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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 225x272, 1311938523024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3518780 No.3518780 [Reply] [Original]


Click try beta spy mode

hit them with /sci/ related material. Post results.

Here is a weak troll I tested:

Why have you not embraced jesus christ as your lord and saviour?

Stranger 1: i have

Stranger 2: Becasue he's the invisble man :L

Stranger 1: isn't that a redundant question?

Stranger 2: He doesn't excist!

>> No.3518783

>/sci/ related material
>Why have you not embraced jesus christ as your lord and saviour?

>> No.3518786

>Here is a weak troll I tested:

It was to get the ball rolling.

>> No.3518790

>problems that involve the order of operations

>> No.3518796

Why is mai nigga cock so bigga dem joo white boi? lol u mad but no need, ur so jealus white boi

Stranger 1: Nop

Stranger 2: I am

Stranger 2: Black guys always look cool

Stranger 1: I've over 9,000 inches
lol dey is so jelus of muh dick

>> No.3518800
File: 33 KB, 1201x263, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /sci/... why?

>> No.3518802

How can we preserve our white race

Stranger 2: go 2 hell



>> No.3518803

Question to discuss:
Mr. Smith has two children. At least one of them is a boy. What is the probability that both children are boys?

Stranger 2: 50%

Stranger 1: yes

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3518805

Question to discuss:
Why is there something instead of nothing?

Stranger 1: There's always a 'thing'.

Stranger 2: because you touchyer self at night

Stranger 1: Aw, come on stranger, that's so lame.

Stranger 2: hahahaha

>> No.3518811

Question to discuss:
Are you the same person as the one that went to sleep after waking up? What if you were to step into a teleporter that copied the 'matter' that makes you exactly and recreates it someplace else?

Stranger 2: dude i'm so high right now

Stranger 2: like

Stranger 2: dude what

Stranger 2: okay get this what if

Stranger 2: what if we're all just weed

Stranger 2: just dank ass bomb ass weed

Stranger 2: hahahahahaha

Stranger 2: hahaha

Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3518813


Stranger 1: what.

Stranger 2: asl..?

>> No.3518814

How do you get on the other side of this? Obviously you need twice as many people answering questions as asking. Does it randomly select from the text conversations?

>> No.3518815

What is the fourth derivative of sin(x)?

Stranger 1: -tan

Stranger 1: suck my dick math, I am your god

Well, okay then...

>> No.3518816


Trying to figure that out myself...

>> No.3518820

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
How does an air conditioner work. Discuss. If you can't you're stupid.
Stranger 2: ok
Stranger 2: the air comes in hot and goes out cold
Stranger 2: you cant explain that
Stranger 1: yes

I enjoyed this.

>> No.3518825

You need to enter normal chat and chat with the same person for a little while. It will then ask you if you want to be spied on.

>> No.3518827


>> No.3518834

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
I'm on the moon. I hold a pen in front of me, and let go. What happens?
Stranger 2: Nothin
Stranger 1: it moves up
Stranger 2: But there is no gravity
Stranger 2 has disconnected

We're doomed. Fucking doomed.

>> No.3518844

Are you the same person as the one that went to sleep after waking up? What if you were to step into a teleporter that copied the 'matter' that makes you exactly and recreates it someplace else?

Stranger 2: BAZINGA!
Stranger 1: Someone was high
Stranger 1: when they wrote that.
Stranger 1: Just a shot in the dark.
Stranger 2: BAZINGA!
Stranger 1: Waffles?
Stranger 2: BAZINGA!

>> No.3518845

I'm on the moon. I hold a pen in front of me, and let go. What happens?

Stranger 1: it floats
Stranger 1: or you will suffocate
Stranger 2: for real man?
Stranger 2: I think we're assuming you have a suit
Stranger 1: then the pen floats
Stranger 2: also the moon has gravity.
Stranger 1: oh right
Stranger 1: then it floats towars earth
Stranger 2: it may surprise you.
Stranger 1: earth planet
Stranger 2: what.
Stranger 1: you heard me
Stranger 2: no one is this dumb.

>> No.3518847

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Are you a virgin? Would you love me? :3
Stranger 1: erm...
Stranger 1: depends
Stranger 2: yes im a virgin dna if i wld love i
Stranger 2: u*
Stranger 2: if u hot then yes
Stranger 1: dude wtf
Stranger 2: lol
Stranger 1: you were like...so lame
Stranger 1: right thar
Stranger 2: f off
Stranger 2 has disconnected

This is too much fun for some reason.

