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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 255x300, quack-doctor1-255x300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3552028 No.3552028 [Reply] [Original]

>friend of a friend in school to become a 'naturopathic doctor'
>friend goes on about how much she studies, and can't ever come around because she's taking her 'boards' exams

>my fucking face when the school is uncredited as a bona fide medical school
>mfw no MCAT or science degree was required to attend the school
>mfw she legally cannot call herself Dr. Anonette (has to call herself 'ND' at the end of her signature at best)
>mfw naturopathy is completely discredited and looked down upon by the medical community at large

>mfw the girl in question went on about how it's so nice that there are absolutely no licensing requirements for naturopathic doctors whatsoever in our state... so it's a great place for her to settle down and play doctor

So... how can I really cut into this girl's soul next time I see her? I really despise what she is 'about'

>> No.3552031

oh yeah... what is promoting all of my rage is that she is complaining about studying 'board exams' when the fucking school is not accredited in the first place?

brb getting a PhD in economics from the Hasbro College of Monopoly and Economics

>> No.3552034


Oh we have a jelly landwhale in here!

>> No.3552035

Dude, you don't need to live making other people unhappy. Just relax and move on

>> No.3552041

>students of naturopathic medicine detected

>> No.3552042
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That rustled my jimmies.

I guess all you have to do is investigate the bogus field of naturopathy and find the flaws. For instance you could explain how patients get lied to, hurt and robbed by charlatan 'ND's'.

>> No.3552044
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osteopathic doctors arent real doctors either

>> No.3552051

>Naturopathy, or Naturopathic Medicine, is a form of alternative medicine based on a belief in vitalism, which posits that a special energy called vital energy or vital force guides bodily processes such as metabolism, reproduction, growth, and adaptation.

Oh lordy

>> No.3552054


Not only is she buttdevastatedly jelly, but she is also an asspie!

>> No.3552062

>caring about what friends of friends do

fuck OP. I bet you only have 1 or 2 friends at the most

>> No.3552067

Excuse me, sir, as a naturopath, I do not recognize the diagnosis of aspergers syndrome. Please try again.

>> No.3552076

As a fellow naturopath, I agree. The only psychological disease we recognize is swamp fever, ocean madness, and possession by demons.

>> No.3552078

Telling her how stupid she is, is only a short term pain compared with a life of lies.

>> No.3552081

Buy things like quadrupole magnets and corner cubes and sell them to her as healing devices at a huge markup.

>> No.3552108

>Check wiki for information on naturopathy in the United States
>Allowed to prescribe drugs and do minor surgery without doing any sort of residency in many northern states
>Only states that explicitly ban its practice are South Carolina and Tennessee
What the fuck? The South is actually doing something right?

>> No.3552113
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>> No.3552117

inb4 they cut random nerves causing paralysis

>> No.3552123

She'll make plenty of money, though, selling her bullshit.

>> No.3552127
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>MFW she will make more money than OP

>> No.3552136

>mfw I work in a real (it saddens me that I even have to qualify this) licensed profession

protip: insurance/medicaid won't pay naturopaths and only poorfags are dumb enough to fall for their shit

>> No.3552146

I don't get it OP.
What does the medical establishments accepting her field as valid for treating patients have to do with anything.
If someone derives benefit from what she does enough that they are willing to pay, then good for them and good for her.
You're quite a douchebag to talk shit about your friend because you have a preference for allopathy or you believe her treatments are ineffective.

>> No.3552150

OP, i feel your frustration.

>> No.3552154

>implying she is doing her patients a favor by effectively subverting the medical establishment
>implying gambling with the chance that your (her) patient will experience a placebo effect is a morally worthwhile endeavor
>implying my belief has anything at all to do it; implying that naturopathy hasn't been scientifically disproven

>> No.3552158

i agree ND is bogus but your wrong about the insurance part of it

>> No.3552159

Be proud of her. She will soon join the ranks of the Taxmen of the Stupid, alongside lottery vendors, charm sellers, name-brand marketers and other noble men and women working hard every day to bilk every last undeserved penny out of the intellectually-devoid.

>> No.3552181

When I got diagnosed with IBS they put me on prednisone because there was nothing else they could use to control my inflammation.
I had to stop despite the warnings from my doctor considering I was getting very sick on a weekly basis, I had to find another way.
The stomach inflammation returned, and I had issues.
I ended up resorting to a naturopath, who put me on a specific diet and had my purchase some nutritional supplement powders and probiotics from this place called metagenics. The probiotics have probably helped more than anything else and none of it was covered by insurance, but I've been able to eliminate my inflammation and I have reintroduced foods back into my diet.
My doctor looked at me like I was a madman for telling her all this, she wouldn't believe a word of it. Maybe that's just how she was taught. But I feel much better for what I have done for myself, and I think that's what matters.

>> No.3552195

>implying any nutritionist worth their salt couldn't have done the exact same thing, without wasting 100k+ at medical school just to get a fake degree

I'm happy to discredit the ND profession, I'll be here all night.

>> No.3552214

The medical establishment is one authority on matters of health, but people with functioning brains can sometimes figure out what's best for themselves.

Indeed, modern medicine is not omnipotent, diseases may affect many people very differently and sometimes the patient themselves understands best what they are in need of.

