way to commit suicide to attract national attention would obviously be to blow yourself up in a public place and take something important and a few people with you. Be cryptic as well and leave a bunch of clues (even if they are dummy clues) behind.

>> No.3580663


no sht sherlock,
modern parkinsons therapy is responsible for accelerated degeneration.

modern medicine is still barbaric

>> No.3580666


>> No.3580667


Go with the burning yourself to death, that's spectacular, horrifying and yet also oddly admirable.

Just make sure you're well drugged up before you do it, cos you don't have 20 years of diligent meditation upon the transience of flesh and the illusory nature of sensations to stop you screaming like a little bitch and rolling around in your own shit.

>> No.3580669
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Keep going, you're not edgy enough yet

>> No.3580675

hope you sued the sht out of somebody.
and when you die.. sue god aswell.

>> No.3580678

There's nothing to elaborate. Having a life was nearly an impossible gambit, and you got it. This is statistically extremely impossible. It is far more probable that an army of yellow-coloured alien elephants will overrule Earth in the future.

And what do you do with this gift of life? You want to waste it, because you've got some petty human worries and you're afraid of challenging them. So yeah, you're a pussy. Go ahead and kill yourself, if you even have the guts to do it.

>> No.3580679

You want to attract attention?

Send out a manifesto to every news outlet, and make sure you include the fact that you want to televise your suicide.

This will almost immediately garner the attention you want. Make sure you include the fact that you're going to make the suicide as grisly as what is causing you to commit suicide, and lambast every medical fool out there.

>> No.3580683


hey maybe i should have answered the question on mono amine hypothesis of depression.

>> No.3580684

Goddammit you're a faggot...so are you going to kill these ENT fuckers or what?

>> No.3580693

This guy has an excellent point.

Have you bothered SEEING an attorney about this? There actually are very competent tort law attorneys that can help you.

Money may not cure you of your depression but it could help and accomplish the attention you desire without the whole killing yourself bit. There are graft treatments that seem promising and if your case attracts enough attention you might well get treatment pro-bono.

Just saying.

If that's not your style though and you're ready to give up, just take advice from everyone in this thread, don't think I'm trying to talk you out of it. Just laying out options here.

>> No.3580697


I don't have any inkling of a life, I have a progressive disease, the symptoms of said disease making any semblance of existence pointless. I have barely slept in 8 months, I can barely get out of bed, and cannot work or study anymore. Anyone who is willing to rot away on disability is crazy, in my opinion.

>> No.3580708


10:1 says if you start smoking weed half of your issues will suddenly and mysteriously disappear.

>> No.3580711


I did, they're actually working on my case right now. I've been told by other patients that the chance of it going anywhere are slim though

>> No.3580720

Yeah, that's what the rest of the world is saying as well.

Now listen to this: your mind is your weapon. I know this sounds strange coming from a /sci/entist but with the power of your mind, you can make anything happen. Whatever is happening to you that's making you suffer, it's all your creation.

Same reason some patients with incurable cancer are given 3 months to live, after which they decide to change their life altogether, eat healthy, meditate, exercise regularly and suddenly their cancer is gone, and doctors are unable to explain how.

If you wouldn't look at your problems as a curse but rather as a challenge, then you'd be living. Right now, you really are dying, slowly but surely. You decided to give in. That's why I insist on calling you a goddamn pussy.

>> No.3580724


Drive a car through a group of people light yourself on fire and tackle a celebrity or politician while screaming some ridiculous shit about reptoids and aliens

>> No.3580726

>after which they decide to change their life altogether, eat healthy, meditate, exercise regularly and suddenly their cancer is gone
Shut the fuck up, faggot

>> No.3580740

are you that guy from Spirit Science?
There's only so much aligning your chakras can do, man.

>> No.3580743

Leave /sci/ forever please

>> No.3580752


I am missing a large chunk of a functional organ from underneath the base of my brain, this isn't cancer, do you know of any people with amputated limbs that have grown back with healthy diet and exercise?

And pardon me, but screw you, I have been fighting this shit since day one. I had to withdraw from school when I first developed symptoms but I got two shitty jobs and busted my ass so I could save up and finally see the specialist and get the diagnosis/proper treatment. 7 months later all options have failed. I could wait 20 years for when tissue engineering has evolved to the point of where they can clinically regrow nerves/bone and other shit but by then my life is over, so what's the fucking point?

>> No.3580768

Make me

No. I don't believe there's such a thing.

