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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 400x400, zombie_survival_poster-p228940476351732358t5ta_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3572317 No.3572317 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, the CDC now says that Zombies are realistic threat.

So I thought, let's use the combined brain power of /sci/ to create a situation of the most likely zombie attack and come up with how to survive it /tg/ style.

This includes home made weapons, firearms and aiming techniques, survival techniques like how to get food and water, the best location to go to survive, how to reinforce a shelter, what kind of armor to wear (ie heavy clothing vs light clothing), best type of transport. You can also include how to make things like home made radios and how to generator power once the grid goes offline finally.

This is will demonstrate how your knowledge of science and engineering can be used in an emergency situation. If /sci/ can't survive the rest of humanity is screwed.

So the zombies are closest to Left 4 Dead zombies without the mutation going on. They are caused by a fast acting rabies virus that the vaccine can protect against, 30% survival chance if you get it in the first 24 hours of infection or had it in the past 5 years. They are fast and can't open doors, however they are resistant to pain but can be killed like a normal person can. A normal fit human can out run them if they are smart, think zombieland. They mainly attack using biting and scratching, along with tackling. The disease is spread through bites that cause bleeding and enters the blood stream. It takes between 2-4 days for the infection to take hold. However their blood and saliva can spread it within 6 hours.

Come on /sci/ this is quick, fast thinking engineering and science with no books or internet to look things up in, the shit your high school teachers yelled at you about.

>> No.3572326

So the survival situation is that you are an "normal" guy, you are 165lbs and have never used or fired a gun. You have considerable experience playing video games.You are slightly smarter than the average joe but you aren't a top level genius. You have never been in a fight, but you have above normal reflexes from playing games, and can think on your feet.

You have spent the past week reading stories about a new virus spreading around the world rapidly causing flu like symptoms, but the newest reports are saying people are going mad from the infection because a fever and the infection attacking the brain. The newest reports state that the infection is in all major cities and spreading out to the suburbs. The belief is a mutuation in the rabies virus causing it to act quickly.
You know that the virus has already been spotted in your Midwest suburb. You have 1 sister who is older than you by 1 year at a college on the other side of the US. Your dad works as Engineer at the University you are currently attending 40 miles away and your mother is a marine-biologist and currently is in South Africa. You also have a girlfriend who lives 2 miles away from you and has been your high school sweet heart for 6 years.

It is midday when you look out your window from your computer desk after hearing a car crash outside and seeing a dozen infected attack the crashed vehicle. In your room you have a small flashlight with a full charge and rechargable batteries, a small collectable knife from your favorite game with a partially dull blade and a baseball bat from your days as a kid.
You are on the second floor of your house and have a lock on your door. If you walk out the your door you have a bathroom with a lock literally right next to you on the right and your sister's room with the same design across from yours. To the left is the straight staircase down to the first floor.

So /sci/ where do we start.

>> No.3572330

Forgot to add.

Your front door is currently locked but serveral windows are open with only bug screens closed. Your back door is a standard sliding glass door. You also have a basement and attached garage which is closed with a bike and your car. Your keys are in your pocket. The rest of your house is standard.

You hear a pounding the front door after an infected sees you through the 2nd floor window.

You computer is also a laptop.

>> No.3572333

>"So /sci/, the CDC now says that Zombies are realistic threat."

>> No.3572337


>> No.3572351

Yeah... Really.

OT l4d zombies? Stand in doorway and swing wildly. Melee instant kills, after all.

>> No.3572357
File: 10 KB, 251x231, ffdfdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear clothing such as tight shirt and pants....

what the creator of opic actually thinks some people want to fight the zombie apocalypse naked... or that we should all dress like hipster teenagers....


>> No.3572365
File: 595 KB, 602x1024, howtopermab&yourselff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that was a joke you dipshit

Here you go OP, instructions for how to not be a fa­­ggot and it also tells you how to improve the standard of living.

>> No.3572366

Cnn should fire that contributor...
No, cnn should just die

>> No.3572377

Grab baseball bat, bicycle, and backpack. Bring a pocket knife and tons of canned food. Car battery too.

Bike to the nearest private airfield, or find your way to an empty highway.

>> No.3572381

page not found

>> No.3572394

Those places will be crowded, abandoned warehouse is the best bet

>> No.3572407

Yes but what about food and supplies?

>> No.3572428


>> No.3572423 [DELETED] 

my house has barred windows to keep niggers out. it would be pretty safe from a zombie apocalypse assuming zombies dont set fire to my house.

