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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 154 KB, 610x377, Merch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3552187 No.3552187 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen a just a bit of energy happened to be destroyed?

If it could and did. What then?

>> No.3552204

Nothing would happen. It just wouldn't be there.

So thankfully, it can't happen.

>> No.3552212


That surely isn't the case. Something must happen. Otherwise it wouldn't be there to begin. Correct your answer and try again. :)

>> No.3552238

We are discussing hypothetical situation here. Do you have a better answer? If you think so, how can we even begin to discuss who is right?

>> No.3552254


All hypotheticals lie within the boundaries of determinable conclusion. There is an answer beyond that which has been offered. Please collect your thoughts and try again. :)

>> No.3552256

Umm... wow. Not the other poster, but, Aspie much?

>> No.3552269


You have no right declaring anybody anything when you have no understanding towards my being. Please refrain from vulgarities and try again. :)

>> No.3552293

It might turn into a tiny bit of matter?
...Could it turn into space?

>> No.3552313 [DELETED] 


Space is energy. Please try again. :)

>> No.3552328


Space is energy. Please try again. :)

>> No.3552331

what the fuck is this?

if you were to 'destroy' energy, the only method of doing so would be to have a photon travel indefinitely throughout space-time without collision; leading to absorption back into quantum foam (redshift), or produce a wavelength exactly reciprocal to said photon and destroy the wave function (which is highly unlikely).

>> No.3552333

Amazing, I thought this might turn into a interesting discussion, but clearly it turned into people throwing crap on to walls to see what sticks, with the wall enjoying the attention it's receiving.

>> No.3552341

i bet it would smell terrible

>> No.3552347

what would happen? I'll tell you: OP would stop being a faggot
unfortunately such a thing can never actually happen

anyway you can't disprove me considering your question lies pretty much outside the bounds of logic in the first place

>> No.3552349


This is a hypothetical situation. The details are redundant, you see. Please try again. :)

>> No.3552365


>> No.3552373

this thread is laden in a substance known as high energy autism radiation (energies of >10GeV are being detected with my austismism meter)

continued exposure will inevitably lead to irreversible cerebral damage and loss of body fluids

>> No.3552381


This is not an accurate description of my thread at all. These discussions seem to have led to some very stimulating conversation. If they have gone over your head then please read literature and try again. :)

This was a meaningless post. We are not speaking scent. Scent are not the focus here. Please try again. :)

Vulgarities will lead you astray young child. Please reconsider your lifestyle and try again. :)

>> No.3552394


You are vulgar and dispensable. Please try again.


Your use of the term autism is vulgar. You may see a thesaurus and pursue higher realms of thought at a later date. This does not help fuel our discussion. Please try again. :)

>> No.3552399

nothing would happen you moron

what do you expect? wormholes in 11-dimensional time-space cubes?

>> No.3552413


Something WOULD happen and refrain from calling me a moron. Dimension are a fleeting occurrence in the universe and you do best to know this. You have an average intelligence and therefore must resort to vulgarities. Please try again. :)

>> No.3552419

10/10 good job op something different than a religious troll thread

>> No.3552426
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>> No.3552433

Others say it isn't possible and I am found to agree.

"Destroying" is rather silly. Am I removing this photon from our physical universe?
At the bottom of a black hole, perhaps over the event horizon, electromagnetic radiation is crushed out of existence...

>> No.3552438
File: 29 KB, 349x642, jokesonthem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You give 10/10 to THIS?

>> No.3552448
File: 49 KB, 278x357, 1301718056071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would happen a just a bit of energy happened to be destroyed?
>would happen a just a bit of energy happened to be destroyed?
>happen a just a bit of energy happened to be destroyed?
>a just a bit of energy happened to be destroyed?
>just a bit of energy happened to be destroyed?
>a bit of energy happened to be destroyed?
>bit of energy happened to be destroyed?
>of energy happened to be destroyed?
>energy happened to be destroyed?
>energy to be destroyed

>> No.3552450


I AM not a troll. The topic was what would happen if energy were to be destroyed. ALL ENERGY. This is without a doubt something related to physics and in no way should it be considered an attempt to troll or mislead others. Understood? Please try again. :)


You are not wanted. Please try again. =')

>> No.3552451

More entertaining than most crap on /sci/

>> No.3552456


Even if black holes existed, which they don't, they would swallow energy, not destroy it.

>> No.3552457


>> No.3552465


There is an answer, and crap is not an accurate description of this thread.

>> No.3552468

>The topic was what would happen if energy were to be destroyed. ALL ENERGY.

>> No.3552478

>a just a

>> No.3552480

Why don't black holes exist? Are you fucking dumb?
How are you so sure the singularity doesn't empty raw energy into the bulk yet retain mass?
The event horizon is where space itself becomes infinitely curved and consequently swallow electromagnetic radiation... For infinity?

>> No.3552484


It is not silly. Destruction could mean so very many things. Such a broad term may boggle the likes of you, but please do those within the thread the courtesy of opening up to more plausible interpretations. Do this and please try again. =)


It appears so. Please stay on subject and try again. =)


You are not me. Also do not say crap and try again. =')

>> No.3552496


In that case I suppose you are referring to the 'end' of the universe. In this event, photons would eventually disperse in all directions and be absorbed back into space-time.

