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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3565828 No.3565828 [Reply] [Original]

>not taking at least 10 math courses in university

>> No.3565842
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>not fucking at least 10 bitches in university

stay nerdy faggots

>> No.3565845

Math too hard?

>> No.3565848

College Algebra
Calc 2
Prob & Stat
Calc 3
discrete math 1
discrete math 2

all I need is calc 3 and prob and stat now

>> No.3565856

Women too hard? I can imagine you right now walking out of your math classes with a gay smirk like youre special for doing what 90 percent of the general population could do if they wanted.

>> No.3565862

Finite Math
Calc 1
Taking Calc 2 in fall
Many more to come

>> No.3565870


>> No.3565876

I took

Calc 1 twice
Calc 2 twice
Calc 3 three times
Diff eq 1 time
College algebra
Remedial math 1
Remedial math 2

Looks like I've taken 11 math courses, u guys mad?

>> No.3565883

Calc 1
Calc 2
Algebra 1 (Groups)
Analysis 1

Next semester:
Prob+stat 1
Prob+stat 2
Algebra 2 (rings, fields)
Analysis 2
Intro to abstract math
Num. Analysis

In about half a year, I'll be up to par.

>> No.3565911

Calc 1
Calc 2
Calc 3
Calc 4
Diff Eq
Discrete Math

>> No.3565925

I need to brush up on my stats. I'm so bad at it.

>> No.3565919

calc 1,2,3
linear analysis
discrete math
>will do
numerical analysis
abstract algebra
foundations of analysis
linear algebra 2
analytic functions
functional analysis

>> No.3565928

Calc 1
Calc 2
Calc 3
Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
Probability and Statistics

>> No.3565947

>Have taken
Calc I
Calc II
Calc III
Differential Equations

>Want to take
Linear Algebra

Damn it... I should just cut out this Engineering shit.

>> No.3565959

>mfw I took all of that except Calc 3, Statistics, and Discrete Math 2 in highschool

>> No.3565985

Just finished Calc II, got an A, didn't think it was very hard.

What to expect in Calc III?

>> No.3565988

some people think calc II is actually harder than calc III.

>> No.3566004


That's actually the most common opinion I've heard. But I'm in the same boat as the other guy, finished calc II in the spring and I'm going into Calc III.

>> No.3566051

calc 3
intro to diff eq
modern algebra
real analysis
complex analysis
intro to linear algebra
linear algebra (grad level)

calc 1 and 2 were covered in AP Calc in high school

a couple of my grad-level engineering classes were pretty math heavy with complex analysis and linear algebra, but i dunno

>> No.3566071

i agree with this
also, i enjoyed calc III so much more than calc II

>> No.3566087

>people who think calc II is harder than calc III are mongeloids

try studying Galois Theory, Perturbation Theory, some of the stuff here is a joke, "real analysis" and "intro to deff equations" ... you little kids, still in kindergarden?

>Galois Theory
>Quantum Mechanics
>Mathematical Methods
>Groups & Symmetry
>Discrete Mathematics

Beastly combination.

>> No.3566086

calc 1
calc 2
calc 3
linear algebra
differential equations
discrete math
>incoming semester
i can't wait to get into the good stuff

>> No.3566097


i cant help but wonder what you're like in real life

>> No.3566100

He can count to at least 10 bitches. Why isn't that enough?

>> No.3566102

going to be 3rd year stat major here

stat classes:
1. intro to probability and stat
2. numerical analysis (eh, applied math)
3. Inference/regression/time series/stochastic processes (advanced stat)
4. statistical computing (monte carlo stuff)

Pure math classes:
5. Calc 1-2/Intro to analysis
6. Topology
7. Real Analysis
8. Abstract Algebra
Graduate courses:

9. Probability Theory
10. Mathematical Statistics Theory

>> No.3566116
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calc 1
calc 2
multivariable calc
differential equations

>mfw i'm a physics major at a prestigious university and this is all that's required

>> No.3566119

>have taken
calc 1-2

>will take this year
calc 3
honor's linear algebra
honor's discrete math
differential equations
abstract algebra

>will take the following year
real analysis 1 and 2
linear algebra and fields
intro to complex variables

>> No.3566126

1st year:

Mathematics AI
Mathematics AII
Fundamental Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics

I fucking hate this shit. I don't even know why I took engineering in the first place.

>> No.3566131

Most of college level math is basically survey courses. You don't use 90% of what you learn, but it's good to know it exists in case you need to look it up later. I'm pretty much never going to use NURBS unless I have to do computer animation or some shit, but its good to know they exists.

Furthermore, you learn so little about the stuff you might actually need that you need to research it anyways when you plan to use it. I knew jack shit about graph theory until I had to build a Bayesian network for an AI I was working on.

>> No.3566134


>not using what only humans have for survival
>all other mammals/species can reproduce
>only humans can build rockets

stay plebeian

>> No.3566138

hey guys this guy is hardcore

>> No.3566144

undergrad physics doesn't usually require much more than that. maybe an intro to linear algebra course but that's it.

>> No.3566152

I'm starting Intermediate Algebra. Am I stupid in your eyes, /sci/? ;-;

>> No.3566158

what's to come in grad school?

>> No.3566168

you're a freshman at a community college. you've either turned your life around or you've changed majors. either way, congratulations. if that's stupid, then the general public is a bunch of blithering idiots with dismal intelligence. all success takes is interest and a clear goal--with those, you will go a long way. good luck bro.

>> No.3566177

you have to prove the universe

>> No.3566200

The only reason rockets might aid our survival is by eventually enabling us to terraform a new colony, which is only necessary because our current settlement is overpopulated.
Essentially astronautics is just a way to ameliorate the fallout of rampant sexual activity.

>> No.3566213

The former, not the latter. How did you know that it was community college? Do Universities not offer it or just a probable guess?