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[ERROR] No.3579639 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/, generally you're considered to be an intellectual, successful bunch, so i ask you, What are your motivations?

Your motivations to get up in the morning?
To go to work?
To Do your university / schoolwork?
To Go to the gym?

What motivates YOU?

>> No.3579646
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We are limited only by the laws of physics itself. Anything is possible. If we construct magical contrivances, we can bring abundance to everyone on the planet and live in indefinite prosperity.

This is what motivates me.

>> No.3579647

I am unemployed and dont gym. I get up every morning to check what new porn clips have been uploaded to my favourite porn sites. I go to uni and do my work because i think there may be a chance at a better life, though im not sure -- im willing to risk it. Oh, my course has very little work and requires me to attend class 2 days a week, so it doesnt interfere much with my wank/sleep schedule.

>> No.3579650

maintaining inebriation

>> No.3579655

There was a post a while back, maybe somebody will be able to copypasta it.

it went something like:

I am by nature kind of a lazy guy, always striving for just enough to pass instead of putting effort, so I can use the extra time for recreation. But recently I changed, after I realized something.

You know the retard in the back of every class? the incredibly socially awkward, loud, assburgers kid that actually believes that the upside to his social handicap is increased intelligence? He believes this because everyone's been telling him that savants hold the key to the understanding of the universe. Ive heard him talk, his arguements are not only sometimes erroneous or ignorant like a normal person's would, but they even develop a sort of snobbishness!

To think that somebody like him would do better in society than me enrages me. I wont accept it, and hence I study harder now and get top grades.

>> No.3579693

My motivation is a mix between proving myself and money. I don't go to the gym, since I'm within the optimum weight range, and my social skills aren't stunted to the point that I need to be buff to pull. I know that after I've finished education I'll be able to get a sufficient enough salary to give me the satisfaction of seeing the retards who took P.E as an A level which laughed at the fact I was interested in science behind the tills at tesco, having a generally shitty life, and with a single glance they'd see that being a "nerd"(not kidding, they actually called me that) has payed off for me, and that my life is genuinely nice. Also I just generally love science, it's a hobby as well as a career choice.

>> No.3579699
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About half useful so far guys, try to improve the % and keep it up :p

>> No.3579701

Dunno OP, I struggle with motivation daily.

Though it is to be expected when my year to date income is $4420, I had to take a longer than neccessary course in school to get financial aid to cover everything (will still owe far more than I've grossed this year), the country is falling apart around me while I'm trying to get on my feet, the idiots around me don't realize we're in a collapsing country, the morons around me who do realize we're in a collapsing country think they'll solve the problem by using the methods that created it, and the simple fact that we as species have great potential to solve our real problems but won't because our invented problems take priority.

>> No.3579715

Your motivations to get up in the morning? fun
To go to work? fun
To Do your university / schoolwork? fun
To Go to the gym? i don't

What motivates YOU? fun

learning is fun
solving problems is fun
doing the same shit over and over is not
but if it leads to more fun, i'll get over it

>> No.3579742


>> No.3579768

>Asking people that waste time on 4chan what motivates them

When I am not being a time-wasting faggot, my motivation is basically I like to learn. When I have deadlines though I tend to man up and actually meet them, but when left on my own I sort of wander all over the place, starting a lot of programming projects completely unrelated to each other for example, and working on them in random intervals, then suddenly I'll switch over to one for a few weeks then abandon it, etc.

I don't know why it happens.

>> No.3579781

I do it to attain money and status. This is obviously not the whole reason, but my main motivation right now. I grew up as one of the few middle-class kids in one of the wealthiest areas in my country and basically I see from my old schools either already have great carreers or study finance. I really want that too, so I study hard.

>> No.3579802

Smart as hell as a kid in primary school, especially arithmetic, used to read a lot - comics, novels, parent's o-level textbooks. Working class family. Alcoholic mother. I told my family when I was 5 I would be an inventor and a millionaire ceo. I'm trying to prove this to myself. Had a hard time at a very bad secondary school, worst in the city. I chose to go there to avoid the social stigma I would get if I went to a private school. It was the school where people would get sent when other schools wouldn't accept them. Violent, learning disabilities, whatever. I got mugged, spit on, my house burgled a few times, my bike and my savings stolen by kids in my classes. I hung round with all the wrong people.

When I finished secondary, decided to try and get back on track and work to get a rung further up the social ladder than the people that spent years tormenting me...

Trying to make my life worthwhile. That motivates me.

>> No.3579816


>Social stigma that comes with going to a private school

The social stigma that comes from that is worse than the one that comes from going to the worst school in the state? What?

>> No.3579829

>Average broadband speed
>Finland 22 mbps
Yeah, these statistics sure seem trustworthy.

>> No.3579877


I was told everyone would be annoyingly pompous/pretentious, and I wouldn't fit in being poorer than them. Was told I could get in on a scholarship. Wasn't encouraged by family and so went to the crap school. So crap in fact that arsonists (students?) burnt it down the year I left, and it's been rebuilt as a £multimillion academy.

>> No.3579894

I am depressed.
I try to do everything I can to learn and improve myself, but at the core of my being I have no real reason to do so.

>> No.3579901


Pretty sure you would have fit in better than in a school full of juveniles.

