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3506929 No.3506929 [Reply] [Original]

Dearest /sci/,

How close are we? And what of the ramifications of this technology?

Cybernetics/biotechnology/nanotechnology/advanced medicine/performance enhancement/trans-/posthumanism general

>> No.3506947
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we need to aug ourselves before these fuckers show up

>> No.3506961
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just what we need, more /fit/fags riding bicycles

>> No.3506978


>> No.3506979

How close are we to tech like in Deus Ex?

Depends on whether or not Ray Kurzwel is a faggot. Is Ray Kurzweil a faggot?

>> No.3506999
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OP here, link related

shit's cool

I haven't made up my mind on that guy

>> No.3507001


>> No.3507004
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>> No.3507074

Awesome link, and I assuredly checked your trips.

>> No.3507137

>hugh herr
I laughed more than I should have.

>> No.3507221
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...it's an age of conspiracy...

>> No.3507230

This picture makes me worried.
I hope Deus Ex HR hasn't abandoned the original biomod system for some kind of players-can-have-all-biomods-at-once system.

>> No.3507237

Perhaps you only have so many opportunities for augs. Like skill trees with finite skill points available.

>> No.3507282

Biotech engineer here. We are far. Main problems to reaching that:
1) legislation which is largerly based on greenfag and moralfag assumptions & implications
2) pantents rendering about 95% of all tech developed since 80's regarding those areas unusable by others than Genentech, Danisco, Amgen, Pfizer and Bayer
3) rise of information technology, shifting focus on areas where augmentations and implants could make a winning into less morally, less patent-encumbered fields of robotics and smart systems.

Only viable country that is high on technical level and doesn't give a fuck about points 1 & 2 is China.

>> No.3507301

>pantents rendering about 95% of all tech developed since 80's regarding those areas unusable
But patents don't last that long.

>> No.3507361

Technologically, we're actually a lot closer than it might seem to someone who isn't actively trying to find information on the topic (that is, most of it is only really mentioned in scientific publications), but I wouldn't expect it to become something you can just walk in and buy on a whim for a few decades net. I also expect a fair amount of political and cultural backlash against the idea of evreyday organ enhancements, but I don't think it'll be as nasty as the game makes it out to be (maybe 'think' isn't quite the right word; I HOPE it won't be that irrational and vehement, but I guess I should know better by now).

discovermagazine.com (or the actual hardcopy magazine, itself) always has a few good enhancement/transhumanism articles, especially the 'Not Exactly Rocket Science' blog, if you want to read up on some of the latest news.

>> No.3507367

I think I want to study in this field, is it possible if I'm in physics?

>> No.3507374

No, it's not possible to get all of them, or even come that close. You can get a lot, but you'll still have to specialize, and there are several augs for each of those icons in the screenshot. Having played through the leaked preview build three times, now, I can tell you that it's a worthy successor to the first game in every way.

>> No.3507378

You could start looking into developments in advanced metamaterials, which make some crazy shit possible, including a lot of the technology on display in DXHR

>> No.3507395


The future

>> No.3507435
File: 98 KB, 622x562, 1311742528715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, we are very close. Most of the organs in human body can be augmented or replaced. Some new bio-compatible materials already searched. I think the only organs that they can replace with 100% efficiency is the digestive system. More or less, what limits the augmentation technology is the energy. We are still waiting for the "Battery Revolution".

To lazy to send some nice links.

meh, take the lung one. http://www.robaid.com/bionics/new-bioinspired-artificial-lung-is-efficient-enough-to-operate-on-air..

>> No.3507437

>Most of the organs in human body can be augmented or replaced.
Sorry, no.

>> No.3507449

Is biotechnology the best field to study for this kind of work (putting aside deus ex)? I have been interested in biomedical engineering for quite a while but i hear as a discipline it is pretty young and lacks the tools provided by other disciplines.

>> No.3507455

We probably augment human bodies much prefering specialized machines, also due to resource depletion and the laws of physics augmentations will be based on doing more with less rather than using vast amounts of energy, no laser beams coming out of eyes or whatever is in your video game there.

