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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3521127 No.3521127 [Reply] [Original]

Life is empty without religion.

Probably why atheists are more likely to be depressed and commit suicide: http://conservapedia.com/Atheism_and_suicide

>> No.3521135

/sci/ is like a wishing well but instead of dropping coins in they just throw as many stupid posts as they can in

>> No.3521153

My life is fuller now than it was when I was a Christian, specifically because I'm not praying for someone else to fill my life with meaning.

But this is a troll thread, so whatever

>> No.3521154

>cherry picking data

funny how they ignore data showing that less religious countries are happier and have higher standards of living

>> No.3521158

Thats exactly why the greater intelligence created humans and live through them. They've become so advanced, that they've learned all there is to know, resulting in them becoming empty nihilistic beings. The aliens channel their thoughts through humans so they can once again experience emotion as they did whilst evolving into their current form.

>> No.3521168

Because communist countries had such happy people and such high living standards.

>> No.3521172
File: 665 KB, 350x200, ahyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, 'conservapedia'

>> No.3521178

Japan is somewhere around 70% atheist. And we all know their suicide statistics.

>> No.3521191

>western europe
>mostly atheist
>high quality of life, social health, economic prosperity, low income inequality

>> No.3521195

japan is 99% japanese
I think it's not atheism

>> No.3521200
File: 21 KB, 282x350, polls_meh_3308_187612_answer_3_xlarge..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be or not to be that is the question,
Whether it is better to be schizophrenic and hearing voices of angels, or be cynical all the time.
It is a decision we all are faced with!

>> No.3521205

China too.

>> No.3521211

Japanese is not a religion.
China is not a religion.

>> No.3521219
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>> No.3521240

Agreed OP.

>> No.3521262

>western europe
>mostly atheist

Except for all them Muslims who are outbreeding the white population.

>> No.3521271
File: 25 KB, 464x290, andersbrevik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello thar!

>> No.3521272

One guy ain't enough to turn back the Muslim tide.

>> No.3521275

>obvious troll thread (costanza, conservapedia, WE HAD THIS EXACT SAME THREAD YESTERDAY)
>people still replying as though it were serious

Why the fuck does this board still exist?

>> No.3521277

It's not that we feel life is empty, OP.

It's that we are surrounded by uneducated retards and it hurts.

>> No.3521283

outbreeding but not outsmarting.
we'll make a supervirus that'll kill religious people, nesting in the part of the brain that makes illogical conclusions.

>> No.3521286


>> No.3521294

>we'll make a supervirus that'll kill religious people, nesting in the part of the brain that makes illogical conclusions.

This is true. "Fun-Vax." Don't know if it was a hoax, but I sure hope someone makes it a reality. All they need to do is suppress VMAT-2 expression.

>> No.3521303
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You need to lay off the magic leaf.

>> No.3521309
File: 6 KB, 203x152, _39421196_coke_main_203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And get ahead in life!

>> No.3521321
File: 221 KB, 1500x892, The Sunset Limited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2011
> Not taking the Sunset Limited.

>> No.3521405

bump for interest

>> No.3521444

Life is empty without morals and values. Your argument is invalid.
avid Athiest