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3550669 No.3550669 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever scientifically verified the most effective types of hits when smoking out of a glass pipe/joints/blunts?

If I were to rig a home-made water bong, would that be better than a 30.00 piece at a smoke shop?

I can take big hits but once they are in my lungs, my lungs freak out and act like they are on fire and I get this insanely uncomfortable feeling at the bottom of my throat/top of chest that feels like a ball of acid is trying to get out of my body and it ends up forcing me to cough/release my inhale well earlier than I want to.

I'm 23 years old and brand new to smoking, I don't want to go into a big story but yeah I'm new and don't know shit about it, yes I'm a fag for waiting this long to start etc I wanted to wait till I was financially stable before I did any crazy shit like this, now I am.

>> No.3550677

Stop being a pussy.
Get better weed.
Don't smoke seeds or stems.
Use a clean glass water piece.
Again, don't be a pussy.

>> No.3550679

go to 420chan

>> No.3550690

Use urine mixed with bleach for bong water.

>> No.3550698

Me again. Also, it's not important to hold your hits as long as possible. You're not getting significantly "higher" by doing this, just restricting yourself of oxygen. A large enough percentage of THC is absorbed in the lungs instantaneously when you inhale. Losers that "X out" or "full clear" an inhaled hit are doing more harm than good.

>> No.3550701

just keep smoking, asshole. you'll get used to it eventually

>> No.3550711


I live in a complex where pretty much EVERY motherfucker who moved into the complex has a wife and kids, a lot of the people here are chill as fuck but NO ONE in my complex is chill with the smell of weed and would freak the fuck out, mainly because of the kids and I don't blame them.

I've developed a system to contain the smell from when I hit my piece (I don't do joints/blunts right now because they spread the smell uncontrollably into the complex, or I fear that they would at least), but I'm really afraid of people hearing the "click" of the lighter and then COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH after, click of lighter, COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH.

That said I'll just go smoke in the wilderness.

If I have no money to buy a glass water piece like a bubbler or bong, what else can I do to smoke superior to a decent glass pipe that I have?

I just feel like with a piece I have to constantly deep lung from the get go, rather than build up a bunch of smoke and then quickly inhale all the smoke at once. I feel like if I could do the latter, my smoking efficiency would be significantly higher.

>> No.3550746

If you are smoking by yourself, small hits are much more efficient

>> No.3550764

>I live in a complex where pretty much EVERY motherfucker who moved into the complex has a wife and kids, a lot of the people here are chill as fuck but NO ONE in my complex is chill with the smell of weed and would freak the fuck out, mainly because of the kids and I don't blame them.
Translation: I live with my parents, and they're catholic.

Solution: Move out.

Alternate solution: Go smoke with friends, oh, wait, you don't have any.

>> No.3550771

>Translation: I live with my parents, and they're not terminally unemployed drug addicts.

>> No.3550787


Good to know. What about keeping the lighter lit over my weed, do I just light the weed till it is red and then stop lighting and inhale smoke from embers, or do I keep lighter flame going at all times?

In videos when people hit it I always see the lighter flame fully lit the whole time they are hitting, but every time I do that it seems like the weed just gets wasted way faster.

Why do people recommend against home made bongs instead of paying 100 dollars for glass ones? Can't I make one that does the same shit (stores smoke so i can inhale it all at once)?

>> No.3550817


That would have been true a year ago but now I both have a job and don't live with the parents.

Either way I'm not a beggar, choose how you want me to be in your mental image and then laugh at me, but also provide assistance.

>> No.3550820



captcha related - truersoc from

>> No.3550840


To vaporize, I have to heat the cannabis up to a certain temperature, which is before combustion but after THC evaporation, and then direct the THC so that I can inhale it?

Has anyone made any of these and how much did it cost to construct?

>> No.3550849

Rip off a test tube from your chem class, put bud in it and stick it over fire.
I just use a straw to get all of the vapor out.

>> No.3550853

You can fashion one from a light bulb, just be careful not to let it pop.

>> No.3550887

if you are worried about the smoke you can always put something into the sewer line via your toilet. make sure it has a valve on it and don't inhale.

there are also glass sticks that can be heated over your glass stove

invest in a good vaporizer unless you are so stubborn that you feel you need to engineer everything around you

>> No.3550900

fire just enough to get it going and let it go out between hits

>> No.3550942

Are you fucking retarded? Commercial vaporizers have been available for years. The place you bought your bong at probably sells them.

>> No.3550959

>I just feel like with a piece I have to constantly deep lung from the get go, rather than build up a bunch of smoke and then quickly inhale all the smoke at once. I feel like if I could do the latter, my smoking efficiency would be significantly higher.
Don't light all the weed up at once. Partition the weed in the bowl for your hits. By doing this, I can easily get over 10 decently good hits. And this >>3550820

>I live in a complex where pretty much EVERY motherfucker who moved into the complex has a wife and kids, a lot of the people here are chill as fuck but NO ONE in my complex is chill with the smell of weed and would freak the fuck out, mainly because of the kids and I don't blame them.
make a sploof and blast the room with febreeze or any type of air freshener

>> No.3550991

well I had fucked up lungs for awhile and this is what I did: rinsed a plastic ketchup bottle, filled it with water, froze it, cut off the bottom and burned a hole through the ice with a how butter knife. And then I just did blades and used the ice hooter.

This was like 25 years ago though, maybe vaps are a better choice, I dont know, they wer not available at the time as far as I know so I never tried em.