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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3539613 No.3539613 [Reply] [Original]

19 year old pre-med here, taking organic chem this coming semester. is there any way to prepare myself? I just started looking around cliffnotes and khanacademy to kind of get my feet wet, but is there anything in particular I should start reviewing before the semester? also, this semester I'm taking physics, neuroscience, spanish, and music history. will i die?

>> No.3539635

Pleasepleasepleasplepalspelsapelsaplepalepaslelelplepaseapleasepleasealeaspeleapsepsaleaplespela don't be in any of my classes you fag

>> No.3539677

sorry bro, not taking buttsex 101, but maybe I'll still see you if I fail out and have to go to your shitty community college?

>> No.3539691
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>> No.3539743

Butthurt phd

>> No.3539765

Lets get this shit started


>> No.3540836

Somebody's mad.

>> No.3540924

chemical engineering here to save the day

learn that as far as your chemistry is concerned there are 4 reactions constantly competing, e1 e2 sn1 sn2, there are many ways you can influence the reaction to favor a certain yield, such as solvents, heat, concentrations, and more.

also, if your university takes ochem seriously at all expect no greater than a C or a B max. its only possible to get A's in ochem at shitty universities. they do this on purpose, to make you rage. a true chemist needs rage in their hearts.

>> No.3540954

Boys prepare yourselves!


Why is it that when some kid is taking a variation of science classes that their university labels as pre-med they feel the need to announce it to us like we give a fuck. Most pre-med majors I have come in contact with are pretentious pseudo-intellectuals who think they're above everyone else because they can call themselves "pre-med".

>> No.3542036


go fuck yourself, faggot

>> No.3542052 [DELETED] 

Not OP, but you niggers mad.
Also a premed here. You mad because we are actually going to get good jobs that won't be taken my mexicans? Oh great you're a mechanical engineer. A fucking mexican can work at jiffy lube too

>> No.3542061

I was pre-med but now I'm pgy2. No how? I didn't FUCKING OBSESS about my prereqs. Being neurotic is the fastest track to fucking it up and looking like another 18 year girl who likes babies and suddenly thinks she has the brains for medicine.

>> No.3542123

What exactly is premed? Where I'm from you just do plain med. Do you need to do an undergrad degree before a graduate medicine degree or is it an actual course of study?

>> No.3542135

You're a pre-med. People are mad because you go around talking like you're med. You're not.

It's like going around saying "I'm going to join the NFL someday. Just you wait!"

Nobody cares until you make it in. Then you have something to talk about.

>> No.3542136


>> No.3542150

Because obviously when a uni labels a study course something, referring to it by that name is aggravating.
>Raargh! He says he's studying math! That's like saying he's going to be a mathematician! How upsetting!

>> No.3542151

Calm down mate, it was an innocent question.