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File: 20 KB, 202x200, Gender_equality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3548179 No.3548179 [Reply] [Original]


Listen. I used to hate women due to the male bashing and obvious bias in law and media towards men in the hands of women and male bashing in our society, but then I learned feminism strives to achieve equality and neutralize gender in terms of social relevancy.

What I'm saying is - feminism is one of the most revolutionairy, and long term, historically successful gender movements in history. The thing is, feminists /realize/ that they are recieving an "upper hand" over men, and are fighting to change that.

The fact is, that women are fighting against male-bashing, and while they are fighting towards things like anti-female sexual harrasment and male domestic abuse, they are /ALSO/ fighting for men who experience rape, popular view of all men as "potential rapists", and fighting for men's right and against male demonization in todays society, including todays age of consent lwas, and equalizing the treatment of BOTH genders in courts. The thing is, feminists are now fighting for complete gender equality, including the rights of men and to abolish popular views that they are all potential rapists, and are supporting men in regaining both a sense of masculinity and understanding the opposite gender's mentality. Women are now against the view that men are all rapists, abusive, and power-hungry and are realizing that the gender struggle is equating itself.

Many feminists themselves believe the term "feminism" is a word that many people fear that represents the abuse of men, however, they do not want to change it because it has come so far, being called "feminism".

>> No.3548180

TL;DR: Women are now fighting for men's rights and against demonization of men in media, striving for equality in the workplace is statures and demographics, and against false-rape and domination of either sex by either sex.

Women believe that men is feminism are vital because they can contribute a exclusive gender standpoint in views on women and of women, and they themselves have the power to change misconceptions of both men and women, fighting for a more "humanism" approach to gender equality.

Btw, I'm a guy, and single.

Lacey --

In part I think that feminism is controversial because people don't know what it is -- they misinterpret it as being a movement that wants to blithely take power away from men and give it to women. This is wrong.

Visit feminist.com and view for Ask Amy and Men's Role.

Thank you.

>> No.3548201

I prefer the term 'humanist' because feminist does sound a little one sided. but yes, feminism means what you say it does

>"Feminists are people who believe in (with some campaigning for) the equality of women with men."
so thats equality, not with women being elevated higher than men.


>> No.3548204
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I just cant get over the sheer amount of ambiguity in your writing. I suggest you fix that, because I have no idea what you are trying to say.

>> No.3548220


Im telling you that feminists are nut busting bitches that want to turn the world against you, and are instead trying to emphathize with men and achieve gender equality. There's no set of laundry-room rools to it, and anyone can be a feminist, and that feminism isn't an anti-men thing.

Think of it more as "humanism"

>> No.3548222

>I used to hate women

Stopped right there.

>> No.3548223


AREN'T nut busting bitches. My bad.

>> No.3548260

> they are /ALSO/ fighting for men who experience rape

You do realise in something like 99% of sexual assault cases the perpatrator is a man right?

But I agree with what you said, it's almost expected that men these days have to be misogynists. I'm not deferring the blame from them but there are a lot of external factors involved.

>> No.3548266

yeah bullshit, every self proclaimed feminist has been some marxist shit that only really cares about bringing down males.

i don't hate women, i just hate feminists.

>> No.3548273


And 10% of rape claims are false, allegedley (sp?) ranging from 2%-40%-90%.

I think there's a bad guidance to male sexuality these days. Most people think that when a guy sees a random hot girl at the beach, they're gonna try to beat off to her. Most men jack off to women they know, as do most rapists rape women they know, its not a random thing but it shouldn't suppress masturbation. Just saying that as an off-topic thing.

>> No.3548274
File: 22 KB, 582x110, erelos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to argue your point before here with moderate success... I wish you good luck with that, but after a few months on /sci/, I've become very disillusioned with the rationality of this board. I keep trying to tell myself that a lot of the racism and sexism on here is just trolling, but it's getting increasingly hard.

I guess to counter one thing that will get mentioned at some point in the debate anyway: yes, there ARE "nut busting" feminists out there, who simply hate all men. They also seem to hate most modern day feminists and very much disagree with their attitude. So why is there not more outcry among modern day feminists against the "man-haters"? Because feminism should be about fighting the big targets, not about endlessly arguing about a tiny minority in your minority group.

Again, good luck with this thread, even though my hopes aren't too high.

Pic related, it's the Captcha I had to fill out for this... now who is "Erelos"? Perhaps I should bring this to /x/...

>> No.3548276

there is a good reason for that
GOTO [5:03] on my youtube link here:

>> No.3548278


And 10% of rape claims are false, allegedley (sp?) ranging from 2%-40%-90%.

I think there's a bad guidance to male sexuality these days. Most people think that when a guy sees a random hot girl at the beach, they're gonna try to beat off to her. Most men jack off to women they know, as do most rapists rape women they know, its not a random thing but it shouldn't suppress masturbation. Just saying that as an off-topic thing.


Actually, rape is "Forcing someone into sex they don't want". Therefore, women can "rape" men by forcibly giving them an erection and then straddling them, etc. becoming rape. L2Read, troll..

>> No.3548281

Handcuff a man to a bed and give him viagra. Rape him.

Do you think he would report this to the police?

>> No.3548283

The point is that men still get raped (yes, also mostly by men), and that these male victims often do not receive an adequate measure of support, even less so than female victims. Especially in poorer countries, male rape victims are looked down upon and not seen as "real" men, which would be one thing any good feminist fights.

>> No.3548287


Yes. Simply for the fear that they're gonna be charged for rape.

>> No.3548289
File: 49 KB, 436x483, woman_rapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then it is possible, but is far more difficult for a woman to do.
he might report it. in fact i dont see why he wouldnt.
in soviet russia, woman rapes you!
haha, sorry, bad joke.

>> No.3548294


Holy shit. I read that and I was like..."wut"...

Also EK, holy shit, you aren't trolling O.o

>> No.3548300

I lol'd. Goddamn women.

>> No.3548302

i don't always troll, hun.

>> No.3548310


Hun? I'm a guy, EK :P I never really payed attention to tripfags-I mostly just read the posts and counter-argue, etc. But thanks for this :P.

Btw-creationism is bullshit, and evolution works. Just saying :P

>> No.3548311


What the fuckety fuck OP

Are you high

The feminists in my area are still a bunch of ugly fat old shrews who hate men with a vengeance

Fucking better be trolling, because that actually sounds like a respectable organisation that i would be willing to support.


>> No.3548314

You don't see why he wouldn't? Then you are even more clueless than I thought. Even many women do not report rape, because of the shaming it can bring, because they have to relive the memories, because the whole things is simply very embarrassing.
To a man, having been raped means basically losing his "manhood", showing that he is not in the kind of "dominant" role that society says he must be in. It's not okay for a man to have been raped, people joke about it (I won't complain too much about your joke, this is 4chan after all, but even outside of 4chan people joke about it), people see him as a lesser human being. Again, this is worse in poorer countries, where feminism hasn't accomplished so much, but it's still a problem all around the world.

Having said all that... while there are some disadvantages to being a man, can we not let this devolve into an "Oh us poor men" thread?

>> No.3548315

If you're for equal rights, then you're an egalitarian.

I guess people just prefer 'feminism' because it flows better than 'egalitarianism'.

>> No.3548318
File: 26 KB, 450x360, creationism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw-creationism is bullshit, and evolution works. Just saying :P
you're preaching to the choir (lol)
but thanks anyway.

>> No.3548321


Except both fight for it, and not only that - go and teach the women of your community "true" feminism. Teach them. They were probably abused, et cetera.

>> No.3548322
File: 1.48 MB, 345x256, ass-smack-pie-face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a "bitches and whores" thread.

>> No.3548323

They shouldn't be embarrassed. a rape victim has done nothing wrong, they didn't deserve to have it done to the, rape is a crime and it should be punished.
I wouldnt be embarrassed, its not like you chose for it to happen, you are just unfortunate, and you should seek justice and you deserve it.

in fact i think it would be your moral duty to report the crime even if you are embarrassed, if you do nothing, then a rapist is still out there, free and unpunished, other potential victims might be at risk if he re-offends, and you would be partially responsible due to your silence

>> No.3548325

Yeah, but I'm trying to make 4chan more PC.

>> No.3548328

Since it is not embarassing, just show your tits as if 4chan just raped you and pulled open your shirt.

>> No.3548329
File: 3 KB, 126x126, jimcarey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahha! oh wow.
that like pouring a bottle of evian into the sea in an effort to make it less salty...

>> No.3548334

rape isnt a choice, me posting self-porn here is a choice, and porn shouldnt be on this board anyway.

seeing as its a choice, that might be embarrassing, what if people found out? then i have clearly chosen to post naked pictures of myself here, its directly my fault, and its sleazy.

