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[ERROR] No.3578938 [Reply] [Original]

>The brain activity of women when sleeping is comparable to that of men trying to solve a complex puzzle

Women are pure fucking evil. This is the exact reason you need to pop them in the face when they do shit wrong; they got so much useless crap going on up there they need to be brought back to reality. It's also the reason men should never treat women like they're some kind of goddess. They're just a piece of pussy we use to progenerate the species.

Who always gets fucked in the divorce? Men.
Who always pays the child support? Men.
Who always has to bend to the need of bitches whom think they're always entitled? Men.

Time to stop this shit. Time to man the fuck up and tell bitches to quit acting like bitches.

>> No.3578941

>The brain activity of women when sleeping is comparable to that of men trying to solve a complex puzzle

Bold fucking claim, man. Cite your sources.

>> No.3578944
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>> No.3578946

Who cares? If women were so fucking smart why have they never ruled an empire? A country? Why can't they fucking drive?

>> No.3578960

>never ruled a empire?
Queen Elizabeth

>never ruled a country?
Argentina is the only country that comes into mind right now

>can't they fucking drive?
Nope, you win there.

>> No.3578964

It's like I'm really on /r9k/!

>> No.3578965


Can't nobody fucking drive. I'll run all you bitches over whether or not you have a dick.

>> No.3578981



How's that third world country working out for you brah?

Women also aren't able to fight in way as well as men.

>> No.3578983

>implying I live there

I wouldn't know cause I don't live there nigger.

>> No.3578985



fuck, I meant war

>> No.3578997

Actually if the women is the main source of income she is required to pay alimony and if the man takes the children the women pays child support and the last statement goes both ways so it doesn't really count for anything.

>> No.3579002

Elizabeth I, Victoria, Isabella, Catherine, and that's just going off what I know from Civ4.

>never ruled a country?
Keeping it strictly first world:
Angela Merkel (Germany), Margaret Thatcher (Britain), Helen Clark (New Zealand), Julia Gillard (Australia), Golda Meir (Israel)

>Why can't they fucking drive?
The worst drivers I see are 18-25, of either sex. Young men tend to be overly aggressive, young women tend to be on the phone.

>> No.3579008

Who are the romantics throughout history?

Who came up with the most innovations throughout time?

Who are the better, more rational scientists in the world?

To touch further on this one, I just read a study in where woman become more distant when in the sciences when they go looking for a mate. Their attention turns more towards flirting, looking cute, make up, et al. As where men merely focus on their works without distraction. If they want to get some action, they get it. There's no need for a dance and show.

Women just want to be entertained.
Men just want to change the world for the better.

>> No.3579012


Whatever, men have done more in history than women will ever do. I still see them as equal though.

>> No.3579015


What's that make

a 5:949 ratio?

Don't make me laugh

>> No.3579020


>Main source of income

That only happens if the husband gets laid off or something else makes the husband lose his job.

>> No.3579022

Speaking of which does anyone have the picture that shows the difference between children without a mother and without a father in their young lives? Arguing for more male custody.

>> No.3579037

My mother is main source of income in my family and she earns quite a bit more then my father.

>> No.3579057

>Women just want to be entertained.
>Men just want to change the world for the better.

This is true, though it's a cultural problem more than anything else. Even though men and women are considered equal by law, they are raised differently.

>> No.3579073

It's difficult to go by the past considering women were considered property in many places and though they may have had good ideas, they wouldn't have been given the proper acceptance nor recognition.

-Male by the way.

>> No.3579074

What we really need is to do away with this double standard of men and women. Both genders should be able to do everything and also be subject to everything.

We should also stop letting people get away with pleading insanity. If someone is genuine crazy, then we should be helping them.

>> No.3579083

>if the man takes the children the women pays child support and the last statement goes both ways

Except it doesn't work like that. That would be logical, and in most places the law says that's what happens.
It's not at all uncommon for the father to have the kid(s) 4or5/7 days and still pay child support in full.

>> No.3579090

This is true in my family as well and it's probably the only reason I still hold out hope of not all women being wastes of time beyond making babies and preparing food.

>> No.3579102

>>3579073It's difficult to go by the past considering women were considered property in many places and though they may have had good ideas, they wouldn't have been given the proper acceptance nor recognition.
>though they may have had good ideas
Without a decent education? I doubt it.
>they wouldn't have been given the proper acceptance nor recognition.
...right I guess the 1903 physics- and 1911 chemistry Nobel prizes was actually given to a man and the poor women didn't get recognition for her contributions.
Get your head out of your ass faggot/female lying about her gender.

>> No.3579126

There's only three types of people in this world

Women who are inferior
Men who disillusioned into believing women are equal
And men who are correct in seeing that women are inferior

>> No.3579134

>>>/new/>>>/r9k/>>>/b/ etc.

