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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3511437 No.3511437 [Reply] [Original]

i'm good at math but i hate it. what should i major in?

pic unrelated

>> No.3511440

math and hate it

>> No.3511453


>> No.3511458
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>PhD in Math
>300K starting
>Any job I want

>> No.3511466

you forgot something
>hate your life mon-fri

>> No.3511474

some truth to this i believe. unless you just love math

>> No.3511477

how was the road up? not trolling, i hope it doesn't feel like u wasted your life

>> No.3511491


Oh summer.

>> No.3511510

Op here, someone wanna answer?

>> No.3511516

doing something only because you are good at it is a fucking cop out in life and a waste of god damn time if you ask me

do something you love

when you die you will look back and be glad you lived the life you did

>> No.3511526

what i was thinking. just in today's american society, anything other than a math/science degree is kind of useless

>> No.3511531

or just sell your talents and merely wish you were dead instead of challenging yourself

captcha: inspection Robot

>> No.3511542

How about you major in something you like, you freaking genius.

>> No.3511546

undeclared right now, just looking for opinions on /sci/

>> No.3511552

Are you sure you hate math? You should at least have taken some upper div math courses before you decide you hate it.

>> No.3511554

The best advice is to find something you like and major in that, regardless of how much the jobs pay. You'll be a lot better doing something you like, than something you hate, even if you make extra money.

>> No.3511567


this as well

math can get very... interesting

>> No.3511568

i took calculus AB and continuously raged. statistics i liked a little bit, but it's boring

>> No.3511577

Engineering? Physics? Plenty of math, of course, but less of an emphasis on the theory you'd find in what I think your thinking of (a pure math major). What's your hobby? Personally, I have difficulty putting together extremely complicated proofs (or, rather, I start losing interest xD... I am NOT helping right now, sorry, I'll try better). I'm good at a few things, my interests are in aerospace, so I decided to do mech eng as a compromise.

Here's a question: What do you like to do? Ok, now that you have that in mind: what is important in your area of interest && what do you find difficulty self-studying? Great, now find something that combines the two.

>> No.3511580

*same poster as above* oh, and calculus isn't the end of math :D.
(or, in your case: D:<)

>> No.3511581

actuarial science

>> No.3511586

i enjoy writing, i'm good at that as well, and it is way easier for me to do that than math (easy way out i know) maybe that's why i hate math. english comes so much more natural to me. writing related major then? i was thinking that all along, i just know it isn't that great of a degree

>> No.3511596

You don't hate math. You hate the shitty excuse for math you're taught in America's public school system. As everyone does.

Math is a beautiful thing, like art. And like art, "math" is not a monolithic subject, there are different avenues each of them radically different. Don't knock it until you've studied it at university. There is some mindblowing shit out there. Don't close yourself off from it so soon.

>> No.3511598

To be honest, even having taken Calc AB, you have no idea what math is about. Calc in high school is nearly entirely computational. Math has so much more to offer than that, though. Read up on some discrete math, find an introduction to proofs, or maybe some linear algebra. Math is really about piecing together arguments, constructing theory through deductive reasoning. High school math leads many people to believe that rote calculation is the extent of math, and it's not. Math, after a certain point, becomes rewarding, even beautiful at times. So you should see what math is really about before turning your back on it.

>> No.3511599

i have a good friend, (gonna be rooming with me this fall at uni) we took calculus together. he grasps concepts in math way quicker than i do, and he knows how to use formulas quickly. he is really into it. and i could never be like that

>> No.3511600


Oh shut the fuck up. Some people don't like maths; it's not that hard to believe is it?

I'm doing a maths degree, but even I don't fucking go around telling people it's art. It's not art, it's precise and objective.

>> No.3511602

hmm interesting. i'll give it a try

>> No.3511606

He said there was beauty in it, like art. There's a difference.

>> No.3511608

like some people hates music and art in general

>> No.3511609

OP here, as much as i love piecing things together sometimes, i don't know if that can be my sole moneymaking scheme. this is a confusing process for me lol

>> No.3511612


how could anyone hate music?