>> No.3548335
File: 19 KB, 228x342, germaine_greer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't make any sense OP. The word 'feminist' is derived from 'feminine', implying they have only women's interests at heart. If they truly wanted equality, they wouldn't call themselves feminists, they would call themselves human right's activists.

>Pic related. This bitch is one of the world's most prominent feminist's and she is batshit crazy.

>> No.3548339

the movements stated because women were opressed, and the balance of gender rights was unequal, men already had the good life, it was women who needed campaigning for. but the final goal was equality, we never wanted to exceed men and have more rights than them.

But now that it is pretty much fair, I prefer the term humanist, like i said.

>> No.3548340

I was all geared up to rage at OP.

mfw he and everyone in this thread defied all expectations.

Equality ftw!

>> No.3548341


>> No.3548342

I'd totally be a feminist if women weren't such dumb bitches.

>> No.3548344

I agree with everything you said here, but the point was simply that if you don't think this is a problem, you look quite ignorant of the real world to me.

My point is basically that as a feminist, one of the things you should be striving for is to get everyone else to come to your point of view that rape victims shouldn't be embarrassed, and that it is your moral duty to report all rapes (since as far as I know, most rapists are not only serial rapists, but the number of times the average rapist commits this crime is actually terrifyingly high).

>> No.3548345


She isn't a true feminism


That's why many feminists argue it should be called "humanism"

>> No.3548351


u just sayin that cause u never been raped

i for one will look down on rape victims im not ashamed of that fact, i cant help it and i know many people who would react the same way but refuse to admit it.

i will not marry a rape victim

i might not disown my daughter if she got raped, but i will never treat her the same way ever again (that dirty whore)

its a sad fact of life. you know how it will be when u get raped

you have been dominated, and have been proven to be helpless and at the mercy of another. it makes u weak and vulnerable

u dumb shit, dont you understand empathy at all

>> No.3548352


Humanism should include gender equality, but the name itself is taken. By librul marxist socialists!

>> No.3548355

And as I said, the term 'feminist' is the key point here. Whether men had more power is irrelevant. The word 'feminist' implies that they are in favour of women receiving most of the power over men. Again, whether they actually have it is irrelevant. If they wanted equality, then they should have called themselves equality activists or something.

>> No.3548356
File: 35 KB, 430x320, maximum trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a troll. No human being is *that* buttfuck retarded.

Seriously, this is sub-timecube stupidity here.

>> No.3548362


You are such a sad attention whore.

You like to pretend not to be one, but if you werent, you would never have revealed the fact that you are female. You secretly enjoy it, but refuse to admit it. Its the worst kind of whoring, its hypocritical self-righteous whoring.

Dumb cunt, if you dont want the attention, you can always change your name and your tripcode, and never reveal anything about yourself with your new trip. its not difficult. You just want the attention. Stop acting like you dont want it.

>> No.3548364

Do you truly believe that the rational human being conditions themselves to be physically dominant when most of society expects you to be lifting 5lbs dumbells to gain muscle, and gawking over Brittney Spears?


>> No.3548369

what the fuck is wrong with you? anyone could be victim of crime, why look down on them? it isn't a choice, people should only be judged on their actions.

>> No.3548375
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The word 'feminist' implies that they are in favour of women receiving most of the power over men.
no it fucking does't you troll.
it doesnt imply anything, its a word, and it has a meaning. look it up, they strive for equality. nothing more.

>> No.3548376

They are being judged for their actions. THEY WERE WEAK.

>> No.3548378


EK, I think he's looking down on X persons because his argument is that most victims sit and bitch and cry instead of improving themselves, a conflict of American society. Western*.

>> No.3548380

I don't want it. If i did, i guess i probably would post my tits here, i'm sure i'd get quite a lot of attention for it.

>> No.3548389

only comparative to their attacker,
you are ot the strongest person in the world, even you could be raped, this doesn't make you weak, just physically weaker than the attacker comparatively.

he didn't say that, he just said that he looks down on them for being a rape victim.
If it were me, i wouldnt bitch and cry about it. shit happens, just report it, get them punished, justice is done, so move on with your life.

>> No.3548392


i told u i cant help it, im just being honest because its anonymous

i know a lot of people who look down on rape victims but wont admit it, i can see it in them, it takes one to know one

u cant change society dumb bitch

u can change the laws, but u cant change societal perceptions

>> No.3548399

Well the word is flawed then. Any word that means gender equality shouldn't be derived from the description of one of those genders. If they were truly after equality, they wouldn't have chosen such a word to describe themselves.

>> No.3548406


> justice is done

Justice the way feminists would have it.

Do you know that rape is treated as severely as murder?

What the fuck, you treat it like as if it is nothing much, cant be helped etc etc, because thats the truth of it. Its nothing much! No permanent damage has happened.

Its only because some vindictive whiny cuntbags want unfair revenge on their offenders thats why its regarded so severely. ( it dosnt help that rape victims are usually good looking too, and rapists are usually fat and ugly, further swaying public to side with the whiny crying prat)


if anything, rape should be treated on par with vandalism. Its not even robbery, because you didnt steal anything (stealing virginity is bullshit) you lost nothing. All you did was lose face, and had your property vandalised.

>> No.3548407

Of course you are after attention EK, why would you become a tripfag in the first place if you weren't? You can make perfectly valid points anonymously. Don't try and deny it, you'll only dig yourself into a hole.

>> No.3548408

>u can change the laws, but u cant change societal perceptions
not so, the societal perception in the US used to be that keeping slaves was perfectly fine, nothing immoral about it at all.

People nowadays would be disgusted by the idea (almost all people, i do not deny that there are some exceptions)

>> No.3548413

its only a word, and i explained why it was chosen, it was women who needed gender equality, men already had the rights they deserved. see:

>> No.3548414


im talkin bout U

thomas jefferson can, u cant

all u can do is whine

u can meet up with other whiners and whine together every saturday and outside courtrooms

go govern a country, and then talk

>> No.3548417



Look at law 200 years ago and societal perception; look at societal perception of men and the law involving men and rape and its publicized court cases demonizing men in a propogandized manner!

>> No.3548418

>No permanent damage

What about psychological damage asshole? You have to imagine that when being raped, you know that you are completely under the other persons power and are completely helpless. You don't know whether they are going to kill you or not. This would definetely fuck with your mentality dude. I used to struggle to see why rape was so bad as well, until someone pointed out to me, "I know the idea of getting raped by a woman doesn't sound so bad, but imagine a large man attacking you and raping you. That's how it is for a woman". Then I saw the point. Fuck that.

>> No.3548423

>Do you know that rape is treated as severely as murder?
no it isn't and for good reason
If rape was treated as severly as murder, a rapist may as well murder his rape victim, as it reduced his chance of getting caught (no living witness) but his punishment would be he same if they are punished equally.
with the current system, there is an incentive for a rapist to NOT murder his victim, as the punishment will be more severe.

It isn't unfair revenge, i'm sure being raped is a horrible, painful, and traumatic experience. Its horrible to subject someone to that against their will. it is far far worse than simple theft or vandalism and you know it.

i presume you are male? would you equate having your mobile phone stolen to being pinned down and raped in the ass by a massive violent ugly faggot?
didn't think so.

>> No.3548426

As i live in a democracy, the common will of the people is crucial in deciding laws, i can make a difference if other people think along the same lines as me. i don't need to be the one to actually be in charge and run the country.

>> No.3548431
File: 132 KB, 686x686, Thisiscorrect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3548435

Under US military laws it is. The death penalty can be given in both cases.

>> No.3548437



Any of this "so-called" permanent damage "psychological fuckshit" is YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT isnt it?

Its your own weak, sheltered mind that causes it to you. And how easy is that to fake? The rape victim would obviously want the maximum sentencing for the rapist and so come up with all that shit.

Do you know what the retribution to the rapist is?

20 years of being fucked in the arsehole by even bigger guys, all this while having no pity, being scorned upon and being trapped in a prison cell where you piss eat and shit all in the same place FOR 20 FUCKING YEARS.



>> No.3548445

I would like to point out that your defending rapists. Everyones rights should be protected but, they violated someone else's rights.

>> No.3548448

> implying someone said life was fair
Buy her dinner like everyone else, faggot.

>> No.3548449




True. It also usually involves getting the shit beat out of you. Forget about the rape, you're gonna have Mike Tyson jumping on Stephen Hawking, its getting brutally fucking beat. In addition to getting your asshole fucked with a cock.


This. Exactly. Sometimes, murder is added in addition to rape.

