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3535599 No.3535599 [Reply] [Original]

I think all of you should watch these

So you want to get a PhD in physics?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfxfnokQuLM&NR=1

So you want to get a PhD in mathematics?:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOZO0WWULLA

So You Want to Get a PhD in Chemical Engineering:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZownzxLHZ6M&feature

>> No.3535620
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So you want to major in Chemistry?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TShy9sLdIgo

So You Want to Go to Law School?:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMvARy0lBLE

So you want to get a PhD in psychology

>> No.3535643
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>> No.3535650

My dreams....

>> No.3535652



>> No.3535676

So don't go to grad school/and or professional school.

Got it.

>> No.3535692

>So you want to get a PhD in mathematics?:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOZO0WWULLA
If there are actually students like this in American universities then it's no wonder why they're so damn stupid.
What kind of shitty education system lets students jump from just having finished calculus 3 to pursuing a phd in mathematics?

>> No.3535695

You laugh, but my Physics professor told me about a friend of his with an Engineering doctorate who was so overqualified that he just put he had a Master's degree on his resume lol.

Get Master's degree, THEN find employer willing to let you finish PhD, THEN get PhD.

>> No.3535708
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That's the plan, as it seems. Always make sure you have outlets of income, otherwise you're fucked. I'd rather just do graduate level material as a hobby, and not take it so seriously.

>> No.3535714

It's just graduate school; the path to a doctorate in mathematics. That's at least what I assume.

>> No.3535717

This of course applies to everyone who seeks higher education as a means to make money, rather than, you know, furthering their education. I work at a factory that hires grunts with GEDs. I have three separate degrees. I don't give a shit. I want to know everything. Money means nothing. Little pieces of paper with numbers on it. However many I have determine who I am? No. Wrong.

>> No.3535726


>> No.3535723

And or status. Basically, so that they can look down upon others. If you have that mentality, then you're very atypical of graduate students.

>> No.3535720

>So don't go to grad school/and or professional school.

>Got it.

HAHA I make decisions the same way

>> No.3535728

I'm hitting every degree on the way up (from Associate's in Science on) to be safe. I'll have a fallback no matter what then, and if push comes to shove I can lie on my resume like my professor's friend, lol

Double degree in Physics and Chemical Engineering by the way. Still deciding on what precise course through graduate school I'm taking. I'm just afraid that after everything there will be either no jobs or jobs I don't like. I want to do green tech, but...

>> No.3535731

The mentality of pursuing knowledge in a given field, that is. But, I don't see why you just don't do everythi ng on your own in that case.

>> No.3535746

>And or status. Basically, so that they can look down upon others. If you have that mentality, then you're very atypical of graduate students.
Pretty sure this is just what the people who aren't graduate students imagine graduate students are like.

>> No.3535750

Yeah, you're sort of taking a risk, man. I say just do it as a hobby, study dissertations, and write your own. Maybe pay professors to peer review it, I don't know. In hindsight, it wouldn't seem worth it to me. All the stress and whatnot, maybe I'm just a pussy. Who knows?

>> No.3535755

Well, it's out of my own experience, of course. Not to say all of the are like that, but I thought everyone would take that as a given.

>> No.3535776

What's my risk? Those are two solid majors. I may go to grad school for both, one, or neither. Just depends.

>> No.3535779

"My job is unmitigated torture unlike anything you could ever comprehend"

>> No.3535800

Not knowing the availability of certain jobs you'd find enjoyable.

>> No.3535808

It's two year away, but you're right. I should look. Suggestions?

>> No.3535828

Try to find an easy going job(which is another story), feed a good portion of your income into graduate school, if you are so inclined to pursue it, or invest in material so you can continue enjoying and learning the topics in physics and chemical engineering. Go to forums help others,a nd also receive help, if needed. If you need a little extra cash pick up tutoring, tutors are paid very well.

>> No.3535833

>tl;dr: Overqualification

Learn to not be an aspie faggot, get some teamwork skills/networking connections, and blow away your job interviewees, and you'll be fine.

>> No.3535847

I thought it was pertinent, since /sci/ is comprised wholly of aspie faggots.

>> No.3535852

Watched some of this.

The monotone voice is soul crushing. So basically "Don't go to graduate school, PHD is only for human-like gods."

What's the point? Undergrad degrees are useless, PHD is out of my reach according to these videos. Why even have a university career if all the interesting stuff can't get you a job?