After this, due to the instability of quantum foam, particles would eventually be formed once again and the universe would experience a rebirth.

During the period between these events, time would momentarily cease to exist as no interaction between particles would be taking place.

In essence, and relation to the previous notions of this thread, 'nothing' is fairly accurate.

>> No.3552498


Do not call him that. You must discuss and not toss vulgarities as some primitive vagrant would. Add to the discussion and please try again. ;)

>> No.3552504

I posed you a question in order to specify and allow me to help but you're being rather vague and assholey.

>> No.3552505


I very clearly stated a bit of energy in my opening post. And regardless, what you have described is remarkably inaccurate. Reread my first post and please try again. ;)

>> No.3552515


I do not want to be questioned and do not describe me with such vulgar terms. Please try again.

>> No.3552517

>add to the discussion

>How are you so sure the singularity doesn't empty raw energy into the bulk yet retain mass?
>The event horizon is where space itself becomes infinitely curved and consequently swallow electromagnetic radiation... For infinity?

>> No.3552520

Be specific.
I'm adding to the discussion.
You're not helping.

>> No.3552524
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>> No.3552527

>And regardless, what you have described is remarkably inaccurate.
Okay then, please brief me on your interpretation of M-Theory/General Relativity, and how scientifically accredited said interpretation is.

You clearly stated 'all energy' within a post in your thread, and, being the OP, this was taken as a correction.

>> No.3552531


Your comment adds nothing to the discussion; try again.

>> No.3552536


Same guy, bud.

>> No.3552534 [DELETED] 


Please refrain from vulgarities. Try again.

>> No.3552542


You must refrain from vulgarities. Try again.

>> No.3552548

And this one.

Please elaborate a little.

>> No.3552549


That is infallible logic without a conclusion. Please provide answers and try again. :)

You consider whining to be an "addition"? This is humorous. I thank thee. Please try again. :)


You think this impresses me? I am not impressed. Do not attempt to change the subject nor suppress the error of your ways with pitiful terminology which in no way reflects the subject we are discussing. As it stands, you have offered nothing but incorrectness to this thread and are on your second strike. Please try again. :)

>> No.3552554

And what are you adding to this "discussion" besides BEEP BOOP WRONG?

>> No.3552559

If you can't listen to any of us add relatively logical ideas to the "discussion" I'm afraid this isn't one.

>> No.3552563


That is not me. You have not paid attention to the trip, which I commend you for. This means you attention was focused on other things, such as the topic of discussion. Well done, and try again.

>> No.3552566


Do not engage in metadiscussion. You must answer the question posed.

>> No.3552570
File: 2 KB, 126x95, 1306116965857s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3552576

entropy would be destroyed.

>> No.3552577


I'm sorry, but I must offer this brief intermission...


..now, can we all try to focus on my question?
>What would happen a just a bit of energy happened to be destroyed?

>> No.3552582


Reaction images are prohibited on 4chan because they are not constructive to discussion. Please try again.

>> No.3552587

I can't fucking give you answers alone. You need to be more specific and listen to us.
This is an 18+ board. Are you a child? Beeping and saying we're wrong, not continuing to read after you see vulgarity is not contributing shit to this so civil discussion of ours.

>> No.3552588

Go fuck yourself. What is this, your fucking church?

>> No.3552592


Reaction images are not restricted. This is an image board and you are an impostor adding nothing to the discussion but irritable retorts to the ramblings of posters who seek quenching discussion. Please try again. :')

>> No.3552594

>think this impresses me?

I supplied absolutely no hint of flaunt-ness, but I apologize anyway if I came off in such manner. What I requested was terribly relevant to the content of this thread, and I'd still love to have a response back from you re: that. If you are educated in theoretical physics enough to comprehend that as 'incorrect', you should be educated well enough to answer your own question.

>> No.3552599


Vulgarity is an ad hominem fallacy and has no place in the scientific arena.

>> No.3552605

this guy is obviously a liberal arts major TROLL from /lit/

reported for inane irrelevant garbage posting

>> No.3552606


Refrain from vulgarity or you will be ejected from this thread.

>> No.3552609

What I've been trying to do the past 15 minutes.

Fuck you.

>> No.3552612


You have been reported for abuse of the report function.

>> No.3552613


I am educated in such fields. And you fail to impress in such a manner as to spark a desire to engage in this discourse. It would not contribute to the discussion, and it would be based on your very flawed grasping of such subjects. Please try again. =)


You are a child if I am a child. Please leave and please try again. :)


I do not engage in the liberal arts. Your assumption is incorrect and the question posed was not garbage. You would do well to read literature and try again. =)

>> No.3552618

The fuck is going on here?

>> No.3552620

>come to thread
>reads it
what is this?
new alternate personalities of EK/Teacup? schizophrenia is an incredible neurological disorder!

>> No.3552629

Please just >Am I removing this photon from our physical universe?

