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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 98 KB, 768x710, bang[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3549564 No.3549564 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, who's up for discussing the Big Bang?

My main question is if all the matter (and anti-matter) in the universe was created from a single point, how did that all of that get condensed down to one single point to begin with? Also, what are your ideas on how this little "universe nugget" get into our universe? From another dimension? Destruction of a previous universe?


PS, I'm an open-minded Christianfag.

>> No.3549569
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>PS, I'm an open-minded Christianfag.

>> No.3549572
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>the universe was created from a single point
Uhhh..the universe 'formed' - it wasn't created because that implies a creator....why would you say something so...?

> PS, I'm an open-minded Christianfag.

Ahhh right. Gotcha. Carry on then.

p.s. pick one.

>> No.3549578

Don't know i just can't accept the fact that there was nothing before, my mind can't imagine that.

I think there was something before, maybe a died out universe that died out and reduced to the size of one atom, and than the big bang occured.

I think everything goes in a circle (time, space) and that after the end comes the begining and so on

>> No.3549584

>My main question is if all the matter (and anti-matter) in the universe was created from a single point

This is a common misconception. The Big Bang was not an explosion of a nugget of matter in space. It was a rapid expansion of all space, everywhere, and that space had a high energy density initially. There is no center or edge of the universe.

>> No.3549585

>PS, I'm an open-minded Christianfag.


>> No.3549599

Your tiny electrochemical meat computer doesn't have to be able to understand it.
You only have to understand that it's fact.

>> No.3549615


why are so retarded? Is there something wrong in being a christian? Why would you sage thread because of that?

Anon obviously acknowledges science and isn't a blind crusader.
Christianity isn't about the bible, the book of genesis, and the other fairy tales bout how the world was created and the existance of god.

Christianity is about the "message of jesus" that is contained in the new testamony which pretty much says, to live your life and let other live, live in peace and strive to attain piece, help others and not want anything in return.
Also it teaches you to control your vices and controling your urges (acting like a human, other than an animal which gives in to any urge it has), and giving up on small guilty pleasures which are great at the moment but in the long run will make you regreat them.

I don't see nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3549618

We don't know anything about "before" the Big Bang. Claiming there was "nothing" is a mistake.

>> No.3549623


>> No.3549626

There was no "before" the big bang looking at it from our physical approach.
I don't know what you thought I was implying.

Morality is subjective. Please, take your preaching away from this board.

>> No.3549629


it's okay, that you have no self control in your life, and will forever in all aspects of your life be mediocre.

>> No.3549631

>double negative
>confirmed for open minded christianfag

>> No.3549632


It might have started from one Brane slapping another... see M-theory.. and if the Big Bangers go apeshit from me saying this, just take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.3549633

I have enough self-control to think for myself and not succumb to your metaphysical bullshit.

>> No.3549634


double negative is sometime emphatic... confirmed for Grammar Nazi..... Shall we roll the dice for Asspie???

>> No.3549639

Apologetic revisionism but Okay.

>> No.3549642



>> No.3549648

lolol shall we roll the dice for intelligence quotient?

>> No.3549649


No one said morality

If u see a chocolate bar and eat it because it's tasty, and then you eat it whenever you have the chance to do so without thinking about the consequences, you will after a while end up fat.
But if say no i will control myself and not give in to my urges to eat this tasty chocolade you will suffer at that moment, but in the long run you will achieve self improvement.

This is just a stupid example but it applies to a lot of things in life

And once again go sage your dragon dildo and work your anus with it faggot

>> No.3549651
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>it's okay, that you have no self control in your life, and will forever in all aspects of your life be mediocre.


>> No.3549655
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>> No.3549659


thinking yours is bigger than mine... might be a mistake.

>> No.3549660

Stop it with the bumping of this lame thread with your lame analogies to life, which, by the way should not be taken so seriously as you obviously do.

>> No.3549666


>> No.3549667

From your articulate response, I guess you're the same faggot who post race threads. When will you join the Templars with Brevisk?

>Christianity isn't about the bible
>Christianity is about the "message of jesus" that is contained in the new testamony

Fucking cognitive dissonance

but Okay.

>> No.3549670

I'll bite.

