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3508261 No.3508261 [Reply] [Original]

911 was an inside job

>> No.3508263

Oh shit, is it that time for this thread again already?

>> No.3508264

We know. You won't get a lot of positive discussion from brainwashed patriots, though.

>> No.3508262


>> No.3508271

You will never get a lot of positive discussion if you think anyone that disagrees with you is a brainwashed patriot.

>> No.3508278
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>> No.3508289

countersage regardless of this thread's topic/content because it's EK

>> No.3508294

Sheeple don't question 9/11. People in Nazi Germany never questioned the extermination of Jews.

>> No.3508295

There is evidence on Youtube showing a modified plane emitting a large light beam just before it hits the tower.

There is evidence on Youtube of a cruise missile hitting the Pentagon, it wasn't a jet.

TL;DR there is so much evidence pointing to the large elephant in the room, that you'd be a fool to not see it.

>> No.3508302
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>> No.3508310


>> No.3508311
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>> No.3508322
File: 29 KB, 320x252, WTC7Corner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, but a huge peice of building did

>> No.3508319
File: 1.49 MB, 270x224, lol-truthers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please explain to me why so many of the public buy the official story of the collapse of these storage shelves?

The fork lift truck didnt move with enough force to displace all those items on the shelves and the structural damage to a single support would not have been enough to weaken all shelves to the point of collapse.

The way the shelving fell into its own footprint despite the fact we are told and "shown" it was struck from the side is clear evidence of foul play

The neighbouring storage shelves were not even hit by the fork lift truck but they also collapsed. If that does not prove to you this was a field test for optical stealth anti-shelving clean demolition missiles then you are a deluded sheep

>> No.3508327

There are plenty of buildings that suffered more damage without collapse. How do you explain that this had all the hall marks of a controlled implosion? It's like trying to argue that the sky is red.

>> No.3508330


well of course it is. And the people who did it let you go on living because they think you won't be able to convince anyone of it. So what you have to do is convince enough people so that the perpetrators get nervous, and hey, Presto! Xe busts down your door in the middle of the night kills you. Good luck with that.

>> No.3508336

No there isnt

No there isn't

tl;dr no there isn't

>> No.3508337

better to die a marter than to live as a traitor of freedom

>> No.3508342

why are trolling like thhis? You make Carl Sagan sad. ;_;

>> No.3508347

>a marter

>> No.3508348

i love it when this is posted. so very very much.

>> No.3508351 [DELETED] 

i dislike america, not even america. They have done some pretty awful things and drag the western standards of human rights and democracy down quite abit

But im afraid there is no evidence that they demolished either of the twin towers or WTC7

The collision of the planes with structural supports at high speed (and in the case of the second and third building to collapse building debris) is enough to compromise the building's stucture and cause collapse.

>> No.3508352
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Holy shit....

>> No.3508353


In that case, if I were you----I'd do a Vietnamese Buddhist monk thing----march right down to Ground Zero and dowse yourself with kerosene and strike a match. THEN everybody will have to believe you.

>> No.3508360

i dislike america, im not even american. They have done some pretty awful things and drag the western standards of human rights and democracy down quite abit

But im afraid there is no evidence that they demolished either of the twin towers or WTC7

The collision of the planes with structural supports at high speed (and in the case of the second and third building to collapse building debris) is enough to compromise the building's stucture and cause collapse.

>> No.3508362
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>> No.3508361


Space Aliens.. I has vidya....

>> No.3508370

It is interesting though that in the NIST report it says the CIA, department of defence, and the mayor used many of the floors in the building.

>> No.3508373


>> No.3508374
File: 107 KB, 480x1902, mordorwasaninsidejob..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gandalf lied, gondorians died

>> No.3508377

Can you show me any official report that ever claimed a plane crashed into WTC7?

>> No.3508379


>> No.3508396

Yep. Why are you so mad tho?

>> No.3508404


...who... who said it did?

>> No.3508418

Does anybody actually believe this? I mean if 9/11 was an inside job, why would the government destroy world trade center 7 if they were trying to cover it up.

>> No.3508423

WTC7, Never forget...

... that no elephants hit this building.

>> No.3508424

Oh shit, here it comes.

Don't try to make sense of the conspiratard viewpoint, they sure as hell don't.

Put it this way: If I were an evil bastard who wanted to risk my life in a bid to manipulate the world by killing thousands of people, it would have been by recognizing and allowing a terrorist attack. Not by using explosives.

>> No.3508430

To destroy records apparently. Not sure why they couldn't just shred them, or rig up a fire or something, but what ever.

>> No.3508435

I propose we build a brick for brick replica of the twin towers, fly jets into them full of jet fuel and watch truthers stfu when they see the replicas collapse

>> No.3508468

But they won't STFU. Don't you see? They'd make any excuse possible to cling to their belief, because despite their slogans, they were never interested in truth.

Just like Obama and the long form birth certificate. That shut up the birthers! Oh wait.

>> No.3509141

False Flag Policy.

The government needed the public's support and approval to invade Iraq for their oil. What better way to do this than turn the blame for a catastrophic event towards your target?

>> No.3509339

you have to be an ignorant narrow-minded person if u think that the government had nothing to do with it. just come on, look at the "plane" hitting pentagon. everyone except americans themselves know it was at least to some extent an inside job

>> No.3509373

>thinking we invaded iraq for oil
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3509396


>> No.3509409

I know I shouldn't but I fucking lol'd at that one.

>> No.3509421

but we know it is a Troll... we just keep them alive to play with them...

>> No.3509438

I honestly don't care. It was like 10 years ago get over it.

>> No.3509441

You're right, the states are in FUCKING TERRIFIC shape right now.