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3538794 No.3538794 [Reply] [Original]

Does the heisenburg unceratinty principle and the inherent unpredictability of quantum mechancis imply that if an entity "created" the universe, it could not possibly predict with certainty, the solar system, life on earth, or specific human actions?

Inb4 shit religion thread

Make the thread about advanced aliens if you want, I simply want you're thoughts on the unpredictability of the ultimate fate of a universe started from a singularity

>> No.3538804

No it means that a being inside that universe, made from parts of that universe (atoms etc.) cannot know both the speed and the position of a part of that universe, because he has to use another part to measure it.

Imagine being a pool ball and trying to know where every other pool ball is on the table without being able to see everything.
It's something like that.

>> No.3538812

I believe a scientist by the name of Walter White solved this in his famous "journal."

>> No.3538822


Just wanted to point out that your analogy kind of sucks.

>> No.3538830

What the fuck is this shit?

If you want to measure something in our universe, then you have to follow our universal laws

>> No.3538836


you're insane

>> No.3538974

For the guy complaining about the analogy: Give me a better one.

The rest: You idiots.

How do you think you measure where a photon is? What do you use to measure it?

If you don't understand my post, get the fuck out of /sci/

>> No.3538987

>How do you think you measure where a photon is?

>> No.3538993

>The heisenburg uncertainty principle is due to measurement techniques and not mathmatical constants


Noone is going to give you a better analogy, because even though you're right in that situation, it's fucking rediculous to claim that something can come from outside the universe and interact with it while disobeying physical laws

>> No.3539010

Atheists if you don't believe in God why do you cry/get sad/mourn when someone you loves dies?

Christians 1
Atheists fags

>> No.3539086

I'm here to explain uncertainty principle to idiots:

P=mv=mc for a photon -->m=p/c

now we have E=cp

well E=hf=h'w where h is planks constant, and f is frequency, and h' is h/2pi, and w is angular velocity.


Imagine a wavelength of length L and you wanting to take a picture of a golfball of say 1cm=Δx, obviously if you use a 10m radio wave the picture will be fuzzy. !!!***In other words we want Δx > L***!!!

well time=1/f
we found earlier p=hf/c-->p=h/L

P=h/L and dx > L are our 2 key equations.

We find that if we want to know Δx to a required certainty, then L (wavelength) must be very small... meaning P must be very high.

So by finding the position, we must be bombarding an electron with photons, therefore changing it's momentum (P).

>> No.3539113

>it's fucking rediculous

Yes, because you have knowledge of how physical laws are formed and what the influences on them outside of universes, right? -_-

>> No.3539126

In quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states precise inequalities that constrain certain pairs of physical properties, such as measuring the present position while determining future momentum of a particle. Both cannot be simultaneously done to arbitrarily high precision. In other words, the more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be controlled, determined, or known.

Published by Werner Heisenberg in 1927, the principle implies that it is impossible simultaneously to measure the present position while "determining" the future momentum of a particle or any object made up of particles with an arbitrary degree of accuracy and certainty.

>> No.3539187

Hey Muslims, If we wern't gods chosen people then why is our version older?
Jews 1
Muslims -9001

>> No.3539190

> heisenburg unceratinty principle
> if an entity "created" the universe
How the fuck can you posess both hemispheres of the brain and still ask whether a physical principle applies to a hypothetical entity who can form universes nd therefore the laws of physics that govern said universes?

"Hey guys it's me, God. I createdspace and time. the concepts of energy and matter. Behold as I conjure approximately 10^78th atoms out of nothingness."
"Awesome! Hey, can you change this one single electron into a positron?"
"Whoah, whoah, WHOAH. Back the fuck up. That would violate conservation of electric charge for ONE TINY PARTICLE. That's completely out of my league."

>> No.3539221

why does everybody assume we have only one dimention of time? why not 2 or 3?

>> No.3539242

>Laws of known physics were violated to make the universe

Seriously? Look at the /sci/ prerequisites, see "A Universe From Nothing" - Lawrence Krauss

>> No.3539244

>God created space and time not expanding matter

Kill yourself

>> No.3539250
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>the inherent unpredictability of quantum mechancis
Pic related

>> No.3539276
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Why would god create universe he can predict in the first place?

>> No.3539297

He's omniscient in most religions

>> No.3539352

Sure it's possible. I build a solid metal box. I want to put something in it. No, I can't do that without disassembling it. QED.

>> No.3539365

FACTS: we don't know whether QM is truly probabilistic or whether there are hidden variables that make it deterministic. So, there.

Also, it could well be possible to measure things inside the universe from outside the universe. We don't yet know how physics works from outside the universe, obviously.

>> No.3539519

So you know the particulars of what precise aspects of the universe God did create and what he did not? Holy fuck, dude, why aren't you making millions writing cosmology textbooks?

So the maker is shut off from the box and the box from him. In which case you might as well discard any discussion of the box creator because by your definition we are shut off from it.

>Also, it could well be possible to measure things inside the universe from outside the universe.
No, it could not, you remarkable moron, it could not be possible by any definition of "measure". Even if there was an outside of the universe (there isn't) you can only "measure" physical properties. Which only exist inside the universe.

>> No.3539521

>He's omniscient in most religions

I am pretty sure that omniscient means: "God sees you masturbate." not "God already knew when you will be playing with your genitals at the moment of creating universe." Just consider the story of Job in the Old Testament. What would be the point of Satan if god could predict any event in the universe?

>> No.3539534



>god is an imaginary alpha male

>> No.3539561
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I can't believe others are ignoring this. Seems valid to me, but I'm no physicist. Thanks.

>> No.3539572

I'm pretty sure he loopholes have been closed.