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3561730 No.3561730 [Reply] [Original]

Geologically speaking, is a planet like Pandora possible, including all its ecosystems? Except the magic three of course.

>> No.3561738

yes, apart from the bulletproof rhinos

>> No.3561754

I think it is, except for the floating land masses bullshit.

>> No.3561760

That's because of magnets, fool.

>> No.3561769

I remember a thread on /tv/ where some supposed /sci/bro claimed that magnetic fields of the strength required to lift superconductor mountains would kill everything nearby. I know now that he was a blustering fool.

>> No.3561779

Why? Floating islands is a foolish and almost impossible to be concept.

>> No.3561789

I thought pandora was supposed to be a moon? Then again, I'm no expert. I saw the movie once and thought it was decent but that they should have focused on the interesting ecology rather than tacking on a forced and poorly motivated "very special episode" level moral message.

>> No.3561794

Are you guys shitting me? Plants can't fucking evolve the internet.

>> No.3561800


The Unobtainium was claimed to be a room-temperature superconductor, floating through the Meissner effect. Though this requires incredibly strong magnetic fields, and the mountains were not particularly lightweight. The environment was described as being "Hypermagnetic" to explain it all away, which sort of makes sense since Polyphemus was a gas giant and Pandora was dangerously close. Even if it had been whole AU's away from the star, I'm sure electric induction alone could've kept Pandora warm.

Still not enough to lift entire mountains, for fuck's sake.

>> No.3561833

It'd be so cool to everything to be bio-luminescent like in Pandora.

>> No.3561860


Pandoran biology is fubar. Everything has six-limbs EXCEPT the Navi? If any trait would be biologically beneficial to them, it would be having four arms. Hell, they already have the elongated torso to accomidate for it.

Not to mention that there's no good evolutionary reason for anything on that planet to have organic USB ports. How would that have evolved if only truly sentient beings to take full advantage of it? It wouldn't. At most it'd just be for mating.

>> No.3561891

It is just fiction. James Cameron doesn't want a "logically evolutionary" ecosystem for his movie. He wanted money! An hexapods creatures make money!

>> No.3561905


I'd except that, if the ass didn't get an actually Linguist to create an original language for the Navi. That says to me that he could've gotten a biologist to at least double check the bullshit menagerie he has going on in that movie.

>> No.3561904

It is impossible for a mammal to be an hexapod.

>> No.3561908
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He did make the spacecraft plausible, though. He even got Charles Pellegrino to write up some report telling the 3D people how to make it properly scientifically-accurate.

>> No.3561910


Noted but I'm willing to allow him some leeway for the less obvious sleights in the face of blaring inconsistency.

>> No.3561913

True. Completely true. The language Na'vi spoke is was just foolish. A word alone seemed to be 6 syllables, while the same word in a sentence was expressed in like 2 syllable.

>> No.3561924

Actually, he did hired linguistics to build the language.

>> No.3561930

>Floating mountains
>A three the size of a city falls down quite easily
Cameron's logic

>> No.3561986


>> No.3562036

Can you elaborate on that a bit more? I was fascinated with all human technology they showed, as most if not all seemed to be very feasible, while I ignored the indian smurfs.

>> No.3562050

How and why? I don't see it

>> No.3562068



You're an idiot

>> No.3563077


>> No.3563079