>> No.3507458

that'd be the discipline most oriented toward the actual machine/body interface, but i expect most of the actual augmentation design relies more on traditional robotics/computer science

>> No.3507468

you sound... codgery
grumpy and probably about 50

>> No.3507482

We're going to skip all the deus-ex kind of stuff and go straight to foglets. Just like developing countries are skipping straight to cell-phones. that's what the singularity theory is all about, it will actually be more efficient to go right for the more advanced tech.

the only things i'd expect to be at all common come singularity day would be mobility-enhancing devices. sadly probably in the form of rascals for all the morbidly obese people (like half the people), but maybe some kinds of power armor.

the biggest thing that will affect the advancement of technology from this point on will what the military chooses to adopt. Thankfully they are focusing on things like drone aircraft, which lead into the foglet, rather than soldier enhancement which would lead to mechanical or genetic augmentations.

Unrelated, but I am excited as shit for Deus Ex 3, the original remains an essential post-humanism cultural artifact, and one of the greatest vidya of all time. Glad it finally seems to have gotten a worthy sequel (after the meh invisible war and abominable project snowblind).

>> No.3507489

I would qualify that prediction with the condition that the global economy doesn't improve anytime soon; rich people results in fancy toys

>> No.3507492
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nice dubs, and that's more or less what Deus Ex tech is all about

moreover, would you guys bone a cyborg/replicant/chick with fake tits?

>> No.3507497

You sound unfamiliar with rhetorical devices.

>> No.3507498

Deus Ex universe is actually relatively hard scifi. The closest thing to an energy weapon is a monoatomic blade that looks like a lightsaber for some unexplained reason. and a 'plasma gun' that the game actually reminds on a few different occasions is actually a railgun throwing 'superheated, semisolid masses of magnetically doped plastic' (near-quote).

There IS a skull-mounted firearm, though.

>> No.3507502

>with fake tits?
No, the tits have to be real, even if she's a walking fleshlight otherwise.

>> No.3507507 [DELETED] 
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Yes I would, you must be soulless and dead inside not to want to try that, or try the male version.
>mfw the repairmen were swapping orange for lemon-lime and they did order a shipment of skulguns

>> No.3507503

haha! that's irony!

>> No.3507522


Yes, most except the digestive system. Now, shut the fuck up.

>> No.3507534
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I think the future will be less flashy and dramatic than what most transhumanists envision. These things will be expensive, so I don't expect that anyone that doesn't need them will get them. If you're an amputee, you might get a sweet bionic limb. If your liver is failing or you're going blind, you might get some new cloned/printed/prosthetic organs. But unless it's medically necessary or you're rich enough to pay for the costs out of pocket, I don't see you getting Deus Ex style augmentations.

That said, I think there will still be SOME commercially viable augs. Implants that let you feel electromagnetic fields and the like. The sort of stuff that's considered 'biohacking' today. Also perhaps neural implants a la Ghost in the Shell.

>> No.3507544 [DELETED] 
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>yfw indeed

>all yfw real life become Deus Ex and / or System Shock

>> No.3507546

Fucking psychopathic AI with a god complex. I will murder you again if I have to.

>> No.3507580

Neanderthal DNA

>> No.3507597

I would expect that most people would jump at mind uploading whenever scanning technology is accurate and fast enough (may take a long time). By that time, its also likely that fast enough hardware to run biological neural networks of that size will also exist (they're already doing rather fine with current neuromorphic hardware).

>> No.3507782

The biggest question is how to get all the energy for machinery, if you are discussing Deus Ex style augmentations.

Now, not all augs are bound by energy limitations, but rather latch directly into corpus because they are living tissue. Sky's the limit with those! See: "Perfect forms most beautiful" for more info. Problems are limited on getting the body to accept made-up organs, but luckily there's a solution for that, which is using host's own modified DNA.

>> No.3507796

We're there.

We have glasses to help people see better. We have canes to help people walk. We have all kinds of things that improve the human body.

>> No.3507803
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Robert Freitas and Ralph Merkle have written extensively on the nanotechnological repair of humans. An unintended consequence of their work was human augmentation.

For example, the respirocyte pictured here can carry three hundred and sixty seven times more Oxygen than a red blood cell, and is 1/10th the size. Injecting these into the bloodstream, a mere 1% or 10% of the number of human red blood cells, would allow you to remain underwater for several hours with a single breath, and also allow you to run fast as fuck without ever pausing to breathe.

>> No.3507808
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>> No.3507819

Those things you listed are external devices. Fuck, if you want to go that way, then all the people with a modern Android phone are already about as advanced as JC Denton was:
- augmented vision (Google Goggles)
- 24/7 text-audio-video-web connection
- augmented supermemory due being able to tap into The Web any time
- augmented calculation capabilities with calculator apps
- location & navigational abilities
...and on and on and on...

