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File: 54 KB, 460x360, wells-scar-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3534904 No.3534904 [Reply] [Original]

>Wells leaves Baghdad for Germany hours after his surgery, but once he's airborne, his cranial pressure spikes. The plane lands in Balad, Iraq, and doctors cut out another big chunk of his skull. Now he's missing most of the left side of his head. But the bone isn't thrown away. Instead, after both operations, doctors slit open his belly and slide the pieces in above his abdominal muscles, where they'll stay clean and nurtured by blood, until it's time to rebuild his skull.

>doctors slit open his belly and slide the pieces in above his abdominal muscles, where they'll stay clean and nurtured by blood

Could someone please explain this witchcraft?

>> No.3534910

fuck me that's brutal

>> No.3534914

>put bones under the skin
>that prevents it being contaminated

hes a fucking soldier, hes there to die, just finish him dumb cunts

>> No.3534919

If they left the bone fragments outside the body, the cells would have died and re-implanting them in the head would probably kill him.

Keeping them isnide the body the cells stay alive and fresh, ready for implantation.

>> No.3534921

Someone living makes you rage?

It's tough being 15, isn't it?

>> No.3534927

A human Kinder egg.

>> No.3534928
File: 25 KB, 240x199, 4545053025_451a1d2078_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any idea how much money (SEVERAL FUCKING MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS) it costs to train a soldier?

Plus, surgery is probably a lot cheaper than his life insurance policy et al benefits his wife and children will receive if he were to die. (But I'm no actuary so don't quote me on that)

>> No.3534931

Wait... bones are alive?

>> No.3534938

WHAT HAS SCIENCE DON??? Oh, it helped treat him. Never mind.

>> No.3534939

the fuck do you think bone marrow is?

>> No.3534940

Partly, yes.


>> No.3534943

nope, war makes me rage. and people who want to go to war imo deserve exactly what they get.

>inb4 maximum trolling

>> No.3534945

Some of these people are bad apples, but a lot are tough as nails.

This is a great story.

>> No.3534948

It doesn't cost in the millions to train a regular US infantryman.

The SGLI is $400,000 right now.

>> No.3534949

Unfortunately, yes, that's where blood is made.

The thicker bones do most of it of course, but even thin bones have to grow and regenerate like skin cells.

>> No.3534956

tasty food?

>> No.3534959

Osseous tissue requires a blood supply.

Had they just left the skull parts out, cells such as the osteocytes would die and you would just be left with useless bone that would be very harmful if put back into his body.

Not sure how they did that with his abdominal muscles, but the details would be very interesting.

>> No.3534961

Hey, these guys are willing to die, but they want to stay alive and a lot want to help people.

Don't make a sweeping generalization about the people on the ground in a war zone. If you want to knock someone, choose someone at the top.

>> No.3534962
File: 50 KB, 679x624, 1309690818950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hurr durr?
This man must think that
>biology is not a science

>> No.3534963


Yep. They contain osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and other cell types. Bones also contain marrow with hematopoietic stem cells and everything that stems from them.

It's not some barren cellular no-man's land. How did you think bones heal?

>> No.3534967

I never took biology. Was more interested in psychics and math

>> No.3534969

But they're all idiots. They're fighting primarily for corporate interests. I cannot respect someone who fights indirectly for a corporation to maximize profits.

>> No.3534982


>> No.3534983

Maybe you didn't hear what I said? Knock the guy at the top.
Maybe they aren't all the most intelligent people, but they have a job.

>> No.3534986


>> No.3534987
File: 12 KB, 470x457, 1303283778854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the typo

>> No.3534994 [DELETED] 

This thread has already devolved from a science thread about bones into two or three niggers arguing over pointless shit about the wars.

>> No.3534996


Although that might be true, the grunt on the ground signed up because he wanted to go to war, had nothing else to do, or wanted college money.

>Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter.

>> No.3534998

But their job is hurting people. And if they're either too stupid to notice, or too much of an asshole to care, noone should respect them for that.

>> No.3534999

You must be trolling. No rational person could possibly think that every single individual who joins the armed forces does so for that reason.

Most recruits are teenagers who probably have no clue about corporate influence on politics or the true reasons behind most wars.