>> No.3572430

why a bike

>> No.3572444


>> No.3572450


I'd call, in order, police, gf and dad - see what's happening where they are/try to get cops to come...even one cop could prob stop a large amount of infected, and if he's aware of what is happening like he probably will be in real life, then he'll prob shoot anyone threatening his life.

>> No.3572455

Tight spaces I guess

>> No.3572462


cont. Also, I'd start stockpiling what I have in the house in terms of food and supplies. The zombie at the door will probably lose interest relatively quickly with everything happening outside.

I've always thought that, at the beginning of an outbreak, the police will still be able to do something, so I'd let them deal while I make plans with friends and neighbors and wait for my dad to get home.

>> No.3572470

Ah yes this is good, but there is few police in the suburbs and most would be called into downtown.

There is few army bases too.

You are virtually stranded. Good idea though being quiet and letting the zombies pass.

What would you take and would you leave or stay in place?

>> No.3572471

Some tips in OP's pic are wrong:

10. Blades get stuck in the zombie's bodies
7. Tight clothing that are good for maneuverability might not be good for protection.
4. High place isn't necessarily good (noticeable target, easy to get trapped, restriction of movement, etc.)
3. Bikes don't go fast and tires your body.

>> No.3572476

Oh wow, you are the first person to get them all.

You are going to survive.

>> No.3572490

>Blades get stuck in the zombie's bodies
>Guns are very, very loud and will attract more zombies than you can think of.
>Tight clothing that are good for maneuverability might not be good for protection
>What the fuck are you going to wear that offers all around body protection? A suit of plate and mail? Better to be able to run.
>High place isn't necessarily good
>Enjoy having over 9000 zombies knocking at your first floor door.
>Bikes don't go fast and tires your body
>Have fun finding all that fuel. Oh wait, it will all be taken by other people.

>> No.3572496

I agree with all but 3 yea bike will get you tired but you can push yourself when your tired not a car when its out of gas

>> No.3572502

OHHHH so you're saying that zombies are dangerous

hurr durr

fuck it i guess ill just die on purpose when they come hurrfff durrfff

>> No.3572516
File: 195 KB, 1200x1241, Zombie Survival Sheet Completed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it even -looked- like the case was going to be for long term survival. And by long term I mean, up to five years without a functional society...

I'd get what friends I could...
And we'd go to one of the outlying rural/agricultural areas that surround our city.
Try to find some farmers, and lay it out for them like this:
You're the only people that can make food.
You're small in numbers, and one day, somebody will come and force food out of you, and maybe kill you for it.
But we're rational people, and willing to cooperate. So here's the deal: you get yourselves and any other willing farmers to grow crop.
We'll fight tooth and nail to protect you from living or dead, and induct anybody else rational enough for further protecting, so long as we have enough food to sustain them.

The next step would be to find a way as quickly as possible to collect, and purify large amounts of water with little to no power. You would also have to go on raids for food, items, and skilled survivors as quickly as possible once everything starts.

Because at the start all of these things will be in their greatest quantities, and you will be at your strongest.

>> No.3572519

put bike in car

problem solved

>> No.3572525

>implying bladed weapons are the only melee weapons
Have you ever heard of clubs, maces, and bats? They can cause damage without getting stuck.
>implying non-tight clothing don't exist other than armor
Jeans that are slightly loose makes it easier to crotch and sit. Look at the army fatigues. They're loose.
>implying "high ground" is some sort of golden rule
If you hole yourself up in some building for the long term, chances are you'll run out of supplies sooner or later with zombies surrounding you, blocking your escape.

>> No.3572528

This guy is smart and has thought this out.

Problem is that in rural areas there is little supplies. Weapons and water would be in short supplies.

>> No.3572543

I don't think people on this board (or in general) realize how ineffective melee weapons such as clubs or swords are. You need a LOT of force behind your hits to do significant damage, you need the right timing and speed to hit them and avoid getting hit yourself, and the zombies can simply grab your weapons.

A rifle will most likely allow you to kill far more zombies than any melee weapon, even considering that you will run out of ammunition.

>> No.3572548

I would have to disagree with some of those tips.

1: Blades put you in the danger zone of being bitten. I would carry a melee weapon but would carry guns and ammo but would be VERY conservative.

2: Cars = Safer and faster travel
Full tank of gas in my car got me almost two states away.

>> No.3572549

Are you guys really saying that on a bike youll get tired?

If you get reasonably fit, which I presume you will in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, you could feasibly ride 100 miles a day.

>> No.3572555

LOL, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty damn tired after riding 100 miles in a day :P

And that's on paved roads too...

