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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 712x328, You know what to do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3516127 No.3516127 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3516161

My dear sir, what is this website where you can collaboratively discuss philosophical questions like the one you have articulated a brilliant response to?

>> No.3516172

second on that request
That site does seem like an awesome idea, both for trolling and time wasting

>> No.3516181
File: 14 KB, 888x325, Buttdevistated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they have a new Spy mode (beta), where one can enter a question and watch two people discuss said question

>> No.3516188

my body is ready

>> No.3516201

Oh god yes.

>> No.3516212

Thank you my good sir. It's time we proudly march towards the battlefield of Omegle and implode the brains of simpletons.

>> No.3516216

Question to discuss:
What happens when you drop a pencil on the moon?
Stranger 2: you cant
Stranger 2: or can u
Stranger 1: no ones been to do moon nig lets have sexz

>> No.3516229

Question to discuss:
This thing all things devours. Birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Gnaws iron, bites steel, grinds hard stones to meal. Slays kings, ruins towns and beats high mountains down. what is it?
Stranger 1: interesting
Stranger 2: voldemort
Stranger 1: Democracy
Stranger 1: and capitalism
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>mfw no one on omegele has read the hobbit, also angsty teenagers

>> No.3516238
File: 13 KB, 959x203, opisafag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516242
File: 33 KB, 872x264, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516247


>> No.3516250

Question to discuss:
Evolution is a ___
Stranger 2: myht
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516252

.999 = 1 ?
Stranger 2: ? impossibru
Stranger 1: :fucklogic:

>> No.3516264
File: 51 KB, 712x239, 23132421548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear energy = Global warming shit.

>> No.3516269
File: 14 KB, 1238x184, social injustice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought that, despite the use of the wrong form of "their", that this would be an intelligent discussion.

I was wrong.

>> No.3516280

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What happens when one drops a pencil on the moon?

Stranger 1: its floats

Stranger 2: Yes

Stranger 2: Whay he said

Stranger 2: What*

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516292

Oh god, I just desperately want to intervene in this, but I can't.

I like this feature, it will teach me that I don't have to contradict everyone, all the time. Maybe.

>> No.3516295
File: 133 KB, 1287x704, 23132421549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like where this is going.

>> No.3516299

Question to discuss:
If global warming isn't real, then why is Venus hotter than Mercury?
Stranger 2: Because you're fat
Stranger 1: inappropriate
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516302

Question to discuss:
Who invented electricity?
Stranger 1: thomas edison
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516303

I asked this and have gotted 7 yesses and 0 nos

Question to discuss:
Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? (moon landing, 9/11, etc.)

Stranger 2: Yes

Stranger 1: yeah

Stranger 1: hell yeah

Stranger 2: The Moon Landing for sure

Stranger 1: not the moon landing

Stranger 1: i think its real

Stranger 2: Which ones do you believe?

Stranger 2: I think the government planned Kennedy's death

>> No.3516306

I see what you did there.

>> No.3516308

Question to discuss:
Edison or Tesla?
Stranger 1: Tesla
Stranger 1: All the way

Which one of you bro's is this?

>> No.3516316

Question to discuss:
Why aren't jobs coming back?
Stranger 1: idk
Stranger 2: LOL
Stranger 1: ask obama
Stranger 2 has disconnected

actually this idea seems pretty terrible after i think about it. why on earth would two people want someone to watch them talk about some random stupid question.

>> No.3516319

yeah, especially because if one ragequits, the other can't answer.

>> No.3516322

Loled hard

>> No.3516326

Question to discuss:
Who will disconnect first?
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516327
File: 44 KB, 347x321, 23132421560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.3516328
File: 11 KB, 848x208, grv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gets people every time.

>> No.3516330

ou're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Maxwell or Feynman?
Stranger 2: who
Stranger 1: i dont even know
Stranger 1: awkward....
Stranger 2: yurp

raging so hard /sci/

>> No.3516339

Question to discuss:
Who will disconnect last?
Stranger 2: probs me
Stranger 1: K
Stranger 2: so, sup?
Stranger 1: Nmu
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516340

The question I ask:
>Why is it that whever anybody complains about some social injustice, people bring up worse social injustices happening in other parts of the world, as though that makes it ok?

The answer I have recieved more than once:
Nobody cares.

The worst thing is he's right.

>> No.3516345

Question to discuss:
Who will disconnect last?
Stranger 1: not me
Stranger 2: that's a dumbass question
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516347
File: 15 KB, 1222x170, theyrenotretarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, a legit answer!

>> No.3516348
File: 23 KB, 384x173, 23132421570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516355

The only reason there are barely any craters on earth is our atmosphere

>> No.3516356

Question to discuss:
What happens if you land on the bottom of the moon?
Stranger 2: you fall
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516363

Question to discuss:
What happens if you land on the bottom of the moon?
Stranger 1: bottom?
Stranger 1: the moon doesn't have a bottom
Stranger 2: Technically there isn't a bottom
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 1: there's just
Stranger 1: surface
Stranger 1: what a boring question
Stranger 1 has disconnected

Son, I'm proud. But don't be a dick.

>> No.3516369

God stranger 1 is a dickhead. Three times now Stranger 2 has wanted to answer/discuss my question, but stranger 1 disconnected

>> No.3516377
File: 57 KB, 605x350, 23132421580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economy explained.

>> No.3516383

Question to discuss:
Tumblr is the birthplace of all memes. Discuss.
Stranger 2: Hi
Stranger 1: fag
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516384

How do I get them to pose a question? Is it just random?

>> No.3516387

You have to talk to a bunch of people in the normal mode, then you get the option.

>> No.3516388

Plato was a _____

Stranger 2: writer
Stranger 1: dog
Stranger 2: that's pluto
Stranger 2: haha XD
Stranger 1: OH
Stranger 1: HAHAHA
Stranger 2: That's the dog from mickey mouse
Stranger 1: yeah
Stranger 2: hahahahaha :D

>> No.3516390
File: 31 KB, 862x232, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516392
File: 13 KB, 1290x180, 46312124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it internet.

>> No.3516395

Sigh... this will have to do...

Plato was a _____

Stranger 2: mazing
Stranger 1: phylosofer

>> No.3516398

Question to discuss:
Prove your smart.
Stranger 2: you're*
Stranger 2: not your
Stranger 1: 2+2=5
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516404

Question to discuss:
Plato was a _______
Stranger 1: faggot!
Stranger 2: philosopher. I hate him though. I took two philosophy classes
Stranger 2: enough
Stranger 1: yep
Stranger 1: enough of what?
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516407

Question to discuss:
pi = _______?
Stranger 2: 3.1415
Stranger 1: 4,14?

Stranger 1, I am dissapoint

>> No.3516408
File: 27 KB, 538x138, 2687521510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516412
File: 26 KB, 899x336, omegle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those poor souls...

>> No.3516414

Question to discuss:
Who is the Prime Minister of Russia? No googling.
Stranger 2: Medvedev
Stranger 1 has disconnected
I love how after one stranger says something retarded, the other one disconnects.

>> No.3516415

Nobody wants to answer my questions.

>> No.3516418

Question to discuss:
Have you accepted Jesus into your heart?
Stranger 2: no
Stranger 1: yep :)
Stranger 2: and i never will

Oh, now it's on.

>> No.3516420

Question to discuss:
Jack the Ripper was a ______
Stranger 1: toilet paper
Stranger 1: a fart machine
Stranger 2: stripper
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516421

Question to discuss:
Stranger 2: 1
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516424

Question to discuss:
Jack the Ripper was a ______
Stranger 1: man
Stranger 2: a stripper
Stranger 2: a hipster
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516425
File: 42 KB, 400x301, Ludwig_Wittgenstein_by_Ben_Richards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question to discuss:
You could attach prices to thoughts. Some cost a lot, some a little. And how does one pay for thoughts?

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516431

Guys, this thing is great for research on statistics.

Question to discuss:
If we had an effective and cheap treatment that would allow you to never die of old age, but as a result you would be unable to reproduce, would you take it?
Stranger 2: No
Stranger 1: yep
Stranger 1: im gay anways
Stranger 2: Wait
Stranger 2: do i still get old?
Stranger 1: he cant answer
Stranger 2: shit
Stranger 2: haha
Stranger 1: but im guessing you dont get old
Stranger 2: well then sure
Stranger 2: i hate kids anways
Stranger 1: its not like ill be having kids anyways
Stranger 1: i hate little kids
Stranger 2: yeah
Stranger 1: they are so annoying
Stranger 2: if there was a way to have a kid, then give him some sort of shot to make him age until he was 18, i'd be down

>> No.3516432
File: 11 KB, 1322x224, ques2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one

>> No.3516433
File: 31 KB, 1315x333, holygodwhathappenedto8thgradescience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516435

Question to discuss:
Stranger 1: fuck alegbra
Stranger 2: According to my calculations
Stranger 2: the answer is
Stranger 2: FUCK YOU
Stranger 2 has disconnected


>> No.3516441

Name 3 famous scientists.