>> No.3507825
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So who else is fucking pumped that Eric Drexler is releasing a new book?




>> No.3507868
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>> No.3507873


Yep. That's pretty much what I'm getting at.

>> No.3507874
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>> No.3507877
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Are your actuators ready?

>> No.3507913

unless it can self-replicate it's not a good idea. also, what happens to damaged units? can the body absorb them? I really don't like the idea of trying to mix organics with nanotech. I can't see any way it would not lead to a conflict or race condition.

except for the physical enhancements, yeah, they are. transhumanism is happening. internalizing it will happen when it gets small enough (already there) and when the tech cartels abandon this foolish idea of 'service' (sadly they are only falling into it more and more)

>> No.3507919

I can't get my eyes away from the stuff in her back.
I know i should fix her breats/ass, but i just can't.

>> No.3507928
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It's the same with me. I think that's kind of like the point?

>> No.3507944


>> No.3507953
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If it was self-replicating you'd essentially be wasting most of the volume of a molecular assembler and a vacuum chamber, volume which is to be used by, herp derp, the machinery that makes it superior to blood cells.

Self-replicating nanobots are a fantasy.

>> No.3507979

So you get injected with a sample of these respirocytes and can as a result hold your breath for a very prolonged period of time. What happens to them once they're spent up?

>> No.3507983
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What happens to red blood cells once they're spent up?

>> No.3508032
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>> No.3508133

just like heavier-than-air flight

>> No.3508159


I just prefer the concept of non-replicating, domain-specific nanobots for doing some things and a 3D printer-like molecular assembler with molecular tools in the extruder only, rather than a writhing mass of robots that are less than a micron in volume and supposed to do anything.

There are physical limits to how much shit you can cram into any one particular volume.

>> No.3508168

>What happens to red blood cells once they're spent up?

Your bone marrow makes more of them.

>> No.3508229 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I'm okay with this

>> No.3509512
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Science bump.


Soon, my beloved. Soon.

>> No.3509526

Wasn't Van Allen antimatter confirmed decades ago?

Or is this just >FYI

Got my hopes up, thinking it might be monopoles. Ah well...

>> No.3509534
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>Got my hopes up, thinking it might be monopoles. Ah well...


>> No.3509564

Next Big Future has a tendency to take a scientific and EXTRAPOLATE to infinity.

Lots of arXiv garbage, too. But bleh.

>> No.3509567


a scientific paper*

>> No.3509575
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OP you should be careful what you wish for:

also strange captcha

>> No.3509598
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The thing I don't understand about Deus Ex is that half the time it's a transhumanist David Zindell 'perfect immortal silicon gods' fantasy nerdwank and the rest of the time is DURN BIG GUBMINT TRYINA CONTROL US WITH THEY AUGMENTATIONS.

And the Tracer Tong ending was just lol where did that just come from?

>> No.3509621
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The future will be glorious if it's all grim-dark transhumanists vs. Bob Page-esque corporations.

>> No.3509627

Because when/if everyone has true neural interface this becomes a very attractive option.
Hell, there's no need even for neural interface for the dumber part of population now.

>> No.3509634

It's showing you how a technology isn't evil.
While the Grey Death was a disease capable of emptying a continent, the same technology could ultimately, when properly used, lead to transcendence.

>> No.3509641


So we open source transhumanism! Seriously now, there's actually a pretty big contingent of DIY bio people, mostly since they're the only transhumanists that get anything done in the community.

One of them offered to install brain implants on anyone who showed up at his doorstep, but nobody did. So that's that. He's also involved in this open-source hardware repository for 3D printers, something like "sudo apt-get" but for real-life objects.

>> No.3509660

Don't know if you're serious, but I think getting brain surgery from a total and complete stranger is a great idea! Gonna get my implant right now!

>> No.3509669


I think he had a background in neuroscience or some shit. Plus it's easier to trust a fellow neckbeard.

>> No.3509680


Hell, it's better than what that Lepht Anonym lady did to herself (Verself?)

>> No.3509682


Coming from a fellow transhumanist, I would be wary at anyone getting around my brainmeats without knowing damn well how qualified they are and what happened tot he last 6 people they operated on.

>> No.3509686


>Trust me, I'm a transhumanist!

>> No.3509731

Looked it up. Actually, that's far less dangerous.
Pretty interesting though.