After you.

Just a note: In my work, I deal with fucking military rockets. Yeah, big motherfucking military rockets with USA written over them. I was a scientist before any of you could fucking speak. So don't tell me to leave /sci/ when I express my honest fucking opinion.

You're all a bunch of cock suckers. What the fuck am I doing in this thread anyway.

>> No.3580776

Okay you made your point. Sorry for calling you a pussy.

>> No.3580778

big military rockets?!

>> No.3580785


Oh god I laughed so hard at this post


>> No.3580787

You work with rockets, yet believe that cancer can suddenly disappear if you take a morning jog and eat a salad?

>> No.3580790

Shit, all you've got is a missing limb? I understand that you're depressed and fatalistic, that's a normal stage to go through, but it's not the end of your life. There are some VERY neat prosthetics coming out.


Arm (the i-limb pulse):

>> No.3580792

I respect you for insulting us in that post, but your about make-believe healing.

>> No.3580796

go stand outside the whitehouse and light yourself on fire

>> No.3580800
File: 124 KB, 600x600, 1272473558932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Obtain two high-powered machine guns
- Go to top of skyscraper/really tall building
- Jump off and start firing the guns down at full pelt
- Have a little note on you that says 'I was trying to see whether or not machine guns would slow me down and stop me dying. If you're reading this, I guess they don't.'

Either way you become famous.

>> No.3580801

read his post again.
>I am missing a large chunk of a functional organ from underneath the base of my brain

>> No.3580802

He's missing parts of his nose, I've seen this guy before.
It makes me sad that someone on /sci/ is killing themselves, but I hope this guy accomplishes his hopes of getting national attention on ENS.

I hope I see you on the news in a week.

>> No.3580803

I agree go stop a major crime ring, if you die doing it you will be a martyr.
I agree don't kill yourself.
Made me chuckle.

>> No.3580808


Not a limb, chunks of a function organ (inferior nasal concha) that is deeply involved in respiration/breathing. Also nerve damage to said organ.

>> No.3580816

stick of dynamite, or pipebomb if you can't get dynamite, up your ass outside the whitehouse

>> No.3580817

*but you're wrong about make-believe healing.
goddammit...it's late here.

>> No.3580818

OP you might not even make the local news. I live in Vegas where plenty of my friends say they've seen people jump out of the windows of older hotels that haven't gotten around to refurbishing the rooms. The only time you'll see it on the news is if they make a big deal about it (cops showing up, crowd gathered etc).

>> No.3580819


just dont go to the docter=no cancer

i pheeel sick... nope
i gots headach.. nope
i got flu
...bastad flu

>> No.3580821

Do you need mechanically assisted or stimulated breathing? Oxygen?

>> No.3580824


I'll bet you're gonna do it again next time someone makes a thread like this. You'll go ahead with your assumptions, consider the OP guilty until proven innocent of your imaginary accusation, and insult some guy you don't know so that you can vent your frustrations under the guise of "tough love". Sorry my ass, you're a fucking douchebag and I'm fucking glad this thread proved how much of a moron you are. Not that it'll do anything.

>> No.3580825


his brain still works

>> No.3580828

Telling you OP, go smoke weed.

>> No.3580835


What ENS patients need to relieve symptoms is for the most part unknown, there is no active research being done on it by anyone anywhere(cuz of lack of awareness obviously). And the nasal concha are still not well understood.

>> No.3580837


fuck i always wondered how those guys just sat there like that, fuckers are buddhists, god mode meditation

>> No.3580841

This'll get Rick Perry and the Tea Party creaming their panties while spouting delirious dribble blaming Brobama for this guys death.

>> No.3580863

breath through your mouth

>> No.3580866

Go to Detroit and kill as many niggers as possible

>> No.3580867

Those papers you have to sign before treatment prevent you from suing them.
Doctors aren't as stupid as you seem to think, you really think they haven't covered that possibility?

>> No.3580890


>missing pieces of functional organ involved in respiration
>yes, including mouth breathing
>nerve damage

u r samrt

>> No.3580892


that doesn't cover negligence if there was any

>> No.3580896


well get a Tracheostomy then jesus christ, talk about blowing shit out of proportion, its not like you are quadraplegic, give thanks for what you have

>> No.3580911


You don't know anything, shut up

>> No.3580916

I hate when people say that.

