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3533719 No.3533719 [Reply] [Original]

>Implying Singapore isnt the greatest country on Earth
>Implying Singapore shouldnt be a model for all other nations

>Implying that the combination of an Authoritarian government and economic freedom isnt the absolute best way to run a country.

>> No.3533746

How the fuck did the economy grow 17.9% in the first HALF of 2010

>> No.3533762
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No thanks, I'll keep my freedom.

>MFW a singapoor was arrested for chewing gum in public near me.

>> No.3533768

Singapore is fucking awesome. Take a look at their child mortality and compare with the West.

>> No.3533780

>MFW a singapoor was arrested for chewing gum in public near me.

Pretty sure they got rid of that law.

>> No.3533785

LOL, that's not a very good slur. Try a new one.

>Singapore is a parliamentary republic with a Westminster system of unicameral parliamentary government representing constituencies. Its constitution establishes representative democracy as its political system.[6] Freedom House ranks Singapore as "partly free" in its Freedom in the World report,[22] and The Economist ranks Singapore as a "hybrid regime", the third rank out of four, in its "Democracy Index".[23] Singapore is consistently rated one of the least corrupt countries in the world by Transparency International.

>According to U.S. Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, there have been no reports of human rights abuses by security forces in Singapore.

>> No.3533788

Drugs/ child prostitution

>> No.3533789


Lowest in the world!

In 40 years they went from being straight up 3rd world poor, to being one of the richest and best countries in the world.

>> No.3533792

>How the fuck did the economy grow 17.9% in the first HALF of 2010

By recovering from 2009, same as everywhere else.

>> No.3533795

A lot of Singapore's success comes from the fact that it's entirely urban, i.e. they don't have rednecks to subsidize.

>> No.3533796

>Public debt 117.6% of GDP (2009 est.)

>> No.3533797

Holy fucking shit.
>Singapore #1
>USA #34

The US's child mortality rate is nearly three times Singapore's.

>> No.3533810

No country can imitate SIngapore's policy because it has a unique situation and good geographic position.
It's mostly a hub between China and the other Pacific nations and lowering regulation, taxes attracts companies and people.
These are the main reasons.

>> No.3533811


Yea but that also means they have no natural resources at all. They get by on being smarter and enterprising than everyone else

>> No.3533815


>> No.3533816

Lack of natural resources will be its doom.

>> No.3533819

Ok, admittedly I have a friend who is Singaporean and she's pretty smart. Like. Really smart. I'm actually jelly as fuck of their education system, etc.

But that being said, it is a very small place with a lot of high tech manufacturing (e.g. Integrated Circuit and Chemical manufacturing.) and therefore you would expect it to be richer than most large countries.

>> No.3533821

I don't see how that excuses the fact that the richest country in the world has *three times the rate of infant mortality* as Singapore's.

>> No.3533822


They are the only country in the world that openly practices eugenics. They well be increasingly smarter and smarter than everyone else year after year too

>> No.3533824

She isn't smart. Their education is based on memorizing stuff and accumulating knowledge.
When it comes to creativity and problem solving, they fail hard.

>> No.3533825

Better economy, better hospitals.

>> No.3533829


Singapores government in not very involved in healthcare compared to european countries too. They have a superior system that basically forces people to save up their money for medical stuff instead of having the government as an inefficient thrid party payer

>> No.3533826

Same with South Korea. But it's not like all smallish countries are like this. They sure as hell aren't just selling oil, because they don't have any.

>> No.3533830

Tell that to their economy.

>> No.3533838

But the US has a higher GDP per capita.

You know what this is really showing? That the US wealth is being *wasted*.

>> No.3533841

East asians have the highest IQs (except for Jews) they are simply superior to the west.

>> No.3533842

It's only because of their policy and geographic position. Without that, their economy would suck.
It's pretty inefficient anyway.

>> No.3533846

BTW Singapare has just as many people as Norway.

>> No.3533847

>It's pretty inefficient anyway.
The fuck are you talking about? It sure as hell doesn't show in their economy or their healthcare.

>> No.3533848

We can't change geographic position, but we can sure as hell change policies.

>> No.3533852

So a growing economy = efficiency for you? Lol'd.
Hint: =/=

>> No.3533865

I've got data that shows they're kicking our fucking asses in health care, even with a lower GDP per capita. Where's the evidence of their inefficiency?

