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File: 13 KB, 297x350, cant take it anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3506291 No.3506291 [Reply] [Original]

>sophomore neuroscience student
>at some random obligatory lecture in university
>the lecturer goes on about how the right side of the brain is your creative side and the left side of your brain is your logical side
>a little irritated because it's not true but whatever
>he goes on about how we use "only 10% of our brain"
>oh fuck I'm mad
>he says the program he's developed will help you make use of 100% of your brain
>he says Einstein was smart because he was born with the ability to use 100% of his brain
>he hands me an informative brochure
>I die
Why do people still believe that bullshit?

>> No.3506295

Congratz on shit tier major, bro.

>> No.3506293

>he says Einstein was smart because he was born with the ability to use 100% of his brain

>> No.3506297

I bet he saw that one movie.

>> No.3506298
File: 65 KB, 227x219, didn't read lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sophomore neuroscience student

>> No.3506299
File: 132 KB, 515x589, cool-story-bro-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lecturer is completely wrong
>Don't correct them

>> No.3506302

I recently had a coworker talk to me about his son, who has autism; I didn't ask the specific details. But he went on about how he'd heard vaccines were causing it, and how human beings only use ten percent of their brain power. He had such hope in his voice, as though the thoughts were: "If we only use ten percent, then there's always the chance..."

I had to say something.

"Hand me that radio on your belt."

He did. Then I went on to tell him about the many different systems in his body working, right now, and all of it being processed by his brain; and how he heard aural stimuli and translated them into a request, which he obeyed.

"And you think that all this amounts to a mere ten percent of our brainpower?"

He seemed a little sad.

But I mean, really. It's not right to let people have false hope.

>> No.3506305
File: 24 KB, 250x243, 1301459647140[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still gets mad over uneducated people

>> No.3506307

>Correct lecturer
>Be known as that one pretentious doucheface who interrupted the lecture for the rest of the year

>> No.3506310


Why didnt you dare your Lecturer to impale his head on a pike?
After all he only uses 10% of his brain, hence chances to retain intellectual faculties is quite large.

>> No.3506313

i want to kill and rape whoever came up with that myth

>> No.3506314

If your university has a science department that doesn't praise people for correcting errors, and teach people that, you're in a shit tier university.

>> No.3506316
File: 9 KB, 250x185, varg link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lecturer goes on about how the right side of the brain is your creative side and the left side of your brain is your logical side
so wait, that's actually not true?
that's, huh, oh wow.

>> No.3506317


Now you realize that you are also pretentious as you have just corrected him.
Have fun being a pretentious douchesackshitface for the rest of the thread.

>> No.3506322
File: 204 KB, 300x400, spinningdancer_54[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know, it's true.

>> No.3506338


>> No.3506347

Who can see her spinning both ways? I can.

>> No.3506354

>Then in the 1930s, the pioneering Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield probed the brains of his patients with an electrode while operating on them for epilepsy. Such surgery is carried out while the patients are conscious and able to talk about what they are experiencing. The probing is done to ensure that surgery is not cutting into any vital areas like the language centres.

Famously, Penfield found that jolts to some regions sparked vivid imaginary scenes or surges of emotion. But equally he was puzzled that there were large areas of "silent" cortex where he got no reaction. Penfield later came to argue that this uncertain connection between physical stimulation and mental response meant that there must be more to being a mind than just a set of brain circuits (Penfield, 1975).

The modern view on these silent regions is that Penfield was simply using too crude a stimulus to stir the more delicate integrative parts of the cortex. Again, the brain being a distributed hierarchy, it seems that while the lower processing areas, such as the primary sensory cortices, will respond quite readily to an electrode, trying to interpret it as a real sensory event, the higher areas need to be hearing from a wider range of inputs to start to find any concrete meaning in them.

Nevertheless, vivid newspaper accounts of Penfield’s and Lashley’s work helped foster the myth that much of the cortex, our wrinkled grey hemispheres, appeared mysteriously unused, or at least not completely necessary for everyday mental function. Einstein even jokingly declared that these untapped regions of the brain must be the secret of his own success, showing just how quickly this factoid entered into popular folklore.


>> No.3506377

>shit tier major

lol how's that autismal jelly working out for you?

>> No.3506379

what is this?

>> No.3506380

You made my fucking head hurt just trying to figure it out.

>> No.3506386

>jelly of something you can easily obtain if you so wanted to

>> No.3506418

I interrupt my professors all the time...
Sometimes they get mad, but I just apologize later.
Maybe I shouldn't be doing it? hmm idk It bothers me if I don't say anything.

>> No.3506425

Being someone who doesn't raise his hand when attending a lecture of 8 people including prof to correct him I can tell you that's not the case. Unless you're asking how he integrated <span class="math">x^2[/spoiler], that is.

>> No.3506433


>> No.3506504

protip: if you used 100% of your brain you'd instantly die of asphyxiation

>> No.3506506

lol, what lecture where you at. I would have raged all over that prof right in front of everyone.

I would have called him an academic disgrace preaching of intentional lies or stupid ignorance. I would have pointed out that "the brain" is not one object or even objects closely related in function. perhaps if he just had bothered making a distinction between the cerebrum and the rest of his brain his ideas might not have looked so ridiculous.

However even so there has not been a recorded case where brain activity was not 100% except in the case of people with brain damage. Furthermore the distinction that one side of the brain is more creative than the other while superficially at least true does not do full justice to what creativity is and how it is created inside a brain a subject that still baffles neuroscientists.

>> No.3506540

you don't really believe that, do you?

>> No.3506561

I'm not saying not all parts of our brain are utilised, just that if we used all parts of our brain at the same time, we'd die. This is truth. The basal oxygen intake of our brain is like 30% of all our oxygen if memory serves, and that's with little brain use. Ramp it up and you'll either drain all the oxygenated blood into the brain causing the rest to die, or simply not enough will be able to enter the brain and your brain cells will fall like flies.

>> No.3506588

I always just thought (No, i have not studied more than basic shit on the brain and nervous system, so feel very free to correct me) that the ENTIRE brain is not "used" at any given moment. Ofcourse there is still bloodflow everywhere, but different parts would be engaged if you were running than say, studying or playing videogames.
Am i dead wrong?

>> No.3506593

>The professor did it on purpose, so he could see if you guys were worth his time.
I've had professors do this to me before.

>> No.3506595

nope, blood flows everywhere of course, but at vastly reduced rate if a certain part is not being used.

>> No.3506621

>you're in a shit tier university

I think OP already established that pretty clearly.

>> No.3506623

Sounds like your prof trolled you good, OP.
Don't be so buttmad.

>> No.3506627

From what I know the lecturer is correct. e- to you OP.