>> No.3518848
File: 36 KB, 511x938, Embedded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3518849
File: 24 KB, 563x314, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering if this guy was from /sci/ and if I'm actually right

>> No.3518853
File: 189 KB, 580x518, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True or False, a penny can kill when dropped from a high enough height

Stranger 2: true

Stranger 1: yeah

Stranger 2: caue it's going straight true your head

Stranger 2: !

Stranger 2: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

The emoticon makes me hope it was one of you gentlemen trolling; otherwise... yeesh

>> No.3518859

Question to discuss:
I'm on the moon. I hold a pen in front of me, and let go. What happens?
Stranger 1: it floats...
Stranger 2: drops
Stranger 2: LOL
Stranger 2: the moon has its own gravitational pull silly
Stranger 1: it does o.O
Stranger 2: yeah
Stranger 1: ur right!
Stranger 1: but
Stranger 2: that's how they landed on the moon etc etc
Stranger 1: the pen may be light enuff
Stranger 1: to float away
Stranger 2: no
Stranger 2: it needs upward force
Stranger 1: and w.o force it might not fall
Stranger 2: no
Stranger 1: cuz hes just letting go
Stranger 2: NO
Stranger 2: HE IS STANDING
Stranger 1: RAWR
Stranger 1: DONT YELL
Stranger 1: SHEESH
Stranger 1: :*(
Stranger 2: POULLSORRY
Stranger 2: PULL
Stranger 1: CAPS RAGE o.O?
Stranger 2: even if he threw it up right
Stranger 2: shift, i use shift
Stranger 1: o.O
Stranger 1: shift rage
Stranger 2: even if he threw it up, it would return down
Stranger 1: omg
Stranger 1: omg
Stranger 1: ok ok
Stranger 2: unless he threw it hard enough to reach the moon's escape velocity
Stranger 1: leave me alone im a poor girl lol
Stranger 2: .;. escaping the moons gravitational pull
Stranger 2: but yeah
Stranger 2: great question, anonymous asker
Stranger 2: kudos
Stranger 2: (y)
Stranger 2: i hope you are smiling
Stranger 2: !
Stranger 1: ur a dork >_>
Stranger 1: for knowing all this
Stranger 2: nope.jpg
Stranger 2: im not american
Stranger 2: that's why i know this
Stranger 2: you have to be either a) really dumb to not know this or b) really young
Stranger 1: im 17, and, grew up in detroit michigan schooling system lol


>> No.3518864

Stranger 2: and that is homeschooling or someshit?
Stranger 2: lmao
Stranger 1: detroit is 1 of the worst citys in america lol...
Stranger 2: cities
Stranger 1: w/e
Stranger 1: dont be stuck up.
Stranger 2: i'm not
Stranger 2: i just dislike americans over indians and chinese
Stranger 1: Biased much?
Stranger 2: lol how is that biased
Stranger 1: How is it not...
Stranger 2: i never said i favour my ethnicity
Stranger 1: favoring any race of another, is biased.
Stranger 1: so yeah...
Stranger 1: Biased.
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3518873

>implying that a penny dropped from LEO can't kill someone

>> No.3518883

Question to discuss:
do you want a sex ?
Stranger: homo?"
You: Fifty of them
Stranger: ░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.3518897

terminal velocity says hi

>> No.3518902
File: 33 KB, 1255x486, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I participate in this spy mode?

>> No.3518910

Question to discuss:
Are there integers a, b, and c that can satisfy the equation a^n + b^n = c^n for any integer value of n greater than two?
Stranger 2: shut
Stranger 2: the
Stranger 2: fuck
Stranger 2: up
Stranger 1: :D
Stranger 2: that is the stupidest thing
Stranger 2: omg.
Stranger 2: WHO MATHS
Stranger 1: Hello
Stranger 2: ON MY OMEG--
Stranger 2: hi
Stranger 1:

Stranger 2: wwhat?
Stranger 2: glub?
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3518914

do a couple regular chats and eventually you'll be asked if you'd like to participate after a chat ends

>> No.3518916

Question to discuss:
If a spaceship turns off its engines with no planets nearby, will it stop moving?
Stranger 2: of course not
Stranger 1: Yes
Stranger 1: due to black energy it will
Stranger 2: there is no friction on the space
Stranger 2: wtf is black energy
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3518937

Question to discuss:
Will we ever have robot lovers?
Stranger 1: Probably.
Stranger 2: i fucked a ferbie
Stranger 2: so yes
Stranger 1: Well, I guess there's our answer.

