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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 102 KB, 1024x768, gman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3537581 No.3537581 [Reply] [Original]

Time to choose, /sci/:

a) Cock of any size you want
b) +60 IQ boost

>> No.3537586


b sounds good, a is just fine.

Also, sage.

>> No.3537588
File: 61 KB, 400x388, sad frog yotsuba b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c) Becoming female. Semi-related to a) though.

>> No.3537591
File: 4 KB, 120x90, f9c130cefa6feb68a691dd19411ca1f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy choice for me... It would be nice to have an IQ over 200
I'm happy with my cock.

>> No.3537596

What? B of course.

My cock is an ok size, and do you realise what a 60 point IQ boost would do?

>> No.3537600


Gimme b

I'm more then happy with a. Hell you can take some of A if it means I can get more B

>> No.3537603


well, in my case... It would mean I could finally get into Mensa!!!!

>> No.3537618


I'm already smart enough.

>> No.3537619

I'm quite satisfied with my cock size, so i will take the IQ boost.

>> No.3537630

to all people saying A
why the hell do you care about your cock size???
a: it isn't your pleasure that depends on it
b: how many women have you shown your cock in erect condition without having sex with them immediately after (or in other words have you ever been turned down for a too small cock)
c: how many men have you shown your cock too, becuase if you just want it for bragging rights you can say what you want, for most people do not want to see the evidence

as opposed to an iq boost which does offer an improvement in YOUR daily life

tl;dr : why would anyone care about their dicksize if you think about it for 2 secs

>> No.3537635

This is what small dicked white people actually believe

>> No.3537638

Tough one. My cock is already normal sized, and bigger would really just be for show. On the other hand, my IQ is already over the range at which it really means anything, so what a "+60 IQ boost" would even mean I'm not sure. If it just means make me a lot smarter, than I guess take that one.

>> No.3537642

Is that your only reasoning? Haha, oh wow.

>> No.3537645

to all people saying b)
why do you care about your IQ, since it doesn't represent anything?

>> No.3537646


another matter i would like to know
do you even know the average cock size and standard deviation of that value, for unless you are a girl/gay how would you even know your dick is small/big

and no a quick wiki doesn't count

>> No.3537652

>It would mean I could finally get into Mensa!!!!

If that's what your main goal for a higher IQ, you should probably just stick with a) instead.

>> No.3537655


no please don't go there you'll get 200 troll replies fighting about iq and someone will trow in a graph depicting the difference between races

there are about 3 threads a day of that stick to them

>> No.3537659

+60 anyday.

in the job I'm at, any boost to mental capabilities = LUDICROUS MONIES

money may not buy happiness, but money buys bitches.

>> No.3537668
File: 133 KB, 246x247, 1311113259788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, go on /b/ and you'll see IQ and cock-size thread everywhere;
and don't see how this thread is related to /sci/, so I'm coming back with a comparison between races and stuff
see you soon

>> No.3537673

money buys hapiness, you just have to consider money as a means to accomplish what you want, and not as an end. Everything will be fine then.
Also, know what you want

>> No.3537685

I want a smaller cock.

>> No.3537696

me too.
I always have to buy three plane tickets.

>> No.3537709


Right, so money doesn't buy happiness, it just helps overcome certain (but not all) obstacles to happiness.

>> No.3537712

you made it too many IQ points, anon. you failed to realize that even though guys pretend to want/have 12-inch dicks it would be horribly impractical to have a penis that large. I think most people if they could choose would want a 7-inch dick- larger than average, but not so huge as to make intercourse difficult. and since the vast majority of men have dicks between 5-7 inches, the ability to give their dick at most 2 extra inches is maybe attractive, but more on the level of losing that last 10 pounds than something you absolutely NEED to have if given the option

meanwhile, 60 extra IQ points is enough to make a smart person out of a dumb person, a genius out of a normal person, and one of the smartest people alive out of a smart person, which most of /sci/ probably assumes includes them

>> No.3537722


No, I'm just kidding.. I don't want to join a Club that would accept someone that was half irish/half jewish... would you?

>> No.3537727

b any day. You fags realise that having a huge dick still won't get you laid, right?

>> No.3537729

IQ doesnt mean shit
my penis is ok

>> No.3537735

Lol, my penis is big enough
B please

>> No.3537752

While my penis is not exactly the avarage size, having a bigger one wouldn't exactly improve my life.

Another 60 IQ would guarantee my future though.

>> No.3537761

Anyone who doesn't choose b is a massive faggot.

>> No.3537763

b. I feel fine with the size of my cock.

>> No.3537765

i'm insecure about my dick size, but i'd definitely go with b.).

>> No.3537773


>> No.3537779

I'd take A.

>> No.3537781


>> No.3537789

That IQ boost sounds tempting, but I could really use a a smaller cock.