>> No.3580917


I know OP is being a drama queen and a sympathy whore by posting this bullshit thread which he has no intention of following through with

>> No.3580922
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Oh my god, OP are you that ENS guy that posted here recently?

>> No.3580936


Half the reason I make these threads is so other people can understand what ENS is, how disabling it is, and understand the dangers/bullshit involved with sinus surgery that surgeons will LIE to you about.

I'm not looking for sympathy, you just don't have any understanding of what is going on.

>> No.3580951

>sinus surgery that surgeons will LIE to you about.
What lie are you referring to?

>> No.3580961


My surgeon literally told me that ENS is an open feeling some people have after the surgery. Some surgeons do acknowledge its existence, but say that it's impossible to get unless you have a complete turbinectomy. That's off the top of my head

>> No.3580967

OP won't listen to the weed smoker, who has had neruogenesis promoted by using cannabis, which reversed a very bad neurological disorder.

>> No.3580985
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I've gotta say, OP should try heavy doses of cannabis for his condition.

Pic related.

>> No.3580987

What does ENS stand for. And ENT?

I feel for you OP. It's a shame you want to die but to each to his own. Have you gone on some form of drugs and prostitute bender yet? Because that may lighten your mood a bit.

>> No.3580998


ENT is a faggot from reddit that smokes weed, like


>> No.3581000


I even have like a dozen people irl telling me to smoke weed. Chemical engineers too lol

I would if medical weed was legal in my state

>> No.3581005
File: 71 KB, 350x334, 1292620646381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the only way you can get weed is medically.

>> No.3581014

You don't need medical shit. It doesn't have to be legal. It really isn't a big deal, just ask a friend if he knows anybody

>> No.3581019


If you got cash I can set you up with a stealth grow. No worries about cops as long as you keep your mouth shut.

>> No.3581020


ENS stands for Empty Nose Syndrome


An ENT is a Ear/nose/throat doctor

>> No.3581021

your life is insignificant; it is likely your suicide would be equally so.

unless you're married to one of the housewives of a reality show, i suppose

>> No.3581026


Empty nose syndrome if this is that one guy that posts here a lot. His shit is pretty fucked up due to sleep deprivation

>> No.3581027

ooooh, i like this. bonus points if you climax; double if you hit spectators with spooge

>> No.3581031

Refinement of the space one

Build a model rocket and ride it.
Much more feasible.

>> No.3581045

Hey OP, Here's what you do:

Get a hang-glider and some explosives. Jump off a skyscraper with your hang-glider, glide for a few thousand feet above the city (note: if you have a small radio, play Ride of the Valkyries on full blast as you do so) And then in mid air as lots of people are looking, blow yourself up.

>> No.3581057
File: 6 KB, 180x191, 1295911603219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Man kills 20 before killing himself

I swear OP if i see this on the news next week.

>> No.3581061

I think it's funny when people talk about committing suicide, but still have morals and opinions.

Ex: I want to die, but I don't want to leave a mess. It would break my heart for my loved ones to find me dead with a huge mess of blood and shit and piss.

Really? Who fucking cares? Those feelings you have where you "feel bad" are only experienced before your dead. Once your dead, you're not going to care who has to pick up the mess you leave behind. I understand that it would bother you if you were conscious of them cleaning your suicide mess, but you won't be conscious when they have to clean it, so why care?

You can tell who's going to actually suicide, and who isn't because of shit logic like this.

>> No.3581065

>if I see this on the news next week
What are you going to do?
Kill him?

>> No.3581079


He doesn't care about the mess, he just doesn't want to slaughter innocent people lol

>> No.3581093


fuck my sideways man, I am so scared that anything like this will happen to me. WHY SO MANY FUCKING THINGS THAT CAN GO WRONG. FUCK!

I'm getting fucking paranoid, also something I read earlier about liver fluke has convinced me never to eat sushi (I MEAN NEVER!!!). HOLY FUCKING SHIT, fuck you nature or god. Who the shit hole that came up with all that shit!!! FUCK!

>> No.3581106

I presented an example. I didn't reflect on OP at all. Stop laughing dumbass.

>> No.3581113


Make me candy-ass

>> No.3581121

Nope, I always start insulting someone when he talks about wanting to commit suicide. I apologized for calling him a pussy. I still think he's a fucking dumbass. And so are you.

4/10 for making me reply.

>> No.3581124


>> No.3581135


high schooler detected.

