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File: 270 KB, 760x912, consider_the_following_by_ghostwolf2398-d467cb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3576193 [Reply] [Original]

Eating meat it immoral.

>But animals aren't even intel...

I am not talking about animals, bra.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QloMOOG-bbE

>> No.3576203
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1313004148161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's food you fucking moron.

>> No.3576225

> moron

do you know what a troll is?

oh wait, /sci/is full of aspie tards, i forgot.

>> No.3576239

>It's food

Yes. A food that is immoral to eat because it causes others to starve.

>> No.3576235

I'm still watching your video, but your comment only wants to start a flamewar.

I'll delete it if you make a valid point.

>> No.3576250


OP here. This >>3576225 isn't me.

>> No.3576258

yeah i'm not the OP. the point is stop calling people trolls and then explaining to them why they are wrong. it makes you look like a complete fucking aspie idiot.

>> No.3576284

Welp, now I've seen it, and I guess you're right about that eating vegetables would feed a lot more people, but there's nothing we can do (and I'm not going to join the hippies).
Enjoy your world destabilization, hippy.

>> No.3576289

Also by nothing I mean we, as in /sci/, if it started to be a trend I would gladly join.

>> No.3576297

The third world is rapidly modernizing, and meat is going to get really expensive soon. The world will automatically adjust.

No one is starving because there isn't enough food in the world. There is enough food. There are just some real assholes around the world who keep certain people from getting it.

>> No.3576299


You can help making it a trend though. When everybody just waits, however, then nothing will happen.

>> No.3576313
File: 23 KB, 300x393, aynrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'm a massive faggot

>> No.3576314


how about... if you can't feed your children... don't breed.

>> No.3576317

>There are just some real assholes around the world who keep certain people from getting it.

Who are these people? We could beat the living shit out of them or at least activate their door bells and run away.

>> No.3576322

Are you sure about that? Everybody likes money, I'm sure it just has to do with the trading transportation just messing up.

No, it will not work, or I don't have the means to do so, sorry.
Nope I'm not going to go to the streets and behave like a fucking hippy, it has shown not to work before.

>> No.3576324


wat do if you can't feed yourself though?

>> No.3576328

>implying morals matter.

>> No.3576327

A nice theory, but it's backwards in practice. Only modernization keeps birthrates down. The highest birthrates globally are among the ultra-poor.

>> No.3576331

The man.

The man loves making people suffer for shit and giggles, he likes fucking negros up the most, they're his favorite.

Stick it to the man.

You don't fuck with the man, the man fucks with you.

>> No.3576341

Only got halfway through the video because it made me rage.


>> No.3576344

>entertainment is immoral
>anything that is not humanitarian is immoral
>not suffering with niggers is immoral

Fuck you OP, there are lots of things we could do but that would just be growing the inferior gene pools and giving us bigger problems down the road

>> No.3576345


so you are admitting that in principle it would be better to reduce the overall meat consumption but you are still willing to reduce your personal meat consumption?

I don't get it...

You one of these guys who doesn't vote because "it's pointless"?

>> No.3576358

Here's a couple of them.

Mao was also great for this. Caused millions to die of starvation, while he accused them of hiding grain from the state.

>> No.3576360

Yeah, I'm one of those people.

Also, I don't understand your question, but if it was created by what I said then I think I'm pretty fucking retarded, or messed up badly.
Anyways yeah, it would make no difference even if I were the kindest person on earth to try to make everybody kind, a lot of people are just assholes and keep spreading like mad.

The answer? science.
Just use science to fix everything, and engineering and medicine, science to help humanity, not hippy propaganda.

>> No.3576369
File: 122 KB, 420x297, fat-american-kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God forbid you even make a tiny sacrifice and be a responsible consumer, fatty.

>> No.3576373


clearly, our total population is too high. I recommend we bring lions, leopards and wolves back into inhabited areas.

>> No.3576384


We spend billions of dollars on movies and sports and consumer goods that could be used to help africa too. What is the difference.

Fuck you dumbass. You are hypocrite if you do anything that you enjoy while people are starving

>> No.3576391

>hippy propaganda

Hey I hate people like Katherine Marion with a passion too but all I am saying is that eating less meat is a win-win situation for everybody.