I think the correct way is to educate people on the potential dangers of pursuing any treatment. I don't think the solution is to slander any profession, as it is important to take into consideration the feelings of the patient.

>> No.3552229

>implying any nutritionist worth their salt couldn't have done the exact same thing

I'm glad to see you agree with me about the potential effectiveness of nautropathy.
Unfortunately my doctor still doesn't :(

>> No.3552236

>taking statement out of context
>implying I agree with you at all

>> No.3552247

>stroking the frail egos of misinformed patients is more important than ensuring that naturopathic 'doctors' do not harm their patients by forcing them to go through the rigorous licensing procedures all other doctors must do

>> No.3552249

>>So... how can I really cut into this girl's soul next time I see her?

"What's it like knowing CHIROPRACTORS look down on you?"

>> No.3552260

congrats, you fell for it!

chances are you had something like celiac sprew or undiagnosed food allergies

i have eosinophillic esophagitus, and my uncles have celiac sprew

we've all cut shit out of our diets
we all feel better
you should talk to a licensed allergist

>> No.3552262

GOOD ONE! I really like that.

More like this, please :D

>> No.3552271

>>have IBS
>>not alter your diet to eliminate whatever it is that doesn't agree with you
>>wait for "naturopath" to make suggestion any 12-year-old could have
>>"holy shit, naturopaths are geniuses!"

>> No.3552276

>I have two middle names
>first name begins with a d, first middle name begins with r
>even the government fucked up my id, as it and all of my credit cards say "DR" no matter what I tell them, I have actually tried to correct this repeatedly
>strangers always address me as Doctor
>I probably get way more respect then your friend ever has or ever will
>I dropped out of collegel to stump in the oilfields
>I likely make far more money then she ever will too

let her know that a shaggy alcoholic hick from Canada that once punched an alderman in the mouth effortly has everything she works for, but will never attain.

>> No.3552291

Thank you for sharing, DR

>> No.3552306

Just cutting out redundancies in your post.

Should read:
>friend of a friend in school to become a 'naturopathic doctor'

>> No.3552316

took me a few seconds to get it, but I lol'd

>> No.3552358

Seriously, this is /sci/. I can't count the amount of times people have bothered explaining why this shit isn't worth dick in the field. While this is true, you're preaching to the choir.

As far as showing her the error of her ways, maybe get her to watch this:

>> No.3552508

>idiot alt. medicine person doesn't believe in HIV
>fucking lol
>work in research dept.
>acquire vial of HIV infected blood
>introduce to her drink
>give her a handful of M&Ms (hard candy pieces make tiny cuts in her mouth
>4 months later she's suffering from opportunistic infections
>eats active yogurt to "balance her system"
>dead in a week

Dunno if I should feel bad for having committed murder, or good for having removed a spot of idiocy from the gene pool.

>> No.3552886

Just because what she learned was bullshit, doesn't mean that it wasn't difficult to learn, or there wasn't a lot of it. Enlightening her because you want to help her is one thing, but the fact that you seem to be doing it for your own satisfaction is disturbing.

>> No.3552903

you should have sex with her OP

>> No.3553960

Because HIV is deadly in like 4 months? Cool lies bro.

>> No.3553981

Get her a copy of "Trick or Treatment" for her birthday

>> No.3554007

Not 100% true, alt medicine is creeping into legitimate universities.

My school for example has guys treating cancer with high dose vitamin c, a quack treatment from the 60s, one of their patients was a local celeb and died after he stopped chemotherapy in favor of vitamin C. I tried to file a complaint or something see how they got approval, posted on my blog about it. Nobody cares, shit is ridiculous.

>> No.3554024

>how can I really cut into this girl's soul next time I see her?
> cut into this girl's soul
>girl's soul
You may not realize it, but you are exhibiting symptoms of stupiditis, probably from spending any amount of time around a natorupathic dipshit. It looks like we might have caught it early enough to fix, but just to be safe, stay the fuck away from me and everyone who matters.

>> No.3554031
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>a real thing

>> No.3554064

...Because nothing in nature has any medicinal effects..?

Why don't we all just live in cold concrete boxes with no sunlight?

>> No.3554076

Aspirin didn't come from Willow-bark...
Penecillin not from mouldy bread...
Alcohol? Sugar? ...why eat food, it's natural?

>> No.3554088

Western Medicine
>hypothesis: plant has medicinal effect
>confirm results

Alterntive medicine
>Conclusion: plant has medicinal effects
>prescribe it to patients
>get paid

>> No.3554090
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not him btw

>>3553960 can be fatal any time you get a infection because it stops the rapid mitosis of a certain white blood cell when you have an infection (i think its the t cell) it does this because it stop produces a hormone that let it self reproduces rapidly

>> No.3554093

It was a metaphor, I presume. Take a chill pill.

>Naturopathy, or Naturopathic Medicine, is a form of alternative medicine based on a belief in vitalism, which posits that a special energy called vital energy or vital force guides bodily processes such as metabolism, reproduction, growth, and adaptation.

Actual natural health advice involves diet change, exercise and perhaps supplements if someone is lacking in something. Naturopathy involves making up shit with no experimental basis, getting people to distrust actual medical professionals, and recommending people do not get vaccines, risking communities by reducing herd immunity. That is the problem.

>> No.3554095
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>> No.3554099

I think I got those 'round the wrong way. Whoops.