Stranger 1: no
Stranger 2: einstein
Stranger 2: newton
Stranger 2: gaalleleo

>> No.3516446

Question to discuss:
If God is omnipotent (everywhere at once), isn't he also in Hell?
Stranger 1: God doesn't exist.
Stranger 1: He's a social construct.
Stranger 2: Yes he does...
Stranger 2: your own does
Stranger 2: your own God does
Stranger 2: maybe its music or painting or food or whatever the fuck
Stranger 1: I have no god.
Stranger 2: but you look up /into something
Stranger 1: That's not what God means...
Stranger 2: so that is your own "God" even if you dont call it that
Stranger 2: oh? then what does God mean to someone who has no God"?
Stranger 2: you fail.
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516447

Question to discuss:
Tycho Brahe is known for what?
Stranger 2: sucking cock??
Stranger 1 has disconnected

This is the first time anyone responded and I asked this question 20 times.

>> No.3516450

How do you get to answer questions?

>> No.3516455

Question to discuss:
Which degree offers any job desired and a $300,000 starting salary?
Stranger 2: none
Stranger 1: none
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516457

Question to discuss:
Tycho Brahe is known for what?
Stranger 2: idk
Stranger 2: tell us
Stranger 1 has disconnected

I wish I could, stranger 2

>> No.3516458
File: 34 KB, 392x287, 26822214560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516459

Just chat to a few strangers then a things comes up asking if you want to take part

>> No.3516460

Chemical engineer here, if people are this retarded, then how is this useful? The answer was obviously heat..

What is the enthalpy of a reversible process at constant pressure equal to?

Stranger 1: WAI
Stranger 1: WAOT
Stranger 1: WAIT
Stranger 2: sorry
Stranger 1: WAIT!
Stranger 1: DONT
Stranger 2: me?
Stranger 1: DISCONNECT
Stranger 1: YES.
Stranger 1: Let me answer this.
Stranger 2: I hate enthalpy...
Stranger 2: never got that shit
Stranger 2: ok, i'm waiting
Stranger 2: DONT GOOGLE IT!
Stranger 1: Okay well, isn't it -q/t
Stranger 1: I'm not.
Stranger 1: It's -q/t
Stranger 2: we'll never know....
Stranger 2: I think the person that asks the question should be able to write here to
Stranger 2: ...
Stranger 1: Yeah exactly.
Stranger 1: It's pointless otherwise.
Stranger 1: But yeah hope I helped.

>> No.3516461
File: 52 KB, 817x435, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can tell by the pixels

this looks shooped

>> No.3516465

Question to discuss:
Which moral framework do you use to make your decisions? If you don't use any, explain how you make choices.
Stranger 1: hm
Stranger 1: right and wrong
Stranger 1: most people know what it is
Stranger 2: What ever I feel like doing, I'll do it.
Stranger 1: nuh uh
Stranger 2: Indeed.
Stranger 1: if you wanted to rob a bank you wouldnt do it
Stranger 2: That's because I wouldn't FEEL like doing that, key word, feel.
Stranger 1: hm
Stranger 1: i suppose
Stranger 1: how old are you?
Stranger 2: 24
Stranger 1: ok
Stranger 2: Indeed.

>> No.3516473 [DELETED] 

>inb4 someone asks for a link
>inb4 you post a link to a virus

I know what you're doing.

>> No.3516467

Hey guys just so you know
I'm not reading the ones that aren't pictures

If you didn't take the time to take an extra step in using snippingtool.exe the simplest fucking tool
which combines screenshot+crop+save into one fucking program

They why the fuck would I read your shit

>> No.3516476

Don't care.

Question to discuss:
Einstein got a Nobel prize for what?
Stranger 1: Some shit he did.
Stranger 2: dick sucking

>> No.3516479

I don't have to because it's already installed on every windows 7

start > run > snippingtool.exe

>> No.3516480

I didn't read your post: you didn't take an extra step in using snippingtool.exe the simplest fucking tool which combines screenshot+crop+save into one fucking program.

>> No.3516485

someone just responded to my question with a Picard facepalm ascii image

>> No.3516486

Question to discuss:
Einstein got a Nobel prize for what?
Stranger 2: for sucking my dick
Stranger 2: hhahahahaahha
Stranger 2: aahahhahahaheeh
Stranger 2: eheheheheheheh
Stranger 2: ehheheheheh
Stranger 1: ...I was gonna post that.
Stranger 2: hhuuhuhuhuhuu
Stranger 2: huhhahahahaa
Stranger 2: ahahahah
Stranger 2: u lost
Stranger 2: ahahahahahaaha
Stranger 1: I did.
Stranger 2: lmaooooooooooo
Stranger 2: ahahahahahhaha
Stranger 1: congrats, yo.
Stranger 2: byee
Stranger 1 has disconnected

This was obnoxious

>> No.3516487
File: 13 KB, 252x240, 1285205451920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the light bulb guy

>> No.3516490

Question to discuss:
How far is the nearest star to us?
Stranger 2: 4 light years at least
Stranger 1: im right here
Stranger 2 has disconnected


>> No.3516492
File: 18 KB, 1065x300, has.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516493
File: 17 KB, 718x302, magnets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516496

Question to discuss:
Prove that you have an ounce of intelligence.
Stranger 2: i dont though
Stranger 1: I do
Stranger 2: god damn it
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516498
File: 25 KB, 421x221, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516501
File: 33 KB, 893x446, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. I found a 4channer.

>> No.3516509

Don't the participants in the experiment push the button that inflicts the pain? How is that not causing it.

>> No.3516511

How do I become an idiot that answers the questions, there is no link for it.

>> No.3516512
File: 13 KB, 543x280, OmegleQuestion1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516513
File: 111 KB, 1486x642, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516517


There were two variations. In the "actual push button" one, 26/40 went all the way.

He did a secondary one where all they had to do was read the questions, and someone else pushed the button.

37/40 went all the way.

>> No.3516518

You asked a dick question though.

>> No.3516519

Where the fuck do I become a participant of this

>> No.3516523

Question to discuss:
If only hydrogen and helium were created in the Big Bang, where did the other 88 naturally occurring elements come from?
Stranger 1: my ass
Stranger 2: My butt.
Stranger 1: :D
Stranger 2: 2 great minds think alike.
Stranger 1: got that right brother
Stranger 2: Sister *
Stranger 1: oops my bad
Stranger 2: LOL it's okay.
Stranger 1: actually, why arent you in the kitchen making sandwiches!!!
Stranger 2: Because I'm only 13?
Stranger 1: lol

>> No.3516525
File: 30 KB, 1172x520, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical youth of today

>> No.3516530
File: 34 KB, 948x472, take2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curiouser and curiouser.

>> No.3516532


>> No.3516533
File: 37 KB, 1044x192, animals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this question apparently impossible to these people?

>> No.3516535

Tiger and orangutan, right?

>> No.3516536

It's a dumb question. Stranger 2 is right. Omegle is not google. Ask them a question they can actually agree/disagree about.

>> No.3516537

I've been having fun putting "Start cybering." as the question.
Some people get really into it. Really, really into it.

>> No.3516543


Question to discuss:
If only hydrogen and helium were created in the Big Bang, where did the other 88 naturally occurring elements come from?
Stranger 1: THANK YOU!
Stranger 1: Youre right!
Stranger 2: ur not welcome!
Stranger 2: idk
Stranger 2: srry
Stranger 2: that was mean
Stranger 1: People with all this evolution crap.
Stranger 1: It pisses me off. Lol.

>> No.3516544
File: 11 KB, 878x208, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man coming from apes
>People don't really know what evolution means
Pot, meet Kettle.

>> No.3516549


Start cybering.
Stranger 2: Ç̟̮͍͙̞̱͍̭̰̈́͂ͩͩ́͛͝͝o̘̎͛̀m̲̭͇̪̱͍̼̅͗̒̏͌ë̵̏͏̟͇̲͔̠ͅs͖͙̲̻
̤̲͈ͦ̽̿̂ ̛̤̦̲̘̳̬̊̐̽̈́̅̎ͣ͞ͅt̶̞̓̈ͧo̧̯̘͕͚̣̭̪͗̎̎̎̅͗ ̶̢̫̖͓͔̱̺͚̯̃̆͗̿̈́̃o̙̱͕̰̘ͥͯ̏ͮͬͧ̄ͤͫu̴̸̧̙̠͖̘̠̍̈́̄ͤrͮ͑̕͏͕
Stranger 1: yess
Stranger 2: ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn ಠ_ಠ

... I'm not doing that anymore...

>> No.3516551


I built it such that the classic Lions + Tigers would be in there along with Polar Bears + Penguins.

>> No.3516555 [DELETED] 

Question to discuss:
If I have 5 apples and Jamal takes 3 apples, what colour is Jamal?
Stranger 2: black
Stranger 1: Nigger

>> No.3516556

Question to discuss:
If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?:
Stranger 2: hi
Stranger 1: cuz we need to know what we looked like
Stranger 2 has disconnected


>> No.3516569

Do you believe in God? Why or why not?
Stranger 1: I don't
Stranger 1: what about you
Stranger 2: I do, because he is there. That's all i need.
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516573

Question to discuss:
If only hydrogen and helium were created in the Big Bang, where did the other 88 naturally occurring elements come from?
Stranger 2: fusion
Stranger 1: atoms fusion
Stranger 1: indeed
Stranger 2: i bet we're being spied by a creationist...
Stranger 1: whahha yea indeed xd
Stranger 2: lol
Stranger 2: bye
Stranger 1: cya
Stranger 1 has disconnected

there is hope for manking

>> No.3516584

You can open up multiple windows at once!