>> No.3548450






>> No.3548462


This is more of a valid arguement, logically and emotionally. Lets see. You do realize taht you would be as hardened and cynical than as the woman you raped. 20 Years, bro you'd get used to it, that woman lives in fear. You expect it and know it happens. It affects individuals in both ways.

And people aren't gonna toughen up just to avoid rape when toughening up is hard as fuck to do in a instant gratification society when people try to make you eat fucking McDonalds every fucking day!

>> No.3548466


Defending rapists? Why shouldnt their rights be fought for? Are they not people too? Have you been sucked so deep into this feminist bullshit smear campaign that rapists are somehow LESS THAN PEOPLE?


Its so easy to sympathize with the pretty rape victim. Have you ever thought to consider the circumstances of the rapist? Have you ever thought to consider what happens next to him?

People like you make me sick.

You want equality but only when its in line with your point of view. Fuck you. Honestly, fuck all of you.

>fight for justice my arse

>> No.3548471

>20 years of being fucked in the arsehole by even bigger guys, all this while having no pity, being scorned upon and being trapped in a prison cell where you piss eat and shit all in the same place FOR 20 FUCKING YEARS.
the scumbag bastards would fucking deserve it, if they go through rape themselves then i'm glad, they deserve to see exactly what they put their victim through.

>> No.3548472

Because we don't want those type of people living in our society. A rape isn't just a casual thing someone does due to some misjudgement. Rape is deliberate and malicious, caused by some demented desire to have power and control over another person. A rapist who is just allowed to run free will probably do it again. Also if you think being raped wouldn't do some long-term psychological damage you are kidding yourself. It's not their fault, it's the rapist's fault.

>> No.3548485


The next time you litter on the streets I hope you get hanged. I dont want your "kind" in society either.

Youre so deep in fuck from the feminists that you think its all black and white. That rapists are a "kind" of person. That they are all scum of the earth, no exception.

Well fuck you.

Youd rather get raped constantly for 20 years rather than get raped once. Youre just so deep in fuck.

Im out of here, you people sicken me.

>> No.3548490


By making them go through it only once, it becomes more of an eye-for-an-eye thing, directly like in Arab states that the West blatantly hate


This. But the worst thing is that there is no help for these people, but when it is there for them its bullshit drugs for pharmaceuticals that do NOTHING.


>> No.3548497


mfw someone rants about how rape victims were asking for it

mfw said person whines about rapists getting raped in prison

Now I'm against rape of all sorts, but the person in question would, given his own words, be a hypocrite if he did not think getting raped himself was no big deal.

>> No.3548501

>deserved it
you're scum

Our justice system isn't built on "he deserved it!" It's built on both rehabilitating criminals and protecting the public from them. The idea of longer sentences is that people who commit sever crimes need more time to rehabilitate.

>> No.3548513


NO. Im saying that being raped once is NOTHING compared to the psychological shitfuck trauma you go through being raped EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE FOR 20 YEARS, WHILE HAVING NO PITY OR SYMPATHY, NO FREEDOM, NO CHOICE, AND NO HOPE FOR THE FUTURE.

Fuck. You get raped once, get the fuck over it. You can always move on. CAN YOU MOVE ON IN JAIL DAMN IT. EVEN AFTER YOU GO THROUGH A LIFETIME OF HELL, YOU GET OUT AND YOU ARE STILL SCORNED.

And the worst fuck of all is when the "rape" victim is faking it. The 'rapist" goes through a lifetime of hell ANYWAY.

>> No.3548514


This, I think is BS. It doesn't take 20 years to "cure" the human mind. 20 Years of nothing doesn't help, while 5 years of something that works can.

For severe crimes like rape that aren't so severe as to kill somebody, there's that 20 years factoring in the fact that the person should suffer and rehabilitate.

>> No.3548523


and complains about rapist rape victims having no sympathy


the hypocrisy is delicious

>> No.3548528

>suffer and rehabilitate
You think humans are like dogs in that if you keep kicking them they just give up?

The US has a very high repeat-offender rate, compared to a place like Norway where they only give 21 years to terrorists.

>> No.3548529


you may have solved the problem. Maybe rapists want to go to prison and be 'raped'. That way they can have gay sex and still claim they aren't gay.

>> No.3548530

i never litter and i don't like people who do. obviously they don't deserve death, but they should be punished.

>> No.3548531


I hope you get wrongfully accused for rape and go through a lifetime of hell to a fate worse than death.

"you deserve it".

Just fucking imagine how it would be like to be the accused for fucks sake. FUCKING JUST FEEL FOR ANOTHER HUMAN'S MISERY AND LIFELONG TORMENT. CAN YOU FUCKING DO THAT


>> No.3548533


you know what? You sound like a rapist to me.

>> No.3548535

Why don't they deserve death? They're causing irreparable fucking damage to the Earth! They're exerting their dominance on the Earth and there's nothing the poor little Earth can do about it! I think we should bury them in garbage, they fucking deserve it. They deserve to know what their victim felt!!!!!!

>> No.3548537


Fuck. This is the exact same tactic used by feminist fuckfaces like you to smear and demonize men.


Fuck you. fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you.


>> No.3548540

well i know your joking, but:
the damage is repairable, you have council workers that clean the streets to fix the damage caused by the inconsiderate arsholes!
secondly the earth isnt alive, it cant suffer, it has no consciousness, the ground itself doesnt give a fuck if you litter, it just makes the place a little more unpleasant for your fellow man.

>> No.3548545

>Youd rather get raped constantly for 20 years rather than get raped once. Youre just so deep in fuck

How did you gather that from what I was saying? You cannot compare littering to rape either. Littering is an act of laziness and carelessness. Rape is deliberate and far more sinister. It takes a certain kind of person to rape, and yes, those type of people are all scumbags. You can never find any justification for it. Nothing to do with feminism either (we are a bit off topic). I'm a guy and I wouldn't fucking want to be raped. In fact, I would gladly see someone off to prison to 20 years if they raped me, they don't deserve to live with civilised people.

>> No.3548551


Dude, calm the fuck down. Just for the record, yes, rape is traumatizing, but just you let yo enjoy it a bit, there's a thing called a G spot in there which lets you cum. But then again, it'd probably make you feel guilty for liking it. And you can adapt in prison. 20 Years. Humans adapt, they don't just give up.

EK, loosen up. I think he's right. 20 Years of rape probably sucks hard. After that, you're probably not a man anymore, and will kill yourself

>> No.3548552


Women have no right to the term "fellow man".

You will never know fellowship and brotherhood.

The Taoists represent women as the Yin, the negative energy that festers and blights its positive counterpart, the Yang.

And you dont have to be religious, or believe in taoist hippie crap to be on the side of justice.

>> No.3548557

i know it would suck hard, but choosing to be a rapist sucks hard as well! its a conscious decision that these bastards make, i have no sympathy for them. they should control themselves, the shouldn't do it, they should just live like normal people and just not be criminals. is that so hard?

>> No.3548558

There are counselors to help rape victims too, but apparently that damage is irreparable.

The earth can suffer. It's a physical object that can be destroyed, just like how someone's psyche can be destroyed from trauma. However, there are no special doctors that can put the Earth back together, but there are mental health professionals who can help trauma victims.

>> No.3548560


Animals adapt. Humans give up.

>> No.3548563

also, people don't usually get raped in prison, actually. the punishment is just the prison time, and prisoner-prisoner misconduct is still a crime, it usually doesn't happen because the prisoners are watched closely and protected from one another.

i'm not in favour of rape at all, being imprisoned is enough, i just dont particularly care if a rapist IS raped, because then they know what they subjected their victim to.

>> No.3548564

i never said its irrepairable, some people get over it, they move on. but its still a horrible experience that no1 should have to go through.

>> No.3548565

He wasn't the one who used the littering analogy

> carelessness and laziness

No bullshit! Those people made a conscious effort to pollute the planet. In this day and age garbage bins are all around, it's not that fucking hard to walk your planet destroying ass over to one and throw the garbage away. It's not carelessness, it's murder. Slow and painful fucking murder.

>> No.3548568

oh, and if the earth actually is destroyed, we all die. you are being overdramatic, humans slightly damaging the world just changes it, we arn't destroying it, and nothing short of a huge meteor or nuclear war will.

>> No.3548567

Do you have any idea how many men have rape fantasies?

Do you have any idea how many women have fantasies of being raped?

We're not all monsters. We just enjoy sex, you retarded, conservative, attention whore.

>> No.3548572

Just like being suffocated by trash is a horrible experience.

By and large though, men who serve long prison sentences don't move on. They either end up repeat-offenders, drug addicts, or suicides.

