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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3502318 No.3502318 [Reply] [Original]

Fact: If it takes you longer than 30 seconds to compute 824 x 919, you're pretty much useless.

>> No.3502323

I disagree.

>> No.3502326


757 256

~10 seconds

>> No.3502327

>implying the height of human intelligence is quickly performing rote arithmetic
No. Computers will kick any humans ass at that, any day. If all you're good for is rote arithmetic, you're just a shitty computer.

>> No.3502334
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>> No.3502335

Will probably take me a minute or two, in my head I do 824 x (900+10+9) and sum the whole thing. theres probably a faster method

>> No.3502336

Highlight, Google. Took me 3 seconds.

>> No.3502369

ITT: buttmad dumbfags

>> No.3502378
File: 10 KB, 171x190, 1300570336768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he thinks that computing random numbers in your head is what real mathematicians do

>> No.3502381

Fact: If you think computing numbers in your head means anything more than you can compute numbers in your head, you're far beyond useless.

>> No.3502389

>in my head I do 824 x (900+10+9)
protip, it's easier to do it like this:
824 x (900 + 20 -1)

>> No.3502391

If it takes you less than 5 seconds to compute 824 x 919, then congratulations! You now have a cool trick for show and tell at your 3rd grade class.

>> No.3502394
File: 59 KB, 504x533, science fan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3502682

ITT: people not realizing that the ability to perform lightning fast complex arithmetics correlates highly if not flat out derived from fundamental cognitive features that eventually render me more intelligent than those who lack it.

>Implying that this ability exists in a void

So how's that inferior intelligence working out for you?

>> No.3502687
File: 114 KB, 512x450, BARREL ROLL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you can't.

>> No.3502738 [DELETED] 

You memorized and practiced the trick for this. I know it, too.

Come back and brag when you pass Calc 3.

>> No.3502765

fact: if you have this ability and mentioned it at a job interview, you didn't get the job

If you are looking for a job where this skill is useful, they will assume you have this skill already and you having to mention it makes them think it's possibly all you have.

If you are looking for a job where this skill isn't useful and mention it, they will assume your skill-set isn't applicable.

You may not like it, but it's better to know this before you go and mess up your opportunities.

>> No.3502791



Go jump through hoops for academia and masturbate to their applause.

>> No.3502796
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ok heres something for you

I cant do that in my head...
but I can do algebra in my head

>pic related

>> No.3502799

Keep telling yourself that. It's a very poor metric.

>> No.3502804

No one is looking to hire human calculators, OP. At best they're looking for statisticians who know how to use analysis software correctly.

>> No.3502819

Calc 3 was incredibly easy.
You must be a first year undergrad faggot.

>> No.3502834

>confirmed high schooler

>> No.3503217

Confirmed for first year undergrad faggot.

>> No.3503280

_ >>3502335
_ >in my head I do 824 x (900+10+9)
protip, it's easier to do it like this:
824 x (900 + 20 -1)

using the first method, you only need to multiply 824 x 9 , add some zeros and use addition (wich wont be a problem, since most of those numbers to calculate with are 0).
using you method, you need to multiply 824 x 9 and multiplay 824 x 2 , add some zeros, use addition and also use substraction (which is "much more" complicated than addition)

>> No.3503299 [DELETED] 

Memorizing and practicing mental math tricks does not make you intelligent.

If you are one of the rare people who can do these operations intuitively, then you probably are gifted.

Nevertheless, an IQ test is a much better predictor of intelligence.

Sage for underageb&.

>> No.3503636
File: 38 KB, 324x500, 83585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP just finished reading this book?

Speed math is a pretty fun hobby.