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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 103 KB, 600x384, Suicide-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3548569 No.3548569 [Reply] [Original]

why don't you commit suicide right now?

> we don't need you for reproduction, we are more than enough ppl already
> there is no fate or destiny, you are just a more evolved ant
> your consciousness is just an illusion

>> No.3548573

probably the only reason you are alive is because you are too chicken to kill yourself.
am i rite?

>> No.3548574

To further our people.

>> No.3548575

can't suicide till they create a strong AI to troll /sci/ with religion vs science threads, now nigga i got stuff to do

>> No.3548578

because it's a sin

>> No.3548581

> implying you are einstein
> implying you can't be replaced

also, everything you get in return will be jersey shore idiots laughing at you and fucking your chicks

>> No.3548585

>> there is no fate or destiny, you are just a more evolved ant

I'd consider ants more evolved than humans. Ants can actually run their shit efficiently. The closest thing we ever got was Nazi Germany (that shit was efficient, man), but we destroyed it.

>> No.3548587

eventually i will, but not right now. i enjoy life and i have shit to do.

>> No.3548588


>> No.3548594

>Implying that a contribution to society that is small isn't a contribution at all.
>implying that someone else in my role couldn't be worse at that role.

>> No.3548595

Because my mother will go crazy if I do, and I have agliophobia and live in a country where guns are illegal.
Not to mention there's that curiosity at the back of my mind that keeps me going.
I've considered it alot though.

>> No.3548598

Because I believe in god and he ordered me not to.
Actually, no. He asked to behave in such a manner in order to maximize my longevity and my health.
Commiting suicide doesn't improve your health, does it?

>> No.3548603

Because http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYws8biwOYc

>> No.3548604


>more evolved ant
>more evolved

>> No.3548610


I want to learn about this world and revel in the beauty of it.

>> No.3548614

You made me realize I will never have an exoskeleton and live in the ground.

I'm disappointed in what species I am.

>> No.3548613

'cause I'm having fun.
What other reason did you want?

>> No.3548612

Because I can get pleasure from fapping, listening to music, playing vidya and understanding how the universe works.

>> No.3548619
File: 296 KB, 1024x1536, dcp3185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Umvogga the Great Small Pink Goblin ordered me to keep on truckin'.

>> No.3548624


talk for yourself, pretentious fag.

>> No.3548625

why haven't you, OP?

>> No.3548665

I think i'll wait untill everything catches up on me. It'll give me time to mentally prepare myself.

>> No.3548688

seriously considering it, reading nietzche and mentally preparing myself for the possibility. in the end, we're all dead. personally i'd like to have some modicum of control over the situation.

also note that wittgenstein, the famous philospher, had 3 brothers that killed themselves. he was suicidal often and basically chose to fight in WW1 as a death wish. these were uber rich brilliant people. they could have done anything with their lives. most of them chose to kill themselves & wittgeinstein lived by accident.

>> No.3548702
File: 26 KB, 328x500, StMichael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing so would cause immeasurable grief to my family. I have spiritual beliefs that are against suicide. Suicide may be an act of selfishness and cowardice, unless the person is very ill.
Skyrim and Gears of War 3 are coming out. :-D

>> No.3548713

If "I" am an illusion then "I" cannot kill "myself"...
Can I?
Can nothing destroy nothing?

>> No.3548881

that was deep bro

>> No.3548905
File: 3 KB, 126x126, I'm outta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to get a Nobel prize, become knighted by the king,... so much work, so little time.

>> No.3548929

I'm here for the lulz.

>> No.3548946


>> No.3548951

....because there is no afterlife (no evidence of any at least) and this life is all I have to influence humanity.

That robotic sex doll won't invent itself.

>> No.3548952
File: 25 KB, 400x400, ll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> your consciousness is just an illusion
I'm not a philosophical zombie you fucking sociopath.

>> No.3548963

Because I enjoy life.

>> No.3549068

>Can I
>not Can "I"
You selfish bastard

>> No.3549071

too fucking lazy

>> No.3549124

Because beauty exists, and I am alive to observe it.

>> No.3549261

because I wanna see how EK is murdered by /sci/tards

>> No.3549270

This made me lol at a thousand miles an hour.

>> No.3549281

Because I'm a coward.

>> No.3549282

I want to see what happens. I really do want to kill myself, but I'm holding that off to see if something interesting happens to the world.

>> No.3549284

I like to live. I like to experience, to feel, to see, to learn. That is my raison d'etre.

Consciousness or not, free will or not it makes no difference. I ENJOY life.

So, yeah. Fuck you OP.

>> No.3549288

>implying religion trolling requires a strong AI

>> No.3549374
File: 676 KB, 640x480, lolfuckedup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I've already died, TWICE, in the same day, and it's BORING.

Pic related - me after both deaths.

>> No.3549402

Suicide is a bunch of bullshit.

I rather do something insane that would likely result in my death.

>> No.3549404

i sell art - i'm in the business of fascination. I like to open people minds and show them beauty. I try to make others comfortable so that they can enjoy their lives.

Thats why.

>> No.3549416

Because I want to live.
Because I think the world will be better off with me in it.

Why *would* I commit suicide right now?

>> No.3549414

> your consciousness is just an illusion
Nope, it's "your" consciousness that's the illusion. "You" are just an unfeeling p-zombie. My consciousness is the only thing that's real.

>> No.3549424

> we don't need you for reproduction, we are more than enough ppl already

Need for what? And why do I care?

> there is no fate or destiny

I'm not sure what this means.

>you are just a more evolved ant

Not literally. But if you mean I'm evolved from more primitive life, then sure. So what?

> your consciousness is just an illusion

"Consciousness is an illusion" is self-contradictory. There can't be such thing as an "illusion" without a mind to be deceived.

>> No.3549459


Because I enjoy my life, I love it, I'm alive completely selfishly, purely for my own enjoyment. Plus a lot of people would miss me if I was gone.

>> No.3549468

because stupid people still breeding and living, if I kill myself, they win. If I could take the all of them with me, I'd do it but there is no reliable way, so the least I could do is keep the balance.

>> No.3549487
File: 277 KB, 567x850, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will to fight.

>> No.3549491

Joke's on you OP, I'm already contemplating suicide.

Attempted twice, couldn't pull the trigger. Third time's the charm.

>> No.3549493


If you don't mind me asking, what driving you to suicide?

>> No.3549496

If life is meaningless, what's the point in commiting suicide?

>> No.3549503

lolwut? because life has no meaning?

>> No.3549504

You first, OP.

>> No.3549506

Maybe. What's your point?

>> No.3549508

I've been diagnosed with arthritis at age 22. In about two years I'll have the physical fitness of a 70 year old man.

>> No.3549510

Fucking this. Realizing there is no objective source of "meaning" doesn't produce the conclusion "time to commit suicide". It just doesn't follow.

>> No.3549576

I'll use that.