>> No.3518961

Damn. Everyone keeps disconnecting without saying anything when I try this. Even when theres the perfectly obvious trivial solution right there.

>> No.3518962

no one has told me the pen will flout, everyone said it falls to the moon. im i just lucky? did it about 20 times.

>> No.3518964
File: 48 KB, 978x442, omeglelol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lold

>> No.3518971

How do you be one of the ones answering?

>> No.3518976

How do I include an image as my question?

>> No.3518982

Enter this in the question box.

\")); document.getElementsByClassName('logitem')[1].innerHTML='<img src="URL OF YOUR IMAGE" />'; }catch( e ){} //

>> No.3518991

how do you do video?

>> No.3519000
File: 82 KB, 1072x455, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3519004

EK you aren't original

>> No.3519017


this isn't working

>> No.3519031

Works for me.

>> No.3519035
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw, I got asked this and answered the same thing

>> No.3519040

I now love you, EK.

>> No.3519044

If you were on the moon, and had a pen in your hand and let it go, what would happen?

Stranger 1: straight into my ass

Stranger 2: lol

Stranger 1: moon is magic

Stranger 2: haha it would just float

>> No.3519046
File: 14 KB, 200x160, 9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3519048

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519050
File: 29 KB, 1103x465, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3519054
File: 245 KB, 387x436, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3519056

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519057

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519060

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519064

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519067

Is it possible to have both text and a picture?

>> No.3519070

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519073
File: 36 KB, 1044x294, untitled3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3519079

Is this right?
\")); document.getElementsByClassName('logitem')[1].innerHTML='<img src=http://www.says-it.com/scripts/jeopardy.pl?text1=This+Team+Fortress+2+class+is+the+most+overpowe
red. />'; }catch( e ){} //

Because people keep saying it's a failed hack attempt, noone recognises it as a picture

>> No.3519080

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519082
File: 213 KB, 393x349, 126550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me, or is this starting to get old?

>> No.3519083

keep quotes around img url

>> No.3519085


If that's EK, then solid 9/10. Pretty hot.

>> No.3519088

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519089

Added to the fact that she's pretty smart too.

>> No.3519091


Perfect in every way really

<3 EK

Best tripfriend on this board

>> No.3519098

You're actually a bunghole and nobody on this board likes you at all you disgrace. Go back to /r9k/ where you belong. You waste of skin. Die. Die die.

>> No.3519107

implying god exists

Stranger 1: hes dosnt

Stranger 2: He does.

Stranger 1: dosnt

Stranger 2: He will strike down at you with the power of wrath one day.

Stranger 1: if he did why did adam and eve have belly buttons

Stranger 2 is typing...


>> No.3519117

Carl Sagan or Brian Cox?

Stranger 1: carl sagan

Stranger 2: Who?

Stranger 1: haha

Stranger 1: 2 phycists

Stranger 1: sagan made cosmos for pbs

Stranger 1: brian cox has made wounders of teh solarsystem/universe for teh bbc

Stranger 1: sagan is dead tho

Stranger 2: Ahh

Stranger 2: Well...the first guy then :P

Stranger 1: carl sagan had a very nice and poetic way of describing things

Stranger 2: Google time :D

Stranger 1: youtube "symphony of science"

Stranger 1: and youll hear some nice sagan quotes :)

Stranger 2: Ok, will do :D

Stranger 1: have fun, im off to the nxt question

i am proud of you stranger 1

>> No.3519154

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Animals never had war, so who's the real animal?
Stranger 1: I lol'd
Stranger 2: animals have wars
Stranger 1: ^
Stranger 2: they fucking eat each other
Stranger 2: and attack each other for fun aswell
Stranger 1: Asked is a ignorant hippie faggot.
Stranger 1: Asker**
Stranger 2: some animals even have gay sex
Stranger 1: Da fuck?
Stranger 2: so you see, we're all animals on this planet
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3519178

Why do astronauts residing on the International Space Station appear weightless?

Stranger 2: hi

Stranger 1: gravity

Stranger 1: or

Stranger 1: lack there of

Stranger 2: my name is kylie :)

Stranger 1: I don't care

Stranger 2: hey, could you check out my picture and tell me if i look good or bad? {link}

Stranger 1: I'm answering the question

Stranger 1: no

Stranger 1: omg

Stranger 1: fuck off

Stranger 1: spy, what is this shit?