Science is speeding up!

>> No.3516591
File: 25 KB, 1295x373, 432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troll like a boss
>watch people have nice conversations
>still forever alone

well, at least this shit is mildly amusing

>> No.3516593

I'm having no luck plugging "speed of light" questions. Too much for most people.

>> No.3516595
File: 55 KB, 1315x456, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great logic

>> No.3516597

Yeah, I finally got a correct answer too, after about 30 tries. Stranger 1 said fusion in stars and Stranger 2 literally said HERRRRPP DERRRRRP repeatedly.

>> No.3516600
File: 7 KB, 883x213, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, my sides

>> No.3516606

Jesus dude.

>> No.3516607

Do you believe in God?
Stranger 2: yes
Stranger 1: My view, the world was created at the singularity ("big bang"). Something started that, that's what I'll call god. I don't know if they planned the events of not, but no matter their choice, all events are planned in advance determinted by the movement of protons, electrons, and energy

Stranger 2 has disconnected

When a theist finds out their partner is an athiest, they usually disconnect.

>> No.3516608
File: 82 KB, 1031x592, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516615

Whoa man

>> No.3516618
File: 14 KB, 250x300, davidortiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you actually participate in answering questions?

>> No.3516619
File: 10 KB, 879x198, I got trolled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516629

Is there gravity in space?
Stranger 2: nope
Stranger 1: who cares space travel is a wait of resources
Stranger 1: and unethical
Stranger 2: hahaha lol

>> No.3516639

Question to discuss:
How many times this month have you masturbated?

Stranger 2: a lot
Stranger 2: hbu
Stranger 1: haha..hmm..
Stranger 1: let me count.
Stranger 2: m or f btw
Stranger 1: f.
Stranger 1: and none.
Stranger 2: r u horny
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 2: canu get horny for me
Stranger 1: no.
Stranger 2: what age r u
Stranger 1: theres someone watching this conversation pervert.

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516643

Should marijuana be legal?
Stranger 2: yes
Stranger 1: no


>> No.3516648
File: 10 KB, 849x220, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516650
File: 13 KB, 457x405, Untitled-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lool I'm trolling /sci/

>> No.3516657
File: 10 KB, 886x198, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516667

Question to discuss:
If only hydrogen and helium were created in the Big Bang, where did the other 88 naturally occurring elements come from?
Stranger 2: YOUR MOM
Stranger 1: Helium
Stranger 2: DUHH
Stranger 1: Yep
Stranger 2: looooooooool
Stranger 2: i knew that.
Stranger 1: Noooo!
Stranger 2: yes..
Stranger 2: i think yes.
Stranger 1: No
Stranger 1: I think no
Stranger 2: she doesn't?
Stranger 2: well...
Stranger 2: you're gay anyways.
Stranger 2: HAH!
Stranger 1: No
Stranger 1: Not gay
Stranger 1: So she doesn't know
Stranger 2: just happy and proud
Stranger 1: Lol no
Stranger 2: she dont know you're gay
Stranger 2: but u gay anyway
Stranger 1: Because I am not
Stranger 2: LOLOL
Stranger 1: No
Stranger 1: Trolol
Stranger 2: DAMN
Stranger 2: YOU
Stranger 1: Yep
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516669

>mfw I'm stranger 1

I can prove it:
he said "I don't think you understand that you're retarded"

>> No.3516671
File: 173 KB, 812x515, states.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Questions like:
>Is the speed of light truly constant
and the oversimplified
>The math number "pi" is used on what shape
Get multiple immediate disconnects.

>If you could vote three states out of the USA, which would you choose?
which I took from /b/ last night, gets a lengthy discussion.

>> No.3516678
File: 14 KB, 443x402, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA. This is the correct answer.

>> No.3516684
File: 28 KB, 1154x716, 1312431695728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is

>> No.3516686

Over 200 attempts and not one single person will say anything to this "question". They always just disconnect.

>You're having a grand mal seizure and this reality is just a hallucination.

>> No.3516688

Mind sharing how you get to answer questions?

>> No.3516689

can someone link me to where you can do this stuff?

>> No.3516690

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger 2: sup /sci/
Stranger 1: idk
Stranger 2: It falls
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516692

Question to discuss:
I am he who is I AM, who am I?
Stranger 1: Yourself.
Stranger 2: Any ideas?
Stranger 2: Actually I think it's God.
Stranger 2: Google says so.
Stranger 1: Then that man must be god.
Stranger 2: Wow
Stranger 2: We just proved a lot in a little amount of space.
Stranger 2: Good work, chap.
Stranger 1: Thank you.
Stranger 1: couldn't have done it without you.

>> No.3516703

>If you could be another animal, what would you be
Response 1: Lion. Disconnect.
Responses 2 and 3: disconnect.

>If you could EAT another animal, right now, what would you eat?

Stranger 1: hmmm
Stranger 2: kobe beef.
Stranger 1: giraffee
Stranger 1: it's kosher

>> No.3516711

Grow up, ass. "Price" and "cost" aren't the same thing. You have been trolled.

>> No.3516714

Also, nobody ever responds to this question either.

>Did you know we're keylogging you?

>> No.3516723

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger 2: motionless in white
Stranger 1: It becomes a transformer
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516733

>How many sides are on a hexagon?
Stranger 1: um
Stranger 1: ummm
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>How many sides AREN'T on a hexagon?
Stranger 2: 72
Stranger 1: fuck
Stranger 1: me
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516744

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger 2: sup /sci/
Stranger 2: falls
Stranger 2: IIRC at 1/6 the speed of earth.
Stranger 2: I could be wrong about that fraction though.
Stranger 1: if you dorp a pen and a rock on the moon theyd land at the same time
Stranger 2: How do you dorp something?
Stranger 1: drop**
Stranger 2: lol
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516753
File: 164 KB, 1350x1177, Omegle conversation log_1312602732475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Do you believe in evolution? If not, why?"

>> No.3516755

Thought I'd use an elementary school one.

>What's your favorite color? Least favorite?
Stranger 2: i love all colors
Stranger 1: clear
Stranger 2: lol..??
Stranger 1: white

But they fucked that up, too.

>> No.3516767
File: 93 KB, 481x585, 1310078739965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the color clear

>> No.3516793

>How many sides does a hexagon have?
Stranger 2 disconnected.

>Why don't you know how many sides a hexagon has?
Stranger 2: 6


>> No.3516794
File: 76 KB, 1349x712, three_chantards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds

>> No.3516811

So about forty-five minutes ago, I started with "Whoever goes longer without disconnecting wins."

The conversation is still going on, and it's hilarious.

>> No.3516814
File: 58 KB, 511x215, snooki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish my keyboard could adequately convey unfathomable sadness...

>> No.3516817
File: 17 KB, 318x571, Fingers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best question ever

>> No.3516823

Correct !

>> No.3516824
File: 27 KB, 500x322, sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516825

Question to discuss:
if you drop a rock on jupiter, what happens?
Stranger 1: wtf
Stranger 1: lmaao
Stranger 2: It will fall.
Stranger 1: it blows up
Stranger 2: And burn pretty fast I guess.
Stranger 1: naww wrong
Stranger 1: im pretty sure it blows up
Stranger 2: Why's that?
Stranger 1: the hole planet
Stranger 1: r u being mean
Stranger 1: ooooooooo
Stranger 1: te hehee
Stranger 1: u dont like mt answer
Stranger 1: awwwww
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3516832

>If you could vote three states out of the USA, which would you choose?

Tried asking that question, so far it's caused no rage and three genial conversations. There has to be better trolling material than this.

>> No.3516839

You have to converse with strangers for about 6 times and then omegle asks you to do it

>> No.3516846
File: 38 KB, 390x892, finger 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey 4channer, do not spam it

There's just something about them not wanting me to do it that makes me want to

>> No.3516850

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What's the derivative of f(x) = sinx?

Stranger 2: im only sixteen sorry, not currently studying that level of math

Stranger 1: That's was too long ago.

Stranger 1: I was when I was 16.

Stranger 2: im not the brightest kid.

Stranger 1: Was quite good at it even.

Stranger 1: I am.

Stranger 2: good for you i suppose

Stranger 1: Indeed.

Stranger 2: well, have a good day.