The universe originated from a single point. At extremely small scales, there are "random" fluctuations in matter, energy, even the fabric of space time. At extremely small scales, shit doesn't make a lot of sense - things happen, apparently, for no reason at all. If you look at a region of empty space, a vacuum, what you'd see is matter appearing, and dissipating, and energy being "created" and vanishing again all at incredibly small time intervals. The average state of the empty space would be no matter, and no energy, but that doesn't mean nothing is there. So the most simple explanation of the big bang is that these fluctuations caused a huge amount of matter and energy to appear, as well as their negative counterparts - gravity opposing energy, and antimatter opposing matter. This occurred in such a way that the universe born, just like the nothing it came from, has 0 total energy. How did this happen? What came before? We don't know. It could be that there WASN'T anything before. It could be that this process is actually a cycle of some kind that we don't have the means to observe at this time. Some scientists think that black holes with charge and spin essentially have massively powerful particles moving in beams which collide with ridiculous energy, and that the results of those collisions could create a "bubble" which separates from our reality and goes on to create a new "universe." It could also be that once the universe expands to the point that matter is too spread out to even form atoms or molecules that the process of "empty space" expanding could potentially occur again. But again, we don't know, exactly, because it's beyond our capacity to observe. We may never know, but it doesn't stop us from trying to figure it out. It's a bit like trying to figure out what's outside your house, without being able to leave. You can see it, measure it, observe it, but for everything you see, there's a lot that you will NEVER see.

>> No.3549682


Your wife will always cheat on you with men

>> No.3549689

you guys seems clever. so go way, way back to the beginning, and tell me how the very first atoms materialized out of the empty void from nothing with no guiding force or variables, and why at that moment in time?. i'm interested.

explain it to me so i understand.

>> No.3549691

>obviously does not understand

>> No.3549692

>On /sci/
>doesn't know how universe can come from nothing

>> No.3549693

This is a good video that I just finished about the Kalam Cosmological argument and several ideas about cosmology. It's against the argument though. You can see the papers she cites so you can look them up if you want further information:


>> No.3549697


by the bible i meant the old testimony, and the stories made by the jewish religion fanatics.

It's all bout the new testimony and the things i wrote.

It is like the ending of Saving Private Ryan, when Tom Hanks is dying and says to Ryan: You earn this you here me!

>> No.3549698

Energy didn't materialize.
It either came from somewhere else, or was already there.

>> No.3549701


>> No.3549702


If you want a Teleological explanation.... you will get none.

>> No.3549704
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holy fuck no one's actually answered the question!

Well lemme do my best!

There are many different opinion as to what was there before the "big bang", but the most plausible (in my opinion) that a super-massive black hole "died", firing off a ridiculously large amounts of energy and mass. which form our universe. Now, the OBSERVABLE universe is approximately 13.7 billion light years but space itself is infinite. There is no end to it. That means that outside of our cluster of matter there could be more matter, another galactic cluster, or just nothing. Either way it stands to reason that we are not the product of a spontaneous expulsion of mass and energy, rather the recycling of that mass and energy. Thinking in terms of time as we measure it, the universe itself (infinite space and all that it contains) could be wayyyyy older than 13.7 billion years. It could be infinitely old, with no beginning or end, for all we know.

>> No.3549707


I like it! But I'm still holding out for some version of the Steady State, until they pry it from my dead, cold hands!

>> No.3549708
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suck on my ever expanding cock

>> No.3549710


>It either came from somewhere else, or was already there.

where did the first energy come from? how was there nothing and then from that nothing came something? as far as i know. nothing + nothing does not = an entire universe.

if we made a vacum room in a lab and kept it at -455F and monitored it for eternity and didn't touch it or do anything or add anything. would a universe spring into existence in there one day?

>> No.3549713

Assuming infinite time, all possible quantum states are mandatory. So yes, if it's possible for a universe to be born from empty space.

>> No.3549714


it came from the universe that existed before the big bang.

>> No.3549716

>as far as i know. nothing + nothing does not = an entire universe.

You're wrong. lrn2quantumphysics

>> No.3549717

It has an end.
When entropy approaches infinity and matter has ceased to exist; only free photons left; the photons themselves apparently scale in energy level harmonically until time seems to stop.
I don't have a clue weather or not time actually does stop but experiments with the electromagnetic end of time here have shown it to indeed have an end.

