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[ERROR] No.3576720 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with being around a lot of stupid people? I don't mean regular people who just happen to not be geniuses, I mean genuinely stupid and ignorant people who actively refuse to attain knowledge, who are proud of their idiocy.

>> No.3576742


stop being around them.

>> No.3576748

Are you asking me why I live in america?

>> No.3576749

An hero.

>> No.3576750

>I mean genuinely stupid and ignorant people who actively refuse to attain knowledge, who are proud of their idiocy.

We'll I'm here aren't I?

>> No.3576758

140 IQ here. How do I stop being around people such as yourself who are genuinely stupid and ignorant of their lack of superiority?

>> No.3576762

Go to MIT.

>> No.3576764

If you can't keep better company, there here's my take on it:

1) Don't hate them. This is hard, but try to understand them, what they value, etc. Not whatever retarded beliefs they hold - what they really fundamentally value. Find common ground.
2) Share something good that speaks to that common value. You can change what people think this way, but you have to understand them first.

Or, as mentioned, just find more reasonable people to hang out with.

>> No.3576768 [DELETED] 

>going to 4chan to ask how to avoid stupid people.


mfw i have no face.

>> No.3576782


Yes, we all like to say "haha everyone on 4chan is a retard but me" but we know it's not true. It's one of the smarter parts of the internet, even if only because illiterate or dumb posts are immediately torn to shreds by others.
There may be many posters with shitty opinions here but few who are geniune idiots.

>> No.3576785

I respect your condition, OP, and accept you for who you are.

>> No.3576790


Wait, I should add: Except for /b/. That place is an entire board of Youtube comments.

>> No.3576798

Nah. Youtube doesn't have as much gore, CP, or furries.

>> No.3576803

I try to screw up their lives without them noticing, sometimes with the effects being years later. It's actually quite fun.

>> No.3576805 [DELETED] 

>It's one of the smarter parts of the internet

No, it's not, dumbass.

>> No.3577311

I don't. That's why I'm constantly fucking unhappy.

>> No.3577328

>Thinks IQ is accurate measurement of actual potential and intelligence.
>Boasts about his IQ online
Richard Feynman only had 125 IQ.

>> No.3577383


Richard Feynman spent a lot of his time at Los Alamos trying to crack safes.