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516859

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What country are you from? What makes it superior to your chat partner's country?
Stranger 2: America.
Stranger 1: USA
Stranger 2: Well then
Stranger 1: best country on the whole fucking earth
Stranger 2: lol, no.
Stranger 1: excuse me?
Stranger 2: You heard me.
Stranger 1: what country do you think is the best
Stranger 2: Well.
Stranger 2: Read me.
Stranger 2: I don't know, but it's not America.
Stranger 2: not by a LONG shot.
Stranger 1: what country do you think, would beat america
Stranger 1: plz
Stranger 1: im dying to know
Stranger 2: Sources: Human Development Index, Literacy Rate, Infant Mortality Rate.
Stranger 2: Sweden wins in all of those categories.
Stranger 2: Most European countries do, actually.
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 1: not at all
Stranger 2: Google that shit. It's hard statistics that you can't argue with.
Stranger 1: dont pull a bunch of science shit
Stranger 1: tell me this
Stranger 1: in sweden
Stranger 1: if you wake up
Stranger 1: and say
Stranger 2: Furthermore, suicide rates and poverty rates are higher in America.
Stranger 1: i want a gun,
Stranger 1: you cant go to the fucking store
Stranger 1: and buy a gun can you?
Stranger 2: Yes you can.
Stranger 1: can you vote there?
Stranger 2: Yes, you can.
Stranger 1: i dont think so
Stranger 1: prove it
Stranger 1: give me some more
Stranger 1: science
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516862

I cannot believe that this was my longest response yet:

>how do i shot web ?
Stranger 1: what
Stranger 2: It's a Troll
Stranger 1: i knowwwwwwww
Stranger 1: wait so is there a 3rd person watching?
Stranger 2: yep
Stranger 2: the asker
Stranger 1: thats weird
Stranger 2: yes
Stranger 1: i would hate watchiing
Stranger 1: it sounds boring
Stranger 2: I tried it
Stranger 1: how was it
Stranger 2: not as fun as debating
Stranger 1: lol yeah i would think so
Stranger 1: how do you be asker though?
Stranger 1: cause i wanna try
Stranger 2: go to the home page and click try out the beta
Stranger 1: ahh ok
Stranger 1: thank you :D
Stranger 2: You're welcome
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516870
File: 19 KB, 478x338, fingers 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516874


This guy here, the conversation finally ended. Stranger 1 lost. Apparently she left her actual phone number for the other stranger, though.

>> No.3516881

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What country are you from? What makes it superior to your chat partner's country?
Stranger 2: hbu?
Stranger 1: SWEDEN
Stranger 2: hahaha are words necessary?
Stranger 2: a buncha fags work at ikea...but the meatballs one is kinda kool -_-
Stranger 1: HAHAHA
Stranger 1: meatballs the best.
Stranger 1: america sucks.
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516889

I almost had some faith in these guys. At the beginning, they showed promise...

Question to discuss:
Question 1: If a game costs $1 plus half its price, how much does it cost? Question 2: Why can't you answer this correctly? (Hint: It's not $1.50)
Stranger 1: oh
Stranger 1: wait
Stranger 2: lol i'm confused
Stranger 1: it's 1 dollar plus half of the big price
Stranger 1: right?
Stranger 2: oh yeah!
Stranger 2: 1.75
Stranger 1: wait
Stranger 1: let's think about that
Stranger 2: haha yes..
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 1: wait
Stranger 1: ok
Stranger 1: because if it was 1.50
Stranger 1: it'd be 1 dollar plus half more
Stranger 1: right?
Stranger 2: yeah..
Stranger 1: half of 1.50 is 75 cents
Stranger 2: i think it has to be 1.50 actually
Stranger 1: plus one dollar
Stranger 1: is one seventy five
Stranger 2: yeah, maybe haha
Stranger 1: no. think about it
Stranger 1: that's it
Stranger 2: otherwise they are pusposely messing with us :P lol
Stranger 1: yeah
Stranger 1: but that's it
Stranger 1: but wait
Stranger 2: NO I GET IT! omg haha
Stranger 1: then what's half of one seventy five?
Stranger 1: shit
Stranger 2: it's impossible to know! because it says $1 plus it's price.. but it's price isn't given!
Stranger 1: fucking asshole
Stranger 2: me? haha
Stranger 1: that dude's a prick
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 1: not you
Stranger 2: oh lol
Stranger 1: playing god

>> No.3516898

But they figured it out. That's more than can be said about a lot of /sci/.

>> No.3516902

No, they didn't.

>> No.3516908

They figured out that it's a conundrum.
Better than most.

>> No.3516909


>Stranger 2: it's impossible to know! because it says $1 plus it's price.. but it's price isn't given!

Looks like they did.
Or are you one of those guys who doesn't understand that price is not cost?

>> No.3516912

It's $2 you giant fags
stop trolling me

>> No.3516918
File: 10 KB, 264x345, 1306013564199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516920

I'm going to ignore this faggotry and I implore the rest of this thread to do the same.

>> No.3516924


>> No.3516925

505-465-7636 its all your

>> No.3516929
File: 105 KB, 1103x507, sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they're still debating

>> No.3516930

full conversation:
Question to discuss:
A sun made of ice and the sun collide. What happens?
Stranger 2: not enough details
Stranger 1: the ice melts into water and evaporates into gas
Stranger 1: the gas is gravitationally pulled
Stranger 2: depends on the size of this "ice" sun
Stranger 1: heating up into plasma
Stranger 1: and seperates into hydrogen and oxygen
Stranger 2: assuming such a thing could exist...which it couldn't
Stranger 1: fueling the star with more fusion
Stranger 1: that was boring
Stranger 2: you're assuming the ice is smaller that the sun
Stranger 2: there's no reason to make such an assumption
Stranger 1: im assuming the ice sun is the same size
Stranger 1: why else would the person call it a sun
Stranger 1: he thinks they would cancel each other out
Stranger 1: but the ice has potential energy in the form of strong nuclear force
Stranger 2: considering this person asked about a "sun" made of ice, I doubt they're able to clearly stick to the strict definition of sun as being our star
Stranger 2: there's simply not enough detail in the question to provide any sort of reasonable conclusion
Stranger 1: even if it were bigger the sun would still eat it up
Stranger 2: no, that's absurd
Stranger 1: unless they collided with very fast speeds
Stranger 1: im assuming slow collision
Stranger 2: again, you have no basis upon which to make that assumption
Stranger 1: dude
Stranger 1: you're making this boring
Stranger 1: I'm assuming the most probable conditions
Stranger 1: and answering
Stranger 1: and you're doing bullshit
Stranger 1: go fuck yourself
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3516944
File: 7 KB, 431x192, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516947
File: 26 KB, 1109x372, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516949
File: 56 KB, 959x540, Screenshot-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the total is:
1 for "able to be unlocked"
and 4 for "unable to be locked"

>> No.3516950
File: 61 KB, 1245x440, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains a lot....

>> No.3516956

I think I've found pure trollanium.

Question to discuss:
You get one superpower. Which do you want? Why? Now fight each other.
Stranger 2: Shapeshifting bitch
Stranger 1: psycokenisis
Stranger 2: Say waaaat?
Stranger 1: aka, you are fucked
Stranger 2: I can shapeshift therefore i can be anything
Stranger 1: wouldn't matter against my power
Stranger 2: O rly?
Stranger 1: ya ryr

>> No.3516977
File: 35 KB, 863x246, moonniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great job all around.

>> No.3516982

Question: 100 x 101 = ?

17 disconnects
8 "idk" or similar responses
5 wrong answers
1 correct

Roughly 3% of Omegle has graduated elementary school?

>> No.3516993

Would you rather live in Africa or Antartica?

93 Antartica
1 Africa

>> No.3517004

Stranger 1: uh, nothing?
Stranger 2: u cant drop it on the moon dumbass
Stranger 1: exactly..
Stranger 2: thrs no gravity
Stranger 2: wtf

>> No.3517014
File: 38 KB, 599x537, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3517017
File: 41 KB, 1028x265, im ashamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3517021
File: 47 KB, 350x350, maxwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Maxwell or Feynman?

Stranger 1: idk

Stranger 2: One second, let me google that

Stranger 2: ok, the first guy is a nigger

Stranger 1: whos better dude?

Stranger 2: so feynman probably

Stranger 1: yeah

>> No.3517023

Jesus, this one got by far the longest response.

>When will I kill again...??
Stranger 1: NOW
Stranger 2: monday
Stranger 2: the owl flys at midnight
Stranger 1: Kill him
Stranger 1: Hes an ass hole
Stranger 2: i hate him
Stranger 2: how we finishing him off?
Stranger 1: Him is such an ass. We should drown Him
Stranger 2: okay lets rool
Stranger 2: roll
Stranger 1: Mhmmmm Let do this thing -gets car-
Stranger 2: yes finaly
Stranger 1: -is in drivers seat- Yo hop in my ride
Stranger 2: boyyy i gotcha
Stranger 1: -driving- Where does Him live?
Stranger 2: apartment complax 36 on main street
Stranger 1: Alrighty -swerves around corner at a fast speed-
Stranger 2: goooooooooo
Stranger 2: before the snippers get us
Stranger 1: -speeds up- Who told the popos!
Stranger 2: AHHHHHHHHH
Stranger 2: fuck da popo
Stranger 1: Get yo gun out! shoot back at em
Stranger 2: ive already nailed 5
Stranger 1: Goood! we don't need any one tailing us
Stranger 1: -pulls up in front of the apartment
Stranger 1: -
Stranger 1: Lets go get that snitch
Stranger 2: get him Jimmy
Stranger 1: -ratatatatatata- *Him in back round screaming* -rtatatatatata- HAHAHAHAHAHA Take that you asshat!
Stranger 2: yesss jims!

>> No.3517025

Question to discuss:
Would you rather live in Africa or Antartica?

Stranger 1: I live in Africa

Stranger 2: Africa. It's actually habitable.

Stranger 2: Kewl man, what country?