>> No.3549720


Right but the "space" will still exist, regardless of whats in it... well you could say "exist"

>> No.3549722

Islam is not about Allah, Quran or Haddith. It's about justice, peace, and reform.

Hinduism is not about Vedas, Upanishads, Gita. It's about justice, peace, change and reform.

Buddhism is not about Karma, Reincarnation, Maitreya. It's about skepticism, justice, peace and reform.


>> No.3549728

Well the theory I was explaining was the big rip and apparently space itself rips apart as if the Planck length increases in size or some shit.

>> No.3549734
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I don't understand one thing. This is /sci/ you guys are suppose to be smart or something, but aren't able to identify a thread like this as a troll?
/sci/ is by far the easiest board to troll, so easy to the point it isn't even fun

I guess you aren't very smart you just read a lot of science

>> No.3549738

>implying we didn't accomplish anything in this thread except kick some open-minded christianfag ass

>> No.3549739


>> No.3549741

We meet a lot of retarded religious people, it's not very hard to imagine people like OP exists. But you're right, that's why we need Okay.

>> No.3549745


an epic victory for /sci/
Still not a single interesting post

>> No.3549750

If order for the Big Bang to happen, it would need lots of explosives.

>> No.3549751

>implying >>3549745 wasn't interesting

>> No.3549756

>it came from the universe that existed before the big bang.

where did that one come from? and if that one came from another one .. where did the very first universe come from?

>Assuming infinite time...

if there was an infinite amount of time and an infinite amount of events leading to this point in time, we would never have reached this point in time, because an infinite has no beginning or end. the fact that we exist in the present means that time is finite and the universe and time itself had a beginning.

>> No.3549759

>implying derp everywhere including that

>> No.3549769


> if there was an infinite amount of time and an infinite amount of events leading to this point in time, we would never have reached this point in time, because an infinite has no beginning or end. the fact that we exist in the present means that time is finite and the universe and time itself had a beginning.

strong logical reasoning, but view time as a circle, it has no beginning nor end but it has it still has it's lenght

>> No.3549773

amazing how you people think you have answers that the greatest scientific minds in the world don't have.

what was before the big bang?

the correct answer is ... we don't know and we will never know.

>> No.3549779

This. This post is rational, and I approve.

Not even samefag.

>> No.3549781


strong inferiority complex

There is no reason why any of the possible answers in this thread aren't true

>> No.3549782

Looks like you're the naïve one here, bud.

>> No.3549785

"Knowing" is far from theorizing.

>> No.3549788

>implying it is possible to know what occurred before the Big Bang from empirical evidence

He's right.

>> No.3549793


knowing exactly what happened and gathering touchable evidence might not be possible, but that doesn't mean that the exact truth isn't one of the above stated possibilities

>> No.3549798


this is where the word God comes in to he equation.
You know realize christ fags were right in their wrong

>> No.3549800

Thousands of religion, tens and hundreds of pantheistic, monotheistic, deistic religions, and I choooooooose christianity.

I so smart.

>> No.3549807

The entire POINT is that no claim about "before" the Big Bang is falsifiable.

>> No.3549812

I think whatever truth may be, humanity lays its hope on the combined efforts of basement dwelling neckbeards from /sci/.

The real question is, why haven't you guys an hero already?

>> No.3549823
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>> No.3549825
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This is what I think about your shitty beliefs

>> No.3549827

how can you call yourselves men of science and bash religious people for having faith in that they cannot prove. then you do exactly the same thing. you are all so certain in that which you have no way of ever proving. science by definition is the study of the testable physical world around us. we think up a hypothesis, and we physically test it to see if it is true or not. there is no way we can ever know or test for what was before the big bang, but we can theorize. in that respect, the idea that God created the universe and put everything in motion is just as valid as any of the ideas you guys are coming up with. there is no proof for any of it. it is literally impossible to test for. so in the end, its all just speculation.

>> No.3549848


yes just that you have missed that i who posted these posts:


am the one who posted these posts:


>> No.3549859

i see that your non-belief has turned you into a well adjusted and tolerant human being. its nice to see a person who doesn't believe in a higher power who has managed to retain some sort of moral compass and isn't a narcissistic know-it-all internet warrior who thinks everyone else is inferior to him ....

