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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3564953 No.3564953 [Reply] [Original]

I have lesbian cousin who just got married. My religious parents are furious.

You mad mom and dad?

>> No.3564957


>> No.3564965

why not go ask them? they probably don't lurk /sci/

>> No.3564966

i see no science or math in tis discussion

>> No.3564980

I hope your cousin enjoys hell.

>> No.3564986

hurr durr!

>> No.3564989



>> No.3564995

Atheist detected

>> No.3565003

Neither do I.
I wonder if mods can find any. I asked them to help with this whole searching thing.

>> No.3565005


Wow, how did you know?

>> No.3565012

Troll detected.
(everyone here is a fucking atheist)

>> No.3565011

I could tell from the butthurt.

>> No.3565027

I'm agnostic, since I'm not as pretentious as a certain someone.

>> No.3565040


This is /sci/. We don't get to fuck much.

>> No.3565041

>not pretentious
/sci/, here's a homework for you:
Prove that this poster is retarded.
There are no catches - it is possible to do this.

>> No.3565044
File: 8 KB, 417x429, agnostic=atheist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so am I!

>> No.3565047

>implying "agnostic" is not more pretentious than "atheist"

troll confirmed

>> No.3565049

Nope, agnostics just make more sense.

>> No.3565051
File: 21 KB, 373x330, xkcd774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3565052

Agnostic = someone who does not accept nor deny a belief in a deity

By definition, you as an atheist are denying God's existence. Even children know this.

>> No.3565061

"“If you claim to be "agnostic" towards FSM, then you're either lying or your definition of "agnostic" is so broad as to be meaningless, and everyone is agnostic about everything. We all know that none of us believe in FSM. We all know that none of us think of it as deity that "might exist." We think of it as something that was made up to make fun of the privileged status of Christianity, because that's what it is. We know this. Not in the sense of absolute metaphysical certainty (that we don't have about anything), but in the everyday sort of knowledge, comparable to knowing that if you toss a rock in the air it will accelerate downwards, or that the sun will rise tomorrow. If someone asks you if those things will happen, you just say "yes" and don't think about it, because nobody can be a pedantic twat 24 hours a day.”


>> No.3565062

oh you poor poor souls who strive to dichotomize all beliefs, particularly those that you hate.