Stranger 1: Serria Leone

Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3517026


Stranger 2: your my hero
Stranger 1: No problem Stacey we make a good team
Stranger 2: id say so!
Stranger 2: so now that HE is dead
Stranger 2: whats your name?
Stranger 1: Mackenzie
Stranger 1: what is yours?
Stranger 2: isabella
Stranger 2: or bella
Stranger 2: whateves
Stranger 1: Okay:D I bet our spy is joe.
Stranger 1: Let us call him loe
Stranger 1: Joe
Stranger 2: joeeee!
Stranger 2: noo its charlie
Stranger 2: and were charlies angels
Stranger 1: Ohh that does sound right indeed :D
Stranger 2: mmhm
Stranger 2: nice ring to it
Stranger 1: Mhmmm.
Stranger 1: To bad he cannot talk to us":c
Stranger 2: awww poop
Stranger 1: He knows we love him
Stranger 2: do you like country music?
Stranger 1: Some kinda
Stranger 2: we love you charlie <3
Stranger 1: IS taylor swift country? Cause i like her
Stranger 2: hahahahah jason aldean with ludicrous
Stranger 2: bahaha
Stranger 1: -I now sound like 12-
Stranger 1: I am 16
Stranger 2: im 17
Stranger 1: Old one you are;]
Stranger 1: I bet Charlie is like 26 and fapping to this.
Stranger 2: i bet hes 32

I'm 28. Very close!

>> No.3517036

Einstein got a Nobel prize for what?

Stranger 1: the photoelectric effect

Stranger 2: for theoretical physics, mainly involving the photoelectric effect though

Stranger 1: indeed.

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3517042

You would be shattered

>> No.3517051

there is hope yet for this planet

>> No.3517061
File: 35 KB, 545x490, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it's 18 now. They're still going.

>> No.3517070

Question to discuss:
Have you ever thought about committing suicide? If so, why?
Stranger 2: Yes.
Stranger 2: Because my family hates me.
Stranger 2: and I'm tired of them.
Stranger 1: tell us about it stranger
Stranger 2: Well
Stranger 2: um
Stranger 2: They just hurt me a lot
Stranger 2: Too much.
Stranger 1: examples?
Stranger 2: my sisters beat me in front of my parents and they don't care.
Stranger 2: Like, actually in the same room.
Stranger 1: how old are u and them?
Stranger 2: I'm 13 and my sisters are 15 and 17.
Stranger 2: and they send me to boot camps for not understanding my classes.
Stranger 1: oh that must suck ass
Stranger 2: Yup.
Stranger 2: But I've gotten used to it.
Stranger 2: It's hard not being able to say anything.
Stranger 1: dont u have a school counselor u can talk to?
Stranger 2: And then they threaten to send me to a pysch clinic
Stranger 2: because sometime I cry.
Stranger 2: I already do.
Stranger 1: oh well is talking to them helping
Stranger 2: Sometimes. No one ever really gets it.
Stranger 2: They make me want to die. And it hurts because they're supposed to protect me from that. Some days I just want someone to yell at them for hurting me/
Stranger 1: u dont cut urself do u?
Stranger 2: Like, "Why the fuck would you do that? She's a kid! She trusts you. You gave her life and now she wished you never did! what kinda shit parents do that?
Stranger 2: Once.
Stranger 2: I'm quite rational for a depressed person.
Stranger 2: I still have the scar.
Stranger 2: I kept opening it for weeks so it wouldn't heal.
Stranger 2: and I didn't eat for a weak once.
Stranger 2: *week
Stranger 1: well please never do things like that again ok?
Stranger 2: I thought I didn't deserve the food.
Stranger 2: I'm not but it really hurts.
Stranger 2: It hurts too much. and I don't know what to do.
Stranger 2: Everyone asks me what they want me to do.

>> No.3517074

Stranger 1: i wish i knew what to tell you
Stranger 2: Me too.
Stranger 2: but the listening help.
Stranger 1: haha cool
Stranger 1: im very sorry to hear about ur situation
Stranger 1: but im sure one day it will work out
Stranger 1: hopefully
Stranger 2: I hope so.
Stranger 2: Never treat your kids like that.
Stranger 2: Okay?
Stranger 2: You can never be disappointed in them.
Stranger 1: i wont
Stranger 2: Thank you.
Stranger 1: haha yup
Stranger 2: They say life isn't fair, but you have to try to make it that way for your kids.
Stranger 1: u sound like u would make a great parent
the things your telling me right now are incredibly deep
Stranger 2: It's what happens when you can't be a kid anymore.
Stranger 1: and that really is unfair to u
Stranger 2: Finally someone says it.
Stranger 2: I'll try to hold on for you.
Stranger 1: thanks :)
Stranger 2: Have a nice night.
Stranger 1: you too
Stranger 1: give me a smiley before you go!!
Stranger 2: :)
Stranger 1: haha awesome
Stranger 2: Thanks.
Stranger 1: alright good luck and god bless
Stranger 1: :)
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>i made a sad ;(

>> No.3517082


Stranger 2: crap
Stranger 1: Yeah hahaha
Stranger 2: 18
Stranger 2: nevermind, it's 18
Stranger 1: How old are you?
Stranger 2: the asterisk sign means you multiply the displayed number by the number right below it (example, 4, then 3) I'm 16
Stranger 2: I am 16
Stranger 1: What does that even mean?
Stranger 2: i did it in my head the first time, so yeah
Stranger 2: Asterisk?
Stranger 2: the * symbol
Stranger 1: "displayed number by the number right below it (example, 4, then 3)
Stranger 1: "
Stranger 2: i mean,
Stranger 2: if the equation says 6*
Stranger 2: then you'll have to multiply 6 with 5, then 30 with 4, then 120 with 3, then 360 with 2, then 720 with 1
Stranger 1: Are you american?
Stranger 2: Yep
Stranger 2: not all of us are stupid

Me: O RLY??

>> No.3517086
File: 88 KB, 1678x795, Is it really that hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can that not read this. Is this really the level of educatiuon in america?

>> No.3517093
File: 12 KB, 558x434, Omegle - Google Chrome_2011-08-06_16-50-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omegle can't do math. Every other conversation has been an immediate disconnect.

>> No.3517103

The question is how old they are. Probably not very.

>> No.3517118

25 is the sum of 16 and 9? That's correct, right? Not too hard..

>> No.3517132
File: 12 KB, 531x493, Omegle - Google Chrome_2011-08-06_17-01-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3517143
File: 35 KB, 552x395, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3517150

Question to discuss:
Which is bigger, Mars, or the moon?

Stranger 1: mars

Stranger 2: LOL

This was after Stranger 2 started typing and then waited for a response.

>> No.3517153 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 568x556, 1312607288671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3517180

>I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
>Futurama meme
>He can't do basic arithmetic.

Must be from /sci/.

>> No.3517195
File: 20 KB, 406x502, trollmegle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3517217
File: 6 KB, 541x176, Omegle - Google Chrome_2011-08-06_17-17-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone from this thread finally got to my question.

>> No.3517223

Question to discuss:
Which 4chan board have you come to troll from? I'm from /sci/
Stranger 1: /mu
Stranger 2: ...
Stranger 1 has disconnected

Stranger 2 was obviously a /b/tard
Also this is the first time I've seen 4chan completely united in something

>> No.3517226

Question to discuss:
Why do we never see the dark side of the moon?

Stranger 2: Because it doesn't want to show it's dark side.

Stranger 1: it's because the moon is racist

Stranger 2: Oh my god. BEST ANSWER EVER.

Stranger 1: it doesn't want people to see how black it is

Stranger 2: ^Genius.

Stranger 1: true story

Stranger 2: asker, better write this shit down.

Stranger 2: Fucking dumb ass.

Stranger 2: >:l

Stranger 1: XD

Stranger 2: Who DOESN'T know that the moon is RACIST?

Stranger 2: Jesus.. Kids these days /ragequit

Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3517239
File: 64 KB, 880x410, Screen shot 2011-08-05 at 10.21.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3517254

Question to discuss:
Which 4chan board have you come to troll from? I'm from /sci/
Stranger 2: /b/ this muthafucka

fucking /b/tards

>> No.3517280

how do you screencap only the conversation area?

>> No.3517294
File: 28 KB, 607x485, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3517306

Special Relativity anyone? Goodness.

>> No.3517320

What the fuck. AU is 1 obviously.

>> No.3517333

Question to discuss:
Which 4chan board have you come to troll from? Personally I'm a regular attendant of /sci/, /g/, /v/ and /tv/
Stranger 2: sci
Stranger 1: v
Stranger 2: I just came from sci, lol
Stranger 1: Sigh
Stranger 2: sci has an awesome post on this feature
Stranger 1: Do you guys have a thread going
Stranger 2: yeah, it was hilarious
Stranger 2: i posted a few questions i asked
Stranger 2: here, one sec
Stranger 1: schweet
Stranger 2: http://imgur.com/HUgkI
Stranger 2: okay, not 4 chan]
Stranger 2: but i liked it
Stranger 2: >>3516127
Stranger 2: some great ones there
Stranger 1: It was you bastards asking that question
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 1: alright
Stranger 2: wait, did you get it?
Stranger 2: I was asking it, lol
Stranger 1: $2=$2
Stranger 2: yes
Stranger 2: so half of $2 plus $1
Stranger 2: ....equals $2
Stranger 1: Ah...
Stranger 1: yes
Stranger 1: sure
Stranger 1 is typing...

