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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3552634 No.3552634 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ since I am an isolationist loner who has no friends and spend most of my time on the internet and making money trading socks and shares, I thought I'd have a crack at learning some shiz.

The internet is obviously the tool for teaching of the future, but archaic education systems still require children and adults to attend inefficient seminars/classes which at at most times, a waste. The only benefit is social interaction with peers and oversight from a teacher. You can learn everything and more, better, from textbooks/sources.

That aside, I have taught myself quite a few skills over the years simply from the internet. I passes college with an A in physics and mechanics applied, B in futher (decision maths) A in math and A in (lol) geography.

I never found the thought of working for someone else, making them more money than I get paid myself, appealing, so I used my teenage knowledge of economics, market analysis and general intelligence to make a good income on the markets.

Protip: MSM is not a good place to get your ''technical'' information as they are usually heavily biased to some policy or another, namely fiscal security of America.

Here are a few things I have taught myself from the internet.

Most military codes, callsigns, morse, signals e.c.t
How to cook.
How to fix my car mechanically in most circumstances.
Ancient history of quite a few cultures.
Religions (note, I only taught myself about these simply because I wanted to understand the religious view, even when I did, I found it fully moronic to subscribe to these religions)
medicinal methods
how to farm
they're jsut the ones I can recall.

>> No.3552636

I evntually want to re-learn latin and several otehr languages. I also want to teach myself a much more substantial knowledge of physics (astro, theoretical and post-college quantum)

I am making this thread to request suggestions for what else I can teach myself which would be interesting, useful or simply insightful.

inb4 trolling

>> No.3552644

Higher mathematics and the history of mathematics.

>> No.3552650

higher mathematics yes, but why would I want to learn the history of mathematics?

>> No.3552662

Why would you want to learn about religions?
History of mathematics will help you understand how math developed to what it is today.

>> No.3552668

Why would you want to learn about ancient cultures? The history of mathematics is the story of the evolution of mankind's relationship with their logical minds.

It also provides insights into where various problems and fields came from, showing you different ways that to interpret them, what they "mean", and why they're significant.

>> No.3552670

>Ancient history of quite a few cultures.
so you know blacks haven't contributed to human in meaningful whatever then?

>> No.3552675

I would lrn2 chemistry. I would think that it would be useful to synthesize compounds for personal use. This is all assuming that the right equipment and resources could be acquired.

Btw you sound a lot like myself. How did you get into stocks? I've been thinking about trying it out recently. I mean like how did you start off.

>> No.3552677

Now you should learn some fitness related stuff and how to make overly detailed computer music and you will become the perfect male specimen.

>> No.3552685


I want to see hot clowns 1-4

>> No.3552690

If you mean sub saharan african blacks, I haven't studied them.
Egyptians however, were a very advanced culture that attributed much to the development of the middle east.
Although they seem to be much more interesting in ancient history/medeival, since modern day arabs and africans are pretty much a waste, not counting saudi arabia.


I see your point I guess.
Religion is one of the more useful things I've learned. It allows me to crush the pitifully weak arguments of those who spew religion.

>> No.3552714

I think that having social schooling is way more beneficial to producing healthy people not just smart people. Of course you would learn more on your own, because you're doing so out of your own free will.

>> No.3552724

It was the MSM newsfeeds that got me into it. I really wanted to understand what all those letters and numbers meant going across the screen were (when I was 12)

When I found out, I realised the ammount of money that could e made, So when I was 14 I saved up £500 and had my dad open an account for me. In my naivety I paid attention to the news pundits on MSM and thought their view were rational, which proved to be my downfall.

I tried again one year later with another £500, using my own intuition and research, by the end of the week I had made over 2 grand.
I traded now and then with varying results (when I needed cash) I only really got into it when I was 18 and started doing it ''fulltime''
Makes me good money actually, I work when I want, from home or wherever and it requires little work.

>> No.3552750

Yeah, I see that beneficial point of view, but I also see the flipside.
School socialising is very heirachal and creates a natural basline for society to develop on. Namely, those who form the best ''groups'' survive by demeaning lower groups. You are taught a certain way to think and a certain way to react to other people.

I know it's beneficial, but its all very... eugenical in a way.
Online schooling would be much more concentrated and efficient, as class disturbances and distractions would be eliminated. This would vastly reduce the time needed to ''school'' and would also allow athe child to develop his own interests of what he would like to learn.

