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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3514032 No.3514032 [Reply] [Original]

I've decided that I want to learn as much as possible about computers and technology. I'm planning on initiating this quest by learning everything there is to know about my TI-89 Titanium calculator. I want to understand this machine inside and out, including how it works on a physical level (including the geometry of its circuitry, how the USB port converts information it receives into electrical juxtapositions of information that the circuitry then interprets, etc), all the way to how it works through programs, runs applications, and displays the menu on my screen.

In other words, I want to learn ALL of the science behind this calculator and use what I learn from this investigation to apply it to technology and computer science in general.

I'm going to start by reading the manual, but besides that I wanted to ask you all for good sources of information regarding how calculators function, how they're constructed, etc.


>> No.3514047

Well start with quantum chromodynamics so that you can construct the atoms individually.

>> No.3514057


Your sarcasm is unappreciated, and also invalid, as I've explained I'd like to start on the level of circuitry, ie involving the architecture of electron flow throughout the machine.

>> No.3514080

>your sarcasm is invalid
I'm so sorry that my sarcasm doesn't hold up to formal logical rigor. Usually that's the first thing I check before I speak.

>> No.3514096

I once tried to learn how an LCD screen worked. I understand the operation, and how it works, but the more I learned the more the technology itself became confusing.

I mean really, either a wizard did it, or aliens. One of those two.

>> No.3514108


I wish it were.


We must never give up! That's the only way to learn :3

>> No.3514127

If you really want to understand it, start by taking it apart. If you can find a circuit diagram for it, do so, or make your own. Figure out where the electricity goes to, what each component does to the electricity, etc. You're going to need a multimeter for this, it will cost you around 20 bucks at Walmart. Also make sure you grab a handful of extra fuses because the cheap ones blow fuses all the time.

Then you have to figure out the functions of all the ICs, and good luck with that because I still don't understand that shit. I'd start with finding the data sheets for each IC they should be available online.

As for the LCD screen, fuck if I know man. Fuck if I know.

>> No.3514139
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ti-89 is for fag... get a TI Voyage 200 atleast

>> No.3514169

what a piece of shit

if i showed up with that thing for a test my professor would bitch slap me

>> No.3514172


Thanks; I'll get on that.


>> No.3514177


At a certain point, it's like, calculators which are that advanced are unnecessary because you can just use your fucking computer.

>> No.3514198

>hurrr durr

Wasn't accusing you of samefaging, I was announcing that I was the samefag. I will more specific in the future.

>> No.3514208
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Forgot the picture.

>> No.3514216


There's about too much for you to study if you want to, as you stated, 'know everything about' your calculator. It goes from the field of semiconductors to the field of logic and algorithms.

My opinion is that your approach to your goal is rather bad. A scientific calculator typically contains a microcontroller/processor, which is pretty much the pinnacle of the digital electronic technology. You should start with something orders of magnitude simpler, for example, transistored circuits and basic electronics. After you grasped the essence, you migrate to programming, which is much more abstract in concept.

>> No.3514235

Add 3 years of Numerical Analysis to that. The algorithms calculators use have been perfected for 60 years.

>> No.3514312

thats because your teacher is stupid, ti-89 and voyage 200 it's the same calculator:

" The TI-89 Titanium is essentially a Voyage 200, except it doesn't have an integrated keyboard."

http://en.wikipedia (dot) org/wiki/TI-89_series

the good thing about 200 it's you can program it in the field

>> No.3514335

>the good thing about 200 it's you can program it in the field

What are you even talking about? You can write programs for any of the TI models I've ever seen and used anywhere.

>> No.3514357


voyage 200 master race reporting in

>> No.3514432
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without a computer? hardly...


>> No.3514607

You just went full retard.

Type in a name
Now program to your hearts content.

Unless you don't like pressing buttons.... But then why would you take it to a computer?

>> No.3514632

Oh you man that TI BASIC crap. That crap is retarded.

>> No.3514755


even try type that without a qwerty it's so fucking shitty

>> No.3517043

...and yet texting on a cellphone makes perfect sense.
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