Stranger 1: ):

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3519189

>attempt number two. i hate everyone.

Why do astronauts residing on the International Space Station appear weightless?

Stranger 1: no gravity duh
Stranger 2: in space duh
Stranger 2: asl?
Stranger 2: lol
Stranger 2: -_-
Stranger 2: i have no time for you
Stranger 1: 18 m aus
Stranger 2: goodbye
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3519209
File: 62 KB, 349x263, 12893798123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempt number three. refined question, answers not refined.

Why do astronauts residing in space appear weightless? If your answer is no gravity in space, how does the moon stay in orbit?

Stranger 1: no gravity in space
Stranger 2: railway'
Stranger 1: moon is in earths orbit
Stranger 1: duh
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3519222


Why do you expect random people to know something so irrelevant? If I asked you a question about Matisse, would you know the answer? Would you even care?

>> No.3519235

>universal gravitation

Enjoy your ignorance, buttfag.

>> No.3519237


Unless I'm planning on going into space, what possible use is that knowledge to me?

>> No.3519255

If you're on /sci/, I assume you enjoy knowledge for knowledge's sake. Every well-rounded person should have an understanding of basic mechanics. Knowing that the same physical laws that apply on earth are valid throughout the universe is one of the most profound realizations humans have made.

That question wasn't even difficult—elementary school kids should be able to answer it.

>> No.3519257

Nice em dash.

>> No.3519262
File: 26 KB, 250x209, 981729831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>derp i'll never travel beyond my own borders, so why should i learn about different cultures herp?

>> No.3519264

Question to discuss:
what happens if you drop a pen on the moon?

Stranger 2: hi

Stranger 1: asl?

Stranger 1: jokes!

Stranger 2: it falls slowly

Stranger 1: i dont care

Stranger 2: 18 m aus

Stranger 2: whats your name??

Stranger 1: jenny

Stranger 2: cool

Stranger 2: where are you from Jenny

Stranger 1: australia ;D

Stranger 1: bow chika wa wooww

Stranger 2: why arnt you in bed???

Stranger 1: I DONT KNOW


Stranger 2: what part of aus are you in???

Stranger 1: WHY ARENT YOU

Stranger 2: im old enough

Stranger 1: BITCH

Stranger 2: lol

Stranger 1: I AM 11

Stranger 1: ITS SATURDAY

Stranger 2: HAHAHAH

Stranger 2: wow


Stranger 2: slut

Stranger 2: in the making

Stranger 1: I AM A TWEEN

Stranger 1: IN THE MAKING?

Stranger 1: BITCH PLEASE

Stranger 1: PAST SLUT

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3519478

Question to discuss:
How would you feel if a friend sent you a picture of his dick as a prank?
Stranger 2: happened, not a bit deal
Stranger 1: umm id b like wtf
Stranger 2: posted it on facebook ^^
Stranger 1: haha
Stranger 2: that's what he gets for throwing up in my car...
Stranger 1: hahahaa:) funnyyy
Stranger 2: but it was allright
Stranger 1: ahhh kool kool
Stranger 2: he took it with dignity
Stranger 1: ha
Stranger 2: until i posted the pics of him throwing up in my car
Stranger 1: hahaaaa XDDDD
Stranger 2: hes a real douche
Stranger 1: i can tell
Stranger 2: had it coming
Stranger 1: XDD
Stranger 2: he got me back though
Stranger 1: ohhhh
Stranger 2: the douche broke my cellphone
Stranger 1: :(
Stranger 2: "since i used it to humiliate him"
Stranger 1: oh
Stranger 2: i got him to pay for a new one
Stranger 1: good
Stranger 2: and the next time we were out drinking
Stranger 1: haa
Stranger 1: drunk?
Stranger 2: i poured laxatives in his drink after he cock blocked me big time
Stranger 1: haaahahaaa XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Stranger 2: yeah i posted it on facebook
Stranger 1: XDDD
Stranger 2: too bad hes moved out of town
Stranger 1: DX
Stranger 2: we had alot of fun
Stranger 1: X)
Stranger 2: some dude told me hes gay now or something
Stranger 1: ;O
Stranger 2: so maybe that picture wasnt what i thought it was
Stranger 1: oh
Stranger 1: anyways deuces

>> No.3519514
File: 19 KB, 630x411, Finally&#44; the truth is told.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, notice how Omegle users still can't help but try to get out of their sad existences into poontang world even when failing?