>> No.3579983

What motivates me is 3 things it this order
entertainment/ pleasure
knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment. I used to look for Truth but I now understand that nothing is True.
The drive for self improvement, I want to be better then I was the day before, at least in the things I feel are importan

>> No.3580020

I could care less on a personal level.

What motivates me is seeing all the shit that goes on in society. The destruction of the earth, the wasted potential, and I assume that if I don't try then I won't ever get to a position to change any of that.

>> No.3580023

I'm a decadent middle class white boy who has lived a sheltered existence and never faced any real challenges, there is no deep reason behind my motivations, I just decided to stop caring about society's bullshit, and not in a hipster kind of way, I mean actually not caring, not being part of a fashionable "sub"-culture, not growing a neckbeard and pretending to be intellectually superior to everyone else, not prancing around going "look at me I'm a nihilist, shocked yet?", to literally not care in it's most abstract form.

>> No.3580028

>I could care less
I could care less if you learned the proper saying.

>> No.3580030

i basically ruined my life about 4 years ago, been scraping the bottom of life since then.

been trying hard to make ends meet and just trying to find my feet again.

what should motivate you is that if you lose focus you could end up like me.
i should have had it all and my peers really do.. former peers.

>> No.3580036

u aspie bro?

>> No.3580039

Both sayings are perfectly fine.

>couldn't care less
means they could not care any less about the subject
>could care less
implies that they already care very little, but could proceed to give even less of a shit

It's okay bro, let it go.

>> No.3580040

When I was a freshman I thought that grades would mean I am smarter. (I quickly found otherwise) To get better grades I took a non-honors class. As I was sitting in that class, the stupidity of the people there enraged me. Never again I took a non-honors class. I spent that time learning about government and seeing past the oppression the US government has. So I would say challenging myself and always constantly learning.

>> No.3580050

To create, to explore, to be happy, and live a fulfilling life. To do the first in a way I find meaningful (I.E. Being proud of what I create) satisfies the other conditions in the process nicely, for the most part.

>> No.3580059

What did you do to fuck up so bad?

>> No.3580061

>Your motivations to get up in the morning?
>To go to work?
>To Do your university / schoolwork?
To make enough money so i can party hard on my off days.

>To Go to the gym?
fuck that.

>What motivates YOU?
Fun, learning, and new experiences.

>> No.3580063

Stop wasting money on internets. Be like Griffith from berserk or something and become a machiavellian sociopath obsessed with obtaining power even though it's not in your nature.

>> No.3580072

dude isn't it the biggest downer ever? I've realised that nihilism is the truth about a year ago and I've been spiralling the goddamn drain of depression ever since.

>> No.3580097

Depressed nihilist here:
I always used nihilism to make me feel better about life.
If everything is a lost cause and nothing makes any difference, the least we can do is be kind to one another and strive to become the person we will enjoy being.

>> No.3580121

That's how I feel when I'm in a better mood. Problem is my nihilistic depression tends to gang up on me with my self-loathing and great memory of personal failures ;_;

>> No.3580150

Well my new perspective helped me understand human emotions, like depression, in far greater detail, which meant I had a better ability to manipulate my own emotions and a better understanding of other people's behavior.

Beforehand I had watched spok in star trek and read a little about Freud's Id, ego and super-ego and the neo-cortex and amygdala, however my understanding was limited to basic cause and effect, my new perspective allowed me to see how people psychologically indoctrinate themselves to associate emotions with abstract concepts in their mind in society in general. Bigotry, jealousy, anxiety, frustration, contempt, bullying, fear and even positive emotions like friendship need to be understood as part of a dynamic with a person's experiences in life.

>> No.3580152

Fair enough. I've been living with depression/coming to grips with nihilism for about a decade. It's not easy growing up with either mindset (that I just exist to exist/that I am a failure) but over time you make sense of it. Just started taking meds though, after a rough patch. To be honest I don't know that they help much, but at the very least they keep me from the lowest points where all you can focus on is the negatives.
Anyway I guess all you can do it accept your failures and treat them as experiments in becoming that person you want to be. Treat everything as a learning curve, regret nothing, and focus on what you can do to change your situation rather than just wallow.
I know it's not easy and I'm not expecting this post to change your life. This also isn't really the place I'd normally give a spiel about finding meaning within the meaningless. But you seem like a kindred spirit, so I hope you find what compels you.

>> No.3580174

any links on Freud/neurology stuff? I could use a good read.
thanks. I'm currently (extremely halfassedly but so far not failing terribly thanks to my good memory and insight) doing a physics/astrophysics course just so I know I'll be able to make ends meet when I can no longer expect financial support from the government/my family, just trying to hold off on seriously thinking about it all, but it's hella hard. Only (at least!) two more years...

>> No.3580229
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Men are programmed on a primal level to be assertive,explore new frontiers,acquire territory, compete for status, obtain a mate, and act as provider/protector for a female and children.
Speaking from personal experience, no amount of distractions, therapy, or drugs and alcohol will replace this. Align your modern-day goals with the basic drives of your ancestors and you will have the powerful motivaton you're looking for.

>> No.3580308

Seen them here and there, I remember reading about the neo-cortex and amygdala in "the arrow of time" and the ID, ego and super-ego in a guide to basic psychology written in the 50s.

Most of what I found on google seems to be technical or pseudo-science, this description of phobias illustrates their relationship a little.