>> No.3548576

>nuclear war
A large scale nuclear exchange would leave the Earth barren.

>global warming
Given sufficient time, it will leave the Earth barren.

If a nuclear war is destroying the earth, then so is littering. It's just far more insidious.

>> No.3548580

if they consent it isnt rape.
i'm a bit of a fan of rough sex myself, but there is still consent both ways.

>> No.3548577 [DELETED] 

if they consent it isnt rape.
i'm a bit of a fan of rough ex myself, but there is still consent both ways.

>> No.3548600

nuclear war will leave the earth barren, but i suppose it wont actually destroy it. the planet will still be here, even if there is very little life left.

>> No.3548601

My point is that rape is much more organic than inevitably permanent crimes, like assault and battery, murder, kidnapping.

If the rapist also beats the fuck out of the woman? Yeah, sentence him for it. Prisoners tend to dislike prisoners who are in for physically abusing women.

Regardless, though, a single rape is NOT worth twenty fucking years of torment. You're just being prejudicial against "monsters."

>> No.3548607

Sure is backpedlan' in here.

>> No.3548611
File: 223 KB, 477x472, 1307836830187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the rapist also beats the fuck out of the woman? Yeah, sentence him for it.
fucking what?
so if the rapist doesnt also beat the woman then don't sentence him??
"oh, you! you naught randy ragamuffin, you. don't do it again *ruffles hair* on your way!"

>> No.3548617

well, nuclear war destroys humanity, and thats kind of the problem, not the earth itself.
a meteor collision will destroy the earth, and also kill us all.

>> No.3548626

>so if the rapist doesnt also beat the woman then don't sentence him??

Upon further inspection, you'll notice that I never said that. If women weren't all fallacious, illogical cunts like you, maybe we men would respect you more.

>> No.3548627

Actually global warming could be more damaging as combined nuclear arsenals of all countries are far from enough to even kill a half of all humans.

>> No.3548629

And a bitch who got raped can get over it!

A sexual offender can't! After their lengthy prison sentence full of surprise buttsecks, they'll have to inform all of their neighbors that they're a sexual offender, and also inform any potential employers. The social stigma that surrounds sex offenders will almost certainly render them either unemployed, or employed at a level far below where they should be. The mental trauma they experienced in prison will go untreated, and they'll live a miserable existence.

>> No.3548633




Some people get fucked to the point of needing to rape something, and the sexuality of humans is pretty interesting if you look at the shit people did in Europe in Medieval Times. Then it was repressed in the 1950s.


Nopenopenopenope.jpg all the way. Animals give up as well. See classical conditioning. By this logic, humans do too, but in times of extreme duress, we aren't weak. We can go absolutely apeshit individually with adrenaline, or we can fuck shit up collectively in riots, et cetera.

>> No.3548635
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right good, so we are in agreement, rapists deserve sentencing, if he beats the fuck outta her he deserves additional punishment.

>> No.3548639

Sentencing doesn't mean 20yrs of rape.

>> No.3548640

Additional punishment, yes.
Capital punishment, no.

If it's ONLY rape, and no charges of battery, I say five years should be the maximum.

>> No.3548641


you won't be raped in solitary.

>> No.3548642

good, rape is a crime, we dont use it as a punishment. if it happens it is unfortunate. see:

>> No.3548643


you sound like a sex offender

>> No.3548647

>implying solitary doesn't induce serious mental disorders

Long term solitary is torture. Literally, torture.

>> No.3548648

While I agree with your idea, you're confusing two different problems.
20 years sentence is not a problem, general treatment of rape offenders is.

>> No.3548649

>The fact is, that women are fighting against male-bashing, and while they are fighting towards things like anti-female sexual harrasment and male domestic abuse, they are /ALSO/ fighting for men who experience rape, popular view of all men as "potential rapists", and fighting for men's right and against male demonization in todays society, including todays age of consent lwas, and equalizing the treatment of BOTH genders in courts.
The fact is generally not that.

Most of them are NOT for legal gender equality. For instance, the right to abortion (in order to not have to carry the burden of paying and raising a child for 18 years or so) is generally female-only with no relevance on the obligation to pay child support, and most feminists clearly do not care about that.

Most feminists and wome in countries where military service is mandatory for males also don't lobby for equality there, that the draft may include women, too.

And then all the undifferentiated bullshit related to rape and so on. Quite many that would call themselves feminists seem to like the point that apparently in crime statistics more men show up there. Doesn't matter if its a value that's less than 1/10000 of the population anyways, you GOT to totally bash men specifically over that and domestic violence and so on.

Face it, most feminists aren't making a firm stand for gender equality in law and society, they only care about women's rights. They also not rarely vilify men and generally are on the side of "he's protably a rapist" rather than "innocent until proven guilty (beyond all reasonable doubt)".

>> No.3548651

i never said i was in favour of capital punishment for it. see: >>3548423

and seeing as your some random kid on the internet, i doubt they will take your opinion into consideration when deciding how rapists are to be punished.

>> No.3548652

A 'large' nuclear war would cause a small global die-off, but I don't think it would even register as a mass extinction.

An asteroid impact would most probably do a slightly more damage. The solar system is a lot more quiescent these days than it was. There are small asteroids (in the kilometer range) hurtling around still, but any real planet killers have settled into stable orbits.

To kill all life would require something on the order of Pallas hitting the earth.

The only thing that could destroy the planet itself is collision with another planet, a star, a neutron star or a wandering black hole. Even the black hole would have to be pretty massive and moving at relatively slow speed to destroy the Earth outright.

>> No.3548654


Really? You'd rather be in general population with PRISONERS than in a nice cell by yourself? Suit yourself.

>> No.3548656

>i just dont particularly care if a rapist IS raped
Cause fuck human rights! Right?

>> No.3548657

i'm not saying its right, it IS a crime, i just don't have much sympathy for rapists.

>> No.3548658



Also, about the whole, human mind is weak thing. People, brought up in the right circumstances can do amazing things, see Che Guevara and Albert Einstein.

Also, the human body isn't as weak shit as people think. Sure, the average human male that works in an office probably has atrophied muscles and is weak, but BUILT people like Mike Tyson, Bruce Lee and Mariusz Pudzianofki are EXTEMELY tough.

Bruce Lee weighed 150 Pounds. He exercised LITERALLY 12 HOURS A DAY, HAD 0.5% BODY FAT, HAD A EXTREMELY STRICT DIET, PRACTICED MARTIAL ARTS FOR 20 YEARS, DUG HIS HANDS INTO SHARP ROCKS, AND PRACTICED KICKING TREES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TYPE 1 AND 2 MUSCLE FIBERS. The man was a extremist as well as a philosopher, and was an eclectesist, saying he used his fighting as a personal philosophy.

Mike Tyson's AVERAGE punches in a ring are completed successfully without enough force, tested, to knock the person out. This is seen on average punches in the ring. It is possible for an extremely disciplined, built, and knowledgeable person to kill someone with 1 punch to the heart.

Mariusz Pudzianofski pulled a plane. Sure, it had a wheel, BUT A PLANE!? A commercial 747 airliner.

Even skinny, average, unathletic people can do extraordinary things under duress, I.E: Stories of moms with their children under cars are reasonable.

In boxing, many fighters take injuries and play according to a script, regardless if their bones are broken or not, et cetera.

Humans are not weak, but our culture makes us percieve to be, although I am citing notably extreme human beings.

Bruce Lee wasn't a Arnold S. roid freak. He died from an allergic reaction.

>> No.3548661


Ah, but you're missing the beautiful injustice of it all. They'd take your opinion into consideration much sooner than mine. Because I'm either a kid, as you say (nope.jpg), or a disgusting pig.

>> No.3548662

YEA! Punish the criminals more than everever, because rape is (for some reason) so much more of a horrible crime than beating someone up.

>> No.3548668


For the Love of God, read the thread and links. PLEASE.

>> No.3548671

>nice cell by yourself


Cause humans should have to choose between two different forms of torture, right?

>> No.3548673

they probably come hand in hand, the victim would struggle and fight back. they would need to be, erm 'subdued'

>> No.3548676

>weighed 150lbs

>> No.3548678

are you a disgusting pig? could yoou actually be a rapist?

>> No.3548680

Not that you'd care though. I mean they're rapists, they deserved it.

>> No.3548683
File: 21 KB, 391x593, lee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im serious. Bruce wasn't big. He was extemely defined, and looked like he literally had /no/ fat.

Here's him:

>> No.3548690

they deserve punishment. the victim deserves support.

>> No.3548694
File: 34 KB, 242x265, leelats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again. THe only picture of a person to have developed the muscles he has that make his figure look "webbed" from mid-chest to shoulder.