>> No.3519527

Why do we use n-1 to calculate the sample SD instead of just N?
Stranger 1: oh, i feel stupid. wait!
Stranger 2: why
Stranger 1: I have no idea!
Stranger 1 has disconnected

Oh I lol'd

Best to play the trolololo song whilst doing this.
And to have at least 5 shots of captain morgan in you.

>> No.3519680
File: 25 KB, 466x350, shocked-Monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question to discuss:
There is one liver available to transplant, either to a 50 year old man with two children, or a baby, in each case it would save their lives and they would be perfectly healthy, who gets it and why?
Stranger 2: hi!(:
Stranger 1: Tough decision
Stranger 1: and hi there
Stranger 1: but relating to the question
Stranger 2: yeah... I really don't know.
Stranger 1: I'd go with the child... my only reasoning is that the man has lived 50 years, had a great life
Stranger 1: Whereas the child has not yet had the chance
Stranger 1: In either case family and friends will be hurty, so you cant make a decision on that
Stranger 2: Yeah, I'd say that too..
Stranger 1: BUT also realistically a child would have a higher mortality rate in surgery
Stranger 2: yeah (:
Stranger 1: So I guess that's that?
Stranger 2: yeah :D
Stranger 1: Nice talking to you :) and good question!
Stranger 2: OMG i feel so smart when I just say like "yeah.." -.-' xD And you too!(:
Stranger 1 has disconnected

A mature discussion

>> No.3519690

Question to discuss:
Abortion, right or wrong?
Stranger 1: right
Stranger 1: if
Stranger 1: no wait, jus right
Stranger 2: LOL awesome this was my question
Stranger 2: ok
Stranger 2: Well I think its wrong
Stranger 1: LOL
Stranger 2: excepting on one circumstance
Stranger 1: rape
Stranger 1: >_>
Stranger 2: if the baby was conceived in the event of rape
Stranger 2: yes
Stranger 1: I know your kind
Stranger 1: trolololol
Stranger 2: In other other circumstance I'd say it's unfair
Stranger 1: ok yea
Stranger 1: i didnt really care to hear your side of this
Stranger 1 has disconnected

Rejection right at the end

>> No.3519707
File: 8 KB, 429x422, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question to discuss:
Name one piece of evidence for evolution.

Stranger 2: there is none

Stranger 1: retrovirus dna in human chromosomes

Stranger 2: no

Stranger 1: yes

Stranger 2: you can't create a higher standing of order from a lesser standing of order

Stranger 1: prove it

Stranger 2: a building is at its highest point of order

Stranger 2: over the years it deterorates

Stranger 2: and slowly goes to the least amount of oder

Stranger 1: you missed the point that a building is a "higher standing of order" than a pile of bricks

Stranger 2: so therefore you cannot have bacteria evlove into a bigger organism

Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3519717

Stranger 2: 12!
Stranger 1: = my boner
Stranger 2: 12 boners!
Stranger 1: 12 inches of boner
Stranger 2: twelve 12 inch boners
Stranger 1: yes
Stranger 1: :P
Stranger 2: we're so good at maths

There is no hope!

>> No.3519727

Question to discuss:
What is the most expensive food you've ordered in a restaurant and then decided not to eat it because you ruined your appetite? Did you ordered the remains to go? If not, did you regret this later?
Stranger 2: Errrrr
Stranger 2: I really forgot
Stranger 1: This is a weird question
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3519729

Question to discuss:
How can people who claim to be vegetarian still eat fish?
Stranger 2: cause,
Stranger 2: fish isnt really a mammal
Stranger 2: it cant think
Stranger 2: mammals can
Stranger 2: fish live on instinct

I cried

>> No.3519747

Question to discuss:
What is the most expensive food you've ordered in a restaurant and then decided not to eat it because you ruined your appetite? Did you ordered the remains to go? If not, did you regret this later?
Stranger 1: caviar
Stranger 1: it was disgusting
Stranger 1: and no
Stranger 1: i didnt take it home
Stranger 2: I got a burnt steak once...
Stranger 1: and i didnt regret it
Stranger 1: that stuff is NASTY
Stranger 2: it cost my $26
Stranger 2: lol caviar
Stranger 1: my boyfriend was footing the bill, so i dont even know how much that cost but it was a waste XD

sURE IS REtarded in here

>> No.3519762

Question to discuss:
Name one piece of evidence for evolution.

