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3507690 No.3507690 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3507694


>> No.3507693

America I am disappoint

>> No.3507697

Technocracy thread?
Or just troll thread?

>> No.3507696


>> No.3507706
File: 47 KB, 550x733, azns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engineers run chinese government
Not suprised in the slightest.

>> No.3507760

>Engineers run chinese government.
>China is the manufacturing center for the world.

surprise surprise

>> No.3507765

maybe their universities should start offering an environmental sciences major

>> No.3507767


>Lawuers run american government.
>America is the suying center for the world

surprise surprise

>> No.3507772

>U.S. officials are elected, education system "sucks"
U.S. is the technological center of the world and all 50 of the top universities are located in the U.S.

>> No.3507788


Chinese are too autistic for any other majors Op.
So dont cry, they do their best.

>> No.3507794

the more important issue:
why is the same man the president, premier, and chairman of china?

>> No.3507804

>All of the top 50 universities are located within the US.


>> No.3507812

Engineering degrees are for people too stupid to do physics degrees.

Law has real applications to the government process. What are you complaining about?

>> No.3507841

There's a reason boat loads of Chinese are coming over here. And it's not because we throw parties for them.

>> No.3507858

Are you assuming they have equal access to universities in other countries?
Are you assuming they are not going to other countries, just because you know they are going into US?
Did you make up that this list of 50 top universities, or can you point to any such list?

>> No.3507867

Engineers are gay and thus communists.

Lawyers are cool and thus democratic.

>> No.3507871

I didn't make that post. I'm merely saying that even though Americans are stupid, America is a technological and educational powerhouse.

And that the reason the citizens are stupid is because the country is too busy teaching the world. There is such a small chance for the full education at the level America can offer for the gifted.

>> No.3507890
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>> No.3507902

>all 50 of the top universities are located in the U.S.

That's a huge exaggeration. However, it is true that the U.S. has many of the best universities that rightfully attract students from all over the world, including China.

I suspect the Chinese are busy closing the gap on that, however, just like in so many other areas. But I'm guessing many students will continue to seek education in other countries with more academic freedom anyway.

>> No.3507905

I think many of us want to see any kind of list you have seen.

>> No.3507910


1.Major corporations throw money at american universities
2. They can now do massive research and education
3. People from all over the world flock there
4. ?????????
5. The general populus gets to stay ignorant while the country's elite go to party and top students from all over the world get a prestigious education!

>> No.3507917


>> No.3507920

>Engineering degrees are for people too practical to do physics degrees.

>> No.3507927
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>Engineering degrees are for people too stupid to do physics degrees.

For President?

>> No.3507931

Chinese culture has always been big on scholarship. For all of its history the bureaucrats in China were also the intellectuals, engineers, poets etc.

>> No.3507937

>1.Major corporations throw money at american universities
... and to all the other universities. Why do you isolate 'American' in your claim?
Hell, minor corporations give money to unversities -- it helps them both, and universities have relied on such support for most of capitalist history.

>2. They can now do massive research and education
Who 'they'? What is this 'now'? Universities have always done massive research and education, the Chinese have done moderate amounts of both to a very small amount of their populace historically.

>3. People from all over the world flock there
They also 'flock' everywhere else they can. They also attend universities everywhere else they are allowed. They get great educations, and bad educations, and all other types, everywhere they go.
Did you just not know that students from all over go more places than just the US?

>4. ?????????
If you have no idea what to write, you should leave out your #4.
>5. The general populus gets to stay ignorant while the country's elite go to party and top students from all over the world get a prestigious education!
None of that has anything to do with what the elite do, or can do, or how; and if students get a prestigious education (just as many of them get a mediocre education in the exact same way), that only points to your first point.

>> No.3507945

They're coming here because it's extremely hard to get into college unlike in the US where basically everyone is expected to go unless you're a hick farmer or something. US colleges would be considered top tier though.

>> No.3507948

>Engineering degrees are for people too stupid to do physics degrees.
More like, "engineering degrees are for people that want to work as engineers"

>> No.3507959

Chinese leaders treat the nation like a giant machine to be designed and maintained.

American leaders treat the nation like a jury to be convinced.

Both pretty lulzy.

>> No.3507963

you just claimed that:
US universities are easiest to get into,
and also
US universities are 'top tier'

support either comment?
I'd especially love to see this list that claims the top 50 universities are in US

>> No.3508054

USA is collapsing

and its the best for the planet

>> No.3508097
File: 6 KB, 350x233, a_ChinaPollution_04-15-2008_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy your death by toxicity or pollution.

>> No.3508265

I like this picture. It shows you just how shitty everything is when engineers are in charge.

>> No.3508364


>implying no such thing as democratic communism exists.

>> No.3508375


>implying China is doing shitty

>> No.3508406

I never said they were easiest to get in to, it's just easier than China. China has way too many people and relatively few universities.

>> No.3508425

lol @ the americans crying hard for the shitty country they have. enjoy your totalitarian government

>> No.3508433

I will

>> No.3508444

Talks in math, buzzes like a fridge.
Talks in Latin, steals yer money.

>> No.3508451

In America stealing is known as "raising the debt ceiling"

>> No.3508455
File: 70 KB, 453x342, 1279917381510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying China isn't going to vanish up its own ass when their massive real estate bubble pops.

>> No.3508475

>implying China can't see how a few thousand cheap guns and bullets might change a desirable region.

>> No.3508476

>Chief Justice
>implying you wouldn't need law experience to get that job

>> No.3508479

>implying 90% of chinks don't live in grass huts

>> No.3508482

> implying engineers don't know about the law

>> No.3508489

>implying earl warren had law experience

>> No.3508493

>implying 4 billion people like it.

>> No.3508501
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>implying this thread