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3573784 No.3573784 [Reply] [Original]

I can choose between M2 and S1, which should I choose?

I found M1 pretty difficult, but I'm doing Physics and planning on retaking.

>> No.3573797

If you're in it purely for the math grades, take S1, shit's easy as hell.

>> No.3573804


Man, I'm not sure. I want to do Physics in Uni, won't M2 as an A-Level be better than two AS-Levels (M1 and S1)?

>> No.3573808

Also are there any Mechanics books that are better than this? They're full of mistakes and errors, apparently M2 is just as bad.

S1/2 is alright I hear.

>> No.3573810
File: 25 KB, 368x500, Edexcel-AS-and-A-Level-Modular-Mathematics-Mechanics-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, forgot picture.

>> No.3573823

Im teaching myself M2 now, its piss aside from centre of mass.
This is coming from someone who bombed on the M1 test

>> No.3573826 [DELETED] 

>not doing further maths

>> No.3573837


Really? What others areas are there? If it's all just M1 but a little extra it might not be as bad as I thought.

Also, which textbooks are you using to study?

>> No.3573843


You will relearn 90% of your secondary school stuff at the start of every module. Every school teaches stuff slightly differently so they have to make sure everyone knows exactly the same.

It won't be taught as in depth and you'll have to do a lot of the practice of your own accord, but if you are even half-way intelligent you don't need to take modules to cover for university.

>> No.3573845

i did additional further maths, S1 is probably slightly easier but its soul destroyingly boring and mechanics is more relevant to a physics degree.

>> No.3573848

It builds on collisions, kinematics and moments from M. The new stuff is statics of rigid bodies and stuff on work, energy, power.
Theres a bit of position vectors in the centre of mass questions but its easier than the ones in M1
Im using the M2 book of this, google around for it if you dont want to pay for it

>> No.3573850


>additional further maths

Well I did super ultra further additional craptacular mathematics, suck it.

>> No.3573870


Lol, I created that course in my sleep years ago.

>> No.3573874

Unis would indeed rather you took M2 over S1.
Maybe you could stop being a faggot, take Further Maths, and do M1,M2,S1 and S2?

>> No.3573892


Alright thanks dude. I'll probably take M2 in that case, I've already revised more this summer than the whole last year. I reckon I'll be okay if I keep this up.

>> No.3573917

I couldn't find a decent download for the book anywhere, stick around and i'll upload the livetext book if you want.
just say if you want it

>> No.3573930


It should be fine, the library at my College has M1 and probably M2. Thanks anyway, good sir.

>> No.3573938

If you want to do Physics do every mechanics unit.
And do DE if your board does it.

Stats is soul destroying btw. It's easier, but you'll get a lot wrong from not concentrating because you're bored as fuck.

>> No.3573972


DE as in Decision?

Well I can't do both, I'm not doing Further.

>> No.3573982

back in the day, i did M1 M2 M3 S1 alongside the four pures and four further pures.

S1 was by far the worst module.

>> No.3574000

take s1 so you wont have the edge over me :p

almost identical story here except my school made me take S1 in my first year, only chance to remotely catch up is to do m1 now.

anyway from experience s1 is piss easy, seriously

my friends say m2 is challenging and unis will probably appreciate it, however i hope to christ it isn't required

>> No.3574011


You were FORCED to take S1? They recommend which one you should take but never forced, right?

We had to choose between D1, M1 and S1 but weren't forced into any of them. They did say it would be best to do Mechanics though.

>> No.3574016

M2 is easier. I had to do both S1 and M1, M2 and M3. All of the mechanics are easier than statistics. Though in saying that, I prefer mechanics as I find it easier to visualise what is actually going on.

>> No.3574091

i get a choice this year (13) but last year i was never given a choice.

It was only halfway through the year that i realised it was possible to get an AS with M1 and do M2 next year.

Forced is a strong word, but i was never presented with a choice

>> No.3574124
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 876238746728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m2, s1, m1, s2
The fuck is this wizardry? Chess?

>> No.3574164

itt: british teenagers

>> No.3574174

I did m1 m2 c1 c2 c3 c4 fp1 fp2 fp4 d1 and s1
I got 74% in s1 and above 90% in all others. Its just memorising shit.

>> No.3574207

Has anyone got any good revision material? Books? Websites? I'm starting further mathmatics this september and I'd like to have a look at what I'll be learning. Thanks :)

>> No.3574434


You're best off buying the Edexcel books from Amazon (or d/ling them), the core books are great.

Sites I normally go to:

mymaths.co.uk (depends if your College has signed up)
mathsnetalevel.com (don't think your College needs to sign up)

>> No.3574441



>> No.3574531

I'd actually go with statistics if you're doing physics, or you'll just be learning the same thing twice. Unless you're one of those faggots who only care about test results.

>> No.3574640

c1234 fp12 m123 s12 d1

>> No.3574662

Depends how easy you want it. M2 is going to be slightly harder than S1. Having M1 and M2 will look better than M1 and S1.

I did S1 and S2 because fuck mechanics and fuck physics. Both were super-easy, but I'll concede that S2 is much less boring than S1.

What I don't get is why pupils are required to take shitty applied math modules anyway. I'd have much rather done C1-4 + FP1 and FP2, but that wasn't an option for some reason.