Seriously, so I'm at this university to come out with a useless degree 40-50K debt ready and primed to be another useless cog in the machine of a shitty company?

>> No.3535864

Yep, that's life. It sucks. Many brilliant people are overworked and obscenely underpaid.

>> No.3535906

Every single day people post things here to make everyone nervous about their degree choices. Heck, part of the reason why I changed from an Ancient History major into biology was because people kept saying how useless my choice was and science was the only way.

Why did this guy go to the trouble of making these videos just to make already worried and nervous students feel even worse?

>> No.3535918

I think the problem with these people is they expect a degree in string field theory (or w/e) is like an instant golden ticket to god-tier dream employment. It ain't. Degrees are used mostly as a sorting device for certain top-tier jobs. You still have to go through the whole job hunting, boss impressing routine as everyone else.

And yes, it helps to not set your standards astronomically high. You may end up working in a field other than the one you wanted for a few years. Big whoop. Make some bank, bide your time, get work experience, and then try that job you've always wanted. Come up with research ideas in your spare time, make it your passion.

The principles of job searching are still THE SAME for those with degrees as those without degrees. Just be flexible, go with the flow, live life, and be happy with yourself no matter what.

>> No.3535947

those videos suck. the chick in your pic looks like my old boss.

>> No.3535958
File: 11 KB, 320x350, varg_vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so varg?

>> No.3536324

Do you have any soul-crushing information on how hard it is to make it in Business? Administration, communication, marketing, management, public relations, those kind of fields? Even economics for that matter.

I'm planning on a field of study in Business because I thought I might actually be smart enough and a hard enough worker to get a decent job (compared to maths and sciences where I'm not smart or diligent enough compared to the brilliant people in these programs).

Are my dreams of making a decent living groundless? Is there anything in particular I should be doing? What job experience do I need? Is an internship key?

Fuck these things depress me and I'm not even considering these fields.

>> No.3536941

Business students are the butt of even more jokes. TBH, if you want to make serious money on Wall Street, get a physics degree. Wall Street has been hiring Physicists and Mathematicians who can do serious number crunching to see how the market's doing/where it's heading.

Just realize that you are not all that special. You will more than likely not change the world. But that doesn't mean you can't and shouldn't get a degree in something you're passionate about. Get a job that keeps a roof over your head (via having the necessary academic credentials/network connections/interviewing skills) and do your "real passion" in your spare time, and who knows, maybe you'll come up with something that can get you that dream job you've always wanted.

This assumes, of course, that you won't get your dream job in the first place, which you might. It just helps to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. You CANNOT go wrong with a STEM degree (science/technology/engineering/math). Just realize your degree isn't going to automatically get you what you want. You still have to work at it, just like everybody else.

>> No.3536944

And to answer your question, yes, look in the suggestions for these videos and you'll eventually come across one for business. In case you couldn't tell these videos' sole purpose is to troll the herd of aspies that line up for STEM related work. Looks like it worked!

>> No.3536957

well there was an article on how business degrees are becoming useless and how companies are now hiring less and less of them because they lack any actual skills, not trolling

>> No.3537066


>In case you couldn't tell these videos' sole purpose is to troll the herd of aspies that line up for STEM related work. Looks like it worked!
I don't know about that, the job market is really shit for everyone now. Take a look at this thread on pf, it's depressing as hell:

>> No.3538059

Well, if nothing else you can lie on your resume and get a lesser job until the economy turns around. And it helps to network, network, network.

>> No.3538071

Lol I'm sending this to my Physics professor.

>> No.3538076
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>> No.3538098

The only reason I would go to school would be to get access to the money and facilities necessary to do cool shit.

It's hard to do science in your garage with a shoe-string budget.

>> No.3538113

I don't think there are any third year math majors out there who think "double and triple integrals" are the zenith of a math education.

>> No.3538116
File: 69 KB, 250x224, 300k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take 2 years after undergrad to become math geek before going to grad school

This dude is smoking crack. What kind of shit tier uni would that kid be at where he hasn't had a proof writing class before the end of his junior year? Regardless, he could get into a masters program and then transfer to a PhD program after getting caught up.

mfw finished math undergrad went to grad school for applied math

>> No.3538118

I've spent my entire life putting up with drugged up assholes so i'm ready for pharmacy school

>> No.3538138
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