Stranger 2: none
Stranger 1: history lesson?
Stranger 2: not a shred
Stranger 1: erm bones?
Stranger 2: well let's define what we're talking about here
Stranger 2: there's macro and micro evolution
Stranger 1: oookay
Stranger 1: whats ur job?
Stranger 2: micro is the smaller stuff, like how big your nose is, what color an plant is, etc.
Stranger 2: marco is the big, species-changing stuff
Stranger 2: micro happens all the time
Stranger 1: wud....
Stranger 2: macro is pure idiocy
Stranger 2: a parrot will never become a monkey, or even a pelican
Stranger 2: sorry, but it won't
Stranger 1: witty?
Stranger 1: or crappy?
Stranger 2: what?
Stranger 1: ignore me pls go on
Stranger 2: well for "macro" evolution to be true, one species of animal would have had to change to a completely different one
Stranger 2: there's several problems with that.............
Stranger 1: impossible
Stranger 2: yup
Stranger 2: well that's one more thing solved
Stranger 2: Excelsior!


>> No.3519781

Question to discuss:
If the sun is so hot, then why hasn't Mercury been burnt to dust?
Stranger 1: I honestly have no ideaa...
Stranger 2: idk
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3519786

I'm losing so much respect for the human race...

>> No.3519805
File: 38 KB, 480x640, its-beautiful-cat-cats-kitten-kitty-pic-picture-funny-lolcat-cute-fun-lovely-photo-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello EK D:

>> No.3519858

explain evolution. if you dont "belive" in it explain why

Stranger 1: Well

Stranger 1: First there where girls

Stranger 2: apes just turn in to humans one at a time, whats not to understand??

Stranger 1: But their dicks werent developed

Stranger 2: sometimes theres gay bitches and they will not reproduce

Stranger 1: They had these stupid vaginas

Stranger 1: Then they evolved into men

Stranger 1: And thats why man sex is awesome

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3519866

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Would you go back in time to kill Hitler?

Stranger 1: yea
Stranger 2: why would I
Stranger 1: i'd kill him with rape
Stranger 1: wait
Stranger 1: No, I wouldn't
Stranger 2: the holocaust wasnt real
Stranger 1: This is why:
Stranger 1: how much technology was created to fight WWII?
Stranger 2: it is a government conspiracy bro who cares
Stranger 1: if not for that, we wouldn't have advanced so fast
Stranger 1: go fuck yourself mel
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3519920

Question to discuss:
Name 3 eastern European countries
Stranger 2: italy frace spain
Stranger 1: Mexico
Stranger 1: Vietnam
Stranger 2: mexico?
Stranger 1: Canada
Stranger 1: I thought it said countries I hate.
Stranger 2: none of those countries are in europe
Stranger 1: sorry
Stranger 2: why do you hate canada?
Stranger 1: Cause everything is their fault.
Stranger 2: not really
Stranger 1: yes it is
Stranger 2: 9/11 wasnt their fault
Stranger 1: bitch
Stranger 1: yes it was
Stranger 2: um wow thanks
Stranger 1: that's how the terroist got into the USA
Stranger 1: was from canada
Stranger 1: dumbass
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3519940

Question to discuss:
Was the moon landing a hoax?
Stranger 1: YES
Stranger 2: Which one?
Stranger 1: both
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3519949

Damnit EK. You crave attention even worse than those camwhores on /b/. It's obvious why you've come to this board waving on about being a chick and I'm really sorry about your relationship with your father but you should seek help instead of managing your frustrations trying to obtain some sort of global worship by the nerd communitiy.

>> No.3519952

Someone's butthurt because EK ignores him, she's actually very nice.

>> No.3519959
File: 78 KB, 662x518, PJbII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just argued for 30 minutes with a hipster about whether or not we know that all life has a common ancestor. Jesus Christ. All my rage.

>> No.3519970

>all life
>common ancestor


>> No.3519972
File: 662 KB, 849x601, 1310044340160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now an EK thread

>> No.3519985



>> No.3519986
File: 665 KB, 719x537, 1310044512024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK to the right... our true queen.

