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3512120 No.3512120 [Reply] [Original]

Humanity will not continue advancing technologically forever.

Saying that in a thousand years we will be exploring the galaxy because of how much progress we've made in the last 200 years is like saying a 5 year old child will grow to be 10 feet tall by the time he is 40, based on the progress he made in his first years.

Expect technological stagnation.

>> No.3512127

not bad

>> No.3512124
File: 60 KB, 231x347, 1297925443097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except we know from billions of cases that no child has grown to over 10 feet tall, and technological advancement seems to be getting more rapid. Perhaps you're right, but until there are signs of your hypothesis, no dice.

>> No.3512131
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>comparing technological advancement with biological growth

>> No.3512135

>Except we know from billions of cases that no child has grown to over 10 feet tall

We also dont have knowledge of other civilizations other than our own.

>> No.3512139

What makes you think your claim has any weight to it other than a convenient metaphor? We have no other technological society to compare it to. It would be perfectly reasonable to predict that a child of 5 years would continue growing at the same rate, but this claim can be disproved just by waiting.

When you provide evidence for your claim, which suggests current trends will reverse in years to come, over predominant predictions which suggest technological progress to continue on i
ts current trajectory, I shall listen. Until then, you're just trying to sound wise simply by saying something you know to be contrary to conventional opinion, without feeling any need to back it up.

>> No.3512151

Economists know that already. Where had your brain gone, sciencefags?

>> No.3512163

tbh i think the next century wont hold anything great

the most we're gonna get out of new inventions is some fucking hovercar or some shit like a nanochip inserted in your iphone that allows you to visualize everything

useless shit

>> No.3512189

You're too optimistic

>> No.3512236
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how about functional teleport?

>> No.3512253

Nano technologies, "particles" physics....

I think we will see an astonishing progress in technology, and a scientific paradigm shaft, in 30 years TOPS.

>> No.3512259
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>> No.3512301

>which suggests current trends will reverse in years to come, over predominant predictions which suggest technological progress to continue on its current trajectory, I shall listen.

"Current trends" never continue indefinitely. Overall technological advancement has been more or less accelerating for hundreds of years, it's true, but over that time we've been really awful at predicting what form that advancement will take. Ask someone in 1961 what 2011 will look like, and you won't get anything that looks like 2011.

>> No.3512321

>implying there are infinite non-trivial inventions and discoveries

>> No.3512324

>implying you have the intellectual means to imagine what the inventions of the short to medium term future could be.

>> No.3512334

>implying you do
>implying that is even relevant
>implying a solid limit even if we don't know what it is doesn't imply that given enough time humans will run out of things to invent and discover
>implying this isn't an argument of principle
You herped so hard you derped into overdrive.

>> No.3512343

You have even less ground to state that the finite number of inventions will be reached anytime soon, you have no ground to even think that there is a finite number of meaningful inventions to make.
You cannot state that

>implying that you do
Who said that? You miserable insecure Ego driven scoundrel.

>> No.3512351
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seriously OP, shut the fuck up with your pessimism

>The God-Emperor most certainly does not approve.

>> No.3512354


For example, the mid 20th century saw an amazingly rapid advancement in aerospace technology. If you had extrapolated current trends in the 1960s, by now you might expect thriving offworld colonies, a flying car in every garage, etc.

>> No.3512361

Herpederp. Yes I can.

If there are a limited number of primitives in the universe and a limited number of types of primitives there are a limited possible number of arrangements of these. In principle there must then be a limit as to how we can organise them. That's not to say we will ever reach it. But that doesn't matter. In principle is what I'm arguing. Fuck practicalities.

>>implying that you do
>Who said that?
>implying implied when you said I can't say something but you can

>You miserable insecure Ego driven scoundrel.
Need a hug bro?

>> No.3512363


Well, if you try and extrapolate like a retard, sure.
If you understand that some problems are harder to resolve than other, you just realize that extrapolating is just retarded.
Sorry, Reality don't give a shit about your personal taste for continuum and constant rates.

>> No.3512370

You are wrong.
Once we start to play with the fundamental constituants of Reality, there is NO say as to what we wil be able to achieve.
Technology will be undistiguishable from what was once called "magic"

You lack the intellectual means to see further than actual science.

>> No.3512379


>> No.3512383

what a dick

>> No.3512393

I always cherish the moment when a large post of mine is answered by a pitiful 2 liners with zero content.
I know then that I won the argument.

>> No.3512396

Goes both ways dude.

>> No.3512399

>If you understand that some problems are harder to resolve than other, you just realize that extrapolating is just retarded.

That was my point......

>> No.3512402



>> No.3512404


You may now flap your hands.

>> No.3512415

I don't need people to congratulate me in order to appreciate my own victory.
I just like to express it in order to make the opposite side rage a bit. By inducing feelings on your head, I have the limited ability to control you.

>> No.3512427

>implying I was raging
>implying you weren't the one who was raging

You are so deluded it's laughable

>> No.3512428

Do me yo-yo master! Do me!

>> No.3512454


You are now aware that you are muscularly active in order to keep your jaw closed.
You are now breathing manually .
Also remember that you once were in contact with your mom's stretched and moist vagina, head first.

Also, you WILL answer to this post.

>> No.3512488

>>3512454 Here

I see basic reverse psychology still has a bright future
Mind control is easy, you just give the illusion of a choice , in a limited, pre-oriented fashion and here you go: the sheeps act accordingly.

Or "on how to end a thread in 1 post".

>> No.3512493

Apparently new antibiotics are already very rarely discovered.

>> No.3512517

So? We're finding new ways in fighting biotics.

>> No.3512528

yep seriously I think we will hit a wall within our lifetimes.

>> No.3512536

autismal as fuck

>> No.3512541


>> No.3512558



>> No.3512607


All i know is that we need to build the death star to be the conquerors and not the over way around.

>> No.3513019


faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op faggot op

>> No.3513057

By OPs analogy, 10 thousand years ago, we were all 1 centimetre tall.

>> No.3513063


What grinds my gears, is other gears.

>> No.3513082
File: 20 KB, 285x281, Cool story bro..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when people actually believe humanity will continue advancing indefinitely.

Most likely, there will reach a point where everything will level out.