When you make such sweeping generalizations you only highlight your own ignorance. Yes, some soldiers will have joined to kill dark-skinned people. Some will have joined to make a career in the army or politics for their own selfish reasons. Some actually join because they believe they are doing something good and defending freedom and other values. It's not their fault that the fuckers that the armed forces are run by a corrupt elite who use them for other purposes.

You should also know that the armed forces target lower-income areas where they're basically preying on poor kids for recruits.

But hey, don't let me splash some nuance on your simplistic view of the world with all the misplaced blame that comes with you, you fucking retard.

>> No.3535003

And they're idiots for believing they're doing something good. they didn't look into a job before they took it. We should't honor them for their ignorance.

>> No.3535004

Dude, this is like, stage one of building an army of CYBORGS. It'll be AWESOME.

>> No.3535011 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 239x343, 1286742936352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some actually join because they believe they are doing something good and defending freedom and other values.

Most grunts just want to shoot guns and blow shit up.

>> No.3535020
File: 83 KB, 600x750, k171236_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But their job is hurting people.

Something wrong with this?

>> No.3535035
File: 176 KB, 800x557, calvin hobbes, loss jobs.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been waiting to use this pic for a long time. Coporation/army removes the individual responsibility.

>> No.3535038

So no soldier has ever done anything good?
It's just an army of corporate drones spreading corporate evil?

I guess all black people are robbers and rapists too because you've seen some who are, right?


>> No.3535047

>You should also know that the armed forces target lower-income areas where they're basically preying on poor kids for recruits.

not really.


>> No.3535050

I'm not saying soldiers haven't ever done anything good, but when you look at it, far more bad is done than good.

>> No.3535071


My grandpa worked in the construction industry, and back in the 70's, he had an I-beam dropped on the side of his lower arm. Totally destroyed all the flesh on the inside of his lower arm exposing both his radius and ulna(no bones broken, but it completely stripped the flesh. it was that close). They cut a slit in his abdomen and sewed his arm wound and abdomen together. This allowed his body to add a layer of fat and blood vessels over the exposed bones and prevented the bone from dying. After a couple months, they seperated them and gave him a skin graft for his arm and sewed his abdomen shut. He didn't get any muscles back and he's got a horribly scarred and freakish looking arm, but that's better than losing the arm entirely.

>> No.3535083 [DELETED] 

>mfw I joined the navy to pay for college they paid my full tuition, gave me 60k a year job out of school, let me study anything I wanted, gave me 1k a year for books, also gave me a 250 allowance, then soon I get to travel all around the world.
>yay joining the armed forces to pay for college sucks.

>> No.3535085

I agree with that, but I don't blame the grunt, I blame the policy-makers who train them and put them there.

I never said that it was overall good. There is a long history of atrocities and other crimes committed by the armed forces. There are psychological studies (yeah yeah, not a science, stfu) that predict the in-group, out-group mentality that leads to such situations between the armed forces and the natives.

It's still overly simplistic to generalize to the degree that you do. When you sit there in front of your computer spouting out stupid shit like "he got what he deserved" without knowing anything about the person, you're a douche. Ironically, it also makes you much more similar to those you criticize then you may ever even realize.

Plus it reeks of adolescent rage.

>> No.3535096

>But their job is hurting people.
This is an incorrect assumption made by far too many people. A soldiers job is to go to some place and perform specific activities. Most often these activities are non-violent until an enemy belligerent opposes such activity with force or threat of force.

>> No.3535134

I never once said a soldier dying is getting what he deserves. i'm simply making the argument that soldiers deserve no prestige or honor for being a soldier. We shouldn't believe the lies that soldiers are fighting to protect our freedom or to keep americans safe, when all they're really doing it fighting for corporations to make money.

>> No.3535149

>We shouldn't believe the lies that soldiers are fighting to protect our freedom or to keep americans safe

No one in this thread has said that soldiers are fighting for our freedom/blahblahpartriotism

>> No.3535163

yes, but this is where the idea that soldiers are honorable comes from. I'm trying to say that soldiers are not worthy of our honor. They aren't doing anything to help the common man, we shouldn't respect them for risking their lives to help corporations.

