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3534778 No.3534778 [Reply] [Original]

>Hydrogen fuel cell cars that only emit cool, clean water vapor!

Buuuut...isn't water vapor the number one greenhouse gas present in our atmosphere?

I'd sure as fuck get a hydrogen car when it would be available (imo less environmental impact...with electric cars you'd be throwing out environmentally damaging batteries every so often), but wouldn't it be more reasonable to have, Idk, a water holding tank in the trunk? Every so many miles you empty your bucket of clean water, into your garden or wherever?

>> No.3534806

I want a car that takes urine, and provides water. Obviously you'd need to provide more than it gives out, so you'd drink more water than it gives.

>> No.3534818

the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is constant, if you emit more it will just turn to precipitation

oh wait this is a troll

>> No.3534838

>Implying they don't care more about inventing reliable storage for hydrogen as well as a way of producing hydrogen that doesn't involve fossil fuels first

>> No.3534852

implying producing hydrogene doesn't produce other "greenhouse" gases.
By the way, how do we know how a gas is a greenhouse gas?

>> No.3534858

We put each gas in a house
The ones that turn the houses green are the greenhouse gases.

>> No.3534864

are you sure? I thought that it was the gas that had to go green, not the actual house

>> No.3534872

Hmmm... This has given me a troll science idea.

>> No.3534884

>want to paint my house green
>paint is expensive
>get car
>car produces greenhouse gases
>use gas to turn house green

umad paint salesmen?

>> No.3534891

I approve of this.
>newfag don't know how to green text
>buy alcohool
>burn it, watar+CO2
>greenhouse gases used to greentext
>u mad, oldfags?

>> No.3534892

i thought it was the gases they use to make glass.

>> No.3534895

but seriously though, how do we know?

>> No.3534900

We ask an oracle and he tells us

>> No.3534902

Solution: Instead of farting that water vapor out, funnel it to a tank, then bust the water into oxygen and hydrogen and burn it again to run the car.

No green house gases, AND you improve gas mileage.

>> No.3534915

manmade global warming is fake. there problem solved.

>> No.3534970

Not trolling. In a green society there has to be an easily transported fuel...moving stacks of batteries in 18-wheelers ain't going to be efficient.

Yeah, yeah, you lose some energy in the transfer, but I'm talking about the day where we have solar panels that are like >80% efficient. You know. The future.

>> No.3534984

>use electricity
>easily transportable thru high-tech grid

>> No.3534990


put the solar panel on the car then. I see you got the idea there. But people need to realize that everytime energy is convert from one form to another, a large percentage of said energy is lost. Convert some amount of energy 3 times and you'd be lucky to have a third useful energy left. Electricity is only a fluid carrying energy, it isn't energy by itself.

>> No.3535013


Gas stations can harvest rain water or use municipal water supplies and then break the water into hydrogen and oxygen. People can then come to the gas stations and acquire the mixture.

Or you can miniaturize the system and put it directly into the car. Modern day car batteries can be used to power the electrolysis that breaks the water molecules into hydrogen and helium, or you can plug your car into your wall outlet and power the electrolysis that way.

There would be no need to transport huge numbers of batteries anywhere.

>> No.3535041

What about if, instead of moving batteries, we use electricity to push electrons through conducting "wires" into people's homes?

>> No.3535070

you mean like...uuuum... high-voltage cables?

>> No.3535093
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You know hydrogen is the biggest troll tech ever don't you? People who make hydrogen don't make it form water they make it by catalyzing the carbon out of natural gas. So in reality hydrogen just throws away a good portion of energy in natural gas to produce a fuel that is harder to store.

You do know that it is easier to run a car of natural gas than hydrogen right?

>> No.3535097

>global warming

>> No.3535107

we do know.
Except that physics don't work the same way for greenfags

>> No.3535278

Until the day comes that the entire earth is covered in one connected energy grid network, some parts of the world will ship energy to other parts of the world. A liquid energy carrier seems to be the best option.

>> No.3535302 [DELETED] 

>dark energy everywhere
>not using it

>> No.3535402


>> No.3535425

what do you think my computer is powered with?

>> No.3535439


I thought I had this covered, it costs more energy to produce energy that way (hydrogen, battery). In general, it takes more energy to extract useful/portable energy.

>> No.3535455


Which is why hybrids are fucking retarded as hell.

You burn gasoline, to charge a battery, to run a car.

Compared to, burn gasoline, run car.


If you own a hybrid, you are retarded as all fuck.

>> No.3535461

water vapor reflects more energy than it absorbs.

>> No.3535472


>> No.3535535


And this as well.

Why do you think it is less bright underneath of a cloud?

>> No.3535588

yeah sure, your car will shit clouds now. Why do I find this hard to believe?

>> No.3535721




you ARE just trolling right?