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3555769 No.3555769 [Reply] [Original]

Did holocaust really happen? Some WP websites like stormfront claim to have evidence that it didnt. I assume they're wrong but i'm not 100% certain.

>> No.3555810

It doesn't fucking matter. We have all kinds of organisations to save kittens and shit but racists/neo-nazis never campaign to protect blacks from themselves or anything, because they are just sad spiteful human beings.

Just use your common sense when you get a mortgage, retard.

>> No.3555849

If it didn't happen then there must be a pretty fantastic explanation for what's left at the camps. Not to mention the vast number of people who disappeared during that time.

>> No.3555878

The mountains of corpses were obviously photoshoped -__-

I'm not jewish but every time I hear one of these extreme right idiots open their mouths I just want to punch them in the dick. What kind of sicko can actually look at those pictures and films and be all: "Yeah I agree with what they did".

I mean there were literally mountains of dead women and kids. Do these extreme right "people" not have mothers, siblings, children of their own?

>> No.3555911

No, it's a big hoax that thousands of surviving jews, POWs, and nazi officers are in on.

>> No.3555925

If the holocaust really happened then why are there still Jews around?

>> No.3555962

the two main claims of falseness (as I understand it) are as follows-

1) the Jewish community's own numbers don't agree, with the European population of Jews before (1940?) and after the war (1950?), considering how many were claimed to have been killed

2) as far as POW's, some were actively executed through various means--but many appear to have been starved to the extent that they could have suffered diseases and died as an indirect result.

obviously a lot of ugly things happened, in extended wars they usually do--but certainly it would not be the first time a government has told a huge lie to get the populace to support their choice, and it hasn't been the last either (wiki--Gulf of Tonkin incident?,,,,,if a government needs a reason to start a war, they can find one without too much effort)

also I find it odd that in some Euro countries, you're allowed to publicly theorize if the national leader is a transvestite, but you can get thrown in jail for denying the Holocaust. they seem to want to keep that subject a BIT too quiet

>> No.3555981

>it would not be the first time a government has told a huge lie to get the populace to support their choice

Except that no one in the West knew much about the Holocaust until the war was nearly over.

>> No.3555994

What's the problem?
>The figures reveal that the total Jewish population of the world has decreased by one-third from about 16,600,000 in 1939 to about 11,000,000 in 1946 as the result of the annihilation by the Nazis of more than five and a half million European Jews. In Europe only an estimated 3,642,000 remain of the total Jewish pre-war population of approximately 9,740,000." These numbers are also consistent with the findings of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, Appendix III, in 1946.

There were around 5.7 million victims, but since some were killed quickly there are no records of them - and that's why the number isn't exactly 6 millions but a bit more or a bit less.

>> No.3556010
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>> No.3556180

why should I give a fuck either way?
Japs bombed Pearl Harbor... Hitler declares war on US.
Had to lay the smack down on Germany.
U MAD, Nazi bitches?

>> No.3556191

Mmm, reminds me of /new/. I miss all those stormfags

>> No.3556231

About 1/3 of the people I grew up with are Jewish, and almost all of them had relatives who died in the Holocaust. Where did they go, if it never happened? Do Stormfags really think all those millions of people are in on the same conspiracy? That's the kind of thing that it's only possible to believe if a) "Jews" are an abstract idea, and you don't actually know any, and b) you lack basic critical thinking skills. Stormfags are white trash morons.

>> No.3556232

Got nothing going on but the color of their pasty white asses. Kind of sad really.


>> No.3556246

The total deaths in Auschwitz has been going down from 2.5 million, to a much lower number.
But 6 million has always stayed 6 million.
a JEWISH holocaust DENIER.

>> No.3556270


Baking Jewish Rye????