>> No.3517365
File: 30 KB, 738x360, proud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3517377



>> No.3517387

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:

Stranger 2: Fuck you and math.

Stranger 1: Wait

Stranger 1: wai

Stranger 1: let me solve it

Stranger 2: Go ahead my friend.

Stranger 1: fuck

Stranger 1: why can't I math

Stranger 2: See?

Stranger 2: Fuck math.

Stranger 1: This is evil.

Stranger 2: It'll be okay. One day.

Stranger 1: I hope you're right.

Stranger 1: I really hope you're right.

Stranger 2: Me too.

Stranger 2: Me too...

Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3517399

It's infinity, wow they're dumb

>> No.3517402

Actually it's 2

>> No.3517428

Penis goes in, penis goes out, babby made. You can't explain that

>> No.3517441

I asked why couldn't I hold all these limes.

/sci/ was the correct answer.

>> No.3517447
File: 46 KB, 1109x628, omeglelulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HORY SHET he actually got it right! I am not disappoint.

>> No.3517451
File: 46 KB, 860x494, zas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger 1's status:

[ ] Not told
[X] Told
[X] Tolderone
[X] Knights of the told republic
[X] No country for told men

Also if you're reading this Stranger 2, brofist.

>> No.3517453

Oh wow:
Question to discuss:
Just how old is the Earth? (No using google or any online resources. No using a reference book either.)
Stranger 2: dterezi@gmail.com
Stranger 2: :D
Stranger 1: about 8000 years
Stranger 1: give or take
Stranger 2:
Stranger 1: 6000?
Stranger 2: dterezi@gmail.com

>> No.3517458
File: 5 KB, 802x108, opp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lul'd

>> No.3517464

Was there a big sci/v vs g/a fight?

>> No.3517489

Stranger 1: 0.
Stranger 2: FUCK YOU SPY
Stranger 1: i retract my answer and submit: -0.
Stranger 1: do you watch porn
Stranger 2: I MAKE PORN
Stranger 2: IN 4D

Best answer ever.

>> No.3517495

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
If you drop a pencil on the moon, what will happen?

Stranger 2: it will float
Stranger 1: never been so couldn't say with any certainty
Stranger 2: huh true that
Stranger 1: the moon would float?
Stranger 2: no...the pencil
Stranger 1: oh
Stranger 1: do you have a big dick?
Stranger 2: gtfo nigg
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3517549
File: 24 KB, 507x463, 315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I fucking love this

>> No.3517563

Whats the color of nigger?
Stranger 2: purple
Stranger 1: WATAH MELON
Stranger 2: the color purple.

>> No.3517595
File: 12 KB, 200x182, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ron Paul or Ron Paul?
Stranger 1: NO
Stranger 2: yes
Stranger 1: NOPE
Stranger 2: WHAT CUNT?!!
Stranger 1: ME GUSTA CUNTS
Stranger 2: FIGHT ME!!!
Stranger 1: Nah
Stranger 2: im bored


>> No.3517600

A girl goes into the past and kills her Grandmother. Since her Grandmother is dead, the girl was never born. If she were never born,then who killed her Grandmother?
Stranger 2: ...
Stranger 1: her
Stranger 2: MINDFUCK

>> No.3517610

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
If humans came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
Stranger 1: We didn't.
Stranger 1: We came from a common ancestor.
Stranger 2: it's called black people
Stranger 1: And even if we did come from monkeys, that doesn't imply the monkeys would become extinct.
Stranger 1: Good talk.

>> No.3517634

The great unanswerable question.

>> No.3517637
File: 53 KB, 790x765, allmyrage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of America right here folks.

>> No.3517648

No you fucking retard, it's a paradox. Shit, you're fucking stupid. It's just a fucking paradox, it's not "unanswerable".

>> No.3517661
File: 39 KB, 400x300, tinfoil-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga U mad.

Were you the one who said "SHIT MIDNFUCK"?

>> No.3517664

If a tree falls in the forest, and noone is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Stranger 1: Nope, but the hipster will buy the soundtrack.

Stranger 2: lol

God damn it 4chan.

>> No.3517682

Question to discuss:
What do you think is wrong with the world?
Stranger 1: mtv
Stranger 2: mtv
Stranger 1 has disconnected

Makes sense I suppose.

>> No.3517685

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What is love?

Stranger 1: love(:
Stranger 2: baby dont hurt me
Stranger 1: something special
Stranger 2: dont hurt me
Stranger 2: no more
Stranger 1: huh
Stranger 1: weirdooo
Stranger 1 has disconnected

Much Loling was had on my behalf!

>> No.3517690
File: 124 KB, 773x703, omeglemars1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this planet.

>> No.3517700

Question to discuss:
What makes the sky appear blue?
Stranger 1: Ponies
Stranger 2: outer space
Stranger 1: Rainbow Dash clears the sky
Stranger 1: to make it blue
Stranger 2: and particles i guess
Stranger 1 has disconnected

>> No.3517706

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
if you were to drop a feather on to the surface of the moon what would happen?

Stranger 1: it would fall

Stranger 2: fall

Stranger 2: at the same rate as anything else

Stranger 1: lack of atmosphere

Stranger 2: no atmosphere means no air for friction

Stranger 1: yep

Stranger 2: "the more you know!"

Stranger 1: even with 1/6th gravity itd probably still fall faster than on earth because of that

Stranger 2: i don't know about that

Stranger 2: it depends the type of feather

Stranger 1: this is the first time i got a question from someone on /sci/

Stranger 2: if its a down feather is would fall slower that a flight feather

Stranger 1: this is true

Stranger 2: its lighter and has more volume

Stranger 1: wait are we talking on earth or the moon?

Stranger 2: earth

Stranger 1: volume plus weight would only matter on earth

Stranger 1: yeah ok good

Stranger 2: well, good discussion. I'm glad everyone on here isn't half retarded

Stranger 1: yep

Stranger 2: have agood one

Stranger 1: you too

Stranger 2 has disconnected

hey we got a decent answer here.

>> No.3517707
File: 63 KB, 774x425, omeglemars2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3517711
File: 19 KB, 524x361, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.3517715

If you could fight anyone who is still living or dead, who would you fight?
Stranger 1: jesus
Stranger 2: i would find the person who invented tacos
Stranger 2: then hug him
Stranger 1: i was going to say the prophet muhammed
Stranger 1: but
Stranger 1: he would put a fight...
Stranger 1: jesus wouldnt
Stranger 1: so jesus
Stranger 1: naw mang

>> No.3517770

If someone says "I always lie", are they telling the truth? Or are they lying?
Stranger 1: YOU MOM
Stranger 2: I am an AI
Stranger 2: thanks for killing me
Stranger 2: asshole
Stranger 2 has disconnected

Oh ho ho ho ho ho!

>> No.3517786

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Question to discuss:
Do you put your ketchup in the fridge?
You: Yes
Stranger: yes
You: ...but why?!
You: He's right, it doesn't spoil.
Stranger: i don't know
You: And it tastes kind of odd when its cold on a burger.
You: ...I'm going to take it out of my fridge right this fucking second.
Stranger: lol
You have disconnected.

>> No.3517790
File: 498 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lnrqegLa3b1qdb5zco1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Question to discuss:
What do you want?
Stranger: Money
You: all i want is to be loved..
Stranger: Fuck love
Stranger: I can buy sex with money
Stranger: and more GUITARS
You: sorry, do you want to die all alone when you are old?
You: youll be lonely lol
You: :(
You: money and guitars dont equal happiness champ
Stranger: Ill buy a russian mail order bride
Stranger: Ill be happy dont worry
You: yeah who will be forced to pretend to like your pimply ass
You: while she cries into her pillow every night
Stranger: I dont care
Stranger: im not the family type my friend, personal preference and you cannot change that
You: a loner by choice i see
Stranger: sooo? what
You: or maybe because of a traumatic child hood experience?
You: ah yes, the sadness of troubled youths..
You: when will children learn not to be so cruel to one another?
Stranger: Lol yeah, i got my dick sucked by an 8th grade girl while i was in 6th grade
Stranger: you got burned

>> No.3517821

What would you ask if the genie allowed you to ask any question but only one?
Stranger 2: hmm
Stranger 1: for me to be with my bf right now
Stranger 2: i'd just ask for
Stranger 2: hmm
Stranger 2: idk
Stranger 1: lolol
Stranger 2: i'm pretty happy where i am
Stranger 1: lucky bitch
Stranger 2: you mean bastards?
Stranger 2: im a dude
Stranger 2: :D
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 1: gahh
Stranger 1: sorry
Stranger 1: my bad
Stranger 2: but that's pretty sweet of you
Stranger 2: to like your bf that much
Stranger 1: haha
Stranger 2: :)
Stranger 1: :)
Stranger 2: he's a lucky bloke
Stranger 1: yes he is:p
Stranger 2: where is he now?
Stranger 1: tahoe
Stranger 1: 10 hrs frm me
Stranger 2: summer vacation?
Stranger 1: nope lives there
Stranger 2: damn
Stranger 2 is typing...