Look at the oval near his stomach? Achieve that. My fucking God. Imagine how much - not only sit ups, but damn exercise and diet strictness you'd need to achieve that.

He didn't take roids-which physically make muscles bigger. He was still "small" compared to Mariusz and Mike Tyson.

>> No.3548698

Given my day in court, your saying I'm a disgusting pig would be enough to convict me.

19 yo, materials science & engineering major. I'm at least reasonably attractive. I can and will say that the idea of rape is much more appealing before one loses his virginity, which for me wasn't until a year ago (consentually, mind you). Was I sick? I don't think so. Just frustrated.

>> No.3548699

Your Wikipedia definition is irrelevant except in the past where I guess it still worked.

Kind of like how communism in Russia was what it postulated for maybe a few months, and then went to shit.

Nowadays, in real life, nearly all feminists you can see in politics and public are NOT giving a shit about for equality.

They cry "equality in wages" and "more females in management", yet ignore most women did not get nearly as much education as men - a criterion we do link fairly closely to the ability to lead, and rightly so. And they really ignore men's issues.

This is just a fact in real life. That's most feminists today.

>> No.3548700

I'm laughing cause he was lower than 150 for the majority of his career.

>> No.3548704

His shoulders were square, retaining almost no fat, he worked to minimize fat (a error, on my part. He had no "good" fat in storage), and you could see lines between his bicep/tricep, shoulders, pectorials, an oval surrounding his abs.

Look at this philosophies too.


>> No.3548706

>deserve punishment

Again, our justice system isn't built on punishment, and the ones that are don't work particularly well.

You'd probably be in favor of sharia law, wouldn't you? Rapists can't rape if they're dead! Thieves will have a hard time stealing without a hand!

>> No.3548707

This thread started so well. I go for a walk, come back, you guys are arguing about how rape isn't actually that bad on one side, and about how rapists "deserve" to be raped back on the other side.

Never change, /sci/, never change.

>> No.3548715


Then the true meaning of a femin/humanist movement must be given to them.


I see. Didn't know that :P.

>> No.3548717

no, i just reckon punishment works better than rehabilitation. people can act, they can fake being rehabilitated. they probably still think exactly the same way.

>> No.3548721

Why are you discussing Bruce Lee and general fitness on /sci/?

This just a board made up of flabby atheists who wear designer glasses.

>> No.3548722


But Rape is punished way too harshly in general. People often quote psychological trauma as to why this is a particularly heinous crime.
But much of the trauma in fact seems inflicted by society by how victims are treated - pure genius.

Adding to that, many victims of a beating on the streets or such also carry such trauma, and sentences there are not nearly as long. Why? Because apparently you can get over that... great.

>> No.3548724

And like I've said, punishment doesn't work better than rehabilitation. Just look at the repeat offender rates in the US vs Norway.

The only regimes where punishment works are the ones where the penalties are absolutely ridiculous. Like being shot for being out past curfew. That's why crime in Nazi Germany was almost non-existent. Are you saying we should be like Nazis?

>> No.3548726

You're using words like "reckon" and "probably," which means that your argument is already invalid.

>> No.3548729


True. Also, many victims of "beating on the streets" are depicted as people in gangs, "bad" things, et cetera.

The reason we might about law is because it involves this very thing-rape-which is a big factor in gender in today's society. Ultimately if this keeps going it will divulge into politics and reason of X.

>> No.3548731

its still far worse, would you rather be punched in the face or pinned down and fucked in the ass?

same thing.

>> No.3548736


>> No.3548737

>The only regimes where punishment works are the ones where the penalties are absolutely ridiculous. Like being shot for being out past curfew.
I think you misunderstand something there.

If you are interested in raping women or killing people or all sorts of other things, you actually probably chose to be a Nazi.

Because the Nazis themselves generally went unpunished when inflicting any sort of crime to the subjugated people, especially when you were part of certain groups.

>> No.3548741


Because these flabby atheists undermine the human body and physical fitness, and then bash on it without knowing anything about it.


>> No.3548743

>Are you saying we should be like Nazis?
not in every way, nai's did lots of horrible things to innocent people as well, but with regard to guilty people, the ends justify the means.
if you say that with strict punishment crime is completely none-existant because would-be criminals decide against acting on their urges because of fear of the punishment, then the country is a better place, having ero crime would be fantastic.
no1 will commit crime, no1 will need to be punished. ever.

>> No.3548746

That doesn't change the fact that the crime rate plummeted.

It also doesn't dispute the repeat offender rates in different countries.

If anything, you're just saying that punishment doesn't work at all.

>> No.3548748

So you are for sharia law. Man you Brits are so lost in regards to your culture.

>> No.3548752

Ha ha. Punched in the face.

I guess I am comparing the more severe damage that usually DOES cause psychological trauma 'swell.

And yes, between a brutal beating (broken/fractured bones and some noticeable degree of internal bleeding) and getting raped in the ass, yes, I'd probably choose the latter. Very unlikely that I'm ending up with an irreparable disability for life (except maybe AIDS), and the level of pain also is less prolonged and bad.

>> No.3548756


No crime.

Implies subjugation or complete sameness. Sameness would be more ideal for a perfect system in which people voluntary joined under seperate nations, but people would lose their sense of individuality, giving the people no name's individually but ultimaately creating a society which triumphs all others.

I'm talking something fictional. I.E: The Matrix. If everyone was an Agent Smith with perfect education, et cetera.

There would be riots against the Nazi or Stalinist forms of Tyranny. One person has alot of capability. Like I said, Che Guevara, et cetera.

There'd be riots everywhere, etc. under that form of government of subjugation like the Nazis had, unless they were brainwashed into thinking it was okay.

Oh wait Bush Administration dot jay peg.


>> No.3548757

EK, go fuck yourself. Hard. Did you even think about what you just wrote? How is living in a police state good in any way? Basic freedoms being trampled does NOT sound like a fun way to pass a lifetime.

Do yourself a favor: have consensual sex, say it was rape, and come here so you can make a thread in which you attention-whore all over the fucking place, just like every single goddamn one of your idiotic posts.

>> No.3548759

not shariah law, thats an islam thing. just brittish law but with strict punishments.
(shariah punishes certain victimless 'crimes' like homosexuality. i wouldnt be in favour of this)

>> No.3548761


You'd choose rape?

You have no more friends, no one to trust, people hate you for being a victim, you are weak according to the people and yourself, you can never change, you will forever remiain disgraced and incapable as a man, and therefore as the person you are in general, and you will be raped in costs from bs pharmaceuticals selling you drugs to elevate your depression and fucked over by your psychiatrists.

>> No.3548762

>Hungarian Revolution
>Oh shit we won't try that again!

Also, the Nazis had this great idea of killing like 10 jews publicly for every German that was assaulted. No one wanted to be responsible for 10 innocent men's deaths.

>> No.3548766

basic freedoms wouldn't be trampled. i'm saying that real crimes that cause suffering to innocent people should be treated severely,
thats rape, murder, assault, etc.
for the rest of the none criminals (~99%) they are completely free to do what they want, as long as they dont commit any of the aforementioned crimes.

if you are a good and innocent person, you would have nothing to fear from the authorities.

>> No.3548767



>> No.3548771

but you'd be in favor of disproportionate punishments so that there'd be a lower crime rate

That seems reasonable, yup.

ITT: femlogic errwhere

>> No.3548773

And if you think the very immense instinctive fear that you might die, the pain and factual loss of most control over your body while some angry asshole beats you does not result in similar or worse trauma than rape, you're an idiot.

There's also been quite many people that were confronted with the choice between these both, from in medieval ages to recent dates, by some sadist war criminals and institutionalized secret police and so on. Guess what they actually chose? Yep, rape / participation in sexual acts with people they were disgusted of. Not the immense pain of severe beatings.

>> No.3548776

the ends justify the means. the goal is no crime at all. it'd work.
and don't generalise, you can't equate my opinions with that of all the fems, i'm quite unusual as far as my beliefs etc go.

>> No.3548778

Except if their ex who they had a bad breakup with decides to say they raped them. Then you just got fucked over because EKs a feminist.

>> No.3548782


It'd fail.


Ouch. Its not like humanity has been doing this for a long time, you know? Men have these capabilities too. You're kind of saying more or less every man is a horny, submissive freak :S.

When a man like this does come along, all the women will go OMG over him and then the rest of the men will revolt. Simple. This is why women like gay men so much; its the only thing they can't have from man in general.

>> No.3548784

>feminists advocating for harsher rape penalties
>EK advocating for harsher rape penalties

I'd say with this view, you're pretty mainstream. Hell, almost any girl you ask would be in favor of harsher rape penalties.