(schools intentionally mould the options children can take to fit into timetables and allocation slots, striving for the best ''school'' result. Ignoring an individual's needs to an extent.

This shorter schooling time would allow more sociable time and would eliminate the ''militaristic'' ritual of being ''forced'' to go to school.

>> No.3552757

>computer music.

funny you should say that, I use FL studio to make music for myself.

I am relatively fit, I used to play rugby when I was in highschool and the first year of college.
I do however need to regain my optimal fitness.

>> No.3552791

any tips, mate?

i wish i could live your life.

>Online schooling would be much more concentrated and efficient
in japan, early school years exist solely for the purpose of socialization. it is expected that math, writing, grammar, etc will be taught by the kids mothers.

the schools are so adamant about giving the students a realistic socialization opportunity that they let different grades mingle with each other and take care of themselves. the teachers don't step in even in cases of bullying unless it's actually violent (hence accidental tragedies like nevada-tan happen).

amazingly, the system seems to work. a micro society exists in a japanese preschool where older kids guide and take care of the younger kids. it's actually incredibly inspiring and amazing to watch.

give me that over a highly regimented chinese school or a confrontantional american school any day.

>> No.3552799
File: 205 KB, 1302x466, gradednonsense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I think you could have benefited from being in a seminar/class about English grammar.

Pic related; I graded your first post.

>> No.3552817

I lold

>> No.3552821

If you could detail what you've done to learn this & do it well, or anything I could read to help, that'd be great

>> No.3552819

>Most military codes, callsigns, morse, signals e.c.t

you are such a retarded liar

i have been in the army.


you are obviously talking out of your arse here. what the fuck do you mean by codes? the military has no "codes" for fucks sake. every "code" is specific for an ad hoc purpose, it would be pointless to know any of them unless you administer them directly in your work.


for fucks sake. callsigns are not generic, they are specific, like a name. it is not a general nomenclature device. learning them would be even more pointless than "codes" because they change every other year and are different for every aspect of the army and even between armies.


big whoop.


i assume you mean the proper authetication protocols or possibly how to operate a signal set
WHY? This is useless knowledge to anyone outside of the army. especially since authentication protocols are SPECIFIC to a unit or detachment. the standard operating procedures are also worthless to know unless you are actually in the army.

fuck man

you just wanted to make yourself sound smart pretending to know professional knowledge, youre a retard, go suck a dick.

>> No.3552835

five star post etc.etc.

OP, there has been more than one instance where I was reading a post of yours and thought to myself "Is this nigga for real?"

>> No.3552857

i still have no idea what OP's point is. cool story

>> No.3552868

I lol'd
Meh, I got an A- at GCSE and didn't take english to college.
If I was writing an essay I would have evidently provided a much more detailed and careful approach to narration.

A couple of the spelling mistakes are typoes. My physics course (regular) had an option for applied further mechanics that was a summer project. It Isnt enough for an A level but counts towards an extended physics grade.

The claim of inefficient schooling comes from personal experience.
Watching MSNBC or Bloomberg for 30 minutes (or simply listening to cramer) will give you evident proof that MSM sources are biased towards american investment, showing clear disregard for authority for the chinese, asian and some European investments and attributes.

>> No.3552878

OP, why don't you learn how to play the guitar?

>> No.3552889

come back when you can actually do what you learned.

Otherwise it's just as useless as social skills.

>> No.3552897

>social skills

This is what aspies actually believe

>> No.3552910


>years later OP will be diagnosed with schizophrenia

>> No.3552915

op, where do you suggest to turn to for good research regarding trading?

if i were you, i'd teach myself electrical engineering and programming skills to make cool shit. shit that you could potentially patent and sell, or just for your own amusement.

ultimately, true mastery of a subject is only demonstrated when you can use what you learned to create something else wonderful.

>> No.3552920

did you get a rocket shoved up your ass in afghanistan or something?
I've always wanted to understand things such as the hand signals used in mi9litary films, morse code, Romeo, Echo, November e.c.t

Just because I'm not in the army doesn't mean I can't learn military systems.

>> No.3552922

Already done, I'm not great though.