>> No.3581137


You're gay

>> No.3581155

It's actually a very good strategy. Once they start defending themselves furiously, I ask them why are they so defensive about their life if they're willing to die anyway. This gets them and they start to think about it. So you see, I'm actually not that bad of a person.

>> No.3581164


Whatever helps you sleep at night bro.

>> No.3581170

if you really believe OP is suicidal, you're wasting your time on tangentials

>> No.3581198


Not like I can do anything productive for him anyway. Might as well make you realize you're really a douchebag with repressed anger and that your justifications are just that, justifications. Not that it'll change anything of course, at the most you'll change target. Maybe someone who deserves it, who knows.. Ah, what a silly dreamer I am.

>> No.3581207

well, now, that's the frustration of helplessness, now, isn't it

and we all deal with it in different ways

i personally would like to take OP to the third world and show him people with a zeal for life that have 1/100th of the advantages that he has.

but ultimately, you cannot care for anyone else's life more than they do

>> No.3581208


Op here, I've decided I don't give a shit about national attention. I'm just going to hang myself in my room. The only viable option was burning myself, and I don't have the balls for that.

Don't ever get sinus surgery guys, thx


>> No.3581229

Before you go OP, tell us the facebook so we can check in. I'm interested in what you're going to write.

>> No.3581236


nice try, no

>> No.3581237


remember to tell your folks that it isn't their fault, you know, since you care.

>> No.3581243

Yes, my plan was to sabotage your facebook wall.
Seriously, either give us something to read before you kill yourself or fuck off.

>> No.3581255


>> No.3581262

Don't do it!

Here, I tried.

>> No.3581424


Not in your room come on, think about your parents. At least do it in a way that doesn't give them worse PTSD that they'd normally get.

>> No.3581430

Why do even care faggot, you're gonna be dead in a few...

>> No.3581436

make sure you don't do it wrong, and just slowly suffocate, wildly kicking your legs and scratching at the rope as it slowly chokes off your air supply, but not fast enough for you to regret making such a stupid decision, and then doing it wrong

make sure that doesn't happen

>> No.3581438


>> No.3581444

Why kill yourself? As soon as you are the point, just as you are about to kill yourself, you are completely free. Just do something completely mental. Move to Thailand or something. Have a sex-change. The worst thing that can happen in any situation is that you die anyway, you no longer have need to fear anything

>> No.3581470

>>3581444Move to Thailand or something. Have a sex-change.
>Implying OP has the time or ability to do anything other than rot until someone euthanizes him.

>> No.3581479

hey OP, my wife has a deviated septum, and thanks to your thread, I'm going to pay to have it corrected.


>> No.3581541


>implying anyone on 4chan is married to a woman


>> No.3581551


Then my mom.

Hell, Everybody is getting a nasal related operation! Hoorah!

>> No.3581561

Y08 wou94j mnt 0c,ot s9u0e0i odp [puopsoe

>> No.3581567
File: 148 KB, 645x773, 1311947516001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the new high score?

Though that'd be pretty tough considering how high it is now

>> No.3581574
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pic related

>> No.3581578

OP you suck for not truly caring about your loved ones.
Doing something so drastic will surely emotionally destroy those people. Don't be so selfish by taking the easy way out. If you really want to make a difference in the world there are many other people who are in need. Help them through charities and goodwill events happening in your area. You can make a difference OP.

>> No.3581593

hmmm, i post DDDDOOOOOO EEEETTTTTTT!!! a lot...

>> No.3581596

married oldfag is married oldfag

you should go bi. double your chances, and what not

>> No.3581597

You're probably addicted to pain in some way, but the cool of life gets you up again. You're pissed off because no-one is taking what you are seriously, you feel caged within your own vessel, thinking about your ego instead of the external world. You may feel insignificant, in the sense of you not being able to fully achieve what you want to achieve, easily, the chances are slim. This is where you take either, a. the esoteric route or b. everything returns to normal; this is by one, entering the law-based society (submit to yourself, be what they want you to be OR find a way around it (guns, knives) or two, focusing on the invisible path to victory.

Stop being such a fucking pussy, the reasons aren't even worth mentioning, ignore the hatred in your head and simply, man the fuck up. The past has you - look up and move foward or stop attention-seeking on /sci/.

>> No.3581960

You'll probably regret it.
I have apocryphal stories from psychiatric acquaintances about people who lived through attempts thinking "Oh Goooood, why did I do that? FUUUUUUUUUUUU" before they hit the ground.