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3506546 No.3506546 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about Entomophagy?
Eating insects thatis.

I suppose its a good and nutrient way to feed alot of people, there is ALOT of insects on this planet.
Since insects are way down the food chain they are rather pure when it comes to biomass/food ratio, not very much plants per amount of actual food.

With some additional sources such as plants (rice, potato) chicken and mushrooms it fills the amount of nutrients and energy needed for humans better than eating mammals in relation to factors such as carbon-dioxide levels required.
Could be a good source of food when constructing a civilization on Mars, but also for decreasing starvation on Earth.

You dont have to eat them as raw insects, Im sure there are many ways of exploring the gastronomy around the subject.

>> No.3506555
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We don't need insects to feed the growing population. We can use existing technology to bring an abundance of food to everyone, including the future Martians.

And yes, I'm speaking from the point of view that eating insects is icky.

>> No.3506556

Just blend it properly and press it in delicious meat form like tofu.

Then I might be fine with it. The nutritional value is god tier after all.

>> No.3506559


Yeah lets double the food, and let population double. Ta dah, we are at the starting point. You cant maximize two variables (propudtion(technology) and population) at once

>> No.3506560

we have enough food for everyone we just need a better allocation.

>> No.3506562



the fuck am I doing? production*

>> No.3506567
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Except y'know, putting laws on the amount of babies people can make.

Too Orwellian for you? I find having a billion starving even worse.

>> No.3506570

this is not a proportional relation.

>> No.3506574


>Too Orwellian for you?

No, I agree entirely

>> No.3506576
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Oh okay, I will no longer have an argumentative tone with you.

>> No.3506581

I've eaten a few, as soon as you get pass the notion of eating the bugs, it's surprisingly tasty. I've eaten the small cocoon of the silkworm, the little bees, grasshopper, crickets, depends on how you make the dishes, most of the stuff are deep fry, or stirfry, I heard some people boil them but I'm not too keen on that. Deep fry is good, I heard some company dry them then ground them to make some kind of protein powder. I think it's alright.

>> No.3506584

If people in the developed parts of the world makes less babies, how come the now starving part of the world will increase population if they get more food?

The population will probably grow, more food makes more humans. But in that case why are the people who can eat more food less tend to reproduce?

>> No.3506586

eating bugs isn't too bad, they taste like chicken if you excuse the cliche. Really high in protein and low in fat too- great food, just social stigma in the west.

>> No.3506587
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Education, less ingrained in the culture (i.e. YOU ARE A WOMAN YOU MUST MAKE LOTS OF BABIES WITH HANDSOME MUSLIM HUSBAND) and lack of condoms. First-world countries have local birthrates of below what is required to sustain a stable population. As poorer countries industrialize, they follow the same pattern.

>> No.3506591
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>> No.3506601

sounds like a very efficient way to get the protien we need in our diets without all the issues that getting it from animals. I'd happily eat insects instead of steak if it was available. sounds cheap and healthy

>> No.3506681

It wouldn't be to bad actually, Its actually more disgusting eating flesh from mammals than insects when you think of it.
The meat industry is kind of raw and dark, poor cows live lowlife and their brains will decompose in some not to delightful place. Or you can burn them and gain some energy but however a loss in comparison with breeding insects which are being totally eaten.

Im not a vego-hippie but in my eyes a civilization eating insects would be grander and more humane than a flesh eating society eating their fellow mammals. Just a touch of morale in this discussion but I think entomophagy is better even without the 'meat is murder' aspect.

A more ecologic solution for feeding ourselves.