>> No.3552924

I also make money from trading socks and shares

>> No.3552929

>as useless as social skills
Oh, how the meek wept under the weight of such fragile minds. Intelligent in point, though lost in voice. They speak and are not heard. The devise and extort imformation inapparent. They think and are not thought of. They seek and find. But the warmth of belonging are are far beyond their sights. Strange how they loathe what they do not understand, yet criticize those who loathe what they do not understand. The human mind is a circle and ignorance is never far behind intelligence.

>> No.3552932

sauce on this

>> No.3552934

practice with trading demos. I reccoment GFTUK spread betting.

Learn all the jargon. Learn to call people out who are bullshitting (CEO interviews e.c.t)
Learn the tricks governments use to make their numbers look ''rosy''
learn technicval analysis.
you also need to learn to pretend the money you are risking is not yours, otherwise you sweat bullets and make stupid emotional decisions.

if you are day trading in high volatility NEVER leave the desk, not even to piss. I did this once and managed to be £800 by the time I had finished pissing.

>> No.3552948

OP here. I am actually using my free time to devise a couple of projects. One is much more optimistic and largescale than the other, but the other is much more immediate and technical.

I have come up with an idea to moderately improve advertising and generate more revenue. I have planned out most of the details and could present my idea to an advertising company, although I am having difficulty findign a basis to patent the idea on.

>> No.3552957
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>Strange how they loathe what they do not understand, yet criticize those who loathe what they do not understand. The human mind is a circle and ignorance is never far behind intelligence
Well, fuck me.

>> No.3552974
File: 64 KB, 375x500, hotclown342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more suggestions please

>> No.3552979

>isolationist loner

Fuck you, globalization is a reality you cannot argue with

>> No.3552996

I spend my isolationist londer nights agruing the various stances on globalisation, citing benefits and negatives online.

Sidenote: Does anyone else also enjoy reclining on a deckchair in the back garden/lying an a grassy hill in the middle of the night, looking up at the stars on a cloudless eve?

I sure do. Puts things into persective.

>> No.3553016
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>> No.3553019
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>> No.3553027 [DELETED] 


>> No.3553024
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>Sidenote: Does anyone else also enjoy reclining on a deckchair in the back garden/lying an a grassy hill in the middle of the night, looking up at the stars on a cloudless eve?

I do.

>> No.3553035
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>> No.3553041
File: 133 KB, 453x337, hotclownbawksy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3553046

Sauce is a local indie rock band whose name I can't remember. They're lyrics:
>Yet criticize
>Those who loathe what they do not understand
>The human mind is a circle and
>ignorance is never far behind intelligence
I shit you not.

>> No.3553044
File: 52 KB, 375x500, hotclown2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3553071
File: 62 KB, 640x854, WhatMemories-portrait-by-darrel-tank[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn how to paint and draw photorealistically, then try to parlay that into designing for games/hollywood.

...it's what i would do if i never had to worry about money.

>> No.3553078

seems limke a ood idea, I've always wanted to larn to draw well.

>> No.3553161

Do something creative.
Self-publish a mini comic book.
Make a band with 2 albums, the first one mediocre but the second a masterpiece.
Write a book.
Make a motherfucking terrarium.

>> No.3553350

learn krav maga, mauy thai, bjj, become a marksman with a wide variety of firearms and go start a militia

>> No.3553351

I'm an autodidact as well, and I wanted to add programming to my list of skills. Anyone know of any good C++ or C# resources?

>> No.3553380


I'm sorry I believed that's spelled "autofellator" you smug, pretentious such and such.

>> No.3553423


>> No.3553426

>"making money trading socks and shares"

Daytrader here. What does this mean?

You are trading stocks..and shares. Look up the meaning of those words.

You live off your parents or the state, don't you?

>> No.3553434


If you really taught yourself everything you know, you probably don't know shit if you have to ask 4chan for some "good C++ or C# resources".

Of all the things to be too fucking stupid to google for. Christ.

>> No.3553437

interbutts is the thinking man's addiction.

>> No.3553458

why do i feel like beating that clown into submission while mocking what a freak she is about being a clown?

>> No.3553511

he =/= me (OP)

stocks and shares is laymens terms for market trading you nitwit.

I trade a lot of things. Also a daytrader.

>> No.3553566

Thanks for the clown fetish you just gave me OP.


>> No.3554118

autodidact means someone who teaches themselves.

he wasn't confusing you with the other guy