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3554526 No.3554526 [Reply] [Original]

What would you memorize if you had a perfect memory?

>> No.3554529

the bible

>> No.3554533

>What would you memorize if you memorized everything

Full retard, OP. Full retard.

>> No.3554538

Everything. Derp.

>> No.3554539

>implying you would have time to access and memorize everything

Talk about going full retard... are you just trying to overtake the retard bar that OP set?

>> No.3554545

Everything i came across.
And i wouldn't just be strolling along.

>> No.3554551

The number to the pizza place with home delivery... It's always a pain to look it up.

>> No.3554552


>> No.3556395

If it's as perfect that just with a blink of an eye you could memorize everything you saw I'd just make my computer flash out whole internet in front of me

>> No.3556405

Feynman, Shilov, Strang (...)

>> No.3556426

obviously all the languages in the world

>> No.3556427

first, how to manipulate people.
then, how to make money.
then, the memories of fucking young hot girls.
then, everything else, selectively.

>> No.3556423

Better question, what would you forget if you had a selective memory?

I'd learn piano/keyboard, digital electronics, and books. Lots and lots of dicks. I mean books.

I'd unlearn like my whole school experience and all the bad feelings from <18 years of age.

>> No.3556433

well, everything.
>define of perfect

>> No.3556443


>listing all of the things that take practical knowledge rather than memorization

That's the joke, right?

>> No.3556515
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I would memorize the whole of >>>/d/.

I could last days without internet and still have amazing fap sessions.

>> No.3556523


>> No.3556550

I would memorize as many textbooks as possible, and be a boss renaissance man.

>> No.3556551

I would go into blindfolded rubik's cubes competitions.

>> No.3556571

Get a Ph.D. in Biology in less than a minute.

>> No.3556573

Social Security and credit card numbers

>> No.3556600

>All the languages I possibly can
>All the programming languages and syntax I possibly can
>Everything about every major science
>Every major classical book
>Every major philosophy and religion
>All of the math I can
>Everything about manipulation and making money.
>Thousands of technical books and encyclopedias
>Hundreds of text books
>I would learn nearly everything I have an interest in
>I would learn 3 or 4 more instruments.
>I would travel the worlds most beautiful locations and memorize them so that they can reappear in my dreams.

>> No.3556607

That's... that's an excellent idea.

>> No.3556623

Triple doubles.

I would use this knowledge to be able to bring back humanity of it crashes.

One more thing I would learn... survivalism and all the of edible/non-edible plants I can. I would also learn botany.

>> No.3556651

Your memory would get full, dumbasses.

>> No.3556653

>implying simply memorizing the language will let you speak it fluently

>> No.3556667



"He learned conversational Icelandic in one week..."

>> No.3556669

/literal pokerface

That and a ton of programming/computer stuff.

>> No.3556694

on that topic... is it possible for a person to practice in their mind? Once you get down all the details it could be feasible right? I mean you can play basketball and throw penalty shots all day long and you get a feel for it... you can replay that exact action in your mind and you get good at it.

>> No.3556708

That "practice in mind" stuff is bullshit.

Use Brainworkshop or play FPS games or Nethack, much more effective at improving the ability to use memories and strengthen short-term thoughts.

>> No.3556709


Try practicing the violin in your head 24/7 for a few years and see how well you play in real life.

>> No.3556714

I'm not sure what you mean by calling it bullshit. Mental practice of various tasks has been demonstrated to improve performance in those tasks.

>> No.3556717

Physics, until I would be able to see with my mind.

>> No.3556728

Mental practice is ineffective without first gaining the basic mental pattern of playing for real. You have to physically practice SOME.

But once you've done that? Yes, mental practice helps. Without it, though, your mind doesn't have any routines to practice/strengthen.

>> No.3556879

how come a virgin can feel how sex feels in his dreams then?
When I was young I had dreams about kissing a girl it was a feeling i have never experienced before. It turns out that kissing felt just like that...

>> No.3556889

The first thing I would do is learn every language.

>> No.3556905

Memorize everything and then memorize when I was memorizing and then ad infinitum. Infinite regression appears yet again