>> No.3533872


Define efficiency then.

I think they are pretty much the same thing. A growing economy with a fixed number of people means that you are producing more.

>> No.3533873

>implying he said anything about growth
Way to dodge the point.

>> No.3533883

They're only smarter because their public schools are essentially like American private schools (i.e. militaristic discipline) but with a huge focus on Math and Science.
True to an extent. She's also a massive Christfag and doesn't believe in Darwin. Yet she gets better grades than me in every Physics/Math class. All of my Rage.

Koreans aren't that smart. All the rich ones (doctors, etc. in their home country) can afford to come to America and work very hard (which is unusual for rich people.) However, there is a huge inequality gradient with tons of poor peasants who don't have access to good education, and we don't see them dominating our schools (or in our schools at all.)

sorry bout all the parentheticals I'm tired.

>> No.3533889

the pm of singapore once said about free speech: 'what is the use if it doesn't bring greater harmony?'

you authoritarian, dictatorial, censoring mother fuckers can go straight to hell -or you can prosper... just leave me and any other free thinking souls the hell out.

>> No.3533890


>Implying that you believe in evolution when you just said that you think eugenics wont work

>> No.3533897

isn't this the same country that offers a prison sentence for chewing gum?

not spitting gum on the sidewalk. CHEWING IT.

fuck your fucking country.

>> No.3533904


Yes and guess what? There isnt fucking chewed up gum everywhere on the bottoms of tables or your shoes.

Sengapore is the cleanest country in the world. Sounds like a nice place to live to me.

>> No.3533907


hmmm...just did a quick scan of the wikipedia article and I could be wrong about lack of education in South Korea. Ah well. Learn something new every day. Fact remains I haven't met too many South Koreans with god-tier intelligence (plenty of smart, hard-working, rich one's though.)

>> No.3533905


And its not prison, you just get a fine

>> No.3533912


>doesn't understand evolution

>> No.3533915

The government invests heavily in health care. They have a demographic crisis as well. The US is busy and being stupid with its wars by investing billions in weapons.

Their growth comes from larger exports, not efficiency.

You can get good grades in Physics/Math if you have an awesome memory. Learning formulas by heart would secure a bright academic future but it's useless in real life if you don't have the skills and capability of creatively using and combining them. She probably lacks the latter.

>> No.3533917


Wtf. It takes more efficiency to export more.

Please define it or put it into context for me. Im not an economist but a know a bit.

>> No.3533919

>Yea but that also means they have no natural resources at all. They get by on being smarter and enterprising than everyone else

Yes, just like any city. The difference between Singapore and, say, New York City, is that Singapore is not financially supporting the places they import from.

>Lack of natural resources will be its doom.

No, it won't. They're not in an especially resource poor region. They're right next to all of Malaysia and Indonesia.

>> No.3533922


If you dont believe in eugenics then you dont believe that selective breeding can change a species. You dont believe in evolution

>> No.3533930

meh, Norway is still better, even with rednecks

>> No.3533932

>If you dont believe in eugenics then you dont believe that selective breeding can change a species. You dont believe in evolution

False. Eugenics is more than just evolution. It's a very specific kind of evolution, with a specific desired result.

>> No.3533934


Norway has massive amounts of natural resources. Its governments policies suck.

>> No.3533939


May be. May be not. Of course you don't know my friend at all and she could well be brilliant, but I suppose that's not really the point. I hear people leveling this argument about not being able to apply and only memorizing a lot and I think there is some truth to it.

However, I think every great scientific mind memorizes formulas. Moreover, if you are made to memorize maths at a young age it becomes second nature to you, and you actually do get a deeper understanding of it. That's just my 2 cents. Young kids who are forced (using the term forced loosely here, although i'm sure in most asian countries that's an apt description) to memorize math begin to understand it better when they are older.

However, rote memorization is certainly not the way to go in the long run. Almost everyone who studies math and science is aware of this fact.

As for Singapore, yea decent country. I'll still stick with freedom of thought though. That's the ultimate source of progress and intelligence, in my humble opinion.

>> No.3533944

Not really. They make more goods by buying more natural resources. It doesn't imply economic efficiency, you probably mean that.

