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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3553473 No.3553473 [Reply] [Original]

Entertain me with why /sci/entists are superior to all other humans on the planet.

I'll start.
>VFR Pilot's license, single engine
>SCUBA certification with advanced open water and nitrox
>BS Biochemistry undergrad
>Current law school, start 2nd year in ~1 week (patent law, we actually have job prospects because we're part scientist)
>Small business owner
>Fluent and idiomatic German
>Reasonable French
>Functional Arabic
>Regularly vacations to swim with sharks
>2 D. azureus frogs, bred em', love em'
>1 V.acanthurus acanthurus

I am the true lizard king, can fly, swim with sharks, and have easily proven my intellectual superiority.

/sci/ can do better. We are the truly the most complete, competent, and interesting humans on 4chan.

>> No.3553484
File: 182 KB, 308x431, Magnets and Magnet Accessories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am the true lizard king
Paleofag here. Tyrannosaurus rex would like to have a few words with you, you poser.

>> No.3553509

>level 85 undead, mage
>MENSA certification with advanced ego and self-image
>AP calculus score 5
>current high school, finish next year (idiot high school, everyone here is half as intelligent as me)
>fat basement dweller
>fluent and idiomatic in trolling
>reasonable French
>functional aspie (self-diagnosed)
>Regularly posts to get sympathy for being foreveralone
>2 copies of same book by Michio Kaku. read em', love em'
>1 sad, pathetic, useless life

>> No.3553516
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>I'm Drunk

>> No.3553520
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Fair enough, Mr. Troll.

A goodly number of /sci/'s posters do research or otherwise contribute. I'm just hoping that a few of us brag and feel free to do so.
If only I was high like Sagan.

>> No.3553522
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>> No.3553561

Don't you feel uncomfortable saying stuff like that about yourself? I am shit at self promotion because it makes me self conscious and eventually nauseous. Probably why I never get raises. (._. )

>> No.3553584


>implying any of those things are impressive
>implying they certify anything other than the fact that your parents take you nice places and buy you things

>> No.3553588

We all succeed based on our ability to sell people on ideas.

>> No.3553600


>We all succeed based on our ability to sell people on ideas.

That I can do, but bragging is extremely awkward. Who does that? Who goes on at length about how great they are and who do they think they're impressing?

>> No.3553617
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A resume is self-promotion committed to paper.

I blame kindergarten through 8th grade. They told me that I'm special, they encouraged the egotism, they are responsible.

Your life support system(s?) are a tremendous contribution. Someday, if my business is successful, I would like to live under the sea. I actually managed to go finswimming today. It wasn't apnea or distance, but I still saw some cool wildlife in a lake. I'd like to do more, it supposedly helps to develop astonishing abs.
True, to an extent, but it nonetheless involves a certain degree of personal achievement. We all do things in our lives, but this is a thread for you to express how you have made the most of being human.
Employers, largely. C'mon, you've done quite a bit. Come to terms with it and embrace it. A degree of egotism is part of being human. We're individuals, embrace it.

>> No.3553619

"I know what I'm talking about, you should listen to me" is an idea also, that to some degree must be sold by bragging. Just go over your benefits and features, along with a compelling story about how you became what you are now.

>> No.3553732


>Your life support system(s?) are a tremendous contribution.

No comment

>Someday, if my business is successful, I would like to live under the sea.

:D I hope to see you there.

>I actually managed to go finswimming today. It wasn't apnea or distance, but I still saw some cool wildlife in a lake. I'd like to do more, it supposedly helps to develop astonishing abs.

This might sound odd but I don't enjoy swimming on the surface. All the best stuff is under the surface, and the liberating feeling when you get your first entry level scuba gear and take a breath underwater and realize you are no longer chained to the surface is life changing. It's easy to forget that you don't belong there in an evolutionary sense, and that you eventually have to come up. It's why so many in the dive community are interested in colonization, so they never have to.

If you want a very cheap, compact (basically a toy) scuba system, look up Spare Air. It's used as a backup and yields only 27-57 breaths (depending which of the two sizes you buy, the smallest is the size of a coke can) but that's actually a fair chunk of time underwater compared to how long you can hold your breath when you consider how slowly you can comfortably breathe. I want one for when I'm swimming recreationally rather than scuba diving, just so I can get the same kind of liberty and not have to bother with holding my breath.

>> No.3553775

I have the power of magnets!

....Also the ability to see through translucent objects and the powers of geological communication.

>> No.3553797
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Sounds interesting. I like finswimming primarily because it makes me feel like a marine mammal, as strange as that sounds. I go down, I see things, I interact, I go up for air. The impermanence of the whole thing gives it meaning.