>> No.3579137

Brazil's president is a woman too.

>> No.3579151

>The brain activity of women when sleeping is comparable to that of men trying to solve a complex puzzle


....no wait, wat?




how can anyone be so wrong?

>> No.3579170

Women can surely run a country but when they do it goes to shit.
> Margret thatcher
To be honest i think we should just give up and realize women wont ever understand the concept of an empire or honour or not being a cunt.

>> No.3579225

im also bitter towards women because theyve rejected me all my life. but some women can be smart and more succesful than men. My female cousin has masters in EE whereas i only had the will power for a bachelors. She makes almost $80,000 a year, i make $54,000. Most girls are dumb cunts but not all of them.

>> No.3579240

tbh the only women alive today I had any real respect for was Angela Merkel...and then her reaction to Fukushima happened...

>> No.3579297

>Implying Thatcher did not fix Britain's economy and pave the way to two decades of uninterrupted prosperity

>> No.3579691

Can i ask for proof?

am very pro-women, i believe that mentally we can be equals, my wife is doing her PhD in neurogenetics for god sake..

But we both agree that there are some things that each sex excels at. But i also realise that there is a reason that women haven't risen to the top in many fields, they're not cut out for it in general (always some to prove the rule) Women lack the agressive nature that men have (rightfully so, or many idiots would have their skull caved in from being anoying little tits) and they comprehend things differently (far more emotional based)

>never ruled a empire?
Queen Elizabeth

I guess the exact phrase should be 'carved out an empire?'

Creating an empire =/= Residing over one.

Anyway, stupid troll is stupid..

>> No.3579708

OP is a woman-hating misogynist.

go to hell OP.

>> No.3579717


I can't help that women are genetically fucked up, buddy. Don't go blaming me for natures mistakes, blame that cruel bastard you call god. I'm only pointing out the truth here.

>> No.3579722


Male disliking Women = misogynist
Women disliking Male = Liberated from the chains of male oppression

Your argument is flawed and invalid. Try again, excluding the ad hominem.

>> No.3579743

>The brain activity of women when sleeping is comparable to that of men trying to solve a complex puzzle
I don't think so. Source? Plus, is it useful activity?

>Who always gets fucked in the divorce?
Idiots who think marriage is a good idea. Or rather, marriage without a legal agreement that undo obligatory sharing in case of a divorce.

>Who always pays the child support?
No marriage no legal obligations. Providing for a child you made however, be a man will you?

>Who always has to bend to the need of bitches whom think they're always entitled? Men.
Nope. I will do stuff for them only when I want to. My desire, my decision. You don't have to submit to the whims of your balls. Ever heard of self-control?

>I have the pussy I make the rules
Not on my dick. My way or the highway.

>> No.3579764


>Queen Elizabeth

Do you actually know what the state of England was during Elizabeth's time? There hardly was a "British Empire", in fact there wasn't one at all. Her achievement was being very cautious in foreign affairs, and bringing domestic stability to England after the hair-raising excesses of the pro- and anti-catholic purges in her predecessors' time.

>> No.3579770


i'd like to see this aswell due to being raised solely by my mother.

>> No.3579788
File: 13 KB, 300x300, weallmissitmoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm saying this, but keep your /r9k/ out of my /sci/.

I feel dirty for implying /r9k/ was bad... :'(

>> No.3579800

The point is that in spite of the emotional variation between men and women, they are mentally capable of acquiring power and maintaining it. From there, it's conclusive that women are just as intelligent as men.

Honestly. Men these days are so easily threatened.

>> No.3579824

Fuck, I thought I clicked on "sci", not "adv".

>> No.3579921


being honest, men rule the world.

Is it because we're more emotionally stable? possibly.
Is it because the world demands physical strength? Most likely.

Also, penis is best sexual organ.. doesn't bleed every month, i can pee into a bottle, and i can still have kids with it after 60 (not a good idea, but still)

we can debate over 'Who am bestest' but at the end of the day the human race needs _both_ to survive and have a healthy gene pool.If you want to be a femmanazi then be my guest, but just like the mysogenistic bastard won't attract the babes, you're going to be going to menopause bare.

>> No.3579933


do you even know any british history? britain didn't even exist in elizabeth I's time and there certainly wasn't an empire. she allowed privateers (state pirates) to harass spanish treasure ships eventually forcing spain into attacking england only to lose their armada in a storm, and that was the extent of her global influence.

>> No.3579982


You have exactly ONE problem: you are attracted to women out of your price range.

>> No.3580002

What she said.
Its the same as the word "rasicm"
i'm on the other hand a pianist, i push both blacks and whites down

>> No.3580176
File: 1.01 MB, 300x225, ㅋㅋㅋ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, a man complaining

>> No.3580373


actually all i hear is women complaining.. that and betafag men.

and while i wouldn't stoop to your leve normally, i have to draw attention to the fact that a man has XY and a woman has XX, in theory 1 man could be used to make a woman, and re-populate the earth.

