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File: 50 KB, 431x498, Bachman_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3539657 No.3539657 [Reply] [Original]

Say hello to your next president


>> No.3539676


I'm afraid that the chances of her being elected AND me not putting a .50 BMG bullet through her are ZERO.

>> No.3539669

Why are women that try and get into office always so stupid?

Hilary Clinton was fine... But this Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman... I mean, come on. Why are these idiots even given a platform to speak?

>> No.3539679

>my next president

I don't think so.

Problem, amerifats?

>> No.3539685 [DELETED] 


shes gonna be president of the universe, nigger

>> No.3539688

Anyone having nudes of her?

>> No.3539695


>> No.3539711

>she is a creationist and thinks that the universe was created 6000 years ago and that noahs flood really happened


>> No.3539709

This bill is all about fat. They want us to believe that people are becoming obese and dying from heart disease because of the fat in their diet. But did you know fat is completely natural? If we had no fat in our diet, we could actually die. We can't live without it. Fat is completely harmless, but these idiots that talk about nutrition want to get rid of it.

>> No.3539713

If she actually gets elected, I'll have no more faith in this country. I have no problems with those who lean to the right, but this bitch is just batshit crazy.

>> No.3539722

>I have no problems with those who lean to the right,
Get off 4chan right now.

>> No.3539733

you fucking conservatives. you motherfuckers.

can't you unrepentant assholes find ONE person who is actually electable? do you all even know what politics means, you cocksuckers?

take barack obama for instance. excellent politician. i smelled his shit from a mile away but plenty of people failed to do their homework and fell for his garbage. now look at the shit he's passing.

you conservative motherfuckers. either get your shit together or stay home. i'm tired of seeing this crap.

>> No.3539744


there are 0 intelligent politicians, that is the nature of the game

>> No.3539749

There must be porn of her. Even if it's poorly shooped.

>> No.3539753

such is the nature of management, yes.

what utter fucks -and they think they're better than the rest of us.

the problem is, they have the power.

>> No.3539761

>the problem is, they have the power.

only because they have the ambition. most normal people don't want to become politicians

>> No.3539762
File: 2.45 MB, 2550x3300, bachmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule 34
best I could find

>> No.3539766

Thanks dude.

>> No.3539781

me? no I hate her and all her creationtard shit

she even admitted that she didn't want evolution in schools during her interview with CBN in 2010

>> No.3539784
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1311734026200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that woman

>> No.3539825

Isn't it? Just because it's deadly doesn't mean it's not natural. Carbon dioxide is a necessary byproduct of all chemical processes that could convert organic matter to usable energy.

She was wrong when she said it was harmless

>> No.3539834
File: 70 KB, 480x480, angry pikachu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she becomes president, then I leave the country. I can't believe that she is even a candidate. She has no literacy in history, law, or science, yet people still want her to run.

>> No.3539838

Typical Republicans.

>> No.3539840
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is an organic molecule, but her argument is completely based on that. Doesnt matter what volume of the gas there is in the air, according to her argument which is fucking retarded.

>> No.3539844


>> No.3539842

>then I leave the country

Good, more room for me, sucker.

>> No.3539850
File: 588 KB, 1038x1500, hunter_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still want her to run
Because there's no challenge shooting a stationary target.

>> No.3539857


>> No.3539864

she sounds like a marijuana activist.


>> No.3539885

All the Republican candidates look dumb
Except maybe Romney, who looks like a psychopath

>> No.3539894

>Except maybe Romney, who looks like a psychopath
How so?

>> No.3539896

who says we need to convert organic matter to usable energy at any rate higher than results from human life? harnessing the energy of the sun more directly is far more efficient than doing it indirectly through plants.

>> No.3539927


Not to mention Santorum looks like a huge douchebag, and Gingrich is kinda sketchy.

I'm voting for Jimmy McMillan

>> No.3539931

>democrat: unattractive, smart woman
>republicans: attractive, dumb women

>> No.3539939


Bachman is not attractive. Palin is though.

>> No.3539950

>implying bachman is not attractive

>> No.3539966

>implying she is

>> No.3539976

More importantly:


Solve for x.

>> No.3539978
File: 100 KB, 312x344, paul-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's batshit in a bad way. No one will vote for her. Not even tea parties. And as far as their votes are concerned, well, pic related. Meet obamas contender

>> No.3539981

To decide this we need moar rule 34 of her.

>> No.3539984

Can we just get a new party already that isn't fucking retarded and actually wants to listen to the majority and hear competitive points of view instead of acting like a 5 year old who doesn't want to share his toys?

>> No.3539986


>> No.3539996

You can start voting third-party. That's really the only thing that will make a difference, as far as voting goes.

Even if that party doesn't elect anyone, large third-party constituencies will force the major parties to shift their platforms in that direction as they compete for votes.

>> No.3540005


He seems like a level-headed guy, but he ran numerous times and failed, Reps and Dems probably won't vote for him. Besides, Everyone was saying "Hurr McCain will die in office he's too old" but no one says that about Ron Paul

>> No.3540006


While I appreciate you taking the time, I already did that. It only gives answers and not steps :(

>> No.3540017

It's a four-way race for the GOP nomination, at this point.


>> No.3540018

The alternate forms should give you a hint on how to combine and refactor this.

>> No.3540019


Everything about Ron Paul sucks and he's a nonstarter as a candidate. Look at how much money he raised in '08 and then remember how that translated into a pretty low number of votes. Every vote he got cost more money than votes for the two major candidates. He's not going to win. He's not even going to change US politics in a meaningful way.

>> No.3540024


im pretty sure mccain had skin cancer multiple times which is extremely rare to recover from, especially more than once

>> No.3540033

>not understanding the flaws of older society
>think and act funny

>> No.3540036

if I am to be honest, she's quite hot
I'd fuck her. Much better than Palin.

>> No.3540054


douchebag with good hair

douchebag with good hair

CRAZY populist chruch lady

Old wise one that everyone ignored until it was too late

>> No.3540115


okay... you got me there... actually, I'd like to do them both... and Michell Malkin, too.

>> No.3540141

I'll enjoy USA collapse while moving to china as a scientist

>> No.3540174
File: 48 KB, 300x250, 1312770469724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats, youve broken the hidden message of /sci/

>> No.3540513
File: 9 KB, 228x195, gary-johnson-pic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3540573
File: 541 KB, 973x637, bachmannquote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christians, this shit is your fault. Not because you'd vote for her. You wouldn't. But you spend your time defending fundies and attacking atheists who are working against them.

This is on you.

>> No.3540576

Johnson is cool as fuck, no doubt.

But he stands zero (0) chance of winning.

>> No.3540593


>implying people should only vote for candidates that "will probably win"

stay classy and logical, /sci/

>> No.3540739

Never said that. Vote for the best person for the job--no matter their odds of winning.


Johnson is polling above McCotter, Roemer, and Huntsman. That's it. He has no money. He can't win.

>> No.3540760

Right now if you're not a crazy theocrat that thinks that the government debt, and not the failing economy, is the biggest problem facing this country then you don't stand a chance of getting through the Republican primaries.

>> No.3540789

There's a reason they call conservatism the "right", it's because it is right

>> No.3540792

I would fuck the shit out of that dumb cunt.

>> No.3540803

hahaha! Good because her husband likes men.