>> No.3519999

I got a couple of jokers:

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Why is the sky blue?
Stranger 1: Wikipedia.
Stranger 2: cuz
Stranger 2: its blue
Stranger 1: BUT WHY?!
Stranger 2: no idea
Stranger 2: best color to chose from
Stranger 1: Probably a government coverup.
Stranger 2: imagine it being black
Stranger 2: oh my, now i'm a rasict
Stranger 1: Haha.
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3520000
File: 25 KB, 478x353, 1301333598386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger 1 fucking knocked it out of the park there.

>> No.3520011

Is there evidence that she is EK apart from the name initials?

>> No.3520014

Omegle is not a complete loss:

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What is the next number in this sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...?
Stranger 1: 13
Stranger 2: 13 isnt it?
Stranger 1: yup
Stranger 1: were both smart
Stranger 2: fibonacci sequence...
Stranger 1: yeah
Stranger 2: hahah have a good night fellow intelligent person
Stranger 1: u too
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3520019

That is grade 3 math. And the fact that one of them was hesitant about it is ridiculous.

>> No.3520023

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
If I'm standing on the moon and I let go of a solid rubber ball, does it fall to Earth, stay where I leave it, or fall to the moon?

Stranger 1: it will probably stay on moon or maybe somewhere in space

Stranger 2: Well

Stranger 2: That's depend on the force you throw it

Stranger 2: because

Stranger 2: Astronauts have to watch out on the moon

Stranger 2: If they Jump too high, they could fall away from the moon

Stranger 2: So

Stranger 2: If you throw a ball really hard to the earth

Stranger 2: I think it will fall to it

Stranger 2: but

Stranger 2: It will burn too

Stranger 2: So yeah

Stranger 2: Question is answered

>> No.3520024

Yes, she was trying too hard and lying after the day that her fb was leaked, also harriet confirmed it and a lot of other stuff.

>> No.3520041
File: 67 KB, 1478x664, omeglequestions1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fun.

>> No.3520051

>1929 collapse


This is what happens when you give shitty history lessons.

>> No.3520087

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What is the next number in this sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...?
Stranger 2: 11
Stranger 2: i said so and then it is
Stranger 1: 12
Stranger 2: how come
Stranger 1: add 0 then add 1 then 2 wtc
Stranger 1: etc*
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3520095

He isn't entirely wrong seeing as you didn't specify it is the fibonacci sequence

>> No.3520106

This. Unless you specify what the pattern is, any number could be the next number in that sequence.

>> No.3520111

Ir's one of the most recognizable patterns in mathematics. If anything, it should be assumed unless otherwise noted.

>> No.3520134

Sir, IDGAF How well recognised it is. I could tell you that 2884 is almost always followed by 197169399 in mathematical constants, which it is, and you probably wouldn't know this without googling and finding out that's a short string from pi in decimal. Just because *you* know what the sequence is, don't assume that everyone does, or should.

>> No.3520139

Everyone does. And should does.

Your mother was a whore.

>> No.3520148

What happens when you drop a feather on the moon?

Stranger 2: it falls slowly

Stranger 1: you can't

Stranger 1: it just flots

>> No.3520152

What's next in the sequence 1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5,8,9,7,9,3,2?

Your father is a whore.

>> No.3520164

I'm not good at those, I see too many potential possibilities and I over look how simple they really are.

>> No.3520167

You are such a little bitch. God damn its almost infuriating. If you were my son I'd've fucking decked you day in day out.

You are so retarded.

>> No.3520174

By which you mean "I don't know" even though it's fucking obvious, and 3846264338327950. It's one of the most recognizable patterns in mathematics. If anything, it should be assumed unless otherwise noted.

>> No.3520193

I'm just calling you a little fat ass. If its so recognized, then good. I shoulda known. Guess I'm not a bitch though so good.

Go drink papa some more you little fartknocking fuck.

>> No.3520199

You are such a little bitch. God damn its almost infuriating. If you were my son I'd've fucking decked you day in day out.

You are so retarded.

>> No.3520216

Wow you would have decked me? Um sorry get therapy if you actually think that. Before you have children of your own. Either way, its nothing to joke about especially coming from somebody like you.

>> No.3520224

Wow you would have decked me? Um sorry get therapy if you actually think that. Before you have children of your own. Either way, its nothing to joke about especially coming from somebody like you.

I'm not sure if it counts as trolling if I get to re-use all of your posts.

>> No.3520235

>I'm not sure if it counts as trolling if I get to re-use all of your posts

This. Unless you specify what the post is, any troll could be the next troll in that sequence.