>> No.3572560

get the biggest buckets of water you can find and put them outside, if you are in a larger group send one or two people to go look for water, if they are unsuccessful then you can live off your own piss atleast until it rains, and also in the beginning the water will probably be working so fill any other buckets with as much water as possible

>> No.3572561

>Zombie outbreak occurs
>Anybody not living under a rock knows what to do
>Never gonna happen unless an extreme ammount of people are somehow initially infected (~100,000,000 initial outbreak. Someone bio-bombs America or something.)
>Even then, it'll take untold years for the infection to significantly spread. Wandering in random directions might be deadly in a city for flushing out people hiding in alleys and whatnot, but as far as finding someone in a remote valley that's a 8 hour drive away, it could take dozens of years for the first zombies to even arive: let alone thousands at one moment.

But since I need to provide a "plan"

>Strap bomb to chest
>Deadman's switch
>Grab weapons
>If I can take out at least 1 zombie (Explosion should render my body unrestorable by the virus), I'm contributing to the survival of humanity. Realistically, depending on my weaponry and the explosive itself, I could take out upwards of 100 zombies by myself.

>> No.3572567

No lack of water when there are two rivers nearby.

Weapons could be an issue as well, but me and my group would supply ourselves fair enough.

Honestly though, my biggest concern would be other survivors, namely of the criminal type. They already know what it means to be violent, cut-throat, and are usually in decent shape for out-muscling others. They have experience with firearms, they are used to being mobile during darker hours, and have a strong sense of "Us versus Them"

I imagine that in any severe survival scenario...not just a "disaster" in the nature of Katrina. But in a true survival scenario, it will become a struggle between the lawful, and the lawless. Not necessarily in the sense of following writ law, but in just having a general sense of morals and ethics.

Those who do, competing for resources with those who do not.

And I do not know who would be more successful. Because even though lawless folk may be irrational, they understand how to follow power.
Lawful folk spend too much time being rational, and fall apart quickly when the structure of leadership doesn't fit their need.

>> No.3572566
File: 14 KB, 294x196, 1311973516273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not stop being retarded and try to prepare for an alien invasion at least, fucking faggots

>> No.3572564

You didn't even read the first post.

>> No.3572563

well to get a gun you would probably have to go into the city which is stupid as fuck

>> No.3572575

>Full tank of gas in my car got me almost two states away.
Must be very small states.

>> No.3572586

Unfortunately, those lawless people also have natural camouflage at night.

>> No.3572591

>Hur dur hur black-people

Actually the biggest threat would be criminals of your own ethnicity, particularly of the serial-killer variety. They know how to be patient, and functional, as long as it serves them.

>> No.3572601

Goddamnit, /sci/ stop. This shit does not belong here. OP didn't even prompt you for a science discussion. Take it from /k/ that the moment you give in to this shit there will be a new "GUIZ HOW WOULD YOU SURVIVE ZOMBIES?" topic every other day.

>> No.3572602

Here's what I do, I hide in my fucking basement with the doors locked. They are people with rabies, they don't develop superhuman smell, and won't break into your house for no reason. Wait like 3 days eating canned food until they start dying of hunger and eating each other (which they would do from the beginning in any realistic situation) to finally return to the upstairs of my house, occasionally beating the shit out of the occasional malnourished zombie on my street that hasn't flocked to a water source nearby to avoid dying of thirst.

>> No.3572608

zombies don't exist
enough of this faggotree

>> No.3572609


And there should be a topic on Alien invasion instead of fucking zombies.

>> No.3572631

>get a gun
>he doesn't own an arsenal and tens of thousands of rounds of ammo

>> No.3572647

But criminals and desperate people might break in and, upon finding you in the basement, turn you into their anal slave.

>> No.3572655

Yes, I'm sure that would happen in my urban hood. Oh wait, I'm white! I live in the suburbs! Problem solved.

>> No.3572694

head for ocean, pile up water and can and dried foods from my starch onto boat, along with solar cell and my porn ahem, laptop and collection of books, shows, movies (thank you massive black out and ice storm from years back). Get out 5 km off shore, enjoy the peacefulness. Wait it out, contact survived people via radio. By the time I get back, I'd tanned, read lots of books, relaxed, ready to build the new postzombie world. Recommend you guys watch the survivalists comunity on youtube or something, they've thought it out for years, lots of them has farm, sustainable house/refuge in places. Cache of weapon, food, survival gears etc. Watch it, make a list on whatever suitable for where you live.
Now can we get on with alien invation scenario

>> No.3572713

Thank you!