>> No.3509786


In a way, yes, though she's regarded as the placeholder Crazy Nutjob Transhumanist.

>> No.3509802

I remember I doctor in Johnny Mnemonic with a clinic in a rusty warehouse and a old RV.. is that what you had in mind?

>> No.3509809

We're roughly 30 years away from mature stem cell technology, which would mean any physical traits that were possible in human biology could be given to a given person. This would include very dense, strong bones and muscles. Everyone could have the body of a weight lifter, as long as they were willing to maintain it afterwards.

It might be possible to improve on the physical structure of muscle and bones without actually changing the genetics. This could mean muscles and bones that had higher tensile strength then those of a normal human.

If one were willing to change one's proportions slightly, you might be able to acquire the strength of a gorilla, the speed of a cheetah, the agility of a gazelle.

Genetic modification would open up new doors, though I don't feel confident about giving a date for reliable genemods. But if such things turn out to be possible, you could acquire the oxygen storing capacity of a whale. Combined with your improved body, you would probably have physically abilities that were truly inhuman. Lifting thousands of pounds. Running 40mph. Holding your breathe for 30 minutes.

I feel confident that all this will be fully developed technology in under 100 years.

The 22nd century will probably see the application of cybernetics to human enhancement. In that case, carbon nanotube muscles offer the strength to lift tens of tons, and the ability to resist firearms. The replacement of our old nervous systems, freeing us from death and the chains of cellular metabolism. We would become carbon gods.

I think the government will forbid any of this technology to you though, so don't set yourself up for disappointment.

As a sort of consolation prize, if you live to 2050, you'll probably never have to worry about dying of old age, and you'll be able to look like anything you want.

>> No.3509818
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More like a linoleum-lined kitchen in Austin, but yeah, more or less.

>> No.3509858


>> No.3509944


Creepy as fuck.

>> No.3509950

we have all of those, its all relative. You will never live in the future, only the present.

>> No.3510032
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>implying we have nanotechnology

Stain-proof pants are not nanotechnology.

>> No.3510819

Bumping with the infinite power of nanoaugmentation. OP must be so jelly.

>> No.3510831
File: 76 KB, 500x319, tumblr_lg88a7DWSl1qc4xdeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never have augmentations or technology that works in that way, we haven't enough resource - think about it, we've still got WW3 to come yet!

>> No.3510838

That looks awesome, what game is that?

>> No.3510853

the new dues ex, how good is OP i'm yet to play it?

>> No.3510898

It's extremely good; maybe even better than the original.

>> No.3510934

Are they all the bio enhancements or whatever their called in the new one, what's in the picture, is that the whole selection or are there more that you haven't unlocked. IF so, dissapoint, but will still try it for lulz.

>> No.3510960

Of course we have nano technology, I don't even know how to address that idiotic statement.

>> No.3511000

each one of those icons represents a specific set of augmentations; clicking one opens a window containing a group of augs within that set

>> No.3511107

>Implying that there will be morbidly obese people in the future

There are drugs that allow you to eat all you want without getting fat being tested in mice. Nobody will be fat in ten years.

>> No.3511263

wait, what invention is going to make everything free

>> No.3511289

nanoassemblers, haven't you been paying attention?

>> No.3511304

ok, but once the Give Up Goods And Services For No Compensation Impulse Induction Devices (GUGASFNCIIDs for short) are assembled, how will we put them into everybody's heads

>> No.3511367

around the same time all humans unite under a common cause or flag

so never in realistic terms.

>> No.3512215

Bumping for news/articles related to relevant technologies or developments!

>> No.3512219
File: 24 KB, 366x358, 1279419106867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dean Kamen at TEDMED

>> No.3512246

awesome, thanks

>> No.3512588

Read this, for an overview. It's pretty much still the state of the art:
Wolpaw, J. R., Birbaumer, N., McFarland, D. J., Pfurtschneller, G., Vaughan, T. M. (2002) Brain-computer interfaces for communication and control. Clin. Neurophysiol. 113, 767-791
My opinion ? We are at least a century away of an even a simple adequate speller-device. As for Real Time control of artificial limbs with up to 16 degrees of freedom (and thats just the hand)? Add another century...

>> No.3513725

The drug will be cheap.

>> No.3514372


>> No.3514510

about the lightsaber monoatomic blade, I read once that if a real mono blade existed some weird interaction would make the air around the edge glow.