>> No.3548789

innocent until proven guilty. under my system, unless you can prove the crime happened, then the person can't be punished.
(i might stick CCTV cameras FUCKING EVERYWHERE though, so that if crimes do happen, we will find out about them, have proof, and dish out the punishments. people wont be getting off free if they actually ARE guilty, but innocent people definitely wont be punished either)

and if you have a problem with a lot of cameras, then why? if you are innocent you have nothing to hide.

>> No.3548792


A government with the power to punish its criminals harshly also has the power to treat all its citizens harshly. And since legal institutions tend to exert all the power they possess, one can reasonably infer that such a government would hardly abstain from dominating its people under the guise of "security."

>> No.3548793

the harsher the better, it will be a strong deterrent (not capital punishment though, but still a lot of jailtime)

>> No.3548794

>Police state
>Government everywhere

Yep, femlogic.

>> No.3548795


But then an individual would decide he is above the law because there is something physically or mentally "superior" in their attributes and commit crime.

Ever watch "Masterminds" , et cetera. People are always finding, DEVELOPING, ways to get around the law.

>> No.3548797

nope, in my system innocent people would be left the fuck alone, we wouldn't tell them what to do or dominate them in any way.

>> No.3548799

I don't want people watching and knowing everything I do. Some people actually enjoy privacy while they shower, masturbate, or fuck.

>> No.3548801

I bed you'd have supported Thatcher if you were around then.

>> No.3548802

problem with that?
we WOULD be safe.

like i said, innocent people would have nothing to fear from the system.

>> No.3548803

By watching them closely, you are implying that they are engaging in suspicious behavior and are therefore dominating them.

>> No.3548804

"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” - Benjamin Franklin

>> No.3548807

She was a damn good prime minister, and i'm not ashamed of saying that.

>> No.3548809

> totalitarianism has been tried
>fails errtime

>> No.3548813

the cameras are on the street, not in your home. you can masturbate, fuck, shower in your home and the system isnt watching you. doing any of that in the street is inappropriate anyway.

>> No.3548814


>Thatcher hates gays
>EK says she was a damn good PM
>EK says sharia law is wrong for punishing gays

Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.3548815

Yes, society could be doing something that SHOULD be a crime there, since it is having worse effects than the actual rape according to more than a few studies.

However, my pain and resulting trauma will be objectively LESS bad than with a severe beating.

>> No.3548816

no, just that they might be. we watch them so that if they DO commit crime, we have evidence, and they are punished severely.
if they dont commit crime, merely watching them doesnt cause them any harm.

>> No.3548817

>go to guys house
>leave crying and limping
>a month later report him for rape
>Yeah, we got it all on tape. Here she is leaving is home and limping. String him up!

>> No.3548821

she didnt make being gay against the law. i dont have to agree with everything she believes. i still admire her.

>> No.3548826

And you're wrong.

You can blackmail people over things that are not crimes. You can also far more credibly falsify evidence and what not - society won't react if the "facts seem to add up", and you can only do this if you know a lot about people.

It opens the door to much abuse. Countless stories in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia being only the most recent examples.

>> No.3548830

why would he even let you in? if he is a friend you wouldnt try to frame him.
regardless, with no evidence that you were actually raped other than your word, he would have to be found innocent.

>> No.3548832

You honestly believe she wouldn't have if she could have? I'm trying hard not to believe you only support her because she's a woman, but it's seeming like that.

That's kinda like me saying Hoover was a damn good man.

>> No.3548833

well i wouldn't do any of that. i'd act with integrity, and only trustworthy people would be given positions of power in the new government system.

>> No.3548834

>found innocent
Not true, even today he wouldn't be found innocent. In a rape case, the burden of proof falls on the accused.

>> No.3548836

One problem:
Who decides what a crime is? With as many cameras as you call for (an infeasible fuckload, mind you), I'd be surprised if arbitrary, trivial things don't get blown out of proportion.

E.g. run a red light --> 8 years for reckless endangerment

More cameras + stricter laws = Police state
If you police the public that extensively, their lives will all suck. Everyone will fear for themselves constantly.

I'm guessing you've read 1984, and agree with the structure of Orwell's government?

>> No.3548837


Are you 12 or just naive?

>> No.3548838

no, she wouldn't have. she knew she didn't have he right to push her personal opinions on the rest of the country. she ruled with logic, her decisions were wisely made, and she was fair and just. Even if she had been a man i would still have respected her. The fact that she was a woman had nothing to do with it. I like David Cameron as well.

>> No.3548841

>if he is a friend you wouldnt try to frame him.
There are financial incentives which may be enough if you're in trouble.
Court awards payment for emotional damages. Maybe a business or political rival wants you gone. And so on.

Yes, this kind of thing is the level only very few would stoop to, but it can happen. Very few people become rapists, 'swell.

The assumption of guilt based on someone's word is entirely useless to any court that is actually just and fair. You need evidence.

>> No.3548842


Totalitarianism would only succeed in times of extreme duress of a individual, "new" set of people who know little or are satisfied with the premises given to X, on X land, with X conditions met to live under a state like that, with a list of gaurantees.

I believe we'd have to establish a physically new piece of land, law, political system, and have total equality and mastery of education before we have that. Japan is semi-close, and it can still express itself.

Every man does the same job in a blue-collar sect, then works in a white collar-sect, and educates themselves in X sects.

The 2nd/3rd categories involve people workiing at different shifts, et cetera with the same role, slowly filling all societal requirements needed.

Sex would be obsolete, people could satisfy their urges, but no have kids. People would be nurtured and grown in machines. I'm getting into a sci/fi thing though.

>> No.3548844
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what? no it fucking doesn't!
its 'innocent till proven guilty', not 'you damn well better have an alibi, nigger, or you gon' go to jail!'

>> No.3548847

>militant dictator
>i'd act with integrity

EK, congratulations. You have succeeded in convincing me that women are mentally inferior to men.

There's a reason you'll never be given a position of power.

>> No.3548852
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>> No.3548853

>Who decides what a crime is?
i do. heheh..

but seriously, if some guy runs a red light, we'll let it slide if no1 is hurt, some guy speeds and no1 suffer? fine, no problem.
on the other hand, if your carelessness and inconsideration causes suffering or death to innocents, then your gonna fucking pay!

i havent read 1984, i want to at some point, i have heard of it and i know a bit about it though.

>> No.3548855


Implying you could oversee all of this in a country with MILLIONS of people in it. Hell, a city is hard enough, let alone a city-scape or province-wide situations, let alone countries and a world of 7.6 billion people.

>> No.3548856

Wow...just wow.

>ruled by logic
>My policies are based not on some economics theory, but on things I and millions like me were brought up with: an honest day's work for an honest day's pay; live within your means; put by a nest egg for a rainy day; pay your bills on time; support the police.

>> No.3548859

>like i said, innocent people would have nothing to fear from the system.

Seriously, how can you be so fucking ignorant of history? Power corrupts. I would be opposed to your police state, and at some point, the feds would come knock on my door and fuck me up for being anti-government. This is simply how it always happens with severe punishment, cameras everywhere police states like this.
Besides, even as an innocent person, my freedoms would be under attack. If I know that the government is always, always watching me, do you think I would be comfortable saying anything that goes against the government?

You see, the problem with the state you are proposing is that in the end, the police force is made up of humans. And if one of these humans decides he wants to see me in prison for the rest of my life, he WILL find a way, and there will be nothing I can do. Nobody is ever completely innocent, and if they are, they can be framed for something.

>> No.3548863

needless to say, perjury would be very strictly punished as well.
if someone is found to be lying and pretending they are raped, we'll make them regret it.

we don't force people to have cameras in their homes, but self-monitored home security systems would be availbale to be bought, and would be encouraged. you can film the inside of your own house, if shit like this happens, and you are acused of rape, simply hand in the home made security tapes to the government. it proves you didnt really rape someone in your own house, and the liar will be convicted of perjury.

>> No.3548864

This. Police states work that way, you try to only combat crime much and not resolve issues (which you couldn't easily anyhow, since you have tons of people and material you need to spend money on in the police force). Then they find out crime is still there. And laws get stricter because obviously, that will then stop crime!

Also, depending on how un-diverse your politicans' opinions are, morals friggin' undermine all semblance of proportionality even if you're a democracy.

Example, Singapore:
- 500 dollars or so for littering. Even if you put something in your pocket and falls out, it can be littering. Genius.
- Death penalty for having more than the tiniest amount of marijuana on you. You're a drug dealer, you obviously kill people same as a murderer, right?