But only if he fucked himself :P

>> No.3580474

go seek out some females who hail from southeast asia or eastern europe OP. proceed to have a normal conversation and be amazed. no bullshit,drama, or retardation of the typical conceited, arrogant, spoiled american woman. its like having your first gourmet meal after eating shit your whole life. you will NEVER want to go back.

>> No.3580494
File: 7 KB, 379x175, lol girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not read a single post ITT other than OP's

But I love me some misogyny

>> No.3580509

not to diss anybody's gf or wife, but credentials and EEOC-based job placements =/= actual real world accomplishments.

>> No.3580570

If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.

>> No.3580735


sorry, with her PhD she will have a permanent government position, and that is a fact (front of the queue, just needs the bit of paper now)

this position means money.

and job security, for life..

and a big pension (public sector)

which, because that means money (saying it again for the hearing impaired), is an accomplishment. :)

unless you're going full retard on me?? DEAR GOD MAN, NEVER GO FULL RETARD!!!

>> No.3580742

> read thread
> no one links to "The Misandry Bubble"

>> No.3580805

Wouldn't OP's first statement imply women can do complex puzzles in their sleep? Or that men can't do complex puzzles? Seems counter to his point.

>> No.3580847

>govt job
>public sector
one day (soon) the bubble will burst. and the gravy train of federal funding and oversight will end. no hiring quotas or makework jobs means women (and men) will have to rethink their priorities.

>> No.3580858


>> No.3580871

> Why can't they fucking drive?

Women get in far fewer car accidents than men. That's why their insurance is cheaper.


>> No.3580894

isn't that because the number of women that drive are much lower than the number of men?

>> No.3580905

No. That doesn't make any sense from an insurers point of view.

>> No.3580913


Cool, just another gear in the machine.

>> No.3580919

No. It means that men's intellects are so powerful that they can handle complex puzzles with little effort -- about the same amount as a woman expends while sleeping.

>> No.3580959


Untill this is pasted to a surface in every workplace, school and public transportation unit we will have no rest gentlemen.

If you like this read the maipulated man by esther villar.

>> No.3580966

Well no... it doesn't mean anything because it isn't true. I just feel that it is easier to infer that women are more capable than men out of the statement than the reverse, and OP could have put more effort into trolling.

>> No.3580983

>woman tells man that men are inferior
>man proves her wrong with evidence and facts from history
>man tells woman that women are inferior

>> No.3580996
File: 39 KB, 459x600, 459px-Leavitt_aavso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henrietta Swan Leavitt (July 4, 1868 – December 12, 1921) was an American astronomer. A graduate of Radcliffe College, Leavitt went to work in 1893 at the Harvard College Observatory in a menial capacity as a "computer", assigned to count images on photographic plates. Study of the plates led Leavitt to propound a groundbreaking theory, worked out while she labored as a $10.50-a-week assistant, that was the basis for the pivotal work of astronomer Edwin Hubble. Leavitt's discovery of the period-luminosity relation of Cepheid variables radically changed the theory of modern astronomy, an accomplishment for which she received almost no recognition during her lifetime.

hubble shits out some flawed data, plots an awful graph which he then just drew a line through, then one became of the most famous living astronomers. she received no recognition and died before anyone gave a shit.

but she was still a thousand times the scientist you will ever be you angsty little fuckwit.

>> No.3581006

Wow, man. It's almost like you actually believe men are oppressed.

>> No.3581017

If something like this ever happened the only useful information gained would be that this particular example of the gender is lacking in logical aptitude. It says nothing about females in general.

>> No.3581024

I see your leavitt and raise you a Newton

>> No.3581035

if you consider overt govt policies to destroy the relationship between the sexes and any man's long term contribution to his family and society at large, then yes.

>> No.3581036


I'll see your newton and raise you an archemedes

>> No.3581039

I'll be honest, aside from Marie Curie I haven't heard of any females making great scientific discoveries.

Any other examples? Just curious.

>> No.3581041

i wasn't making the case she was the greatest scientist ever i was merely pointing out that the reason there are no epic female scientists from the times of newton is because for a long time they were uneducated and then they were ignored.

having a penis doesn't make you better than her, implying it does makes you irrational.

>> No.3581044


Jonah Vark

>> No.3581047

Who always gets fucked in anal? Women


>> No.3581053

throughout history women could not undertake career devoted to science and similar, because of childbearing - the duty to our own race.

Actually I kind of respect females now that I rationalized this. Of course I would never tell a female that I respect/love her. But she would know ( with shadows of doubt sometimes, but that's what gets her addicted to me)

>> No.3581054

never heard of pegging?