>> No.3535172


It does not cost more than 800,000 USD to fully train one soldier, let alone 1,000,000 USD or, as you claim, several, which could mean 25,000,000 USD.

>> No.3535174

strawman argument bro.

>They aren't doing anything to help the common man,

Well, they are building schools and roads and what have you in Afghanistan.

>> No.3535189

>Using a half dozen titanium plates a centimeter long and three millimeters wide, Moores joins skull to implant, fastening the bridges with titanium screws anchored in bone and plastic. He runs sutures through holes in the implant and into the dura, pulling up the sac. This will prevent blood clots from forming between the dura and the plastic. He pulls the sutures slowly, over many minutes, to keep from tearing the delicate brain tissue that clings to the dura. Moores also runs sutures through the temporalis, a fan-shaped muscle that normally runs from the cheekbone to the side of the skull. This is cosmetic. Wells's jaw would work fine without it, but the side of his head would look dented.

Read more: http://www.esquire.com/features/ESQ0406SKULL_132-6#ixzz1UUny3W9d

holy fucking shit doctors have massive balls of steel

>> No.3535212

They're also causing a massive plight on the afgani people, destroying their culture, making their political environment even less stable in the long run, taking their natural resources, and heavily pressing american culture on them.

Americans have this belief that their culture is inherently better than every other culture and that they should press it on everyone. This is simply a pseudo-imperialism americans have adopted since it was generally agreed that waging war to conquer lands was a crime against humanity.

America's world police force is simply a means to dominate weaker countries and influence them so we can take advantage of them. We aren't doing good, and building a few roads so we more efficiently steal their goods, or building a few schools (which might i remind you are in the american model, and thus just produce workers) so we can have a labour source does in no way make up for it.

>> No.3535226


and if they didn't do it you would.

Ever hear of a draft?

>> No.3535230


>destroying their culture,
>and heavily pressing american culture on them.

How have they been doing this?

>> No.3535250

Anyone who blames leaders exclusively and defends soldiers as just doing a job makes little sense. Soldiers are an important part of the war machine and are just as much to blame for war as leaders are. The machine falls apart without elitists to command wars, sure, but it also falls apart with nobody to fight the battles. Soldiers are part of the problem because they (in the United States, at least) willingly sign up for such a task.

>> No.3535257


Someone please find the corporations names who I am fighting for.

>> No.3535258

Lets see. We invaded their country. Since then, we've influenced their government to be friendlier to american corporations. Now, for example, someone builds and finances a McDonalds in their country. Having a McDonalds there changes their culture. Now, mcdonalds isn't going to be the only corporation thats going to take advantage of this newfound market. Wallmart will too. And various other companies.

If you don't understand how this is pressuring them with american culture, well, i don't really know how to explain it better.

>> No.3535264


Yes, like man if every soldier didn't enlist than the elites would just throw their hands up in the air and like there would be no wars man,

Also like, man, every war is bad and there is never a legitimate reason for war.

>> No.3535276


Globalization is a bitch, even if we didn't go to war with the country, McDonald's and WalMart would find their way there eventually.

>> No.3535285

Do it yourself buddy, just look at the investors of political campaigns, and special interests that lobby congress to wage war. You'l find many corporations finance these groups to effect the political process.

Corporations influence politics to increase profits. If you don't think they influence congress to declare war then you're very ignorant to american history. Have you ever heard of banana republics?

I'm not going to sort thru all the information, much of which is hidden by passing money thru multiple groups. Its there tho, and othes have complied it all.

>> No.3535288


I see

Well what if they simply refuse to buy Mc'Ds?

I mean if a soldier shares a responsibility in the spread and maintenance of corporate hegemony due to his willing participation in the system, so does the members of the foreign society that choose to avail themselves of the products and services offered to them by American corporations.

>> No.3535291

>Americans have this belief that their culture is inherently better than every other culture and that they should press it on everyone.
faggots like this tend to be in favor of so many things that traditional afghani culture is violently (and i mean, behead you violently) against.

you would think the cognitive dissonance required for such hypocrisy would be tough to pull off, but apparently it isn't.

yeah bro, even though 95% of the advances in technology throughout human history have come from far east or western european cultures, they are totally not objectively better. derp.