>> No.3548865

If what you say is true and recognized by majority of feminists, then good luck to you, OP. I hope you're not just a splinter faction.

also, lol @ EK. So assigning arbitrary meaning to words is bad now? You do it a lot in your anti-religion rants.

>> No.3548867

I frequent /sci/, /v/, and /fit/, and you're the only tripfag that was so absolutely retarded that I decided to block them.

>> No.3548872

i aint most women, and don't generalise!

>> No.3548874

Yes, you are. You're just as illogical, just as emotional, just as naive, and just as self-entitled.

>> No.3548876


And men fall victim to it every time. Become a better may so the women divert. Simple.

>> No.3548879

freedom of speech would be very important in my society, you can say whatever you like about my government, and as long as you are still an innocent person and dont commit crimes, then we will leave you alone, and let you say whatever you like.
if you decide to be a terrorist and actually attack he government, then you are punished severely.

>> No.3548882

Fine, I'll be specific.

You. Are. Retarded.

I can't believe you actually thought posting in this thread would be a good idea without having read venerable literature regarding dystopias. Turn off your fucking comp, go to the library, and borrow 1984 and Brave New World. Then come back to me, and we'll have a pleasant chat about ethical totalitarian government. Until then, I bid you good day, and go fuck yourself for once again wasting /sci/'s time.

>> No.3548883


>> No.3548884


So you can talk about attacking? Doesn't talk lead to shit-talking, then, condemnation, then the idea catches and, then physical action.

If you permit a basis for action, you are inherently allowing the action to happen more or less.

Its like saying. You can teach people to hate my government, but never act on it. Its a look but don't touch policy.

>> No.3548886
File: 245 KB, 387x436, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, i AM going to read it. I still think that my proposed system would work, if it was properly run and the people in charge weren't corrupt.

>> No.3548887



>> No.3548890

erm, yeh. you can talk about anything. i could post here and explain a lengthy plan to go out and murder someone, but its still just talk, just imagination. unless i actually do it and make it reality, its all fine, its just words. words dont hurt people.

>> No.3548891


You can't make this run properly! Human beings can be trained to be machines, IF YOU'RE NAME IS KIM JONG II. Andthentherestoftheworldintervenes.jpg.

America would be so fucked right now (EVEN WORSE THAN IT IS ALREADY) if the world wasn't around.

How would you deal with outside wars?

>> No.3548892

Not mad really. Brits haven't been relevant to intellectualism or academia for a long time, so I can't expect you to be a rival of what your culture once was.

>> No.3548893


innocent until proven guilty?
but, go to jail, be strip searched, housed with other "innocents" and convicts, lose job waiting for arraignment, assigned "bail,,," should i keep going?

>> No.3548896


Do you think Osama just said. Oh hey guys, lets attack the States. No. Years of careful planning, information sharing, communications, and indoctrination as well as propoganda. Why do you think the U.S can't win the war in Afghanistan atm?

They breed men, women, and children to fight. And they fight for their freedoms from, their perspective, invaders of their homes.

O.B.L was born into a rich family, HE HELD HANDS WITH BUSH AND TRIED TO BENEFIT HIS COUNTRY! He was 6 foot 4. Bush fucked him over when his plan to overthrow the Soviet's worked - causing economic collapse.

Where is the proof he is dead?

>> No.3548898

outside wars arn't our problem, we would have a strong standing army, navy, and air force, but they stay in defense of the country. we wouldnt go out trying to police the world, they can have their own system, their own problems, and its theirs to solve. i would solve problems relating just to my government.

>> No.3548899

>implying we haven't won
>implying it wasn't about the military industrial complex

>> No.3548902

I don't think reading these books will be enough. As great as they are, they are just fiction.
Read up on the German Democratic Republic instead, and other governments where "good" people implemented a police state to protect "innocent" people, and where the innocent had nothing to fear from the state ever, no, never.

You think any of these governments that we today see as "evil" were started by people who wanted to oppress people and fuck them over? They were started by good, but ignorant people like you who thought they had the right to protect me from myself against my own will.

>> No.3548906


have you studied history? Also, good luck trying to sustain your population without global imports!

>> No.3548907

any system that puts a juvenile cunt like you in charge is thoroughly corrupt.

>if it was properly run
that's what you don't understand! it WOULDN'T be!

why the fuck are you even here? /sci/ was intended to be a hub of intelligent discussion. when we're not dealing with religion and homework threads, we have to put up with explaining simple things to incapacitated children like you.

>> No.3548908

you might have to be detained while they carry out the investigation, its necessary for the safety of the other innocent people in the community just in case you ARE guilty.

>> No.3548909

>and the people in charge weren't corrupt.
They are in power. They are people. They are corrupt. Just a fact of life.
Which is why the less corrupt politicians do their best to limit the power of all politicians.

>> No.3548911

reported for non science and advertising. take this elsewhere

>> No.3548915

We wouldnt protect you from yourself. you wanna fuck our own life over thats your choice, we just wouldnt tolerate you negatively affecting anyone elses life.
suicide is made legal, you wanna off yourself, go for it, we have enough people anyway.
all drugs will be made legal. you are free to make your own choices if you can afford to buy them, but if you fuck up and take dangerous drugs and ruin your own life, again, that is your choice and your problem.

>> No.3548917

we would still do trade with the rest of the world, we just wouldn't go to war with the rest of the world, except in defence of our own country.

>> No.3548921


Lol. Drugs not only harm people, but harm their family, friends, etc and can destroy the value of families (AKA People that can be used, at the least).

Drugged, fucked up people going to work? BAD IDEA.

>> No.3548923

>innocent until proven guilty
>punished in the meantime jic

you'd make a great august pinoche
hmmm did i spell that right

>> No.3548924
File: 8 KB, 222x203, hammond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah! so mad...

>> No.3548927


Trade of? Do you think people can get modern, up to scale technologies simply with money. There is other currencies. I.E: Send our workers here for migrant's remmitance, et cetera.

Because Iran is going to get nuclear material simply by buying it.

And yes, you're country does in fact require nuclear weapons or a country backing it - through deals, to be powerful.

Every developed country has them...

>> No.3548930

they would be well taken care of, and compensated for their inconvenience later if they are found innocent. the investigation would be undertaken as quickly as possible.

>> No.3548933
File: 24 KB, 450x600, n618615103_738862_2184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK, get the fuck out of /sci/.

>> No.3548934


People make 2 teams.

1 accusses. Other is proven innocent.

Split the profits.

See how quickly counter ideas are formed. You can't punish every one of them without compromising your' estates.

>> No.3548937
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me

>> No.3548939
File: 233 KB, 474x356, 01298436110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhuh, and the bit about perjury being severely punished on the part of the 'accuser' for this money making scam means...?

>> No.3548940

Nothing to do with science.

>> No.3548942


You can't do that. even a country of 10 million. And they 'd have to be perfectly uniform, how would you differentiate between peoples.

>> No.3548944


>> No.3548948


she can't leave until she shows us her tits.

>> No.3548949


You. Cannot. Control. Even. 10Mill. People. Without. Jurisdiction. And. Any. Conceived. Form. Of. Government. Other. Than. A. Totalitarian. Form. Of. Government. In. Times. Of. Extreme. Duress. With. Other. Personalities. Of. Your'. Inhabitants.

>> No.3548950



>> No.3548953

see also; cognitive dissonance

pay me off after you violate me sexually? (yes, i consider being forced, under threat of arms, to strip naked and spread my ass cheeks sexual violation;;; aka strip search)

just admit that you are lying to yourself about being treated as though innocent until proven guilty

it stares you in the face and then you speak of compensation out of the side of your mouth?

cognitive dissonance
seek mental help

>> No.3548954

fuck off, for the 9000th time, she isn't me. you got the wrong FB profile.

>> No.3548955


we arrest people and let them out on bail.. what country are you in?

>> No.3548956
File: 14 KB, 370x341, 1309577067874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK confirmed for fat hipster

>> No.3548959

this thread is a complete trainwreck

>> No.3548960

see below

>> No.3548961
File: 245 KB, 471x346, 13645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*thin hipster

>> No.3548965


I'm bumping!

>> No.3548968


HOW thin? You aren't an A cup , are you? I like big titties.

>> No.3548971

none of your business!

>> No.3548973
File: 248 KB, 352x322, 1309578640619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ask /fit/, they'll correct your body image.

You skinnyfat as fuark

>> No.3548975

Here's her fb, take a look for yourself


>> No.3548983
File: 109 KB, 492x600, 16198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Pic = Everyone in this thread.

Captcha: Condemning irepris

>> No.3548987

--> >>3548954

>> No.3548991
File: 57 KB, 464x704, 72757_10150296089255104_618615103_15215963_1839539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's not the real profile, why are you so defensive?