Lol, no. It will. Those countries will become richer and want to use the natural resources on their own and producing value-added goods to increase their exports and "profits". Especially since they are populous countries.
Australia sells most of its natural resources because it doesn't have the necessary amount of companies to make use of them.

>> No.3533947

isn't this the country with child prostitutes?

>> No.3533954

If you're not a genius, only memorizing makes your thinking static and your creativity decreases.
It obviously depends on the person, but it's true for most people.

>> No.3533955


The very nature of evolution is that it doesn't have a goal beyond survival. In some cases (as a matter of fact in many cases) the environment may change to no longer favor certain traits, and therefore eugenics will fail.

>> No.3533960

>but it's useless in real life if you don't have the skills and capability of creatively using and combining them. She probably lacks the latter.

The fact that places like Singapore are so successful suggests that you're wrong about that lack, if not in that specific case then at least for Singapore as a whole.

>> No.3533961



>> No.3533971


Intelligence is our only niche. Intelligence will always be our only important trait.

>> No.3533977

>Lol, no. It will.

Why? Will lack of natural resources be the doom of New York City? What's the difference?

>> No.3533981

I don't know why, but whenever I see a picture of a city against water and a night sky, I get a feeling of deja vu. Something to do with space.

>> No.3533987

It doesn't look convincing without a good counter-argument.

You're not taking into account other variables. This is not a situation that considers only Singaporean's intelligence coeteris paribus. There are parameters that play a bigger role.
Their education sucked before but it improved thanks to the growth of their economy and naturally better schools sustained it. However, it still suggests that the success doesn't come from their people's intellectual ability but good policies and other favorable variables.

>> No.3533988


It gives me the weirdest boner

>> No.3533999

New York City can get resources from the US since it's part of it. Malaysia and Indonesia might not be willing to sell them externally after reaching a higher level of economical development.
Indonesia stopped exporting oils for once, because they needed it and started importing it.

>> No.3534000


Burden of proof is on you nigger.

>implying that memorizing things makes you less creative

>> No.3534002


>> No.3534013

It was proved so many times and even with tests in China, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and even Singapore.
First thing I found with Google since I'm lazy. http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValu

>> No.3534014


Trips is wrong. Dude what good is having resources if you cant do shit with them. Singapore makes lots of chemicals that people need. They send the chemicals to singapore and singapore makes the chemicals and sends them back. Its just economics.

>> No.3534028

That works until the countries exporting oil now don't start building their own refineries for value-added profits.

>> No.3534102

it's the confucianism that makes them less creative. i've literally heard 'but that's never been done before' used as a rational reason not to do some obvious shit. don't get me started on the stupid shit that these people act on 'because everyone does it.'

authoritarian types make me sick.

>> No.3534154

>>3534102 cont.
i should say that as a chinese american, i've had plenty of exposure to confucianist asians as well as those who have outgrown some of the less useful elements of such philosophy.

the progress of singapore is undeniably impressive but the restrictions on free thought and free choice... idunno. maybe i'm just hypersensitive here because i had a tiger mom.

...nah, some chinks are just fucking dumb.

>> No.3534182

They outlawed chewing gum.
Fuck that shit. I could never live or even visit there.

>> No.3534189

>chewing gum outlawed

Fuck that shit. And fuck authoritarian governments. It should be the other way around, with social freedom but central economy.

>> No.3534192

South Korea is superior.
Just 50 years ago it was pretty much destroyed completely. In such a short while it's grown an incredible amount

>> No.3534256

What are you talking about. they have central economy (of sorts). You may not realize it but Singapore is actually a socialist country. Every single election since -59 has been won by the Peoples Action Party (even just that name should give you a pretty good hint that they are not republican).

What most murricans don't realize is that the third way (social democracy) actually can be as effective and profitable a system as full on capitalism, and yet provide its citizens with benefits, health care and social security.

>> No.3534259

Only reason that Singapore is so successful is Lee Kuan Yew. Put any other tyrant in power and you will have shit results.

The thing about authoritarian system is that a small group of people have a lot of power. If they turn out to be corrupt, then the whole country is fucked. And obviously you can't rely on a rare person like Lee Kuan Yew to save the country.

>> No.3534269


No its not dumbass it is the opposite of that. It is number one in the world in economic freedom and it is highly authoritarian and un-democratic.

It is the opposite of a social democracy