>> No.3535292


Don't claim it if you're not willing to cite it, all I'm saying.

>> No.3535293

Unintentional troll. Lose 5 yards, third down.

10/10, op

>> No.3535295

Essentially, yes. Elites aren't going to fight wars themselves. A draft is possible but meets with much resistance, as was seen during the Vietnam War. Wars are difficult to fight when you cannot get grunts to willingly fight them for you.

Nowhere in my post did I say there's never a legitimate reason for war. But I'm curious, how do you justify the current war in Iraq and Afghanistan?

>> No.3535301

Many of these devoloping nations do not possess anti-monopoly or anti-trust laws. Corporations end up running those countries too. Mexico is a great example of this.

>> No.3535304

>implying america went to war with mexico

>> No.3535328

This explains what i'm talking about

This is a list of top corporate contributors.

[Citation supplied]

>> No.3535339

>doesn't remember the alamo

son i am dissapoint

>> No.3535352

How do you define culture as you are using it here?

>> No.3535360

a collection of social norms

>> No.3535362

And this resistance amounts to what?

Are the negative effects of war less negative if they are harder to implement?

It could be argued that voluntary soldiers are protecting those that don't serve from being called to duty.

And what do you think the likelihood is that would come to pass?

I mean that EVERYBODY everywhere, foreign mercenaries included would decided not to fight for payment?

The point is they wouldn't.

So it doesn't behoove any of the current soldiers to do so, and since pretty much every male on the planet(and many females) would participate given the right motivation and circumstances, which means their morality isn't especially questionable when compared to the rest of the world.

And since I'm going to assume you're not Jesus then your moral standards don't mean a lot.

Also you pay taxes(or you will when you grow up_ meaning you fund wars which means you share culpability.

>> No.3535378



If they refused to do business with those corporations in the first place monopolies would be a non issue

Also why don't they just develop those laws?

>> No.3535388

Actually, i use tax loopholes and pay about 8% of my income in taxes. And i invest more than 10% of my income in anti-war/removal of corporate money in politics/green political campaigns. I'm doing my part.


donate plz

>> No.3535394

>Also you pay taxes(or you will when you grow up_ meaning you fund wars which means you share culpability.
Regardless of anything else in this post, this line is bullshit. You can't refuse to pay taxes because your candidates don't win, nor because they pass bills/authorize military force that you're opposed to.

>> No.3535398


While these are decent examples of the roles corporations play in government, I was more so interested in the way they push the war in Afghanistan/Iraq, hence the

>>who I am fighting for

I wasn't clear enough, my apologies. I hear this bullshit about the US going to war with Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya for profit all too often, and it's fucking infuriating. Sure, there are companies that are profiting from the wars, but they were doing really well before them, and will continue doing well once they're over (Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, BAE). What everyone seems to imply is that some monolithic group of nondescript corporations decided that we were going to Iraq for their oil, and Afghanistan for their mineral riches. Though from what I've heard, most of the oil was grabbed up by China (inb4 they own us blah blah), and unless we can get Afghanistan caught up to Iraq techwise, we won't be seeing their minerals due to instability in the area (roadside bombs, raids, whatnot). There are just too many fucking liberal douches with crackpot theories about companies literally driving the government, and it's not entirely true, they have influence and that's it, if could elect non corrupt congressmen it wouldn't be a problem.


>> No.3535401

BECAUSE THEY'RE BEING INFLUENCED BY AMERICA. They practically threaten to remove them from power by doing evil CIA shit if they don't cooperate.

>> No.3535412


Take off the tinfoil hat bro.

>> No.3535419


Do you have proof that your 8% gross pays aid to war is negated or equalized by your 10% donation to anti-war bs? If not or if you're not sure than your own the same mortal footing as the soldiers.
Also why do you work at all?

The American economy is driven by corporate hegemony that those wars are spreading so any income you keep is tantamount to war profiteering.

>> No.3535430


You're fighting for these people. They played a huge part in starting the war in iraq. One quote in particular i remember
".even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. Failure to undertake such an effort will constitute an early and perhaps decisive surrender in the war on international terrorism"

>> No.3535435


>you can't refuse to pay taxes

Sure you can.

you might go to jail, but you can still do it.