Or how to miss the point entirely lol

>> No.3517824

Question to discuss:
How cool IS /sci/?
Stranger: RULES 1 and @
You: Not terribly
Stranger: 2 too
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Fucking /b/tards

>> No.3517831
File: 7 KB, 189x183, feels kinda good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(In your opinion) Which would make life more beautiful; a deity existing or a deity not existing? Why?
Stranger 1: Excellent question.
Stranger 2: not existing. free will, while chaotic, is the best choice.
Stranger 1: A diety not existing, but for different reasons.
Stranger 2: why?
Stranger 1: Because the universe has such a supreme beauty that requiring an unknown deity (an it has to be unknown, really) to be behind it is uneccessary and distracting.
Stranger 2: yeah, it's kind of a psychological thing that people use to cope with the entirety of the universe.
Stranger 1: I honestly cannot comprehend the mindset of people who demand that there must be something more.
Stranger 2: yeah i'm with you on that
Stranger 1: I bet the asker agrees with us.
Stranger 2: i wish he could say so ha.
Stranger 1: Me too.
Stranger 1: Well, I guess we discussed our question.
Stranger 2: alright. good luck man.
Stranger 2 has disconnected

Yeah, I would say so.

>> No.3517845
File: 30 KB, 638x182, Brain Teasers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3517849

How do you answer questions rather than ask them?

>> No.3517854

i wonder this too

>> No.3517855

go on normal chat, have a small conversation with someone(about 6 messages back and fourth), then when you disconnect it offers you to try it

>> No.3517859

Ask it, maybe one of them will tell you.

>> No.3517860

Thinking with portals:

Put an orange portal on a wall,objects go into the orange one.Put blue portal on a piece of wood.Objects come out of blue portal. What happens when piece of wood with B.portal goes into orange portal?
Stranger 2: You Just Blew My Mind.
Stranger 2: You End Up In My Mother's Vagina.
Stranger 1: u just below my dick
Stranger 2: :0

>> No.3517904

Thinking like Carl Sagan:

If the Big Bang Theory is true, and all matter was condensed into one extremely small and dense area, then what was outside of the area where all matter existed?
Stranger 1: nothing
Stranger 1: nothing except dreams and potential
Stranger 2: I'll accept that
Stranger 1: boo yah!
Stranger 2: congrats, stranger, you just answered the question of the universe
Stranger 1: haha
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3517934

Question to discuss:
What is the most sickening shit you've masturbated to?
You: Lol
Stranger: um
You: I got a good one
Stranger: oh lets hrea this
Stranger: hear*
You: A girl with two heads giving a blowjob
Stranger: Okay
You: Not even joking.
Stranger: That's it everyone
Stranger: the internet's over
Stranger: everyone go home
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.3518094

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Should we build more nuclear power plants?

Stranger 1: Uh... I guess?

Stranger 1: Why do I care? I don't build them.

Stranger 1: I can't control them.

Stranger 2: Niggas need energy

Stranger 1: /b/tard?

Stranger 2: umm, no.

Stranger 1: Huh, you talk like one.

Stranger 2: I try to distance myself from the internet's asshole XD

Stranger 1: I like to browse /c/...

Stranger 2: Which one is that?

Stranger 2: I just go for the hentai.

Stranger 1: The one with drawn pictures of cute girls.

Stranger 1: That's non-pornographic.

Stranger 2: Oh.

Stranger 2: I just go for the porn

Stranger 1: I go to my head for my porn.

Stranger 2: I only go for porn when I'm bored.

Stranger 1: Having a good imagination is bitchin' sometimes.

Stranger 2: And considering I have a drumset and an N64, that's almost never

Stranger 1: N64?

Stranger 2: Nintendo 64

Stranger 1: GameCube for ever, man!

Stranger 1: GC > N64 > Wii, yo.

Stranger 1: Just like the Game Boy Advance is the best handheld ever.

Stranger 1: GBA > DS > GBC > GB >

Stranger 1: Mostly because of nostalgia. x3

Stranger 2: I still remember the retarded light thing you had to plug into the GB to see anything that was going on

Stranger 1: I have an SP.

Stranger 1: =3

Stranger 1 is typing...

This is like watching 2 monkeys in a lab. I suspect Stranger 1 is a female species.

>> No.3518098

I was stranger 1

>> No.3518167

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
People will venture into space and colonize other planets at some point. Do you believe that you'll be alive to experience that?

Stranger 2: No they won't.

Stranger 1: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) why you no make robot life husk

Stranger 2: Without oil, science and technology wouldn't be much farther along than 1870.

Stranger 2: Oil production has peaked.

Stranger 2: Civilization is on the brink of collapse.

>> No.3518218

Question to discuss:
I will give ten dollars to whichever one of you disconnects last. Have fun.

Stranger 1: uhhhhh

Stranger 2: damn

Stranger 2: your going down

Stranger 1: it appears we have reached a stalemate

Stranger 1: so

Stranger 1: ASL

Stranger 1: M/F

Stranger 2: i feel as if im in the wild west and we are about to draw our guns..

Stranger 1: YES


Stranger 1: hot and horny 18 yr old m looking to cyber

Stranger 2: oh yes! like wen people ask aboout being horny

>> No.3518247

Question to discuss:
1st person to disconnect is a flaming faggot
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 2: omg i watched you stranger
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 2: i remember your font and word 'balls'
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 2: great convo
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLSB
Stranger 1: ALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLSB
Stranger 1: ALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 2: yes, yes im sure you are
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLSB
Stranger 1: ALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 2: got any other talents?
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 2: yeh i can sit watching this all day
Part 1

>> No.3518252

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: getting tired there?

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: B A L L S BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: fail much?

part 2

>> No.3518256

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1:  BALLS

Stranger 1:   BALLS

Stranger 1:    BALLS

Stranger 1:     BALLS

Stranger 1:      BALLS

Stranger 1:     BALLS

Stranger 1:    BALLS

Stranger 1:   BALLS

Stranger 1:  BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: why dont you try making balls out of the word balls

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BA

Stranger 1: LL

Stranger 1: S

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: ps. i dont think you have enough balls

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: yep; still not enough

Stranger 2: yeh just show you have balls and disconnect

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLAS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS'

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS
part 3

>> No.3518261

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALLS

Stranger 2: BALL

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS
part 4

>> No.3518262
File: 68 KB, 801x331, hlllg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3518265

Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS
Stranger 2: BALLS
Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: B

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: A

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: L

Stranger 2: L

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: S

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS


Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: B A L L S
part 5

>> No.3518273

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: yeh fuck this. ill be the faggot. this guys not giving up

Stranger 1: BALLS

Stranger 2: hope you enjoyed the show stranger

Stranger 2 has disconnected
the end

>> No.3518277

e=mc^2 true or false?
Stranger 2: fals
Stranger 2: e
Stranger 1: aw fuck
Stranger 1: another /sci/ fag
Stranger 1: well
Stranger 1: energy is not technically related to mass
Stranger 2: its a lie.ø
Stranger 1: nor can the speed of light have been constant when the universe was at a singularity and there was no light to move
Stranger 1: therefore
Stranger 1: it is not true 100% of the time
Stranger 2: i have no idea of whay you are talking about..

I<3 u for this :)

>> No.3518296
File: 158 KB, 714x884, wolverineGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, what does it take to have an intelligent discussion about superheroes and religion? Kids these days...

>> No.3518300


lol that was me

>> No.3518304
File: 56 KB, 711x399, lolmegle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done... Welllll done.

>> No.3518310

so has anyone scored with this yet
preferable with a sweet, young 14 year old

>> No.3518320

I sometimes chat on cam omegle, and I've had quite a few people tell me I'm cute and courting me, only to get mad at me when they find out I'm not a girl.

>> No.3518326
File: 82 KB, 1205x703, lolmegle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fucking match-maker.

>> No.3518337

They're both girls. Hahaha.

>> No.3518339

After Chatting People (Using Text) You Have An Option after the Conversation to Join the Spy Mode beta.

>> No.3518354
File: 48 KB, 694x195, liquid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a pretty straightforward question to me... don't know what they were so upset about...

>> No.3518361
File: 49 KB, 671x256, newtonTattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3518369
File: 15 KB, 513x278, nofunallowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fun allowed :(

>> No.3518392

Question to discuss:
If you had an apple with a straw and you poked the apple through with it and a pebbl hadnt dropped, would it stop the straw inside the apple because gravity cant apple?

>> No.3518413
File: 16 KB, 752x439, Omegle - Google Chrome_2011-08-06_21-39-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had higher hopes for this question.

>> No.3518426
File: 78 KB, 917x412, Screen shot 2011-08-06 at 2.47.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bastards still get the point

>> No.3518441

I was getting asked questions, when a little text box displayed saying " The person you are talking to is a pedophile." isnt that weird

>> No.3518458

Question to discuss:
If T-Rex's vision was based on movement, how come it's prey didn't evolve into tree's? SUCK IT ATHEIST FAGGOTS
Stranger 1: haha
Stranger 2: Because thats im possible
Stranger 1: trees were ahead of their time
Stranger 1: and outlive that fuckin t-rex man
Stranger 2: Animals cant evolve into plants
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>They actually addressed the question seriously

>> No.3518529

Question to discuss:
What is 1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1x0

Stranger 1: 0
Stranger 2: 0
Stranger 2: dammit
Stranger 1: FIRST BITCH
Stranger 1: YEAH
Stranger 2: ho!
Stranger 1: MY MATH DICK
Stranger 1: IS LIKE
Stranger 1: 10 TIMES
You have disconnected.