I hope science soon grows cheap artifical meat but until then we could eat other stuff.

>> No.3576390

You have a point, but there is also the fact that making ourselves poor won't make Africa rich. We have to do this in a way that works.

>> No.3576397


>Thai script on sign in background

Why do people still post this image?

>> No.3576404


You realize THIS is what science is about, figuring out what causes problems and finding solutions.

...You don't think its meant to do anything except make better video games do you.

>> No.3576417


You can't eat money. Something is wrong with your plan.

>> No.3576418

This seems more like social science to me, which for me isn't like science at all.

Anyways, that's my opinion talking about an established fact, don't argue with it.

And no, I'm not going to fall for your hippy propaganda, I'm still going to eat meat.

And like I am you'll find 5.999999999 billion more, enjoy your uselessness.

>> No.3576420

I have another solution. Donate your body after you die.

We finally have to start eating dying humans. It's the way of the future.

>> No.3576433

It went full retard at the point where it suggested using organic food will be better for the food supply

>> No.3576437


Confirmed for full retard

>> No.3576444

It's pretty logical, if the cultivates were used almost entirely for cultivation instead of farming animals we could produce more food..

.. or atleast the video claims that anyways, because animals also need to eat to grow and stuff.

>> No.3576448

The last part isn't really coherent but can you give me something definitive that describes a hippy that isn't also a moral imperative
I'm not so well acquainted with American folklore

>> No.3576450 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 460x276, Peter-Singer-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating meat and having a grasp of evolution is cognitive dissonance.

>> No.3576459


>> No.3576466

GM crops would be better but allas no moneyz!
We could probably donate pesticides to greater effect but then we'd have to clean up afterwards.

>> No.3576510


I agree with Singer. But using any of his arguments on the internet always results in an enormous shitstorm so I don't even bother anymore.

>> No.3576514
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Organic farming has a horrible yield per area compared to full industrial farming, with herbicides, pesticides and artificial fertilizers.
The guy has logical points, but the thing is littered with non sequitur.
The way to feed the world is megascale industrial farming with focus on maximizing yield by all means necessary, not some stupid pipe dream about some happy old farmer, living harmony with nature while sprinkling his fields with fairydust.

>> No.3576521

Eating meat is what allowed for such great increases in the human brain. Umad?

P.S. I'm a <spoiler>vegetarian</fakehtmlbullshit>

>> No.3576563

I agree thats what we should do, but you seem to be confusing this with a species governed by logic and/ or social responsibility

organic is cheaper, you can implement it anywhere and it'll sustain itself indefinitely
which means people will still starve,but for reasons less stupid

>> No.3576569
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>> No.3576573 [DELETED] 

Lions eat meat, too, but they're not intelligent. It was genes and selective pressures which increased human brain size. The brain isn't composed of any nutrients that cannot be synthesized in situ from plant materials.

P.S. Elephants have big brains, and they're herbivores.

>> No.3576617
File: 29 KB, 476x349, tacticalfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By using organic products which are less harmful to the environment
stopped listening there

>> No.3576733


He's trying to claim that anyone who cares about the environment is a polygamous drug addicts with a superficial stance of primitivism which hides their utter lack of desire to understand the world around them. For historical reasons, such people are heavily associated with any attempt at not destroying the environment.

>> No.3576815

>Meat is far less economical to produce than cereals.

I thought this was basic knowledge.

>> No.3576839


That doesn't mean not taking advantage of crop rotation, crops that grow better near each other, or better methods of distributing fertilizer, herbicides,and pesticides. It means trying to avoid things like loss of fertilizer due to runoff and the indirect affect of using pesticides such as the affect on bird populations.

Something the video didn't mention, but that I think is important, is that robotics can be used to manage crops with greater precision, planting seeds in individual holes rather that huge troughs or tiles ground, and in intricate configurations designed to increase yield. Searching through crops hunt weeds and plants, injecting and spraying where needed, but when possible shredding up the offending organisms for use in waste heat combustion engines.

In addition, eating less meat doesn't mean eating no meat. Maybe only have meat with one meal a day on average instead of two or three, and try having meat that takes less energy than steak, like chicken or insects. It's not going to make you run out into the street wearing tie-dye with a blunt in your hand.