However if jails not your thing you can refuse to work thus you don't have to pay taxes.

Unless you want to be like a soldier and aid warfare just so you can make a living.

>> No.3535442

Are you disagreeing that the CIA does super-shady bullshit in other countries? like assassinating political leaders there?

>> No.3535452


So if the people of Bumfuckistan refused to eat at Mcdonald's then the CIA will kill them all?

What a most excellent narrative, pal!

>> No.3535453

if he wasn't such a hypocrite, he would expatriate. no no, he is one of those kids who whines about america, but knows deep down that moving somewhere else would be colossally stupid even given the fact our country is falling apart.

>> No.3535467


Hmm, I have my doubts. You're starting to sound like one of those crackpots I referred to earlier.

>> No.3535471

Marine here, my initial training and job school (Infantry mortars) cost about 250k likely another 50k minimum for the pre-deployment training.

I was insured for half a million owed to my wife if I died out there.
Since the Vietnam war disability claims have also enjoyed a much larger approval rate, partially deaf in one ear now gets you as much as 30% disability.

Surgery is cheaper especially if they can get him back to near 100%.

>> No.3535473

>Are you disagreeing that the CIA does super-shady bullshit in other countries? like assassinating political leaders there?

Every countries' intelligence agency does super-shady bullshit in every other country. ITS THERE FUCKING JOB TO BE SPOOKS

>> No.3535484

No you bloody idiot. If the government refuses to allow american corporations into the country, its not unlikely the CIA would start financing a rebellious group to overthrow the current government. happens all the time bro

>> No.3535490


You forget that it's summer and school's out.

>> No.3535498

i figure i'm doing more good making money and counter influencing politics against corporations than if i weren't doing anything at all.

>> No.3535505

Are you saying i'm a crackpot because i'm claiming that NPAC influenced the president and congress to wage war in iraq? Do you want me to fucking give you a list of their open letters that openly state thats what their goals are?

>> No.3535508


>> No.3535541

Marine here again, just got done reading this thread. Sure is a lot of misunderstanding in here.
If you want to figure out why people join the military watch fox for a while and try not to have a conniption (I said try motherfucker, I don't expect it to fully work!). When you're done with that re-watch the coverage of 9/11 from the day/week that it happened then go down to your local recruiter and talk to them for a bit.

When you are done with all that you might just understand how it is possibly to be genuinely convinced that signing up is a patriotic and honorable thing to do.

Then return to the realization that the gov't is currently high jacking those generally good intentions and using them for nefarious and unconstitutional purposes.

Finally, you may (hopefully) join me and others in advocating for a return to the constitution and an end to our invasive foreign policy.

p.s. The ground war is basically intervals of 3 weeks of boredom and civil projects punctuated with moments of sheer terror and chaos followed mostly by arrests. Our job is not just to hurt people, that time of simple warfare is long since past.

>> No.3535566

MTP, you're an ungrateful worthless piece of shit, the only reason you are free is because a better man than yourself (i dont know whether you consider yourself to actually be a man, I wouldn't) sacrificed so that you could be free. go live in iran or china for a while you worthless cunt. btw, you wouldnt be able to access this site in china.

>> No.3535574

I already explained how the belief that you're doing something patriotic and honorable doesn't excuse the ignorance of how it infact isn't really that honorable. Thats what my main argument is.

Also, just because you're not shooting people doesn't mean you aren't hurting the people there.

The rest of that i agree with though.

>> No.3535581

could you please explain how a soldier's sacrifices in war protect my freedom?

>> No.3535584


but once again, just because they are in the country that doesn't mean others have to do bussniess with them.

How long would they stay with no profit motive?

Or are you arguing that Mcdonalds would stay in a some shit even if it wasn't doing any business, just to be evil?

>> No.3535589
File: 70 KB, 620x465, rumsfeld-iraq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Torture lawsuit against Rumsfeld can proceed: court


>The appeals court ruled that while it may have been unusual for Rumsfeld to be personally responsible for the treatment of detainees, the two men had sufficiently argued that the decisions were made at the highest levels of government.

>“We agree with the district court that the plaintiffs have alleged sufficient facts to show that secretary Rumsfeld personally established the relevant policies that caused the alleged violations of their constitutional rights during detention,” the court ruled in a split decision.