>> No.3549863

OP, they invented the lie about the small singularity for people to intuitively jump over the chasm of something from nothing.

it's easier to think of nothing, then a small tiny dense point, than it would be to think of nothing, then a gigantic ball containing all of the known mass and energy of the entire universe

they spoon feed it to kids and laugh when they believe it.

don't believe it.

>> No.3549868

my bad brah. but my point still stands for the others in this thread and board.

>> No.3549877
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>> No.3549891
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>> No.3549892
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inb4 "durr ad populum fail"

throwing latin words about doesn't make you clever.

u mad?

>> No.3549896


>> No.3549899


>> No.3549904


>> No.3549905
File: 51 KB, 494x426, epicFAIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf, why would you say such a horrible thing?

>> No.3549935

Jesus loves you!

>> No.3549944


>> No.3549947
File: 74 KB, 925x471, win2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheist OP pretends to be christian, to start a christian hate thread.

Great Job OP!

>> No.3549970


>> No.3549981
File: 106 KB, 396x303, contimplating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Jesus fuck little children?

>> No.3550012
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>> No.3550020

>Jesus loves you

>> No.3550021

lol you're thinking of mohammad, not Jesus

>> No.3550036

>implying mohammad story wasn't a lie
Islam not about Quran or Haddith but the message of Mohammad which has been corrupted. All praise to Mohammad.


>> No.3550057
File: 71 KB, 640x512, christian-logic-nightvisionphantom-youtube-christian-religio-demotivational-poster-1245179592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucks little boys. He cums in their ass, then eats the frothy brew of cum and shit. All praise the shit swallower!

>> No.3550079

oh, see, you're confused; it's mohammad that had the 6 year old wife. Jesus was never married and died a virgin.

could so see where you got off track though; mohammad probably did eat a lot of shit in his lifetime

>> No.3550103


And I say this again, follow your leader. Hate the women and die a virgin. Okay.

>> No.3550107
File: 27 KB, 423x429, jesus_fucking_christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus and Mohammad were butt-buddies.

>> No.3550112

everyone follows their leader

my leader went to Heaven, and is in Heaven now

where is your leader going? where is he now?

>> No.3550144

It's really pathetic you feel the need of some afterlife heaven. I guess that's what religion do to people, paint the universe dull and tell that nothing can be fixed. Must be very motivating, christfag.

But you know? You're right. You win.
Christians: +666
Muslims: +72
Jews: +6million IQ
Hindus: +69
Atheist: -9000


>> No.3550162

world. world broke. Jesus. Jesus fix world. world all better. Heaven everything you want.

but you'll be in Hell because you denied that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and that He was raised from the dead.

so, so stupid to be the smartest person in Hell.

>> No.3550169

>>discuss about universe


sure this is working

>> No.3550173


>> No.3550222

seeing as how Jesus Christ created the universe, i'd say He has a pretty big part when discussing it

>> No.3550230


>Categories for both Atheist and Non-religious


The only thing we can say for certain is that at first there was derp. Then derp happened so derp got derp'd, then 13.7 billion years probably went by, and we're here. Got it?


>> No.3550232


>> No.3550242

Your question is already loaded because you're saying that the content of the universe existed before the universe existed. The extremely short answer is that since the laws of physics as we are familiar with them did not exist until after the big bang, it is nonsensical to ask about what happened before as there was no familiar notion of causality. Therefore, your question is the same as "how much herp would a herp derp derp if a" etc. :P

>> No.3550255

so you'll ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins now?

>> No.3550270

>so you'll ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins now?

>> No.3550280

and we'll meet up in heaven and be /b/ros forever?

>> No.3550299

not much for laws if they come and go as they please, now, are they

>> No.3550303

Yes, together forever. Okay.

>> No.3550327

you wanna have a mansion real close so we can hang out at each other's mansion and do cool heaven stuff?

>> No.3550355

Would be much better if the mansions were just next to Jesus's. We'll sit on the heavenly floors and listen to the stories of his adventures on Earth

but Okay.

>> No.3550384

pfff, fuck that, imma gonna surf some event horizons. i already read about that other stuff