>> No.3520240

Ir's one of the most recognizable patterns in webospherics . If anything, it should be assumed unless otherwise noted.

>> No.3520252

Question to discuss:
is your penis bigger than the other stranger's penis?
Stranger 1: OH MY.
Stranger 2: how would I know.
Stranger 1: I'm...
Stranger 1: No!
Stranger 2: ?
Stranger 2: you're no?
Stranger 2: cool name bro
Stranger 1: I'm not answering that!
Stranger 2: cool answer too
Stranger 1: And yes, it is an unfortunate name.
Stranger 2: :D hey no
Stranger 1: :3
Stranger 2: No i'm not calling you
Stranger 2: :3
Stranger 1: Okay!
Stranger 2: ):
Stranger 2: no
Stranger 2: ..
Stranger 1: :):
Stranger 1: Yes?
Stranger 2: hello
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3520246

>Your mother is a whore

Stasis in darkness.
Then the substanceless blue
Pour of tor and distances.

God’s lioness,
How one we grow,
Pivot of heels and knees!—The furrow

Splits and passes, sister to
The brown arc
Of the neck I cannot catch,

Berries cast dark

Black sweet blood mouthfuls,
Something else

Hauls me through air—
Thighs, hair;
Flakes from my heels.

Godiva, I unpeel—
Dead hands, dead stringencies.

And now I
Foam to wheat, a glitter of seas.
The child’s cry

Melts in the wall.
And I
Am the arrow,

The dew that flies
Suicidal, at one with the drive
Into the red

Eye, the cauldron of morning.

>> No.3520259

aww, you spoilt it. I had my screencapper out of the packaging and everything :(

>> No.3520270

You spoilt it because you made me angry and wouldn't stop being a mean. No wonder you want to deck children you need therapy.

>> No.3520283

I'm very sorry. I'll let you visit for poptarts and gameboys and maybe chocolate if you want so we can be friends again.

>> No.3520293

Question to discuss:
is your penis bigger than the other stranger's penis?
Stranger 2: Well, I don't know
Stranger 2: I guess I'm about 6" which is average
Stranger 2: Or so they say
Stranger 1: I'm a girl.
Stranger 2: Oh, awkward
Stranger 2: How big is your penis in spirit
Stranger 1: 18" bigger than most:)
Stranger 2: Oh my goodness
Stranger 2: Alright stranger whatever she is wins, I guess
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3520295

Oh my god :o You are a fucking monster. Kids don't need those to feel comforted. They need love and affection and to feel safe. You are awful and kids should stay away from you. get therapists.

>> No.3520298

you made a tear come out i just want to be your friend again but you want me to therapist?

>> No.3520309

You are ruining this thread. You're no better than EK. You and EK should abuse kids together in sex heaven. You are a sicko and needed therapists

>> No.3520314

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Question to discuss:
On a scale of 1 - 10 how would rate the intelligence of the stranger?

You: usually 3

Stranger: why?

Stranger: I mean why usually?

You: because you ask a simple question and they either disconnect

You: or

You: they are too retarded to answer it correctly


Stranger: maybe their english isn't good.


Stranger: enough

You: I'm on the moon. I hold a pen in front of me, and let go. What happens?

Stranger: It flies away?

You: welp

You: 3

You have disconnected.

>> No.3520319

there are a LOT of tears you are bad to me

SRSLY, Maths gives no fucks when it comes to how well recognised sequences are.

>> No.3520330

Maths are my pawns and if I recognize one then I'll give it all the attention and affection it deserves. But somebody who would make such a baddest father who abuse wouldn't understand that. You wouldn't even recognize the fifteen blackeyed children or be able to not feed the one allergic to peanuts peanut butter.

>> No.3520384


>> No.3520421

Why have you not embraced jesus christ as your lord and saviour?
Stranger 1: I HAVE
Stranger 2: because he isnt real
Stranger 1: FUCK YES I HAVE
Stranger 1: BURN IN HELL
Stranger 1: I WILL KILL YOU
Stranger 1: FOR GOD
Stranger 2: it doesnt exist
Stranger 1: FOR HIS NAME
Stranger 2: none of it
Stranger 1: FOR HIS SAKE
Stranger 1: I KILL YOU
Stranger 2: it is a delusion of man
Stranger 1: ARE YOU SCARED?
Stranger 1: I KILL YOU
Stranger 2: lay of the caps lock
Stranger 2: and that;s whats wrong with your god, he wants you to kill for him