>> No.3535593


Your rationalizing.

If you don't know the % of aid vs loss you contribute to the military industrial complex then your gambling with your moral code for personal comfort.

>> No.3535602


but once again your funding and profiting in the system

does your awareness of the fact that you are aiding war make it moral?

>> No.3535603

Just for context, I'm the Marine posting above.

It's better if you try and reason with him on this. It appears the man you condemn simply abhors the act of war and everything around it.

Anyone that has witnessed the results first hand can identify with this.

What he fails to understand is that guys like me actually believe in what we signed up for, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
We trusted the people of the United States to only send us to fight when we were absolutely needed.

In reality, this is not how things are working right now.
Failing to recognize this and lending limitless support to any war effort because you love those who are willing to make the sacrifice can lead us to a terrible intersection of patriotism and evil.

I would ask each of you to think about the heart of the issues you stand against and hopefully to recognize that some changes need to be made in our country to get it back to a mode where lives are not thrown away lightly.

>> No.3535608

Are you unfamiliar with with how corporations behave without any government intervention? Wallmart is a better example for this, as they sell a range of products, not just food. They can sell their shit for less, and advertise, and use PR techniques to convince the population that is still relatively new to such concepts to buy their shit. Their ignorance is more understandable, as information is harder to share in such places.

I guess it could technically kind of be their fault, in the same way i paying my taxes contributes to the military industrial complex.

>> No.3535634


So? Just because they sell their shit for less the foreigners have to buy them?

Exactly, it's their fault.

Just like it's the soldiers fault.
Just like it's your fault.

>> No.3535635

I don't want to reveal all of my financial info, but i do want to figure out if i'm helping or hurting according to my morals.

I'm a small business owner and i make aprox 125k/year. Lets say i'm taxed the normal amount.

Any accountants on /sci/?

>> No.3535655

Sir, you've earned my salute

>> No.3535659

The fact that people can be duped does account for the ignorance. It's hard to see the world from your current perspective when I was 17 and honestly thought I had collected all the facts and done my research and came to the conclusion that not only would I be bringing freedom to the people of Iraq who I believed wanted that but that it was the right and good thing to do and that I may help catch the people directly responsible for 9/11.

You cannot speak from your own perspective and pretend to pass valid judgment on everyone else.
Believe it or not it is possible to be wrong without being evil.

Too address your secondary point, I wonder if you support gov't in general or any gov't funded programs for which tax dollars are collected?

If you have ever voted, paid a single dime in taxes, or benefited from or consented to your family members benefiting from any gov't programs what so ever, to include public education and all social help programs then you are fully complicit in the acts of violence and use of force inherent in collecting the taxes and administering the programs of gov't.

So, if my assumptions are correct, you have little
ground to stand on in judging others for the indirect application of force. Btw, for whatever reason I signed up (particularly if I was in the Nation Guard which had no expectation of invading another country), I was forced to take two tours in Iraq on pain of jail time and you are complicit in that force as well if you failed to protest the war successfully.

>> No.3535662

You're ignoring that people can be at different levels at fault.

If you had the ability to prevent a murder and you didn't do so, that doesn't make you guilty of murder. Its still the murderer whos at fault here.

>> No.3535684

Thank you, I hope that you will pass these ideas on in the future. There is a lot wrong with the country now and we desperately need to set it straight, that much I think we can all agree on.

How best to get that done should be a discussion of great interest to us. Afterwards we can all discuss if there is ever a valid justification for having an army or going to war.

>> No.3535722

After realizing how much goes into forming a human, and how complex a human brain is, it made me realize fighting our own species is retarded.

But reading this thread and realizing there are other people that don't have this same sense of realization you also have to be able to defend your self from people willing to end your own complex life.

Being completely against war or killing is stupid, because if you can't kill to defend yourself than you'll be killed instead.

This is where war comes in, there are points you genuinely have to defend yourself to not be killed in turn. Nowadays that doesn't happen as much anymore it is for corporation greed now.

But those of you that are completely against war or violence should rethink yourselves because even though you are non violent, unless you are extremely lucky YOU WILL run into someone that is willing to get violent or kill you.