I ragequit

>> No.3518545


>> No.3518638

Question to discuss:
Approximately how old is the universe? No googling
Stranger 2: um
Stranger 2: uim
Stranger 2: um
Stranger 1: over 9000
Stranger 2: 600,00,00 years
Stranger 2: fuck i forgot a 0
Stranger 1: nigga dont even have enough zeroes
Stranger 1: 600,000,000****
Stranger 2: k then how much is it cracker
Stranger 2: mfw i corrected it
Stranger 1: like 65 years
Stranger 1: give or take

Question to discuss:
Do imaginary numbers exist?
Stranger 2: Yes
Stranger 1: Yes.
Stranger 2: We both agree
Stranger 1: Square root of 1
Stranger 1: no wait. -1
Stranger 1: sorry
Stranger 2: I request the highest of fives
Stranger 1: advance or a8scond
Stranger 1: a8scond
Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3518666
File: 118 KB, 1715x680, penonmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specially designed weight things. He did it in science, you guys!

>> No.3518673

Question to discuss:
If your goal is to not achieve your goal, would you ever achieve it?


Stranger 2: to help u get a life

Stranger 1: It's 4 am and what is this.

Stranger 1: I don't know how does anything work anymorrrreee

Stranger 2: sleep

>> No.3518685
File: 33 KB, 603x699, Screenshot (2011-08-06 at 11.58.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3518704

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What happens if Pinocchio says: This statement is a lie.

Stranger 2: then your an idiot

Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3518705

How do I go into answering mode?;p

>> No.3518708


Polar bears and penguins don't share a habitat, retard.

>> No.3518716

Question to discuss:
During the middle ages, which was the largest Empire?
Stranger 2: dunno
Stranger 2: don't care much
Stranger 2: moghuls?
Stranger 2: hannah montana
Stranger 1: p3niz
Stranger 2: oh yes clearly
Stranger 2: she had the largest empire
Stranger 2: ;_;
Stranger 2 has disconnected

So close

>> No.3518719

Question to discuss:
A two-child family has at least one boy. What is the probability that it has a girl?

Stranger 1: 50/50

Stranger 2: How about you dicuss genetics with some science forum. I have enough of that shit at school.

Stranger 1: true

Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3518762

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What happens when you drop a pencil on the moon?

Stranger 2: it falls slowly..

Stranger 1: it floats up into the space

Stranger 1: cause there is not air on the moon

Stranger 2: but there is gravity on the moon

Stranger 1: so no wind to blow it down

Stranger 2: wind doesn't blow things down ¬_¬

Stranger 2: gravity pulls things down

Stranger 2: how do you think spacemen walk on the moon?

Stranger 1: how

Stranger 1: magnet boots?

Stranger 2: the moon isn't metal

Stranger 1: the moon is gray

Stranger 1: steel is gray

Stranger 1: so the moon has to be made out of steel

Stranger 2: concrete is grey

Stranger 2: how old are you, by the way?

Stranger 1: concrete has steel in it to

Stranger 2: for your sake, I hope you're joking

Stranger 2: because even my little sister knows the moon has gravity

Stranger 1: i ran out of bullshit to say

Stranger 2: oh right

Stranger 1: Okay.

Stranger 2: yes

Stranger 2 has disconnected

>> No.3518776
File: 579 KB, 1366x728, 2011-08-06_0733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck!

>> No.3518781

Question to discuss:
Are you the same person as the one that went to sleep after waking up? What if you were to step into a teleporter that read the exact properties of every atom/particle in your body and re-created it in a different place? (Teleporter destroys the body by default, but can be operated in a mode where it doesn't.)

Stranger 1: wow

Stranger 1: yeah

Stranger 1: thats good

Stranger 1: physically you would be you

Stranger 2: what

Stranger 1: you wouldnt be alive though

Stranger 2: yeah

Not alive, what?

>> No.3518812

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What happens when you drop a pencil on the moon?

Stranger 2: oh god, not this

Stranger 2: back to /v/ with you

Stranger 1: /v/?

Stranger 1: Is that like a subreddit?

>> No.3518818

Question to discuss:
Who won World War 1?
Stranger 1: we did
Stranger 2: are you a american?

Stranger 1: no irish
Stranger 2: then you didn't get involed in the world war 1
Stranger 2 has disconnected

Slowly but surely losing all hope

>> No.3518828

Question to discuss:
Who won World War 1?
Stranger 2: GERMANY
Stranger 1: um...nope
Stranger 2: And World War 2 also
Stranger 1: England for most part
Stranger 1: lol..hell no
Stranger 1: they had this treaty of varseilles
Stranger 1: demilitarization of Rhine valley
Stranger 1: so when hitler came to power in 1933
Stranger 1: he tore up that treaty 1rst thing
Stranger 1: it was an insult to german pride
Stranger 1: they'd lost the war

Stranger 1 just stole my heart, and I sincerely hope stranger 2 is trolling

>> No.3518837

Question to discuss:
Is love in your heart muscle?

Stranger: No.

You: yes

Stranger: Chemical manifestation in the brain.

You: no love id=s from the heart because its a emotion

Stranger: All emotions are chemical reactions. Love does not exist outside of the human psyche. Not to mention, people with artificial hearts can still feel love.

Stranger: Where is your god now.jpg

You: animals love

Stranger: Arguable.

Stranger: Only certain species.

Stranger: Namely mammals

You: my cat loves me

Stranger: Otherwise, there is no need for the emotion known as "love". It's solely an evolutionary construct that was beneficial for child development.

You: if you dont have a heart you die the longest anyone lasted with a fully artificial heart was ten minutes because you cant live without love

Stranger: Not true.

You: yes true

Stranger: Many people live for decades with them.

You: look up longest FULLy artificial heart

You: ill wait

Stranger: Show me a source.

Stranger: And the reasoning behind it cannot be "because you can't live without love"

Stranger: That is empirically flase.

Stranger: false*

You: look on wikipedia they spend short times with an artificial heart then they transplant a real heart in

You: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_heart

Stranger: Yes, but many people live for long periods of times with artificial ones.

Stranger: If they don't, it's due to mechanical reasons

You: but not very long the love left in their system isnt renewed and they die

Stranger: You've got to be trolling.

You: what

Stranger: You can't be serious.

Stranger: No human is this stupid.

>> No.3518839

You: i am and science proves it

Stranger: No it does not.

You: there are neurons in the heart


You: look it up im serious

You: wait ill get a link...

Stranger: Even if that were true, it proves absolutely no point whatsoever.

You: http://subjected2subjectivity.blogspot.com/2007/06/thinking-heart.html

You: when you feel sad it hurts IN YOUR HEART hence heartbroken

Stranger: Wow, you link a blog?

Stranger: Not a scientific study?

Stranger: That's sure to sway me.

You: Doesnt mean its not true

Stranger: It's means you should be highly skeptical

You: ill find another link hold on...

You: http://discovermagazine.com/2000/oct/feattech

Stranger: The fact of the matter is, love is an emotion. Emotions are chemical reactions in the brain, thus love is a chemical reaction.

You: its more than that you cant measure love

Stranger: That's because love is an abstract noun. That's like saying you can't measure dreams.

Stranger: aka fullretard.jpg

>> No.3518840

You: love isnt a word its a vital thing for life

Stranger: Not vital.

You: what is life without love?

Stranger: You can receive brain damage that limits/destroys your ability to love, and still function.

Stranger: That's a subjective question.

Stranger: What is life without Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?

Stranger: For some people it's unbearable, for some it's not.

Stranger: But it's not vital for any of us

Stranger: The need for love is strongly ingrained in the human psyche, but it no way is it a biologic need.

Stranger: in no way*

Stranger: Love is a reason for two parents to procreate and stay together long enough to protect their children.

Stranger: The human mind tries to make it more than that, but from an evolutionary standpoint, that's all there is.

Stranger: Is this making a dent in that thick skull of yours yet?

Stranger: K. Good talk.

>> No.3518846

Question to discuss:
What was the first man made object that could break the sound barrier?
Stranger 2: OH
Stranger 2: WHIP
Stranger 2: Fuck yeah.
Stranger 2: It's a whip.
Stranger 2: Now post this on /sci/

As requested

>> No.3518852

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
What was the first man-made object that could break the sound barrier?

Stranger 2: v2 rocket

Stranger 1: bell

>> No.3518863

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Who was the first human in space?
Stranger 2: uh
Stranger 2: begins with a g?
Stranger 1: neil armstrong
Stranger 1: 1969
Stranger 2: no dude
Stranger 2: space not the same as the moon
Stranger 2: space is nearer
Stranger 1 has disconnected

This is actually a decent question, getting some sensible, close answers

>> No.3518891

I lost my shit at 'Space is nearer'

>> No.3519007

Stranger: Gravity is like a big fabric in space. The planets and stars sit on it and follow the path their indents leave.

You: no wrong

Stranger: That is not wrong you retard haha

You: the model youre thinking of is that gravity creates a dent in an otherwise perfect grid

You: objects follow the lines exactly

Stranger: ....omfg you just went full retard. Cya