>> No.3581056

>Implying I don't enjoy a nice pegging

>> No.3581063

Lise Meitner is the other one.

More seriously: for a long time, there were significant obstacles for women (e.g. many universities simply didn't admit women, self-funding is kind of hard if you're not allowed to own property, etc). By the time the obstacles became less significant, science had ceased to be the realm of lone scientists making fundamental discoveries. Nowadays, it's teams of people making obscure discoveries which the layman probably can't understand and is unlikely to remember.

>> No.3581069


>> No.3581075

claiming women didn't do anything good due to oppression is like saying the effect made the cause

if women were better than men at anything they wouldn't have been oppressed

>> No.3581081

fuck that was horrible, it read like something written by 4channer abusing a thesaurus.

>> No.3581084

>if women were better than men at anything they wouldn't have been oppressed

But wait, OP is saying that men are oppressed now. Does that mean that women are now better than men at everything?

>> No.3581090


they're better at manipulating and making themselves look pathetic in order to take blame off themselves

>> No.3581097


But you said they weren't better at anything, and that's why they were oppressed. Surely men must now be inferior, otherwise they'd still be on top.

>> No.3581099

Vera Rubin found the problem with galactic rotation curves which lead to dark matter

Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovered pulsars

Jane Luu co-discovered the kuiper belt

Annie Jump Cannon set out the stellar classification system

and Nancy Roman was the first cheif of astronomy in Office of Space Science at NASA where during her 21 years in the post she was responsible for COBE and hubble.

just a few i knew all astronomers.

>> No.3581100

Women can't be pure evil. They can be evil, but they can't be pure evil.

Women are diverse. Purity isn't.

>> No.3581103

I love this feminist theory that all these men colluded to keep women down from enjoying the white male "privileges" like dying in combat, hard manual labor, risky endeavors, and long hours bent over desks in often fruitless dead-end experiments until the modern age where they invented practically every creature comfort for her benefit. On behalf of men everywhere I'd like to say sorry.

>> No.3581105


Wow, you're really going to pull the "men had it worse" card? Seriously? The butthurt-induced blindness is intense ITT.

>> No.3581112
File: 31 KB, 316x316, the_person_i_am_referring_to_is_a_fucking_moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You used the word colluded without quotes, but used the word privileges with quotes.

>> No.3581116
File: 117 KB, 628x477, archive_pic_dead_soldiers_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no *card* for men to pull from (women of course, do have the pussy pass). Just stating the facts ma'am.

>> No.3581117

yeah you're right that's why they shouldn't go to school or be able to get a job.
i mean its not like any man wants to be a solider or want's to slave over impossible experiments.
not giving them the choice is the best option.

>> No.3581118

lol women have separate chess leagues

>> No.3581120

Brain activity for ANYONE is much higher when they're asleep. Faggot.

6/10 for getting a response from me.

>> No.3581127

Nice troll attempt, fag. Everyone with half a brain knows sleeping puts the brain into the closest to idle state possible.

>> No.3581154


Only until you go into REM.

>> No.3581161

they are free to get a job but nobody should have a govt mandated entitlement to a job.

>> No.3581195

At least look shit up in wikipedia before you spout crap like this.

>> No.3581222
File: 90 KB, 604x366, 1305176913122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The brain activity of women when sleeping is comparable to that of men trying to solve a complex puzzle

Source or gtfo

>> No.3581287

no, his argument has the form
O -> !B
you're saying B
therefore !O

women are not oppressed so feminism is no longer required
(B = women are better at anything, O = women are oppressed)

the arument contained nothing about men so you cannot make the conclusion that men are oppressed

>> No.3581324

yes, that's just one anecdote, until of course you corroborate this example with practically every experience of man interacting with women on planet earth. Then you have yourself a nice theory about how women's brains actually work sans logic and reason.

>> No.3581513


FYI: not everyone on this board is in america, and there are some jobs within the public sector that aren't complete pants-on-head retarded..

But looking at the state of gubernment employeeees here, you wouldn't think it.

Dear god some of these people just need a beating.

>> No.3582439

Men and women on average are of near equal intelligence, but highly intelligent men outnumber highly intelligent women, and stupidly retarded men outnumber stupidly retarded women. A man's intelligence is diverse and varying while 95% of women hover right around average.

>> No.3582451
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>The brain activity of women when sleeping is comparable to that of men trying to solve a complex puzzle

This is probably true. More intelligent brains are more efficient (use less energy) in performing cognitive tasks, so it would make sense that the inferior female brain would use a lot of glucose to merely sleep.

>> No.3582485

/r9k/ is that way --->

>> No.3582511

Oh shit nigga

>> No.3582555


You just broke the thread.
I hope you are happy with yourself Mister because you just ruined one of the most Successful Troll Threads of late.