>> No.3552630


Your use of vulgarity invalidates any argument you may have had.

>> No.3552637

OP it might be a more optimal course of action to not respond in a manner that makes you look extremely pompous and causes everyone who reads your posts become very annoyed.

>> No.3552640


All people should be afforded the benefit of the doubt regardless of their use of vulgarities. Nothing can be invalidated unless an analytical approach has been put to use. Until then, please try again. :)

>> No.3552647 [DELETED] 

>Ctrl+F 'vulgar'
>13 results

>> No.3552653
File: 193 KB, 750x756, 1309121381863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3552656

niggas be trollin'

>> No.3552663

Thread sucks.

>> No.3552664

>I am educated in such fields.
Oh really? Such as?

>> No.3552666

OP why are you so certain that something would happen in such a hypothetical case so far-removed from reality? what evidence or logic do you have to support that notion that something HAS to happen when energy is destroyed?

>> No.3552667


People often mistake annoyance with stimulation. I am not a pompous. As are you not? Not I. I will disagree to please try again. =)


I noticed. Please try again. :)


Do not use that vulgar term. Grow. Pl\ease try again.

>> No.3552679


As I have stated before, my desire to speak with you is nil. Had you provided anything resembling knowledge to the table, then maybe I would break away from the topic at hand. As it stands, no. Please try again. :)


You are lukewarm. Getting there. Please try again. =)

>> No.3552682

brb writing a regex script to delete instances of BEEP, WRONG, and Please try again :) so that I can read this thread and acutally think straight without wanting to punch something.

>> No.3552688

You called?

>> No.3552691

May you please re-state the question?

>> No.3552695
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>> No.3552703


This was an excellent pun. Thanks. Please try again. :)

>> No.3552705

A cosmological-scale explosion.
Wouldn't go up in fire, but a big pop.

>> No.3552711


You should also have the script remove all the vulgarities from this thread.

>> No.3552735


Almost right. The correct answer is:

A quantum bomb at such a magnitude that it collapse all dimensions
around us and is a infinite chain reaction every opposing reaction has
an unseen opposite reaction ( refraction )Wave Length - Gravity -
Light - mass - Wave Lenths."( THEY ARE ALL INTERCHANGEABLE )" ever

>> No.3552738

>>You are lukewarm. Getting there. Please try again. =)

you're going to dictate seemingly-arbitrary rules on this discussion without any given reason...?


well my alternate answer is "I do not know; virtually any outcome is possible because I am unsure which laws of physics are still being allowed to stand and which become invalid under this thought experiment"

>> No.3552758

Hey, OP

Can you determine just how we would be able to destroy energy? Please elaborate.

>> No.3552762
File: 56 KB, 1440x900, wallpaper484882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is so fucking gay. I can't believe i read through it though, i guess the jokes on me...

anyway, the question posed originally is important (unfortunately this aspie fuck had to ask it) to the origin of the universe and brings into question what will happen when the speed at which our universe is expanding is too great for it to contain itself. In a large amount of time we might see entropy reverse itself and energy may be destroyed in the process. This would mean the universe would be going back to the "big bang state".

Good theoretical question - horrible thread.

>> No.3552775

Oh, so I was almost right.

>> No.3552777


run the following

document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/(WRONG)|( [A-Z].*vulgar.*\.)|(BEE+P)|(Try again)|(:|=)\)/gi, "");

in your javascript console

threads gets so much easier on the eyes

>> No.3552779


what you said makes no sense and I feel dumber after reading it. May god have mercy on your soul when you decide to kill yourself

>> No.3552794

The total energy in a closed system is constant.

The 'definition' of virtual particles directly implies they violate the equation relating energy and momentum conservation.

You can violate the conservation of energy for a brief lapse of time, or momenta in a short extension of space via the creation of virtual particles. So, for a very short insurmountable period of time, there can be an increase of energy/mass.

Working in the 'opposite' direction, e.g. redshift of a photon, would result in its conversion into gravitational potential energy. Total 'destruction' of energy is an impossible event, and cannot be described in a scientific/mathematical manner because it isn't testable! If you were to briefly violate the conservation of energy by 'destroying it', it would have to be immediately replaced with account to t. In a hypothetical manner, you would be essentially leaving a hole in the universe as the universe itself 'is' energy!

>> No.3552798

This is retarded and does not belong on this board.

It is not possible to destroy energy. If it were, all of thermodynamics is wrong, and all of physics, even the most basic shit, is wrong.

>> No.3552810

>quantum bomb

OP obviously has mental disabilities, please report this thread

>> No.3552814

>wave lenths
>collapse all dimensions around us
>infinite chain reaction
what kind of fucking pseudoscience is this? you cannot collapse space time, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.3552855


>> No.3552861
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>> No.3552865

look at all the pseudoscience.

op, you are the biggest idiot in existence

>> No.3552872

Man, it's shit like this that makes me wonder about some people.
They're either fuckin' stupid or seriously inebriated.
Lady almost rear ended me today and I turned around to see her tweaking out in the driver's seat as if she was seizing from meth overdose.