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3569069 No.3569069 [Reply] [Original]

What's the first thing you will do when you die?

oh wait, you will never exist again.

>> No.3569087

give continuity to the circle of life.

>> No.3569102

I will never die.

>> No.3569108

I am the beginning...And the end...
I am beyond mortal existence...
I dwell...
In the abounding light of heaven...
And the crushing darkness of hell...
I am beyond all...

>> No.3569113

wait for the rest of the world to die and the final judgment

>> No.3569114
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No, you're not.

>> No.3569119

given infinite time and infinite universes, eventually a lot of atoms will find themselves in the same structure as my brain did at the last near-enough conscious thought, thus allowing my thoughts to continue (probably for only a trillionth of a picosecond 99.999999999...% of these improbable events, but sooner or later --thanks to infinity of them-- I might even experience a full second of confusedness!)

heck, it's what's been happening since forever already

>> No.3569124
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>implying time is infinite
>implying more than one universe exists
>implying infinite possibilities ensures everything will happen rather than just making it probable

>> No.3569139

>implying my statement was not hypothetical
>implying you know the answer to whether or not multiple universes exist
>implying even infinitissimal (im)probability doesn't become certainty in the face of infinite attempts

>> No.3569152

>implying even infinitissimal (im)probability doesn't become certainty in the face of infinite attempts

implying it does.

>> No.3569160

I have walked among men and angels, for three thousand years.
Time... has no end... No beginning... No purpose.
I wander the earth. Seeking forgiveness for my horrible crimes and against god and man.
I wish to seek death, destruction. Evil, over the light. But the light cannot be extinguished.
I live in a prison of my own demise. I am lost... in time.

>> No.3569157

The first thing you do when you die, is the first thing you do if somehow your consciousness every arises again in the universe.


>> No.3569172

There exists more than one possibility in a scenario where none of these possibilities can be proven. This permits indecision. This topic is a box office movie at best.

>> No.3569253

Well carbon has long decay time.. I think i will survive much long then you imagin you fagget op... Wanna talk sci/ lets talk sci

>> No.3569263

Axially, I agree with Kurt Girdle:

Mind is Eternal, and you are just renting it.

>> No.3569269
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>> No.3569280

I have walked among angels and men, for three thousand years.
Time... has no end... No beginning... No purpose. except as a measurement

I wander the earth. SeaKing forgiveness for my naughty crimes and against god and man.
I wish to seek death, destruction. Evil, over the light. But the light cannot be extinguished.
I live in a prison of my own demise. I am lost... in tim

>> No.3569338

Science does not say you will never exist again, if it happened once it can happen again.

It is statistically unlikey but not impossible that a child with your exact dna will be conceived again and the atoms that make up it's body will be the exact atoms that made up yours as your body has decayed and entered back into circulation, also the pathways in the brain of this new child with the same dna and the same atoms could be layed out the same.

It's a long shot but there is no reason why it could not happen, it would be you reborn, same dna, same body, same brain pathways

>> No.3569364

Even if all the physical "attributes" were the same, it would not be the same person.

>> No.3569460

the only way you can exist again is that the universe exist again EXACTLY as it is now, or at least extremely similar

>> No.3569477

Ill be dead

>> No.3569698


of course it would be the same, unless you believe in a soul or some other nonsense