My girlfriend refuses to even try freediving with me. She almost drowned once as a kid and she won't go near water unless she's well above the surface. I think it's unfortunate in that we're a species adapted to the "unnatural".

I breathe a gas that isn't air to hang out underwater. I use a quirk of physics to fly. I was even conceived by unnatural (in-vitro fertilization) means.

We do the unnatural and we revel in it. We conquer everything from the deep sea to deep space with our puny brains. We take advantage of physics to expand the human experience. It's awesome, it's sweet, it's fun, bitches love it.

Mad Scientist, this may (read: will) sound presumptuous. However, someday I will do mushrooms with you in a submarine hovering above an abyssal plain and we will grow (intellectually) from the experience.

Mankind conquers. Science conquers. The two work hand-in-hand and the process is inevitable.

>> No.3553809

I would pay $200 to be a fly on the wall the day you get cut down to size (it will happen within the first 3 months of your first law job, if not sooner)

You should really be taking steps to tone it down right now, it will make it easier.

>> No.3553814
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>We do the unnatural and we revel in it. We conquer everything from the deep sea to deep space with our puny brains. We take advantage of physics to expand the human experience. It's awesome, it's sweet, it's fun, bitches love it.

>Mankind conquers. Science conquers. The two work hand-in-hand and the process is inevitable.

>> No.3553859
File: 52 KB, 768x512, courage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Straight.
Whatever. I'm human, we are born explorers and conquerors. Deal with it.

Pic is semi-related and the following text is inane copypasta of my own:

True HUMANS do not cower in fear and ignorance, we face the unknown and dangerous with conviction, intelligence, and determination. We plunge into the ocean's depths to study its most dangerous beasts. We hurl ourselves among the stars to understand and master their wonder. We fear nothing and our curiosity will see us through.
The rest of you APES can kindly return to the trees to cower in fear of the predators below, the HUMAN RACE has a destiny to fulfill.

Sometimes we think of ourselves as "only human" but humans really are magnificent. I believe that mastery of one's fear is what makes a human great. Fear is the last vestigial remnant of our evolution that's holding us back. How much has a given person lost in life thanks to fear? Fear of rejection, fear of pain, fear of the unknown, fear of consequences, fear of death. Fear holds us back as a species, makes us behave ignobly. Fear turns the mighty Man into the quivering ape.

To accomplish anything, we must master our fear. So it was on the savanna, so will it be among the stars.

>> No.3553917


Haha, I remember being like this once. But while you're free to privately believe yourself to be superior to everyone around you and to be impressed with your own worldview it's prudent to be more diplomatic for the sake of those who have to deal with you. While reading what you wrote there may fill you with a triumphant spirit, anyone else listening to you recite it would wonder "Who is he to take on such airs?"

For that reason and a few others I condensed my own worldview into a single sentence that I keep in my mind for times when I need reminding what it's all about: "One thousand years from now, let there be no planet in the galaxy which has not felt human feet."

More recently I have condensed that further to "Mankind must rule the stars". It is not so much a speech I would deliver for anyone else but rather a personal mantra, which incidentally is what your spiel should remain as it would provoke a reaction that I don't think you were going for no matter how good your intentions in writing it.

>> No.3553953


You two seem to be struggling to understand one another. Naturally the best remedy for this is for me to explain the situation in terms of ponies.

Madsci you are too fluttershy, and that other dude is too rarity. Neither are bad but it's better to be somewhere in the middle, like twilight sparkle or applebuck. But not pinkie pie. Never pinkie pie.

>> No.3553978

>on 4chan

>> No.3553988

I live and go to school in the Southern United States, it's easy to develop a superiority complex here. (Joking, there are actually quite a few VERY competent and shockingly interesting humans on this section of the planet)

I think the reaction I evoke is entirely appropriate. There are those among us that would give in to fear of fictitious gods, demons, or other such things. Fear limits us.

Mankind, at least its more impressive examples, has things to do. There are those among us that would guide us in the "wrong" direction and limit our experience. It's unfortunate, but convincing them otherwise wouldn't be worth our time or effort. We must simply leave them behind.

To be a truly modern H.sapiens, one must understand the physical universe to the most complete extent possible. The extent of our understanding (as a species) is scientific literacy. Those that refuse to embrace our understanding, and therefor mastery, of the universe are unfortunate remnants. They may choose to join the us, but they are also no great loss if they refuse or are unable to do so.

I generally agree with you though, we must rule the stars. Perhaps a new "manifest destiny" is in order.

>> No.3554020
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and you are