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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3577637 [Reply] [Original]

Not trolling, genuine question that I do not quite understand-

Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. However, nothing is supposed to be able to move faster than the speed of light. Energy exists. How was mass accelerated to the speed of light squared to create energy?

>> No.3577640

>Not trolling

>> No.3577639

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.3577642

It wasn't.

>> No.3577645
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>> No.3577647
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>> No.3577650

Not trolling, genuine question that I do not quite understand-

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.3577651

you misunderstand the relationship given. the energy equivalent is proportional to the given mass multiplied by c^2. this does not in any way entail accelerating masses beyond lightspeed

>> No.3577655

Not trolling, genuine question that I do not quite understand-

How is babby formed?
How girl get pragnent?

>> No.3577850

You're reading it as a reaction with products and reactants instead of an equation.

>> No.3577859

Mass times the Speed of light

how the fuck can you times those two things? seriously e=mc^2 is a stupid troll equation

you can't multiply mass and velocity anymore than you can multiply apples and sound, or happiness and trees...

physicists confirmed for philosophers.

>> No.3577875


Remember the kinetic energy equation from high school?
E = 1/2 m v^2
You're multiplying m (mass) and v (velocity) squared to get E (energy).


To conclude, /sci/ is mostly populated by complete dumbasses who have no idea wtf they're talking about.

>> No.3577881

Its just a conversion factor indicating how much energy you can get out of a kilogram of mass in a nuclear reaction. It doesn't imply you've got to get mass to go the speed of light.

>> No.3577897

>mass and velocity same units
>same units

>implying my mass is measured in kilometers per hour

would rage again

>> No.3577916


E=MC^2 is basically the kinetic energy equation with Einstein's relativistic correction for velocity being equal to zero.

OP is confirmed for being a faggot

>> No.3577921

i hope you're trolling

for your sake

>> No.3577936

You would understand this better if you were to use planck units.

Mass: (1 electronvolt/ C^2)^(1/2)
Distance: (Gravitational_constant*Reduced_Planck_constant / C^3)^(1/2)
Time: Gravitational_constant*Reduced_Planck_constant / C^5)^(1/2)
Energy: (Reduced_Planck_constant*C^5 / Gravitational_constant)^(1/2)

Using these units E=MC^2 is evident with basic algebra.

>> No.3577939

Here's the best explanation I can offer:

first understand that velocity is a unitless measure. When we talk about spacetime we must use the same units for space and time for instance light-years.

So light travels one light-year in a year hence its velocity is 1

Now any sub-luminal velocity will be a fraction of this, 0.6 etc.

So consider the equation for kinetic energy: k.e = 1/2mv^2. The units of energy are in fact the same as the units for mass.

Now momentum: p = mv. The units for momentum are also mass. Momentum and energy are parts of the same thing, much like space and time are part of spacetime.

>> No.3578016
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>implying you have any clue you knew what he was talking about
>implying km/h is the SI standard unit (pro tip its m/s)

he was saying that kg*m/s is the same as kg*m/s

>> No.3578052


how many seconds are there per kilogram

how many kilograms per seconds?

thought so, confirmed for fullretard

>> No.3578060
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>How was mass accelerated to the speed of light squared to create energy?

It was not. Where are you getting such bullshit from? The equation doesn't imply anything like that.

>> No.3578066

Hey Teacup, you forgot your tripcode.

>> No.3578078

E=mc^2 doesn't imply that.

E=mc^2 is a formula that shows the relation between energy and mass.

It means, there's a fuckton of energy in mass. Even if it's just a little mass, there's a megafuckton of energy.

The formula allows you to calculate just how much in any given mass.

>> No.3578208 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3578355 [DELETED] 

MFW nobody actually knows that E^2=m^2 + p^2

>> No.3578361
File: 40 KB, 721x478, notthisshitagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3578389

You left out your constants of c^2 and c^4 :P

Technically, you should be writing:
E^2 = m^2 c^4 + p^2 c^2

Unless you want to have "m" and "p" in units of energy, not mass and momentum.

>> No.3578395

c = 1

>> No.3578399

Dear god, "natural" units??

I'm an engineer; I use SI units :)

>> No.3578401

c = h/2pi = 1 and I never looked back

>> No.3578461

>implying that kg *m/s is not the deffintion of joules

you went full retard forgeting that you have to multiply units in a formula as well...

>> No.3578471

if your going to do that you have to state your units... otherwise its kinda implied SI

>> No.3578533

im 19 and what is this?