>> No.3548992

Her mom:


And sis:

>> No.3549000

i'm not!
fine, go ahead and post all this shit, no1 believes you anyway.

>> No.3549001

Alright EK, you know what? I'm gonna start my own state, where no one will ever be punished for anything ever.
And it will work, because all the people in my state will be good people!

Won't work because not all the people in my state can be good people? People being bad is just a fact of life? But yet, you argue pretty much this exact thing - people in your government won't abuse their power, because only good people would be chosen. This will never be the case, the people in your government will be just as corrupt as the people on the streets.

So if they're corrupt, then who watches the watchmen? Ah, the watchmen watch themselves, and each other, you answer. The watchmen have to follow the exact same laws as everyone else, so they would be too scared to break the laws.

And here comes the problem: it doesn't work that way. It never has. The watchmen know that if they're hard on the other watchmen, they'll be hard back. In the end, the watchmen will be soft on watchmen crime - after all, the watchmen are the protectors of society, so if one of them beats up someone who was later proven to be innocent, it's just unfortunate! And no, you don't get to say it won't happen in your society, because it has happened in every society ever, ever!

And again, in your society, I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable of voicing an anti-government opinion. You say that I wouldn't be imprisoned for my opinion. But this is an entirely trivial manner, as a crime can always be found when needed, especially in your society. Tell me, when do you think was the last time you commited a crime? Littering? Piracy? Having your music on too loudly?

>> No.3549004
File: 14 KB, 200x216, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a moment I thought about reading this thread, but then I realized it's another EK thread.

>> No.3549005

>implying this never happened

>> No.3549010

They really need to get rid of the ability to name ourselves. Tripfags ruin 4chan. EK, Josef, Pascal, Philosopher, whoever the hell uses names, fuck you. I wish I mentally delete you all. That's how mad you make me. Yes, I mad.

>> No.3549011
File: 20 KB, 582x358, 13693458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sorry, what happened? oh yeah, a bunch of anon cirlcejerking with no proof of anything, and i left the thread about 5% into it.

>> No.3549021

i dont commit crime.

>> No.3549027

>implying it didn't have married to harriet on ther

>> No.3549029

Oh hai EK.

Can I has tits :P ?

>> No.3549036


I can't look at the Facebook.. they have me Permabanned for trying to hack their Hi!SQL crap.

>> No.3549038

Awww, bunch of pics here


>> No.3549040

uhuh, did you forget he bit about harriet being heterosexual? why would she be married to me (a woman)
it must be a different harriet, you still got the wrong person.

>> No.3549041


she's being cranky about them today... won't even tell me her cup size

>> No.3549044

This is third wave feminism. There is only female privilege on their mind.

>> No.3549045

>implying she wasn't your roommate
>implying girls don't post that shit all the time

>> No.3549047

attention seeking is not a science

>> No.3549049

so what if she's my room-mate, that doesn't mean i'm married to her. harriet is a common name, it doesn't mean that some facebook profile married to someone called 'harriet' has anything to do with me.

>> No.3549051

I simply can not support an organisation whose name isn't even gender neutral. I also believe that there are far too many bat-shit crazy women who consider themselves to be feminists.

We need something new, something that people who actually strive for gender neutrality/equality can join and at the same time would be an obvious bad choice for bat-shit crazy feminists to join.

>> No.3549053


this thread has already been SAGED!!!!

>> No.3549056

You seem defensive to me. You started saging and you weren't saging b4.

>> No.3549064
File: 525 KB, 742x566, whiteknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle name + last name = EK
Married to Harriet

>> No.3549065

Losers, the real EK stopped posting some time ago. This is an imposter, likely male. Stop being such gullible fucks.

>> No.3549067


It's TOO LATE FOR SAGING!!! we're almost to 300, and I'm a little OCD about that sort of thing.

>> No.3549112

Dont you 404 on me~!!!11!1

>> No.3549113

nope, check the archives, i'm using the same trip that i always used. no1 else knows my tripcode.

>> No.3549119

Whatever, the real ek abandoned us. I loved her, once.

> i-love-ek
I miss you, my love.

>> No.3549128


help me get this thread to 300, EK, I swear I'll shut up about your breasts.

>> No.3549139
File: 26 KB, 604x453, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but some people are close to it... i also have another tripcode with your first 7 letters, getting closer

also saged

as for the topic, pic related

>> No.3549140

Sage'd. What u gonna do about it, butthurtfags?

>> No.3549146


hey EK you look like that girl that joseph fritzl kept in his basement. im just saying, thought youd like to know

>> No.3549159

Initials are "EK" - maybe 1 in 100
Has a roommate named "Harriet" - maybe 1 in 100
Female - 1 in 2
Zoologist - maybe 1 in 100
About the right age - maybe 1 in 10
100 * 100 * 2 * 100 * 10 = 20,000,000
So statistically, if my numbers were exactly right, you'd have one EK in 20,000,000, which doesn't add up to much more than one in the greater London area.

I'm not saying the facebook profile is definitely EK, but it does annoy me when people say /sci/ has jumped on this with no evidence whatsoever. If this isn't EK, then the profile is very likely from the only other person in the London area who fits what we know about her so well. And the thing is, she fits pretty much EVERYTHING we know about her, there really isn't much we left out.

Also... has there ever been an explanation why Harriet stopped posting? From EK's "official" version, it seems like she trolled us, we fell for it... and then she just decided that she didn't wanna post any more? It seems weird, as a lot of things in this case...

>> No.3549162

Hello friends,

I would like to invite you to MusikChan.com, a friendly music themed imageboard with mp3 upload and YouTube and soundcloud embed.

See you there :)o

>> No.3549164


no parsley, rosemary, thyme or SAGE.. this Train is going to 300!!!!

>> No.3549167



>> No.3549181

You're numbers are very conservative especially along the lines of zoologist 1 in 100 in a town 20,000,000 there would exist 20,000 zoologists. Same with the has a roommate named harriet because first you have to identify people with roommates and then harriets. Although the rate of harriets in london is probably higher than anywhere else on earth.

>> No.3549197

I don't think she liked the spammers who were posting pictures from facebook. they told her that they would keep spamming the board unless she left.
I bet i can get her to come back. I might ask her.

>> No.3549199


suppose that was the ONLY facebook profile that matched.... but what if our EK doesn't have a real facebook profile? I don't.

>> No.3549212
File: 210 KB, 778x497, 1310043734521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Room-mate called Harriet is pretty specific. that's bound to be less than 100 people on its own.

>> No.3549222
File: 90 KB, 976x566, EKhasfacebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does have Facebook. She said so in the archived thread. This is definitely it.
Harriet room-mate
20 years old
Pot smoker
Short black hair

>> No.3549233

I'm just commenting of course their could be a rather high amount of facebook profiles that matched for some odd reason and none be the actual EK.

Your thinking about the amount of people that fit this parameter not the ratio of people that fit it to those in the population. Since having harriet as a roommate is so very specific it causes the occurence among people of fitting this parameter to be much lower meaning that instead of 1 in 100 its 1 in 1000 or so on, if it were more general it would be 1 in 10 instead of 1 in 100

>> No.3549251

With all the other data it seems pretty conclusive to me

>> No.3549276

I'm just stating the odds that someone fits the criteria probably is much lower than 1 in 20,000,000 just changing zoologists in a population from 1 in 100 to 1 in 10,000 which is still a very high amount of zoologists in a population changes the odds of it being the real EK from 1 in 20,000,000 to 1 in 2,000,000,000.

>> No.3549314

Well how many zoology 2nd year students could there possibly be in London?

>> No.3549317

Hi EK, even though youre a ham beast, i was going to fap to your portrait (your face looks alright at some angles); but my father walked into the room just now to pass me some mail. After that I went downstairs to get a glass of water.

My erection has since died down, and I shall not be fapping to you tonight. Just so you'd know. If you want i could fap to you later.

>> No.3549323

oh yes, please do, hun.

>> No.3549329

Fake EK is fake.

>> No.3549336

There are probably a decent amount of people studying some branch of the zoology field(molecular biology, palaeontology), but students going directly for pure zoology is very small.

>> No.3549342

She is a pure zoologist.

>> No.3549345


Shes a fat zoologist.

>> No.3549347
File: 3 KB, 109x147, EK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't look that fat to me, but she's stupid as fuck.

>> No.3549362


Shes fat. Shes takes offense at being called fat. She only ever takes pictures of her face, and you can see the fat on her face when she makes certain expressions.

Shes fat by the standards of most people.

>> No.3549366

Its like getting a degree in Engineering, not electrical, civil, or mechanical...just engineering.